private void mnuMiscInputLanguages_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (InputLanguage lan in InputLanguage.InstalledInputLanguages) { Mbox.ShowInfo(lan.LayoutName); } }
private bool ValidarSenha() { if (tbSenha.Password == string.Empty && cadastrar) { Mbox.CampoInvalido("Senha"); tbSenha.Focus(); return(false); } if (tbConfirmarSenha.Password == string.Empty && cadastrar) { Mbox.CampoInvalido("Confimar Senha"); tbConfirmarSenha.Focus(); return(false); } if (tbSenha.Password != string.Empty) { if (tbSenha.Password != tbConfirmarSenha.Password) { Mbox.Afirmacao("Aviso", "A senhas informadas são diferentes!"); tbSenha.Clear(); tbConfirmarSenha.Clear(); tbSenha.Focus(); return(false); } } return(true); }
private void treeInfo_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { try { var menuItem = e.Node?.Tag as GroupedServerInfo; if (menuItem != null) { ShowDataPane(menuItem.SystemInfo); return; } var simpleNode = e.Node?.Tag as List <SuperSimpleColumnTypes.TwoColumnType>; if (simpleNode != null) { ShowDataPane(simpleNode); return; } var cmdLineNode = e.Node?.Tag as List <CmdLineResult>; if (cmdLineNode != null) { ShowStaticInfo(cmdLineNode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Mbox.Error(ex, $"Failed to load '{e.Node?.Text ?? "Unknown"}'"); } }
static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { string message = "An error occured: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e.Exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.Exception.StackTrace; Mbox.ShowError(message); }
private bool NaoExisteConsulta() { if (ConsultaModel.ExisteConsulta(tbData.SelectedDate.Value, TimeSpan.Parse(tbHorario.Text), consulta?.id ?? 0)) { Mbox.Afirmacao("Aviso", "Já existe uma consulta agendada na data e horário informado!"); return(false); } return(true); }
private void btnGerar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (item != null) { MantemItem((item as TreeViewItem)?.Uid); } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void cmdApplyAndClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedLogFiles = GetAllSelectedLogs(); if (SelectedLogFiles.Count == 0) { Mbox.Show("There are no selected files.\r\n\r\nUse Ctrl-A to select all files\r\n\r\nUse Ctrl/Shift And click on row for individual select.", "No selected files", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void Vincular() { if (lvwClientes.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { Cliente = lClientes[lvwClientes.SelectedIndex]; Vinculou = true; Close(); } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private static void ClickExceptionButton(ControlExceptions controlExceptions) { try { Exception exception; Button removeButton; lock (_syncObj) { exception = controlExceptions.Exceptions.Count > 0 ? controlExceptions.Exceptions.Dequeue() : null; if (controlExceptions.Exceptions.Count == 0) { _controlExceptions.Remove(controlExceptions.Control); removeButton = controlExceptions.Button; controlExceptions.Button = null; } else { removeButton = null; } } if (removeButton != null) { try { controlExceptions.Control.OnUiThread(removeButton.Dispose); } catch { } } else { controlExceptions.Control.OnUiThread(() => UpdateButton(controlExceptions)); } if (exception != null) { Mbox.Error(exception, "Sorry! We could not load the data you wanted."); } } catch { } }
private void cmdApplyAndClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _filter.QuickFilters = new List <QuickFilterValues>(); foreach (var item in lstCheckBox.CheckedItems) { _filter.QuickFilters.AddRange(((QuickFilterDisplay)item).GetFilters()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFilter.Text)) { var newFilters = txtFilter.Lines?.ToList().Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)); if (newFilters != null) { foreach (var newFilter in newFilters) { bool negFilter = false; var filter = newFilter; if (radStartsWith.Checked) { filter = $"^{filter}"; } if (radNotContains.Checked) { negFilter = true; } try { var regex = new Regex(filter); Trace.WriteLine(regex.IsMatch("")); _filter.QuickFilters.Add(new QuickFilterValues { FilterValue = filter, FriendlyName = (negFilter ? "<>" : "=") + filter, ColumnName = cboColumn.SelectedIndex > 0 ? cboColumn.SelectedItem.ToString() : null, NegativeFilter = negFilter }); } catch { Mbox.Show("The filter is not correct. Edit or Cancel", "No you dont!"); return; } } } } Close(); }
private void Remover() { if (lvwFuncionarios.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var despesa = lvwFuncionarios.SelectedItems[0] as DespesaModel; var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { despesa?.Remover(); CarregarDespesas(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void lvwSaidas_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lvwSaidas.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var caixa = lvwSaidas.SelectedItems[0] as CaixaSaidaModel; var cadLancar = new LancarSaidaWin(caixa); cadLancar.ShowDialog(); if (cadLancar.cadastrou) { CarregarDados(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Editar() { if (lvwCargos.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var cargo = lvwCargos.SelectedItems[0] as CargoModel; var cadCargo = new CadCargoWin(cargo); cadCargo.ShowDialog(); if (cadCargo.cadastrou) { CarregarCargos(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private static bool ValidarTextBox(IEnumerable <TextBox> lTextBoxs) { foreach (TextBox tb in lTextBoxs) { if (tb?.Tag?.ToString() == "*") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text.Trim())) { Mbox.CampoInvalido(tb.Uid); tb.Focus(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void ApagarConsulta() { if (lvwConsultas.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var item = lvwConsultas.SelectedItems[0] as ConsultaModel; var frmCancelar = new Consultas.ExcluirConsultaWin(item); frmCancelar.ShowDialog(); if (frmCancelar.Removeu) { CarregarDados(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Editar() { if (lvwFormaDePagamento.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var formaDePagamento = lvwFormaDePagamento.SelectedItems[0] as FormaDePagamentoModel; var cadFormaDePagamento = new CadFormaDePagamentoWin(formaDePagamento); cadFormaDePagamento.ShowDialog(); if (cadFormaDePagamento.cadastrou) { CarregarFormaDePagamento(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private static bool ValidarHoras(IEnumerable <MaskedTextBox> lTextBoxs) { foreach (TextBox tb in lTextBoxs) { if (tb?.Tag?.ToString() == "horas*") { if (!DataUtil.ValidarHorario(tb.Text)) { Mbox.CampoInvalido(tb.Uid); tb.Focus(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private static bool ValidarComboBox(IEnumerable <ComboBox> lCombo) { foreach (ComboBox cb in lCombo) { if (cb?.Tag?.ToString() == "*") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cb.Text.Trim())) { Mbox.CampoInvalido(cb.Uid); cb.Focus(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void Editar() { if (lvwCategorias.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var categoria = lvwCategorias.SelectedItems[0] as CategoriaModel; var cadCategoria = new CadCategoriaWin(categoria); cadCategoria.ShowDialog(); if (cadCategoria.cadastrou) { CarregarCategorias(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private static bool ValidarDatePicker(IEnumerable <DatePicker> lDates) { foreach (DatePicker dp in lDates) { if (dp?.Tag?.ToString() == "dataPicker*") { if (!DataUtil.ValidarData(dp.Text)) { Mbox.CampoInvalido(dp.Uid); dp.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; dp.Focus(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void RemoverSaida() { if (lvwSaidas.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var saida = lvwSaidas.SelectedItems[0] as CaixaSaidaModel; saida?.Remover(); CarregarDados(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Remover() { if (lvwFormaDePagamento.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var formaDePagamento = lvwFormaDePagamento.SelectedItems[0] as FormaDePagamentoModel; var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { formaDePagamento?.Remover(); lFormaDePagamento.Remove(formaDePagamento); lvwFormaDePagamento.Items.Refresh(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Editar() { if (lvwFuncionarios.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var despesa = lvwFuncionarios.SelectedItems[0] as DespesaModel; var cadCliente = new CadDespesaWin(despesa); cadCliente.ShowDialog(); if (cadCliente.cadastrou) { CarregarDespesas(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Remover() { if (lvwFuncionarios.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var cliente = lvwFuncionarios.SelectedItems[0] as ClienteModel; var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { cliente?.Remover(); lClientes.Remove(cliente); lvwFuncionarios.Items.Refresh(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Editar() { if (lvwFuncionarios.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var cliente = lvwFuncionarios.SelectedItems[0] as ClienteModel; var cadCliente = new CadClienteWin(cliente); cadCliente.ShowDialog(); if (cadCliente.cadastrou) { CarregarClientes(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Remover() { if (lvwCategorias.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var categoria = lvwCategorias.SelectedItems[0] as CategoriaModel; var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { categoria?.Remover(); categorias.Remove(categoria); lvwCategorias.Items.Refresh(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private static async Task <bool> AskInstallNewerVersion(IStoreFactory storeFactory, ApplicationVersion newerVersion) { if (_skipAskDownload) { return(false); } try { Log.To.Main.Add($"There is a new version available. Current version: {Version}, available version: {newerVersion}"); DialogResult doYouWantToDownload = Mbox.Show( string.Join("\r\n", "Great Scott! There's an update available.", $"Changes in version {newerVersion} include:", "", newerVersion.Description, "", "Would you like to download and install the latest version?"), null, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (doYouWantToDownload != DialogResult.Yes) { return(false); } //SplashManager.Loader.ShowFloatingSplash(SplashManager.Loader.GetDefaultOwner()); //splashFormStatus.Text = "Downloading..."; var packageManager = new PackageManager(storeFactory); string packageFilename = await packageManager.DownloadLatestVersionPackage(ApplicationId); return(PackageManager.InstallApplication(packageFilename)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.To.Main.AddException("Error in AskInstallNewerVersion", ex); return(false); } }
private void lvwConsultas_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lvwConsultas.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var consulta = lvwConsultas.SelectedItems[0] as ConsultaModel; var cadConsuta = new Consultas.CadConsultasWin(consulta); cadConsuta.ShowDialog(); if (cadConsuta.cadastrou) { CarregarDados(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Remover() { if (lvwFuncionarios.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var funcionario = lvwFuncionarios.SelectedItems[0] as FuncionarioModel; var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { AlterouOftal = funcionario?.cargo?.id == 1; funcionario?.Remover(); lFuncionarios.Remove(funcionario); lvwFuncionarios.Items.Refresh(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }
private void Remover() { if (lvwCargos.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var r = Mbox.DesejaExcluir(); if (r == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var convenio = lvwCargos.SelectedItems[0] as ConvenioModel; convenio?.Remover(); listaDeConvenios.Remove(convenio); lvwCargos.Items.Refresh(); } } else { Mbox.SelecioneUmaLinhaDaTabela(); } }