public void LoadOBJ(MegaCacheOBJ mod, string filename, int first, int last, int step) { if (mod.meshes.Count > 0) { if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Add to or Replace", "Add new OBJ meshes to existing list, or Replace All", "Add", "Replace")) { mod.DestroyMeshes(); } } if (step < 1) { step = 1; } mod.InitImport(); for (int i = first; i <= last; i += step) { mod.LoadMtl(filename, i); } for (int i = first; i <= last; i += step) { float a = (float)(i + 1 - first) / (last - first); if (!EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Loading OBJ Meshes", "Frame " + i, a)) { Mesh ms = mod.LoadFrame(filename, i); if (ms) { mod.AddMesh(ms); } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Can't Load File", "Could not load frame " + i + " of sequence! Import Stopped.", "OK"); break; } } else { break; } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if (mod.loadmtls) { int count = MegaCacheObjImporter.NumMtls(); Material[] mats = new Material[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MegaCacheOBJMtl mtl = MegaCacheObjImporter.GetMtl(i); switch (mtl.illum) { case 0: case 1: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Diffuse"); break; case 2: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Specular"); #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018 || UNITY_2019 || UNITY_2020 mats[i].SetColor("_SpecColor", mtl.Ks); #else mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); #endif mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; case 4: case 6: case 7: case 9: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Transparent/Specular"); #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018 || UNITY_2019 || UNITY_2020 mats[i].SetColor("_SpecColor", mtl.Ks); #else mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); #endif mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; case 3: case 5: case 8: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Reflection/Specular"); #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018 || UNITY_2019 || UNITY_2020 mats[i].SetColor("_SpecColor", mtl.Ks); #else mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); #endif mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; } mats[i].name =; mats[i].color = mtl.Kd; if (mtl.map_Kd != null) { mats[i].mainTexture = LoadTexture(mtl.map_Kd); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } mod.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials = mats; } }
public void LoadOBJ(MegaCacheOBJ mod, string filename, int first, int last, int step) { if ( mod.meshes.Count > 0 ) { if ( !EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Add to or Replace", "Add new OBJ meshes to existing list, or Replace All", "Add", "Replace") ) mod.DestroyMeshes(); } if ( step < 1 ) step = 1; mod.InitImport(); for ( int i = first; i <= last; i += step ) mod.LoadMtl(filename, i); for ( int i = first; i <= last; i += step ) { float a = (float)(i + 1 - first) / (last - first); if ( !EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Loading OBJ Meshes", "Frame " + i, a) ) { Mesh ms = mod.LoadFrame(filename, i); if ( ms ) mod.AddMesh(ms); else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Can't Load File", "Could not load frame " + i + " of sequence! Import Stopped.", "OK"); break; } } else break; } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if ( mod.loadmtls ) { int count = MegaCacheObjImporter.NumMtls(); Material[] mats = new Material[count]; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { MegaCacheOBJMtl mtl = MegaCacheObjImporter.GetMtl(i); switch ( mtl.illum ) { case 0: case 1: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Diffuse"); break; case 2: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Specular"); mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; case 4: case 6: case 7: case 9: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Transparent/Specular"); mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; case 3: case 5: case 8: mats[i] = CreateMaterial(, "Reflection/Specular"); mats[i].SetColor("_SpecCol", mtl.Ks); mats[i].SetFloat("_Shininess", mtl.Ns); break; } mats[i].name =; mats[i].color = mtl.Kd; if ( mtl.map_Kd != null ) mats[i].mainTexture = LoadTexture(mtl.map_Kd); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } mod.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials = mats; } }