/// <summary>
        /// Finds the video profile for the front and back camera and queries if
        /// both cameras have a matching video recording profile that supports concurrency.
        /// If a matching concurrent profile is supported, then we configure media initialization
        /// settings for both cameras to the matching profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Contains information regarding button that fired event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Contains state information and event data associated with the event</param>
        private async void CheckConcurrentProfileBtn_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Initialize our concurrency support flag.
            bool concurrencySupported = false;

            string frontVideoDeviceId = string.Empty;
            string backVideoDeviceId  = string.Empty;

            MediaCapture mediaCaptureFront = new MediaCapture();
            MediaCapture mediaCaptureBack  = new MediaCapture();

            // Find front and back Device Id of capture device that supports Video Profile
            await LogStatusToOutputBox("Looking for all video capture devices on front panel");

            frontVideoDeviceId = await GetVideoProfileSupportedDeviceIdAsync(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Front);
            await LogStatusToOutputBox("Looking for all video capture devices on back panel");

            backVideoDeviceId = await GetVideoProfileSupportedDeviceIdAsync(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Back);

            // First check if the devices support video profiles, if not there's no reason to proceed
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(frontVideoDeviceId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(backVideoDeviceId))
                await LogStatus("ERROR: A capture device doesn't support Video Profile", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);


            await LogStatusToOutputBox("Video Profiles are supported on both cameras");

            // Create MediaCaptureInitilization settings for each video capture device
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings mediaInitSettingsFront = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings mediaInitSettingsBack  = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();

            mediaInitSettingsFront.VideoDeviceId = frontVideoDeviceId;
            mediaInitSettingsBack.VideoDeviceId  = backVideoDeviceId;
            await LogStatusToOutputBox(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Front Device Id located: {0}", frontVideoDeviceId.ToString()));
            await LogStatusToOutputBox(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Back Device Id located: {0}", backVideoDeviceId.ToString()));

            await LogStatusToOutputBox("Querying for concurrent profile");

            // Acquire concurrent profiles available to front and back capture devices, then locate a concurrent
            // profile Id that matches for both devices
            var concurrentProfile = (from frontProfile in MediaCapture.FindConcurrentProfiles(frontVideoDeviceId)
                                     from backProfile in MediaCapture.FindConcurrentProfiles(backVideoDeviceId)
                                     where frontProfile.Id == backProfile.Id
                                     select new { frontProfile, backProfile }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (concurrentProfile != null)
                mediaInitSettingsFront.VideoProfile = concurrentProfile.frontProfile;
                mediaInitSettingsBack.VideoProfile  = concurrentProfile.backProfile;
                concurrencySupported = true;

                await LogStatus("Concurrent profile located, device supports concurrency", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
                // There are no concurrent profiles available on this device, thus
                // there is not profile to select. With a lack of concurrent profile
                // each camera will have to be managed manually and cannot support
                // simultaneous streams. So we set the Video profile to null to
                // indicate that camera must be managed individually.
                mediaInitSettingsFront.VideoProfile = null;
                mediaInitSettingsBack.VideoProfile  = null;

                await LogStatus("No Concurrent profiles located, device does not support concurrency", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);

            await LogStatusToOutputBox("Initializing Front camera settings");

            await mediaCaptureFront.InitializeAsync(mediaInitSettingsFront);

            if (concurrencySupported)
                await LogStatusToOutputBox("Device supports concurrency, initializing Back camera settings");

                // Only initialize the back camera if concurrency is available.  Otherwise,
                // we can only use one camera at a time (which in this case will be the front
                // camera).
                await mediaCaptureBack.InitializeAsync(mediaInitSettingsBack);