예제 #1
 static void RenderGizmo(MegaShape shape, GizmoType gizmoType)
     if ((gizmoType & GizmoType.NotInSelectionHierarchy) != 0)
         if ((gizmoType & GizmoType.Active) != 0)
             DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
             Color col = Color.yellow;
             col.a        = 0.5f;
             Gizmos.color = col;                     //Color.yellow;
             //CursorPos = shape.FindNearestPoint(CursorPos, 5, ref CursorKnot, ref CursorTangent);
             //CursorSpline = shape.FindNearestPoint(CursorPos, 5, ref CursorKnot, ref CursorTangent);
             //Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(CursorPos), shape.KnotSize);
             CursorPos = shape.InterpCurve3D(0, CursorPercent * 0.01f, true);
             Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(CursorPos), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
             Handles.color = Color.white;
             Handles.Label(shape.transform.TransformPoint(CursorPos), "Cursor " + CursorPercent.ToString("0.00") + "% - " + CursorPos);
             DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f));
     Gizmos.DrawIcon(shape.transform.position, "MegaSpherify icon.png");
     Handles.Label(shape.transform.position, " " + shape.name);
예제 #2
    void DisplaySpline(MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline)
        bool closed = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Closed", spline.closed);

        if (closed != spline.closed)
            spline.closed = closed;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Length ", spline.length.ToString("0.000"));

        showknots = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showknots, "Knots");

        if (showknots)
            for (int i = 0; i < spline.knots.Count; i++)
                DisplayKnot(shape, spline, spline.knots[i]);
    Vector3 Deform(MegaShape path, float alpha, float off, Vector3 scale, float removeDof, Vector3 locoff, out Matrix4x4 omat, Vector3 sploff)
        float tw1 = 0.0f;

        Vector3 ps  = pathtm.MultiplyPoint(path.InterpCurve3D(curve, alpha, path.normalizedInterp, ref tw1) + sploff);
        Vector3 ps1 = pathtm.MultiplyPoint(path.InterpCurve3D(curve, alpha + (tangent * 0.001f), path.normalizedInterp) + sploff);

        if (path.splines[curve].closed)
            alpha = Mathf.Repeat(alpha, 1.0f);
            alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);

        if (useTwist)
            tw = meshrot * Quaternion.AngleAxis((twist * twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha)) + tw1, Vector3.forward);

        Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - ps;

        relativePos.y *= removeDof;

        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos) * tw;

        wtm.SetTRS(ps, rotation, scale);

        omat = mat * wtm;

예제 #4
    bool AnimParse(BinaryReader br, string cid)
        MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

        switch (cid)
        case "V":
            int v = br.ReadInt32();
            ma = new MegaKnotAnim();
            int s = ms.GetSpline(v, ref ma);                            //.s, ref ma.p, ref ma.t);

            if (ms.splines[s].animations == null)
                ms.splines[s].animations = new List <MegaKnotAnim>();


        case "Anim":
            //ma.con = MegaBezVector3KeyControl.LoadBezVector3KeyControl(br);
            ma.con = MegaParseBezVector3Control.LoadBezVector3KeyControl(br);
예제 #5
    bool ParseShape(BinaryReader br, string cid)
        MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

        switch (cid)
        case "Num":
            int count = br.ReadInt32();
            ms.splines = new List <MegaSpline>(count);
            //id = 0;

        case "Spline":
            MegaSpline spl = new MegaSpline();
            //MegaMorphEditor.Parse(br, SplineParse);
            MegaParse.Parse(br, SplineParse);

        case "Anim":
            //Debug.Log("Anim info");
            //MegaMorphEditor.Parse(br, AnimParse);
            MegaParse.Parse(br, AnimParse);

예제 #6
    static void CreateShape(string type, System.Type classtype)
        Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;

        if (UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null)
            pos = UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.pivot;

        GameObject go = new GameObject(type + " Shape");

        MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)go.AddComponent(classtype);

        go.transform.position  = pos;
        Selection.activeObject = go;

        if (ms != null)
            ms.axis        = axis;
            ms.drawHandles = drawhandles;
            ms.drawKnots   = drawknots;
            ms.col1        = col1;
            ms.col2        = col2;
            ms.KnotSize    = knotsize;
            ms.stepdist    = stepdist;
            ms.makeMesh    = makemesh;
            ms.handleType  = MegaHandleType.Free;
예제 #7
	Vector3 PosHandlesSnap(MegaShape shape, Vector3 pos, Quaternion q)
		switch ( shape.handleType )
			case MegaHandleType.Position:
				pos = Handles.PositionHandle(pos, q);

			case MegaHandleType.Free:
				pos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pos, q, shape.KnotSize * 0.01f, Vector3.zero, Handles.CircleCap);

		if ( shape.usesnap )
			if ( shape.snap.x != 0.0f )
				pos.x = (int)(pos.x / shape.snap.x) * shape.snap.x;

			if ( shape.snap.y != 0.0f )
				pos.y = (int)(pos.y / shape.snap.y) * shape.snap.y;

			if ( shape.snap.z != 0.0f )
				pos.z = (int)(pos.z / shape.snap.z) * shape.snap.z;

		return pos;
예제 #8
    void InitCurves(MegaShape shape)
        totalbounds.size = Vector3.zero;

        totalarea = 0.0f;

        if (shape != null)

            for (int i = 0; i < shape.splines.Count; i++)
                if (shape.splines[i].closed && usespline[i])
                    MegaCurveList curve = new MegaCurveList();
                    curve.curve = i;
                    totalarea  += shape.splines[i].Area();
                    curve.area  = Mathf.Abs(shape.splines[i].Area());
                    curve.box   = new Bounds(shape.splines[i].knots[0].p, Vector3.zero);

                    for (int k = 1; k < shape.splines[i].knots.Count; k++)

                    curve.min  = curve.box.min;
                    curve.size = curve.box.size;

예제 #9
	void LoadSXL(float scale)
		MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

		string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("SXL File", lastpath, "sxl");

		if ( filename == null || filename.Length < 1 )

		lastpath = filename;

		bool opt = true;
		if ( ms.splines != null && ms.splines.Count > 0 )
			opt = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Spline Import Option", "Splines already present, do you want to 'Add' or 'Replace' splines with this file?", "Add", "Replace");

		int startspline = 0;
		if ( opt )
			startspline = ms.splines.Count;

		StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filename);
		string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
		MegaShapeSXL sxl = new MegaShapeSXL();
		sxl.importData(text, ms, scale, opt, startspline);	//.splines[0]);
		ms.imported = true;
예제 #10
	public void ParseShape(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
		for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
			MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

			//Debug.Log("Shape val " + val.name);
			switch ( val.name )
				case "name": break;
				case "p": break;
				case "r": break;
				case "s": break;

		foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
			//Debug.Log("Shape tagName " + n.tagName);

			switch ( n.tagName )
				case "Spline":
					ParseSpline(n, shape);
예제 #11
	public void ParseSpline(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
		MegaSpline spline = new MegaSpline();

		for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
			MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

			//Debug.Log("Spline val " + val.name);
			switch ( val.name )
				case "flags": break;
				case "closed": spline.closed = int.Parse(val.value) > 0 ? true : false; break;

		foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
			//Debug.Log("Spline tagName " + n.tagName);
			switch ( n.tagName )
				case "K": ParseKnot(n, shape, spline); break;

		//Debug.Log("************** Add Spline");
예제 #12
    public void ParseSpline(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline = new MegaSpline();

        for (int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++)
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            //Debug.Log("Spline val " + val.name);
            switch (val.name)
            case "flags": break;

            case "closed": spline.closed = int.Parse(val.value) > 0 ? true : false; break;

        foreach (MegaXMLNode n in node.children)
            //Debug.Log("Spline tagName " + n.tagName);
            switch (n.tagName)
            case "K": ParseKnot(n, shape, spline); break;

        //Debug.Log("************** Add Spline");
예제 #13
	void LoadKML(float scale)
		MegaShape ms = (MegaShape)target;

		string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("KML File", lastpath, "kml");

		if ( filename == null || filename.Length < 1 )

		lastpath = filename;

		//bool opt = true;
		//if ( ms.splines != null && ms.splines.Count > 0 )
		//	opt = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Spline Import Option", "Splines already present, do you want to 'Add' or 'Replace' splines with this file?", "Add", "Replace");

		//int startspline = 0;
		//if ( opt )
		//	startspline = ms.splines.Count;

		MegaKML kml = new MegaKML();
		Vector3[] points = kml.GetPoints(ImportScale);

		ms.BuildSpline(ms.selcurve, points, true);
예제 #14
    public void ParseShape(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        for (int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++)
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            //Debug.Log("Shape val " + val.name);
            switch (val.name)
            case "name": break;

            case "p": break;

            case "r": break;

            case "s": break;

        foreach (MegaXMLNode n in node.children)
            //Debug.Log("Shape tagName " + n.tagName);

            switch (n.tagName)
            case "Spline":
                ParseSpline(n, shape);
예제 #15
    public void ParseKnot(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline)
        Vector3 p      = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 invec  = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 outvec = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++)
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            //Debug.Log("Knot val " + val.name);
            switch (val.name)
            case "p": p = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;

            case "i": invec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;

            case "o": outvec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;

            case "l": break;

        spline.AddKnot(p, invec, outvec);
예제 #16
	void ClearAnim(MegaShape shape)
		MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];

		if ( spline.splineanim != null )
예제 #17
    static public string Export(MegaShape shape, int x, int y, float strokewidth, Color col)
        string file = "";

        Color32 c = col;

        file += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
        file += "<!-- MegaShapes SVG Exporter v1.0 -->\n";
        file += "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">\n";
        file += "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"" + shape.name + "\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"640.0px\" height=\"480.0px\">\n";

        for (int i = 0; i < shape.splines.Count; i++)
            MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[i];

            file += "<path d=\"";

            MegaKnot k1;
            MegaKnot k = spline.knots[0];

            k1    = k;
            file += "M" + k.p[x] + "," + -k.p[y];
            //Vector3 cp = k.p;

            for (int j = 1; j < spline.knots.Count; j++)
                k = spline.knots[j];

                Vector3 po = k1.outvec;                 // - cp;	// - k1.p;
                Vector3 pi = k.invec;                   // - cp;	// - k.p;
                Vector3 kp = k.p;                       // - cp;
                kp[y] = -kp[y];
                po[y] = -po[y];
                pi[y] = -pi[y];

                file += "C" + po[x] + "," + po[y];
                file += " " + pi[x] + "," + pi[y];
                file += " " + kp[x] + "," + kp[y];

                k1 = k;

            if (spline.closed)
                file += "z\"";

            file += " fill=\"none\"";
            file += " stroke=\"#" + c.r.ToString("x") + c.g.ToString("x") + c.b.ToString("x") + "\"";
            file += " stroke-width=\"" + strokewidth + "\"";
            file += "/>\n";

        file += "</svg>\n";

예제 #18
파일: MegaShapeSVG.cs 프로젝트: Morac/Orca6
    public static string Export(MegaShape shape, int x, int y, float strokewidth, Color col)
        string file = "";

        Color32 c = col;

        file += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
        file += "<!-- MegaShapes SVG Exporter v1.0 -->\n";
        file += "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">\n";
        file += "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"" + shape.name + "\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"640.0px\" height=\"480.0px\">\n";

        for ( int i = 0; i < shape.splines.Count; i++ )
            MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[i];

            file += "<path d=\"";

            MegaKnot k1;
            MegaKnot k = spline.knots[0];

            k1 = k;
            file += "M" + k.p[x] + "," + -k.p[y];
            //Vector3 cp = k.p;

            for ( int j = 1; j < spline.knots.Count; j++ )
                k = spline.knots[j];

                Vector3 po = k1.outvec;	// - cp;	// - k1.p;
                Vector3 pi = k.invec;	// - cp;	// - k.p;
                Vector3 kp = k.p;	// - cp;
                kp[y] = -kp[y];
                po[y] = -po[y];
                pi[y] = -pi[y];

                file += "C" + po[x] + "," + po[y];
                file += " " + pi[x] + "," + pi[y];
                file += " " + kp[x] + "," + kp[y];

                k1 = k;

            if ( spline.closed )
                file += "z\"";

            file += " fill=\"none\"";
            file += " stroke=\"#" + c.r.ToString("x") + c.g.ToString("x") + c.b.ToString("x") + "\"";
            file += " stroke-width=\"" + strokewidth + "\"";
            file += "/>\n";

        file += "</svg>\n";

        return file;
예제 #19
파일: MegaTracks.cs 프로젝트: Morac/Orca6
    void BuildObjectLinks(MegaShape path)
        float len = path.splines[curve].length;

        if ( LinkSize < 0.1f )
            LinkSize = 0.1f;

        // Assume z axis for now
        float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;

        int lc = (int)(len / linklen);

        if ( lc != linkcount )

        Quaternion linkrot1 = Quaternion.identity;

        linkrot1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotate);

        float spos = start * 0.01f;
        Vector3 poff = linkPivot * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
        float lastalpha = spos;
        Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;

        Matrix4x4 pmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(poff, linkrot1, Vector3.one);

        Vector3 lrot = Vector3.zero;
        Quaternion frot = Quaternion.identity;
        Random.seed = seed;
        for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
            float alpha = ((float)(i + 1) / (float)linkcount) + spos;
            Quaternion lq = GetLinkQuat(alpha, lastalpha, out pos, path);
            lastalpha = alpha;

            Quaternion lr = Quaternion.Euler(lrot);
            frot = lq * linkrot1 * lr;

            if ( linkobjs[i] )
                Matrix4x4 lmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, lq, Vector3.one) * pmat;

                linkobjs[i].localPosition = lmat.GetColumn(3);
                linkobjs[i].localRotation = frot;
                linkobjs[i].localScale = linkScale * LinkSize;

            if ( randRot )
                float r = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
                lrot = (int)(r * (int)(360.0f / MegaUtils.LargestValue1(linkRot))) * linkRot;
                lrot += linkRot;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        triggerAnimation = target as TriggerAnimation;

        MegaShape shape = triggerAnimation.layer.layerPath;

        triggerAnimation.Update(ref triggerAnimation.curve, "Curve", 0, shape.splines.Count - 1);
예제 #21
    public void LoadXML(string svgdata, MegaShape shape)
        MegaXMLReader xml  = new MegaXMLReader();
        MegaXMLNode   node = xml.read(svgdata);

        shape.selcurve = 0;
        splineindex    = 0;
        ParseXML(node, shape);
예제 #22
	static void RenderGizmo(MegaShape shape, GizmoType gizmoType)
		if ( (gizmoType & GizmoType.Active) != 0 && Selection.activeObject == shape.gameObject )
			if ( shape.splines == null || shape.splines.Count == 0 )

			DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

			if ( shape.splines[shape.selcurve].knots.Count > 1 )
				Color col = Color.yellow;
				col.a = 0.5f;
				Gizmos.color = col;	//Color.yellow;
				CursorPos = shape.InterpCurve3D(shape.selcurve, shape.CursorPercent * 0.01f, true);
				Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(CursorPos), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
				Handles.color = Color.white;

				if ( shape.handleType == MegaHandleType.Free && editmode )
					int s = shape.selcurve;
						for ( int p = 0; p < shape.splines[s].knots.Count; p++ )
							if ( shape.drawKnots )	//&& s == shape.selcurve )
								Gizmos.color = Color.green;
								Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].p), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);

							if ( shape.drawHandles )
								Gizmos.color = Color.red;
								Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].invec), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
								Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].outvec), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
			DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f));

		if ( Camera.current )
			Vector3 vis = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint(shape.transform.position);

			if ( vis.z > 0.0f )
				Gizmos.DrawIcon(shape.transform.position, "MegaSpherify icon.png", false);
				Handles.Label(shape.transform.position, " " + shape.name);
예제 #23
	void Export(MegaShape shape)
		string filename = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export Shape to SVG", "", shape.name, ".svg");

		if ( filename.Length > 0 )
			string data = MegaShapeSVG.Export(shape, (int)xaxis, (int)yaxis, strokewidth, strokecol);

			System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, data);
예제 #24
    void DisplayKnot(MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline, MegaKnot knot)
        bool recalc = false;

        Vector3 p = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Pos", knot.p);

#if false
        Vector3 invec = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("In", knot.invec);
        //Vector3 outvec = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Out", knot.outvec);

        if (invec != knot.invec)
            if (shape.lockhandles)
                Vector3 d = invec - knot.invec;
                knot.outvec -= d;

            knot.invec = invec;
            recalc     = true;

        Vector3 outvec = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Out", knot.outvec);

        if (outvec != knot.outvec)
            if (shape.lockhandles)
                Vector3 d = outvec - knot.outvec;
                knot.invec -= d;

            knot.outvec = outvec;
            recalc      = true;

        //Vector3 p = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Pos", knot.p);
        delta = p - knot.p;

        knot.invec  += delta;
        knot.outvec += delta;

        if (knot.p != p)
            recalc = true;
            knot.p = p;

        if (recalc)
예제 #25
 public override void SplineNotify(MegaShape shape, int reason)
     for (int i = 0; i < Layers.Length; i++)
         if (Layers[i].SplineNotify(shape, reason))
             rebuild = true;
예제 #26
	public void ParseXML(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
		foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
			switch ( n.tagName )
				case "Shape": ParseShape(n, shape); break;

			ParseXML(n, shape);
예제 #27
    public void LoadXML(string svgdata, MegaShape shape, bool clear, int start)
        MegaXMLReader xml = new MegaXMLReader();
        MegaXMLNode node = xml.read(svgdata);

        if ( !clear )

        shape.selcurve = start;
        splineindex = start;
        ParseXML(node, shape);
예제 #28
    public void ParseXML(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        foreach (MegaXMLNode n in node.children)
            switch (n.tagName)
            case "Shape": ParseShape(n, shape); break;

            ParseXML(n, shape);
예제 #29
    static void RenderGizmo(MegaFlowCreateFromSplines flow, GizmoType gizmoType)
        if (!flow.shownotsel && Selection.activeGameObject != flow.gameObject)


        float rng = 1.0f / (flow.maxvel - flow.minvel);

        for (int i = 0; i < flow.splines.Count; i++)
            if (flow.splines[i].include)
                MegaShape shape = flow.splines[i].shape;

                if (shape)
                    Handles.matrix = shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

                    Color col = Color.green;

                    for (int s = 0; s < shape.splines.Count; s++)
                        float step = 1.0f / (float)flow.splines[i].visrings;
                        for (float j = 0.0f; j < 1.0f; j += step)
                            Vector3 p  = shape.InterpCurve3D(s, j, true);
                            Vector3 pt = shape.InterpCurve3D(s, j + 0.01f, true);

                            float dist = flow.splines[i].distcrv.Evaluate(j) * flow.splines[i].falloffdist;

                            float va = flow.splines[i].velcrv.Evaluate(j);
                            col   = flow.GetCol(va * flow.splines[i].velocity * rng);                           //flow.splines[i].velcrv.Evaluate(j));
                            col.a = flow.splines[i].ringalpha;
                            //float va = flow.splines[i].velcrv.Evaluate(j);
                            Handles.color = col;

                            Vector3 dir = (pt - p).normalized;
                            Handles.DrawWireDisc(p, dir, dist);

                            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir);
                            MegaFlowHandles.ArrowCap(0, p, rot, flow.splines[i].velocity * flow.vellen * va);

        Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
예제 #30
    public void SetShape(MegaShape newshape)
        shape = newshape;

        if (shape)
            for (int i = 0; i < shape.splines.Count; i++)
    Quaternion GetLinkQuat(float alpha, float last, out Vector3 ps, MegaShape path)
        int k = 0;

        ps = path.splines[curve].InterpCurve3D(last, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);
        Vector3 ps1 = path.splines[curve].InterpCurve3D(alpha, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);

        Vector3 relativePos = ps1 - ps;

        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos, trackup);

예제 #32
    void BuildObjectLinks(MegaShape path)
        float len = path.splines[curve].length;

        if (LinkSize < 0.1f)
            LinkSize = 0.1f;

        // Assume z axis for now
        float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;

        int lc = (int)(len / linklen);

        if (lc != linkcount)

        Quaternion linkrot1 = Quaternion.identity;

        linkrot1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotate);

        float   spos      = start * 0.01f;
        Vector3 poff      = linkPivot * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
        float   lastalpha = spos;
        Vector3 pos       = Vector3.zero;

        Matrix4x4 pmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(poff, linkrot1, Vector3.one);

        Quaternion frot = Quaternion.identity;

        for (int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++)
            float      alpha = ((float)(i + 1) / (float)linkcount) + spos;
            Quaternion lq    = GetLinkQuat(alpha, lastalpha, out pos, path);
            lastalpha = alpha;

            frot = lq * linkrot1;

            if (linkobjs[i])
                Matrix4x4 lmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, lq, Vector3.one) * pmat;

                linkobjs[i].localPosition = lmat.GetColumn(3);
                linkobjs[i].localRotation = frot;
                linkobjs[i].localScale    = linkScale * LinkSize;
예제 #33
    public MegaPathTarget AddTarget(MegaShape shape, int curve, float weight)
        MegaPathTarget target = new MegaPathTarget();

        target.shape = shape;
        target.Weight = weight;
        target.curve = curve;
        target.modifier = 1.0f;
        target.offset = 0.0f;


        return target;
예제 #34
    public virtual bool SplineNotify(MegaShape shape, int reason)
        if (shape == layerPath)

        if (shape == layerSection)

예제 #35
    public MegaPathTarget AddTarget(MegaShape shape, int curve, float weight)
        MegaPathTarget target = new MegaPathTarget();

        target.shape    = shape;
        target.Weight   = weight;
        target.curve    = curve;
        target.modifier = 1.0f;
        target.offset   = 0.0f;


예제 #36
파일: MegaDrawLoft.cs 프로젝트: Morac/Orca6
    public MegaSpline NewSpline(MegaShape shape)
        if ( shape.splines.Count == 0 )
            MegaSpline newspline = new MegaSpline();

        MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[0];

        spline.closed = false;
        return spline;
예제 #37
    public void LoadXML(string svgdata, MegaShape shape, bool clear, int start)
        MegaXMLReader xml  = new MegaXMLReader();
        MegaXMLNode   node = xml.read(svgdata);

        if (!clear)

        shape.selcurve = start;
        splineindex    = start;
        ParseXML(node, shape);
예제 #38
    public MegaSpline NewSpline(MegaShape shape)
        if (shape.splines.Count == 0)
            MegaSpline newspline = new MegaSpline();

        MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[0];

        spline.closed = false;
예제 #39
    MegaSpline GetSpline(MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline;

        if ( splineindex < shape.splines.Count )
            spline = shape.splines[splineindex];
            spline = new MegaSpline();

        return spline;
예제 #40
    public void importData(string svgdata, MegaShape shape, float scale, bool clear, int start)
        LoadXML(svgdata, shape, clear, start);
        for ( int i = start; i < splineindex; i++ )
            float area = shape.splines[i].Area();
            if ( area < 0.0f )
                shape.splines[i].reverse = false;
                shape.splines[i].reverse = true;

        //shape.Centre(0.01f, new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
        shape.Centre(scale, new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), start);
        shape.CalcLength();	//10);
예제 #41
    public void ParseXML(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
            switch ( n.tagName )
                case "circle":	ParseCircle(n, shape); break;
                case "path": ParsePath(n, shape); break;
                case "ellipse": ParseEllipse(n, shape); break;
                case "rect": ParseRect(n, shape); break;
                case "polygon": ParsePolygon(n, shape); break;
                default:	break;

            ParseXML(n, shape);
예제 #42
    void BuildObjectLinks(MegaShape path)
        float len = path.splines[curve].length;

        if ( LinkSize < 0.1f )
            LinkSize = 0.1f;

        // Assume z axis for now
        float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;

        int lc = (int)(len / linklen);

        if ( lc != linkcount )

        Quaternion linkrot1 = Quaternion.identity;

        linkrot1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotate);

        float spos = start * 0.01f;
        Vector3 poff = linkPivot * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
        float lastalpha = spos;
        Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;

        Matrix4x4 pmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(poff, linkrot1, Vector3.one);

        Quaternion frot = Quaternion.identity;
        for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
            float alpha = ((float)(i + 1) / (float)linkcount) + spos;
            Quaternion lq = GetLinkQuat(alpha, lastalpha, out pos, path);
            lastalpha = alpha;

            frot = lq * linkrot1;

            if ( linkobjs[i] )
                Matrix4x4 lmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, lq, Vector3.one) * pmat;

                linkobjs[i].localPosition = lmat.GetColumn(3);
                linkobjs[i].localRotation = frot;
                linkobjs[i].localScale = linkScale * LinkSize;
예제 #43
파일: MegaShapeSXL.cs 프로젝트: Morac/Orca6
    public void ParseKnot(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline)
        Vector3 p = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 invec = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 outvec = Vector3.zero;

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            //Debug.Log("Knot val " + val.name);
            switch ( val.name )
                case "p": p = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
                case "i": invec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
                case "o": outvec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
                case "l": break;

        spline.AddKnot(p, invec, outvec);
예제 #44
	void DisplaySpline(MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline)
		bool closed = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Closed", spline.closed);

		if ( closed != spline.closed )
			spline.closed = closed;
			shape.CalcLength();	//10);

		spline.reverse = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Reverse", spline.reverse);

		EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Length ", spline.length.ToString("0.000"));
		spline.twistmode = (MegaShapeEase)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Twist Mode", spline.twistmode);

		showknots = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showknots, "Knots");

		if ( showknots )
			for ( int i = 0; i < spline.knots.Count; i++ )
				DisplayKnot(shape, spline, spline.knots[i], i);
예제 #45
    void ParsePolygon(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline = GetSpline(shape);

        spline.closed = true;

        char[] charSeparators = new char[] { ' ' };

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            switch ( val.name )
                case "points":

                    string[] coordinates = val.value.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    for ( int j = 0; j < coordinates.Length; j++ )
                        Vector3 p = ParseV2Split(coordinates[j], 0);

                        MegaKnot k = new MegaKnot();
                        k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(p.x, 0.0f, p.y), shape.axis);
                        k.invec = k.p;
                        k.outvec = k.p;


        if ( spline.closed )
            Vector3 delta1 = spline.knots[0].outvec - spline.knots[0].p;
            spline.knots[0].invec = spline.knots[0].p - delta1;
예제 #46
	void Export(MegaShape shape)
		string filename = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export Shape to SVG", "", shape.name, ".svg");

		if ( filename.Length > 0 )
			string data = MegaShapeSVG.Export(shape, (int)xaxis, (int)yaxis, strokewidth, strokecol);

			System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, data);
예제 #47
	void DisplayKnot(MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline, MegaKnot knot, int i)
		bool recalc = false;

		Vector3 p = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Knot [" + i + "] Pos", knot.p);
		delta = p - knot.p;

		knot.invec += delta;
		knot.outvec += delta;

		if ( knot.p != p )
			recalc = true;
			knot.p = p;

		if ( recalc )
			shape.CalcLength();	//10);
		knot.twist = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Twist", knot.twist);
		knot.id = EditorGUILayout.IntField("ID", knot.id);
예제 #48
	void ClearAnim(MegaShape shape)
		MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];

		if ( spline.splineanim != null )
예제 #49
	void AddKeyFrame(MegaShape shape, float t)
		MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];

		//if ( spline.splineanim == null )
			//MegaSplineAnim sa = new MegaSplineAnim();
			//spline.splineanim = sa;
			spline.splineanim.AddState(spline, t);
예제 #50
	// Dont want this in here, want in editor
	// If we go over a knot then should draw to the knot
	static void DrawGizmos(MegaShape shape, Color modcol1)
		if ( ((1 << shape.gameObject.layer) & Camera.current.cullingMask) == 0 )

		if ( !shape.drawspline )

		Matrix4x4 tm = shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

		for ( int s = 0; s < shape.splines.Count; s++ )
			float ldist = shape.stepdist * 0.1f;
			if ( ldist < 0.01f )
				ldist = 0.01f;

			Color modcol = modcol1;

			if ( s != shape.selcurve && modcol1.a == 1.0f )
				modcol.a *= 0.5f;

			if ( shape.splines[s].length / ldist > 500.0f )
				ldist = shape.splines[s].length / 500.0f;

			float ds = shape.splines[s].length / (shape.splines[s].length / ldist);

			if ( ds > shape.splines[s].length )
				ds = shape.splines[s].length;

			int c	= 0;
			int k	= -1;
			int lk	= -1;

			Vector3 first = shape.splines[s].Interpolate(0.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref lk);

			for ( float dist = ds; dist < shape.splines[s].length; dist += ds )
				float alpha = dist / shape.splines[s].length;
				Vector3 pos = shape.splines[s].Interpolate(alpha, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);

				if ( (c & 1) == 1 )
					Gizmos.color = shape.col1 * modcol;
					Gizmos.color = shape.col2 * modcol;

				if ( k != lk )
					for ( lk = lk + 1; lk <= k; lk++ )
						Gizmos.DrawLine(tm.MultiplyPoint(first), tm.MultiplyPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[lk].p));
						first = shape.splines[s].knots[lk].p;

				lk = k;

				Gizmos.DrawLine(tm.MultiplyPoint(first), tm.MultiplyPoint(pos));


				first = pos;

			if ( (c & 1) == 1 )
				Gizmos.color = shape.col1 * modcol;
				Gizmos.color = shape.col2 * modcol;

			Vector3 lastpos;
			if ( shape.splines[s].closed )
				lastpos = shape.splines[s].Interpolate(0.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);
				lastpos = shape.splines[s].Interpolate(1.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);

			Gizmos.DrawLine(tm.MultiplyPoint(first), tm.MultiplyPoint(lastpos));
예제 #51
	// Animation keyframe stuff
	// Need system to grab state of curve
	void AnimationKeyFrames(MegaShape shape)
		MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];

		shape.showanimations = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(shape.showanimations, "Animations");

		if ( shape.showanimations )
			shape.keytime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Key Time", shape.keytime);
			if ( shape.keytime < 0.0f )
				shape.keytime = 0.0f;

			spline.splineanim.Enabled = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("Enabled", spline.splineanim.Enabled);
			//if ( spline.splineanim == null )
				//if ( GUILayout.Button("Create") )
					//spline.splineanim = new MegaSplineAnim();

				if ( GUILayout.Button("Add Key") )
					AddKeyFrame(shape, shape.keytime);

				if ( GUILayout.Button("Clear") )

				//if ( GUILayout.Button("Delete") )
				//	spline.splineanim = null;

			//if ( spline.splineanim == null )
			//	return;

			// Need to show each keyframe
			if ( spline.splineanim != null )
				//EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Frames " + spline.splineanim.knots[0].)
				int nk = spline.splineanim.NumKeys();

				float mt = 0.0f;
				for ( int i = 0; i < nk; i++ )

					mt = spline.splineanim.GetKeyTime(i);

					EditorGUILayout.LabelField("" + i, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20));	//" + " Time: " + mt);
					float t = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", mt, GUILayout.MaxWidth(100));

					if ( t != mt )
						spline.splineanim.SetKeyTime(spline, i, t);

					if ( GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )

					if ( GUILayout.Button("Update", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )
						spline.splineanim.UpdateKey(spline, i);

					if ( GUILayout.Button("Get", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )
						spline.splineanim.GetKey(spline, i);


				shape.MaxTime = mt;

				float at = EditorGUILayout.Slider("T", shape.testtime, 0.0f, mt);
				if ( at != shape.testtime )
					shape.testtime = at;
					if ( !shape.animate )
						for ( int s = 0; s < shape.splines.Count; s++ )
							if ( shape.splines[s].splineanim != null && shape.splines[s].splineanim.Enabled )
								shape.splines[s].splineanim.GetState1(shape.splines[s], at);
								shape.splines[s].CalcLength();	//(10);	// could use less here

예제 #52
	static void RenderGizmo(MegaShape shape, GizmoType gizmoType)
		if ( (gizmoType & GizmoType.Active) != 0 && Selection.activeObject == shape.gameObject )
			if ( shape.splines == null || shape.splines.Count == 0 )

			DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
			Color col = Color.yellow;
			col.a = 0.5f;
			Gizmos.color = col;	//Color.yellow;
			CursorPos = shape.InterpCurve3D(shape.selcurve, shape.CursorPercent * 0.01f, true);
			Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(CursorPos), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
			Handles.color = Color.white;

			if ( shape.handleType == MegaHandleType.Free )
				int s = shape.selcurve;
					for ( int p = 0; p < shape.splines[s].knots.Count; p++ )
						if ( shape.drawKnots )	//&& s == shape.selcurve )
							Gizmos.color = Color.green;
							Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].p), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);

						if ( shape.drawHandles )
							Gizmos.color = Color.red;
							Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].invec), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
							Gizmos.DrawSphere(shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.splines[s].knots[p].outvec), shape.KnotSize * 0.01f);
			DrawGizmos(shape, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f));

		if ( Camera.current )
			Vector3 vis = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint(shape.transform.position);

			if ( vis.z > 0.0f )
				Gizmos.DrawIcon(shape.transform.position, "MegaSpherify icon.png", false);
				Handles.Label(shape.transform.position, " " + shape.name);
예제 #53
    void ParseRect(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline = GetSpline(shape);
        Vector3[] ppoints = new Vector3[4];

        float w = 0.0f;
        float h = 0.0f;
        float x = 0.0f;
        float y = 0.0f;

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            switch ( val.name )
                case "x": x = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "y": y = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "width": w = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "height": h = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "transform": Debug.Log("SVG Transform not implemented yet");

        ppoints[0] = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, y);
        ppoints[1] = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, y + h);
        ppoints[2] = new Vector3(x + w, 0.0f, y + h);
        ppoints[3] = new Vector3(x + w, 0.0f, y);

        spline.closed = true;
        //spline.AddKnot(ppoints[0], ppoints[0], ppoints[0]);
        //spline.AddKnot(ppoints[1], ppoints[1], ppoints[1]);
        //spline.AddKnot(ppoints[2], ppoints[2], ppoints[2]);
        //spline.AddKnot(ppoints[3], ppoints[3], ppoints[3]);
        AddKnot(spline, ppoints[0], ppoints[0], ppoints[0], shape.axis);
        AddKnot(spline, ppoints[1], ppoints[1], ppoints[1], shape.axis);
        AddKnot(spline, ppoints[2], ppoints[2], ppoints[2], shape.axis);
        AddKnot(spline, ppoints[3], ppoints[3], ppoints[3], shape.axis);
예제 #54
    void ParseCircle(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline = GetSpline(shape);

        float cx = 0.0f;
        float cy = 0.0f;
        float r = 0.0f;

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            switch ( val.name )
                case "cx": cx = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "cy": cy = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "r": r = float.Parse(val.value); break;

        float vector = CIRCLE_VECTOR_LENGTH * r;

        for ( int ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix )
            float angle = (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) * (float)ix / (float)4;
            float sinfac = Mathf.Sin(angle);
            float cosfac = Mathf.Cos(angle);
            Vector3 p = new Vector3((cosfac * r) + cx, 0.0f, (sinfac * r) + cy);
            Vector3 rotvec = new Vector3(sinfac * vector, 0.0f, -cosfac * vector);
            //spline.AddKnot(p, p + rotvec, p - rotvec);
            AddKnot(spline, p, p + rotvec, p - rotvec, shape.axis);

        spline.closed = true;
예제 #55
    void ParsePath(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        Vector3 cp = Vector3.zero;
        Vector2 cP1;
        Vector2 cP2;

        char[] charSeparators = new char[] { ',', ' ' };

        MegaSpline spline = null;
        MegaKnot k;
        string[] coord;

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            switch ( val.name )
                case "d":
        #if UNITY_FLASH
                    string[] coordinates = null;	//string.Split(val.value, @"(?=[MmLlCcSsZzHhVv])");
                    string[] coordinates = Regex.Split(val.value, @"(?=[MmLlCcSsZzHhVv])");

                    for ( int j = 0; j < coordinates.Length; j++ )
                        if ( coordinates[j].Length > 0 )
                            string v = coordinates[j].Substring(1);
                            if ( v != null && v.Length > 0 )
                                v = v.Replace("-", ",-");

                                while ( v.Length > 0 && (v[0] == ',' || v[0] == ' ') )
                                    v = v.Substring(1);

                            switch ( coordinates[j][0] )
                                case 'Z':
                                case 'z':
                                    if ( spline != null )
                                        spline.closed = true;
        #if false
                                        Vector3 delta1 = spline.knots[0].outvec - spline.knots[0].p;
                                        spline.knots[0].invec = spline.knots[0].p - delta1;

                                        if ( spline.knots[0].p == spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].p )
                                            spline.knots.Remove(spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1]);
                                        int kc = spline.knots.Count - 1;
                                        spline.knots[0].invec = spline.knots[kc].invec;


                                case 'M':
                                    spline = GetSpline(shape);

                                    cp = ParseV2Split(v, 0);
                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = k.p;
                                    k.outvec = k.p;

                                case 'm':
                                    spline = GetSpline(shape);

                                    Vector3 cp1 = ParseV2Split(v, 0);
                                    cp.x += cp1.x;
                                    cp.y += cp1.y;
                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = k.p;
                                    k.outvec = k.p;

                                case 'l':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k0 = 0; k0 < coord.Length; k0 = k0 + 2 )
                                        cp += ParseV2(coord, k0);

                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'c':
                                    coord = v.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                    for ( int k2 = 0; k2 < coord.Length; k2 += 6 )
                                        cP1 = cp + ParseV2(coord, k2);
                                        cP2 = cp + ParseV2(coord, k2 + 2);
                                        cp += ParseV2(coord, k2 + 4);

                                        spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP1.x, 0.0f, cP1.y), shape.axis);

                                        k = new MegaKnot();
                                        k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP2.x, 0.0f, cP2.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);

                                case 'L':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k3 = 0; k3 < coord.Length; k3 = k3 + 2 )
                                        cp = ParseV2(coord, k3);

                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'v':
                                    //Debug.Log("v: " + v);
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k4 = 0; k4 < coord.Length; k4++ )
                                        cp.y += float.Parse(coord[k4]);
                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'V':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k9 = 0; k9 < coord.Length; k9++ )
                                        cp.y = float.Parse(coord[k9]);

                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'h':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k5 = 0; k5 < coord.Length; k5++ )
                                        cp.x += float.Parse(coord[k5]);

                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'H':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k6 = 0; k6 < coord.Length; k6++ )
                                        cp.x = float.Parse(coord[k6]);

                                    spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);

                                    k = new MegaKnot();
                                    k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                    k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);


                                case 'S':
                                    coord = v.Split(","[0]);
                                    for ( int k7 = 0; k7 < coord.Length; k7 = k7 + 4 )
                                        cp = ParseV2(coord, k7 + 2);
                                        cP1 = ParseV2(coord, k7);
                                        k = new MegaKnot();
                                        k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP1.x, 0.0f, cP1.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);

                                case 's':
                                    coord = v.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                    for ( int k7 = 0; k7 < coord.Length; k7 = k7 + 4 )
                                        cP1 = cp + ParseV2(coord, k7);
                                        cp += ParseV2(coord, k7 + 2);

                                        k = new MegaKnot();
                                        k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP1.x, 0.0f, cP1.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);

                                case 'C':
                                    coord = v.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                    for ( int k2 = 0; k2 < coord.Length; k2 += 6 )
                                        cP1 = ParseV2(coord, k2);
                                        cP2 = ParseV2(coord, k2 + 2);
                                        cp = ParseV2(coord, k2 + 4);

                                        spline.knots[spline.knots.Count - 1].outvec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP1.x, 0.0f, cP1.y), shape.axis);

                                        k = new MegaKnot();
                                        k.p = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cp.x, 0.0f, cp.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.invec = SwapAxis(new Vector3(cP2.x, 0.0f, cP2.y), shape.axis);
                                        k.outvec = k.p - (k.invec - k.p);

예제 #56
파일: MegaTracks.cs 프로젝트: Morac/Orca6
    // Taken from chain mesher
    void InitLinkObjects(MegaShape path)
        if ( LinkObj == null )

        float len = path.splines[curve].length;

        // Assume z axis for now
        float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
        linkcount = (int)(len / linklen);

        for ( int i = linkcount; i < gameObject.transform.childCount; i++ )
            GameObject go = gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
            if ( Application.isEditor )

        linkobjs = new Transform[linkcount];

        if ( linkcount > gameObject.transform.childCount )
            for ( int i = 0; i < gameObject.transform.childCount; i++ )
                GameObject go = gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
        #if UNITY_3_5
                linkobjs[i] = go.transform;

            int index = gameObject.transform.childCount;

            for ( int i = index; i < linkcount; i++ )
                GameObject go = new GameObject();
                go.name = "Link";

                GameObject obj = LinkObj;

                if ( obj )
                    MeshRenderer mr = (MeshRenderer)obj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
                    Mesh ms = MegaUtils.GetSharedMesh(obj);

                    MeshRenderer mr1 = (MeshRenderer)go.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
                    MeshFilter mf1 = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();

                    mf1.sharedMesh = ms;

                    mr1.sharedMaterial = mr.sharedMaterial;

                    go.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                    linkobjs[i] = go.transform;
            for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
                GameObject go = gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
        #if UNITY_3_5
                linkobjs[i] = go.transform;

        Random.seed = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
            GameObject obj = LinkObj;	//1[oi];
            GameObject go = gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;

            MeshRenderer mr = (MeshRenderer)obj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            Mesh ms = MegaUtils.GetSharedMesh(obj);

            MeshRenderer mr1 = (MeshRenderer)go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            MeshFilter mf1 = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();

            mf1.sharedMesh = ms;
            mr1.sharedMaterials = mr.sharedMaterials;
예제 #57
	Vector3 PosHandlesSnap(MegaShape shape, Vector3 pos, Quaternion q)
		switch ( shape.handleType )
			case MegaHandleType.Position:
				pos = Handles.PositionHandle(pos, q);

			case MegaHandleType.Free:
				pos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pos, q, shape.KnotSize * 0.01f, Vector3.zero, Handles.CircleCap);

		if ( shape.usesnap )
			if ( shape.snap.x != 0.0f )
				pos.x = (int)(pos.x / shape.snap.x) * shape.snap.x;

			if ( shape.snap.y != 0.0f )
				pos.y = (int)(pos.y / shape.snap.y) * shape.snap.y;

			if ( shape.snap.z != 0.0f )
				pos.z = (int)(pos.z / shape.snap.z) * shape.snap.z;

		return pos;
예제 #58
    void ParseEllipse(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
        MegaSpline spline = GetSpline(shape);

        float cx = 0.0f;
        float cy = 0.0f;
        float rx = 0.0f;
        float ry = 0.0f;

        for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
            MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];

            switch ( val.name )
                case "cx": cx = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "cy": cy = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "rx": rx = float.Parse(val.value); break;
                case "ry": ry = float.Parse(val.value); break;

        ry = Mathf.Clamp(ry, 0.0f, float.MaxValue);
        rx = Mathf.Clamp(rx, 0.0f, float.MaxValue);

        float radius, xmult, ymult;
        if ( ry < rx )
            radius = rx;
            xmult = 1.0f;
            ymult = ry / rx;
            if ( rx < ry )
                radius = ry;
                xmult = rx / ry;
                ymult = 1.0f;
                radius = ry;
                xmult = ymult = 1.0f;

        float vector = CIRCLE_VECTOR_LENGTH * radius;

        Vector3 mult = new Vector3(xmult, ymult, 1.0f);

        for ( int ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix )
            float angle = 6.2831853f * (float)ix / 4.0f;
            float sinfac = Mathf.Sin(angle);
            float cosfac = Mathf.Cos(angle);
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(cosfac * radius + cx, 0.0f, sinfac * radius + cy);
            Vector3 rotvec = new Vector3(sinfac * vector, 0.0f, -cosfac * vector);
            //spline.AddKnot(Vector3.Scale(p, mult), Vector3.Scale((p + rotvec), mult), Vector3.Scale((p - rotvec), mult));	//, tm);
            AddKnot(spline, Vector3.Scale(p, mult), Vector3.Scale((p + rotvec), mult), Vector3.Scale((p - rotvec), mult), shape.axis);	//, tm);

        spline.closed = true;
예제 #59
	Vector3 PosHandles(MegaShape shape, Vector3 pos, Quaternion q)
		switch ( shape.handleType )
			case MegaHandleType.Position:
				pos = Handles.PositionHandle(pos, q);

			case MegaHandleType.Free:
				pos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pos, q, shape.KnotSize * 0.01f, Vector3.zero, Handles.CircleCap);

		return pos;
예제 #60
	//public MegaTriangulator(MegaKnot[] points)
	//	m_points = new List<Vector2>();	//points);
	static public List<int> Triangulate(MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline, float dist, ref List<Vector3> verts, ref List<Vector2> uvs, ref List<int> indices, Vector3 pivot)
		// Find 

		List<MegaKnot> knots = spline.knots;

		Vector3 min = knots[0].p;
		Vector3 max = knots[0].p;

		for ( int i = 1; i < knots.Count; i++ )
			Vector3 p1 = knots[i].p;

			if ( p1.x < min.x )	min.x = p1.x;
			if ( p1.y < min.y ) min.y = p1.y;
			if ( p1.z < min.z ) min.z = p1.z;

			if ( p1.x > max.x ) max.x = p1.x;
			if ( p1.y > max.y ) max.y = p1.y;
			if ( p1.z > max.z ) max.z = p1.z;

		Vector3 size = max - min;

		int removeaxis = 0;

		if ( Mathf.Abs(size.x) < Mathf.Abs(size.y) )
			if ( Mathf.Abs(size.x) < Mathf.Abs(size.z) )
				removeaxis = 0;
				removeaxis = 2;
			if ( Mathf.Abs(size.y) < Mathf.Abs(size.z) )
				removeaxis = 1;
				removeaxis = 2;

		Vector3 tp = Vector3.zero;
#if false
		for ( int i = 0; i < knots.Count; i++ )
			for ( int a = 0; a < steps; a ++ )
				float alpha = (float)a / (float)steps;
				Vector3 p = spline.knots[i].Interpolate(alpha, spline.knots[i]);
				switch ( removeaxis )
					case 0:	tp.x = p.y; tp.y = p.z;	break;
					case 1: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.z; break;
					case 2: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.y; break;
		float ds = spline.length / (spline.length / dist);

		if ( ds > spline.length )
			ds = spline.length;

		//int c	= 0;
		int k	= -1;
		//int lk	= -1;

		//Vector3 first = spline.Interpolate(0.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref lk);
		Vector3 p = Vector3.zero;

		for ( float dst = 0.0f; dst < spline.length; dst += ds )
			float alpha = dst / spline.length;
			p = spline.Interpolate(alpha, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k) + pivot;

			switch ( removeaxis )
				case 0: tp.x = p.y; tp.y = p.z; break;
				case 1: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.z; break;
				case 2: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.y; break;
			tp.z = dst;

			// Dont need this here as can do in post step
			//tp.x = (tp.x - min.x) / size.x;
			//tp.y = (tp.y - min.z) / size.z;
			tp.x = (tp.x - min.x);	// / size.x;
			tp.y = (tp.y - min.z);	// / size.z;

		//if ( spline.closed )
		//	p = spline.Interpolate(0.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);
		//	p = spline.Interpolate(1.0f, shape.normalizedInterp, ref k);

		//switch ( removeaxis )
		//	case 0: tp.x = p.y; tp.y = p.z; break;
		//	case 1: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.z; break;
		//	case 2: tp.x = p.x; tp.y = p.y; break;


		return Triangulate(indices);