예제 #1
        private void Init(MediaAddInConfiguration configuration, MediaProfiles[] profiles)
            __Configuration = configuration;

            MediaBaseFolderTextBox.Text            = configuration.MediaFolder;
            ViewerDirTextBox.Text                  = configuration.ViewerDirectory;
            ValidateReferencedSopsCheckBox.Checked = configuration.ValidateReferencedSopInstances;
            IncludeViewerCheckBox.Checked          = configuration.IncludeViewer;

            DefaultProfileComboBox.DataSource    = profiles;
            DefaultProfileComboBox.DisplayMember = "Description";
            DefaultProfileComboBox.ValueMember   = "Name";

            FoldersListBox.DataSource = configuration.Folders;
            FilesListBox.DataSource   = configuration.Files;

            BrowseViewerButton.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", IncludeViewerCheckBox, "Checked");

            UpdateDisplayTotalSize( );

            _tooltip = new ToolTip( );

            _tooltip.ToolTipIcon  = ToolTipIcon.Info;
            _tooltip.UseAnimation = true;
            _tooltip.UseFading    = true;
            _tooltip.ToolTipTitle = "Workstation Media Viewer Tips";
            _tooltip.IsBalloon    = true;
            _tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 30000;

                                "The Viewer requires .NET 3.5 to be installed on the machine when running from a media CD/DVD.\nTo run the viewer on machines that only has .NET Framework 2.0 you can include Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installer  or copy the .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 assemblies into the same folder where the viewer is created.\nYou might find the .NET Framework referenced assemblies on your machine under \"[Program Files]\\Reference Assemblies\" folder.");
예제 #2
        public void LoadConfiguration
            MediaAddInConfiguration configuration,
            MediaProfiles[] profiles
            Init(configuration, profiles);

            RegisterEvents( );