public async Task <bool> SaveItemInDBTask(MedicationSchedule element) { try { _db = await SqlHelper <MedicineServerRecords> .CreateAsync(); Log.Error("Storage class saving element..", element.ToString()); if (!(await SearchItemTask(element.Uuid))) { Log.Error("Storage class", "inserting in db.."); await _db.Insert(new MedicineServerRecords { Title = element.Title, Content = element.Content, DateTime = element.Timestampstring, Uuid = element.Uuid, Postpone = element.Postpone + "", IdNotification = "" + element.IdNotification }); Log.Error("Storage class", "element saved"); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("STORAGE error", e.Message); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Create a medication schedule /// POST: api/MedicationSchedule/GetMedicationSchedule/ /// </summary> /// <param name="medicationSchedule">A MedicationSchedule object.</param> /// <returns>Id of the medication schedule created.</returns> private MedicationSchedule CreateSingleMedicationSechudle(MedicationSchedule medicationSchedule) { //TODO: If the timeframe is week, then repeat on should not be empty try { var command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MedicationSchedule (MEDICATIONID, NAME, MEDINFO, EVERY, COUNT, DATE, HOUR, MINUTE, TAKEN) " + "VALUES(@MEDICATIONID, @NAME, @MEDINFO, @EVERY, @COUNT, @DATE, @HOUR, @MINUTE, @TAKEN); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medicationSchedule.MedicationId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", medicationSchedule.Name); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", medicationSchedule.MedInfo); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", medicationSchedule.Every); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", medicationSchedule.Count); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", medicationSchedule.Date); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medicationSchedule.Hour); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medicationSchedule.Minute); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medicationSchedule.Taken); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); var medScheduleId = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); medicationSchedule.Id = medScheduleId; return(medicationSchedule); //ok //return Ok(medScheduleId); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); //bad request //return BadRequest($"CreateMedicationSchedule() error \n {ex.ToString()}"); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
public ActionResult <int> CreateMedicationSchedule([FromBody] MedicationSchedule medicationSchedule) { try { var command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MedicationSchedule (MEDICATIONID, NAME, MEDINFO, EVERY, COUNT, DATE, HOUR, MINUTE, TAKEN) " + "VALUES(@MEDICATIONID, @NAME, @MEDINFO, @EVERY, @COUNT, @DATE, @HOUR, @MINUTE, @TAKEN); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medicationSchedule.MedicationId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", medicationSchedule.Name); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", medicationSchedule.MedInfo); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", medicationSchedule.Every); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", medicationSchedule.Count); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", medicationSchedule.Date); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medicationSchedule.Hour); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medicationSchedule.Minute); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medicationSchedule.Taken); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); var medScheduleId = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); return(Ok(medScheduleId)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"CreateMedicationSchedule() error \n {ex.ToString()}")); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
public ActionResult <string> EditMedicationSchedule([FromBody] MedicationSchedule medicationSchedule) { try { var command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE MedicationSchedule SET MEDICATIONID=@MEDICATIONID, NAME=@NAME, MEDINFO=@MEDINFO, EVERY=@EVERY " + ", COUNT=@COUNT, DATE=@DATE, HOUR=@HOUR, MINUTE=@MINUTE, TAKEN=@TAKEN " + " WHERE ID=@ID", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", medicationSchedule.Id); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medicationSchedule.MedicationId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", medicationSchedule.Name); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", medicationSchedule.MedInfo); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", medicationSchedule.Every); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", medicationSchedule.Count); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", medicationSchedule.Date); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medicationSchedule.Hour); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medicationSchedule.Minute); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medicationSchedule.Taken); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); command.ExecuteScalar(); return(Ok($"Successfully updated Medication: {medicationSchedule.Id}")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"CreateMedicationSchedule() error \n {ex.ToString()}")); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
// will be removed & moved to NetworkingData class public async void saveElementMedSer(MedicationSchedule med) { try { var c = await _db.QueryValuations($"SELECT * from MedicineServerRecords WHERE Uuid ='{med.Uuid}'"); Log.Error("Count current save Element", c.Count() + ""); if (c.Count() == 0) { Log.Error("STORAGE", "se introduc date in DB.."); await _db.Insert(new MedicineServerRecords { Title = med.Title, Content = med.Content, DateTime = med.Timestampstring, Uuid = med.Uuid, Postpone = med.Postpone + "", IdNotification = med.IdNotification + "" }); _medicationSchedules.Add(med); Log.Error("STORAGE", _medicationSchedules.Count() + ""); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("ERR", e.ToString()); } }
public async Task <bool> SaveListInDBTask(List <MedicationSchedule> list) { _db = await SqlHelper <MedicineServerRecords> .CreateAsync(); foreach (MedicationSchedule element in list) { Log.Error("NetworkingData class saving..", element.ToString()); if (!(await SearchItemTask(element.Uuid))) { MedicationSchedule objMed = await getElementByUUID(element.Uuid); Log.Error("NetworkingData class", "saving obj pi id " + element.IdNotification); if (objMed != null && element.IdNotification == 0) { element.IdNotification = objMed.IdNotification; Log.Error("NetworkingData class", "saving obj pi id " + objMed.IdNotification); } Log.Error("NetworkingData class", "inserting in db.."); await _db.Insert(new MedicineServerRecords { Title = element.Title, Content = element.Content, DateTime = element.Timestampstring, Uuid = element.Uuid, Postpone = element.Postpone + "", IdNotification = "" + element.IdNotification }); } } Log.Error("NeworkingData class", "saved"); return(true); }
public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) { var holder = viewHolder as MedicineLostAdapterViewHolder; MedicationSchedule medication = list[position]; if (medication.Uuid.Contains("disease")) { holder.ivIcon.SetImageResource(Resource.Drawable.pill_lost_pers); holder.tvDateTime.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#1AB188")); } else { holder.ivIcon.SetImageResource(Resource.Drawable.pill_lost); holder.tvDateTime.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#f02b4c")); } holder.tvMedSer.Text = medication.Title; holder.tvContent.Text = medication.Content; holder.medication = medication; holder.listener = listener; string hourPrefix = Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Hour < 10 ? "0" : ""; string minutePrefix = Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Minute < 10 ? "0" : ""; holder.tvDateTime.Text = $"{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Day}/{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Month}/{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Year} {hourPrefix}{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Hour.ToString()}:{minutePrefix}{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Minute.ToString()}";//medication.Timestampstring.Substring(0, medication.Timestampstring.Length - 6); Log.Error("ADAPTER MEDICINE LOST", "on bind view holder"); }
public void AddItem(MedicationSchedule med) { if (med != null) { list.Add(med); NotifyDataSetChanged(); } }
public void removeItem(MedicationSchedule med) { if (med != null) { list.Remove(med); NotifyDataSetChanged(); } }
private bool ItemInListFound(MedicationSchedule item, List <MedicationSchedule> list) { foreach (MedicationSchedule variable in list) { if (variable.Uuid.Equals(item.Uuid)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public async Task insertElementMedSer(MedicationSchedule element) { Log.Error("STORAGE", "se introduc date in DB.."); await _db.Insert(new MedicineServerRecords { Title = element.Title, Content = element.Content, DateTime = element.Timestampstring, Uuid = element.Uuid, Postpone = element.Postpone + "", IdNotification = element.IdNotification + "" }); }
public ActionResult <List <MedicationSchedule> > GetAllMedicatoinScheduleByDay(long personId, DateTime?day = null) { if (day == null) { day = DateTime.Now; } try { var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * " + "FROM MedicationSchedule WHERE 1 = 1 " + "AND CAST([Date] AS Date) = CAST(@day AS Date) " + "AND medicationId IN " + " (SELECT DISTINCT FROM Medication AS med WHERE personId=@personId)", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@day", day); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@personId", personId); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var medSchedules = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); while (reader.Read()) { var medicationSchedule = new MedicationSchedule( (long)reader["ID"], (long)reader["MEDICATIONID"], (string)reader["NAME"], (string)reader["MEDINFO"], (string)reader["EVERY"], (int)reader["COUNT"], (DateTime)reader["DATE"], (int)reader["HOUR"], (int)reader["MINUTE"], (bool)reader["TAKEN"] ); medSchedules.Add(medicationSchedule); } return(medSchedules); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"GetAllMedicatoinScheduleByDay({personId},{day}) method. \n::::\n" + ex.ToString())); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
public void OnMedSerClick(MedicationSchedule med) { var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); var medDate = Convert.ToDateTime(med.Timestampstring); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; if (medDate > currentDate) { alert.SetMessage("Pentru afectiunea " + med.Title + ", medicamentul " + med.Content + " nu se poate marca administrat."); alert.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (senderAlert, args) => { }); } Dialog dialog = alert.Create(); dialog.Show(); }
public bool SendMedicationTask(JSONArray mArray, MedicationSchedule med, DateTime now) { AddMedicine(med.Uuid, now); Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST", "Medication service started"); _medicationLostIntent = new Intent(Context, typeof(MedicationService)); if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.O) { Context.StartForegroundService(_medicationLostIntent); } else { Context.StartService(_medicationLostIntent); } Storage.GetInstance().removeMedSer(med.Uuid); return(true); }
private static List <MedicationSchedule> ConvertPersonalMedicationListToMedicationSchedules(List <Disease> LD) { var listMedSchPersonal = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); foreach (Disease item in LD) { foreach (Medicine itemMed in item.ListOfMedicines) { foreach (Hour itemHour in itemMed.Hours) { if (itemHour.HourName.Equals("24:00")) { itemHour.HourName = "23:59"; } TimeSpan tspan = TimeSpan.Parse(itemHour.HourName); Log.Error("TIME SPAN: ", tspan.ToString()); var dtMed = new DateTime(itemMed.Date.Year, itemMed.Date.Month, itemMed.Date.Day, tspan.Hours, tspan.Minutes, tspan.Seconds); Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST", "item med: " + dtMed); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; if (dtMed < currentDate) { TimeSpan difference = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtMed); int days = (int)difference.TotalDays + 1; Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST DAYS", "days betweet 2 dates: " + days); if (itemMed.NumberOfDays != 0) { days = days >= itemMed.NumberOfDays ? itemMed.NumberOfDays : itemMed.NumberOfDays - days; } Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST DAYS", "days: " + days); var objMedSch = new MedicationSchedule("disease" + item.Id + "med" + itemMed.IdMed + "hour" + itemHour.Id + "time" + dtMed, dtMed.ToString(), item.DiseaseName, itemMed.Name, 5, 0); listMedSchPersonal.Add(objMedSch); for (var j = 1; j < days; j++) { dtMed = dtMed.AddDays(1); objMedSch = new MedicationSchedule("disease" + item.Id + "med" + itemMed.IdMed + "hour" + itemHour.Id + "time" + dtMed, dtMed.ToString(), item.DiseaseName, itemMed.Name, 5, 0); listMedSchPersonal.Add(objMedSch); } } } } } return(listMedSchPersonal.OrderBy(x => DateTime.Parse(x.Timestampstring)).ToList()); }
private bool IsItemRemoved(List <MedicationSchedule> listWithRemovedItems, MedicationSchedule fileItem) { var isItemRemoved = false; if (listWithRemovedItems.Count != 0) { var itemToFind = new MedicationSchedule(fileItem.Uuid, fileItem.Timestampstring, fileItem.Title, fileItem.Content, fileItem.Postpone, fileItem.IdNotification); itemToFind.Uuid += "removed"; if (ItemInListFound(itemToFind, listWithRemovedItems)) { isItemRemoved = true; } } return(isItemRemoved); }
private bool isItemInListOrListIsEmpty(MedicationSchedule item, List <MedicationSchedule> list) { if (list.Count == 0) { return(false); } foreach (MedicationSchedule ms in list) { if (ms.Uuid == item.Uuid) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) { var holder = viewHolder as MedicineServerAdapterViewHolder; MedicationSchedule medication = list[position]; holder.tvMedSer.Text = medication.Title; holder.tvContent.Text = medication.Content; holder.medication = medication; holder.listener = listener; string hourPrefix = Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Hour < 10 ? "0" : ""; string minutePrefix = Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Minute < 10 ? "0" : ""; holder.tvDateTime.Text = $"{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Day}/{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Month}/{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Year} {hourPrefix}{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Hour.ToString()}:{minutePrefix}{Convert.ToDateTime(medication.Timestampstring).Minute.ToString()}";//medication.Timestampstring.Substring(0, medication.Timestampstring.Length - 6); Log.Error("MEDICINE SERVER", "on bind view holder"); }
public ActionResult <List <MedicationSchedule> > GetMedicationScheduleByMedication(int medicationId) { try { var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM MedicationSchedule WHERE MEDICATIONID=@MEDICATIONID", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medicationId); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var medSchedules = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); while (reader.Read()) { var medicationSchedule = new MedicationSchedule( (long)reader["ID"], (long)reader["MEDICATIONID"], (string)reader["NAME"], (string)reader["MEDINFO"], (string)reader["EVERY"], (int)reader["COUNT"], (DateTime)reader["DATE"], (int)reader["HOUR"], (int)reader["MINUTE"], (bool)reader["TAKEN"] ); medSchedules.Add(medicationSchedule); } return(medSchedules); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"GetMedicationSchedule({medicationId}) method. \n::::\n" + ex.ToString())); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
public ActionResult <MedicationSchedule> GetMedicationSchedule(long id) { try { var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM MedicationSchedule WHERE ID=@ID", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); var medicationSchedule = new MedicationSchedule( (long)reader["ID"], (long)reader["MEDICATIONID"], (string)reader["NAME"], (string)reader["MEDINFO"], (string)reader["EVERY"], (int)reader["COUNT"], (DateTime)reader["DATE"], (int)reader["HOUR"], (int)reader["MINUTE"], (bool)reader["TAKEN"] ); return(medicationSchedule); } throw new Exception($"Error. No data to read for MedicationSchedule Id: {id}"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"GetMedicationSchedule({id}) method. \n::::\n" + ex.ToString())); } finally { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } }
// will be updated to save Storage type of data - personal medication public async Task <bool> saveMedSer(List <MedicationSchedule> list) { Log.Error("STORAGE", "saveMedSer " + list.Count); _db = await SqlHelper <MedicineServerRecords> .CreateAsync(); if (list.Count != 0) { _medicationSchedules = list; foreach (MedicationSchedule element in _medicationSchedules) { MedicationSchedule objMed = await getElementByUUID(element.Uuid); if (objMed != null && element.IdNotification == 0) { element.IdNotification = objMed.IdNotification; } var c = await _db.QueryValuations($"SELECT * from MedicineServerRecords WHERE Uuid ='{element.Uuid}'"); Log.Error("Count current saveMedSer", c.Count() + ""); if (c.Count() == 0) { await insertElementMedSer(element); } else { //TODO update pi's id if it's different than 0 Log.Error("STORAGE", "element.idNotification: " + element.IdNotification + ", objMed.idNotification " + objMed.IdNotification); if (element.IdNotification != 0 && objMed.IdNotification != 0) { // await removeMedSer(element.Uuid); // await insertElementMedSer(element); Log.Error("STORAGE", "remove & insert element for pi's id != 0 and uuid already exists"); } } } } Log.Error("STORAGE", "finalizare"); return(true); }
private DateTime parseTimestampStringToDate(MedicationSchedule ms) { DateFormat utcFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'") { TimeZone = TimeZone.GetTimeZone("UTC") }; var date = new DateTime(); try { date = DateTime.Parse(ms.Timestampstring); DateFormat pstFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") { TimeZone = TimeZone.GetTimeZone("PST") }; Log.Error(Log_Tag, "timestampstring parsed" + date.ToLocalTime().ToString()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.PrintStackTrace(); } return(date.ToLocalTime()); }
public async Task <bool> RemoveItemFromDBTask(MedicationSchedule item) { try { Log.Error("STORAGE class", " item arrived: " + item.ToString()); if (item.Uuid.Contains("removed")) { return(false); } _db = await SqlHelper <MedicineServerRecords> .CreateAsync(); string newUuid = item.Uuid + "removed"; await _db.QueryValuations($"update MedicineServerRecords set Uuid='{newUuid}' where Uuid ='{item.Uuid}'"); Log.Error("STORAGE class deleted item new UUid: ", (await getElementByUUID(newUuid)).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("STORAGE class ERROR", e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public void OnMedLostClick(MedicationSchedule med) { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST", "med clicked: " + med.ToString()); var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); var medDate = Convert.ToDateTime(med.Timestampstring); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; if (medDate < currentDate) { alert.SetMessage("Pentru afectiunea " + med.Title + ", medicamentul " + med.Content + " se va marca administrat."); alert.SetPositiveButton("Da", async(senderAlert, args) => { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST", "DA clicked"); switch (int.Parse(Utils.GetDefaults("UserType"))) { case 3: //LoadType3(); var isSent = false; if (med.Uuid.Contains("disease")) { bool isDeleted = await Storage.GetInstance().RemoveItemFromDBTask(med); if (isDeleted) { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST STORAGE", "deleted succesfully"); isSent = true; } else { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST STORAGE", "something went wrong on delete item"); } } else { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; JSONArray mArray = new JSONArray().Put(new JSONObject().Put("uuid", med.Uuid) .Put("date", now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))); isSent = SendMedicationTask(mArray, med, now); } if (isSent) { Toast.MakeText(Context, "Medicament administrat.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); _medicineLostAdapter.removeItem(med); _medicineLostAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } cwEmpty.Visibility = _medicationsLost.Count == 0 ? ViewStates.Visible : ViewStates.Gone; break; case 4: // LoadType4(); var isMarked = false; bool isAdministrated = await Storage.GetInstance().RemoveItemFromDBTask(med); if (isAdministrated) { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST STORAGE", "deleted succesfully"); isMarked = true; } else { Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST STORAGE", "something went wrong on delete item"); } if (isMarked) { Toast.MakeText(Context, "Medicament administrat.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); _medicineLostAdapter.removeItem(med); _medicineLostAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } cwEmpty.Visibility = _medicationsLost.Count == 0 ? ViewStates.Visible : ViewStates.Gone; break; default: Log.Error("MEDICINE LOST", "wrong type"); break; } }); alert.SetNegativeButton("Nu", (senderAlert, args) => { }); } else { alert.SetMessage("Pentru afectiunea " + med.Title + ", medicamentul " + med.Content + " nu se poate marca administrat."); alert.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (senderAlert, args) => { }); } Dialog dialog = alert.Create(); dialog.Show(); }
private async Task <List <MedicationSchedule> > GetMergedList(List <MedicationSchedule> listFromFileConverted, List <MedicationSchedule> listFromLocalDb) { var listWithRemovedItems = new List <MedicationSchedule>(listFromLocalDb.Where(c => c.Uuid.Contains("removed")).ToList()); var finalList = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); foreach (MedicationSchedule fileItem in listFromFileConverted) { string diseasemedFile = fileItem.Uuid.Split("hour")[0]; string hourFile = fileItem.Uuid.Split("hour")[1]; for (var i = 0; i < listFromLocalDb.Count; i++) { MedicationSchedule dbItem = listFromLocalDb[i]; string diseasemedDB = dbItem.Uuid.Split("hour")[0]; string hourDB = dbItem.Uuid.Split("hour")[1]; if (IsItemRemoved(listWithRemovedItems, fileItem)) { continue; } if (diseasemedFile.Equals(diseasemedDB)) { if (hourFile.Equals(hourDB)) { finalList.Add(dbItem); } else { if (!ItemInListFound(dbItem, listFromFileConverted)) { continue; } if (ItemInListFound(fileItem, listFromLocalDb)) { continue; } if (fileItem.Uuid.Contains("removed")) { continue; } Log.Error("STORAGE class UPDATE", "element to save: " + fileItem.ToString()); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; var medDate = Convert.ToDateTime(fileItem.Timestampstring); if (medDate > currentDate) { continue; } if (await SaveItemInDBTask(fileItem)) { listFromLocalDb.Add(fileItem); finalList.Add(fileItem); } finalList.Remove(fileItem); } } else { if (ItemInListFound(fileItem, listFromLocalDb)) { continue; } Log.Error("STORAGE class", "element to save: " + fileItem.ToString()); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; var medDate = Convert.ToDateTime(fileItem.Timestampstring); if (medDate > currentDate) { continue; } bool isSaved = await SaveItemInDBTask(fileItem); if (isSaved) { listFromLocalDb.Add(fileItem); finalList.Add(fileItem); } finalList.Remove(fileItem); } } } return(finalList); }
public ActionResult <List <MedicationSchedule> > CreateNotificationSchedule([FromBody] List <MedicationSchedule> medicationSchedules, int repeatNotification) { //TODO: If the timeframe is week, then repeat on should not be empty List <MedicationSchedule> notificationSchedule = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); try { if (medicationSchedules.Count <= 0) { return(BadRequest("No medication schedules given")); } medicationSchedules = medicationSchedules.OrderBy(x => x.Date).ThenBy(x => x.Hour).ThenBy(x => x.Minute).ToList(); var date = new DateTime(); date = medicationSchedules.First().Date; var count = medicationSchedules.First().Count; var r = repeatNotification / Convert.ToDouble(medicationSchedules.Count); var daysWithNotification = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(repeatNotification / Convert.ToDouble(medicationSchedules.Count))); var refillReminderSet = false; while (repeatNotification > 0) { foreach (var medSchedule in medicationSchedules) { var temp = new MedicationSchedule { Id = medSchedule.Id, MedicationId = medSchedule.MedicationId, Name = medSchedule.Name, MedInfo = medSchedule.MedInfo, Every = medSchedule.Every, Count = medSchedule.Count, Date = date, Hour = medSchedule.Hour, Minute = medSchedule.Minute, Taken = medSchedule.Taken }; if (daysWithNotification <= 7 && !refillReminderSet) { //var refillCommand = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MedicationSchedule (MEDICATIONID, NAME, MEDINFO, EVERY, COUNT, DATE, HOUR, MINUTE, TAKEN) " + // "VALUES(@MEDICATIONID, @NAME, @MEDINFO, @EVERY, @COUNT, @DATE, @HOUR, @MINUTE, @TAKEN); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", Connections.pillboxDatabase); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medSchedule.MedicationId); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", $"Pills for {medSchedule.Name} running low."); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", $"Only {daysWithNotification} remaining."); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", "day"); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", 1); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", temp.Date); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medSchedule.Hour); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medSchedule.Minute); //refillCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medSchedule.Taken); //Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); //var refillId = Convert.ToInt32(refillCommand.ExecuteScalar()); //temp.Id = refillId; //notificationSchedule.Add(temp); //Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); //refillReminderSet = true; } var command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MedicationSchedule (MEDICATIONID, NAME, MEDINFO, EVERY, COUNT, DATE, HOUR, MINUTE, TAKEN) " + "VALUES(@MEDICATIONID, @NAME, @MEDINFO, @EVERY, @COUNT, @DATE, @HOUR, @MINUTE, @TAKEN); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", Connections.pillboxDatabase); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medSchedule.MedicationId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", medSchedule.Name); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", medSchedule.MedInfo); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", medSchedule.Every); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", medSchedule.Count); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", temp.Date); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medSchedule.Hour); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medSchedule.Minute); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medSchedule.Taken); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); var medScheduleId = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); temp.Id = medScheduleId; notificationSchedule.Add(temp); Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); repeatNotification--; if (repeatNotification == 0) { break; } } daysWithNotification--; date = date.AddDays(count); // mult by every?? e.g. * 7 for week } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"CreateMedicationSchedule() error \n {ex.ToString()}")); } finally { if (Connections.pillboxDatabase != null && Connections.pillboxDatabase.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); } } //try //{ // foreach (var medSchedule in medicationSchedules) // { // var date = new DateTime(); // date = medSchedule.Date; // for (int i = 0; i < repeatNotification; i++) // { // var temp = new MedicationSchedule(); // temp.Id = medSchedule.Id; // temp.MedicationId = medSchedule.MedicationId; // temp.Name = medSchedule.Name; // temp.MedInfo = medSchedule.MedInfo; // temp.Every = medSchedule.Every; // temp.Count = medSchedule.Count; // temp.Date = date; // temp.Hour = medSchedule.Hour; // temp.Minute = medSchedule.Minute; // temp.Taken = medSchedule.Taken; // var command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MedicationSchedule (MEDICATIONID, NAME, MEDINFO, EVERY, COUNT, DATE, HOUR, MINUTE, TAKEN) " + // "VALUES(@MEDICATIONID, @NAME, @MEDINFO, @EVERY, @COUNT, @DATE, @HOUR, @MINUTE, @TAKEN); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", Connections.pillboxDatabase); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDICATIONID", medSchedule.MedicationId); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", medSchedule.Name); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MEDINFO", medSchedule.MedInfo); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EVERY", medSchedule.Every); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNT", medSchedule.Count); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", temp.Date); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUR", medSchedule.Hour); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MINUTE", medSchedule.Minute); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAKEN", medSchedule.Taken); // Connections.pillboxDatabase.Open(); // var medScheduleId = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); // temp.Id = medScheduleId; // notificationSchedule.Add(temp); // date = date.AddDays(temp.Count); // mult by every?? e.g. * 7 for week // Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); // } // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // return BadRequest($"CreateMedicationSchedule() error \n {ex.ToString()}"); //} //finally //{ // if (Connections.pillboxDatabase != null && Connections.pillboxDatabase.State == ConnectionState.Closed) // { // Connections.pillboxDatabase.Close(); // } //} return(notificationSchedule); }
private async void GetData() { await Task.Run(async() => { try { await cancelPendingIntentsForMedicationSchedule();//_medications string res = await WebServices.WebServices.Get($"{Constants.PublicServerAddress}/api/userMeds/{Utils.GetDefaults("Id")}", Utils.GetDefaults("Token")); if (res != null) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "RESULT_FOR_MEDICATIE" + res); if (res.Equals("[]")) { return; } _medications = ParseResultFromUrl(res); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "COUNT MEDICATIE " + _medications.Count); } else { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "res is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "Alarm error " + e.Message); } }); Log.Error(Log_Tag, _medications.Count + " _med list med count"); if (_medications.Count != 0) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "current count of medications from server " + _medications.Count); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "start showing what it's in medication list after received and parsed from server"); foreach (MedicationSchedule item in _medications) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, item.Title + ", " + item.Timestampstring + ", idNotification " + item.IdNotification + ", " + item.Postpone + ", UUID: " + item.Uuid); } Log.Error(Log_Tag, "the list is finished"); var list = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); for (var ms = 0; ms < _medications.Count; ms++) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, _medications.Count + " in for"); bool x = await Storage.GetInstance().isHere(_medications[ms].Uuid); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "is here? " + x); if (x == false) { list.Add(_medications[ms]); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "count of meds" + _medications.Count); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "setting alarm for an uuid that does not exist in local db"); SetupAlarm(ms, _medications[ms].IdNotification); } else { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "so the uuid is here and start setting the alarm for them"); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "the item is: " + _medications[ms].Timestampstring + ", idNotification " + _medications[ms].IdNotification + ", " + _medications[ms].Postpone + ", UUID: " + _medications[ms].Uuid); var medDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_medications[ms].Timestampstring); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; if (medDate >= currentDate) { MedicationSchedule medObj = await Storage.GetInstance().getElementByUUID(_medications[ms].Uuid); if (medObj.IdNotification == 0) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "so the uuid is 0, I'm updating the PI'S id and set up alarm for the uuid " + _medications[ms].Uuid); SetupAlarm(ms, _medications[ms].IdNotification); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "UPDATED PI'S ID " + _medications[ms].IdNotification); await Storage.GetInstance().removeMedSer(_medications[ms].Uuid); await Storage.GetInstance().insertElementMedSer(_medications[ms]); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "remove & insert element for pi's id != 0 and uuid already exists"); } else { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "set alarm for uuid that is in local db, pi's id " + medObj.IdNotification + " uuid " + medObj.Uuid); SetupAlarm(ms, medObj.IdNotification); } Log.Error(Log_Tag, "setup alarm "); } } } await Storage.GetInstance().saveMedSer(list); Log.Error(Log_Tag, "saving this list.. "); foreach (var item in list) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "pi id " + item.IdNotification + " timestamp " + item.Timestampstring + " title " + item.Title + " content " + item.Content + " uuit " + item.Uuid); } //test Log.Error(Log_Tag, "start reading what is saved in MedicineServerRecords .. "); var testList = await Storage.GetInstance().readMedSer(); foreach (var item in testList) { Log.Error(Log_Tag, "pi id " + item.IdNotification + " timestamp " + item.Timestampstring + " title " + item.Title + " content " + item.Content + " uuit " + item.Uuid); } Log.Error(Log_Tag, "read is finished"); } await Storage.GetInstance().deleteStinkyItems(_medications); }
private async void UpdateDiseaseInLocalDbTask(Disease disease) { var listFromLocalDb = await ReadListFromDbPastDataTask(); var listForCurrentDisease = listFromLocalDb.Where(c => c.Uuid.Contains("disease" + disease.Id)); Log.Error("STORAGE class", "items for this disease"); foreach (MedicationSchedule item in listForCurrentDisease) { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "item: " + item.ToString()); } Log.Error("STORAGE class", "splitting items...."); //----------------------------------------------- beta var list = new List <MedicationSchedule>(); foreach (MedicationSchedule item in listFromLocalDb) { var obj = new MedicationSchedule(item.Uuid, item.Timestampstring, item.Title, item.Content, item.Postpone, item.IdNotification); string diseaseId = item.Uuid.Split("med")[0].Split("disease")[1]; string medId = item.Uuid.Split("med")[1].Split("hour")[0]; string hourId = item.Uuid.Split("med")[1].Split("hour")[1].Split("time")[0]; string time = item.Timestampstring; Log.Error("STORAGE class", "item splitted " + "disease: " + diseaseId + " medId: " + medId + " hourId: " + hourId + " time " + time); var isModified = false; if (disease.Id.Equals(diseaseId)) { foreach (Medicine med in disease.ListOfMedicines) { if (med.IdMed.Equals(medId)) { foreach (Hour hour in med.Hours) { TimeSpan tspan = TimeSpan.Parse(hour.HourName); var dtMed = new DateTime(med.Date.Year, med.Date.Month, med.Date.Day, tspan.Hours, tspan.Minutes, tspan.Seconds); if (hour.Id.Equals(hourId)) { if (time.Equals(dtMed.ToString())) { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "same datetime" + item.ToString()); } DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(time); if (!(dt.TimeOfDay.Equals(tspan))) { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "different hour" + item.ToString()); obj = new MedicationSchedule("disease" + disease.Id + "med" + med.IdMed + "hour" + hour.Id + "time" + dtMed, dtMed.ToString(), disease.DiseaseName, med.Name, 5, 0); list.Add(obj); isModified = true; } else { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "same hour" + item.ToString()); } } else { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "different idHour"); obj = new MedicationSchedule("disease" + disease.Id + "med" + med.IdMed + "hour" + hour.Id + "time" + dtMed, dtMed.ToString(), disease.DiseaseName, med.Name, 5, 0); list.Add(obj); isModified = true; } } } } } if (!isModified) { list.Add(obj); } } Log.Error("STORAGE class", "new list"); foreach (MedicationSchedule el in list) { Log.Error("STORAGE class", "item: " + el.ToString()); } //----------------------------------------------- beta }