private static MazeInfo GenerateOrGetExistingMaze(int size)
            MazeInfo retVal;

            if (!mazes.TryGetValue(size, out retVal))
                var generator = new MazeGenerator();
                generator.Generate(size, size);
                retVal = new MazeInfo()
                    GoalPosition          = generator.GoalLocation,
                    Grid                  = generator.TheMazeGrid,
                    Name                  = $"{size}x{size}",
                    PerfectGameMovesCount = generator.PerfectGameMovesCount,
                    StartingPosition      = generator.StartingPosition,
                    Height                = size,
                    Width                 = size

                mazes.Add(size, retVal);

    void RevertPath(MazeInfo input, string originFileName)
        MazeInfo WL = new MazeInfo();

        WL.wallPos = input.wallPos;

        List <Vector2i> collectPosList = new List <Vector2i>(input.collectTaskPos);

        WL.collectTaskPos = collectPosList.ToArray();

        List <SpatialTaskInfo> spatialTaskList = new List <SpatialTaskInfo>(input.spatialTaskInfo);

        for (int i = 0; i < spatialTaskList.Count; i++)
            Vector2i temp = spatialTaskList[i].startPos;
            spatialTaskList[i].startPos = spatialTaskList[i].endPos;
            spatialTaskList[i].endPos   = temp;
        WL.spatialTaskInfo = spatialTaskList.ToArray();

        string filePath   = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Levels/" + originFileName + "_Revert" + ".json");
        string dataAsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(WL, true);

        File.WriteAllText(filePath, dataAsJson);
예제 #3
파일: Maze.cs 프로젝트: scrachatron/Babelon
        public void GenerateMaze(MazeInfo inf)

            m_regions = new int[inf.Map.GetLength(0), inf.Map.GetLength(1)];
            bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, inf.Map.GetLength(0), inf.Map.GetLength(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < m_stage.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < m_stage.GetLength(1); y++)
                    m_stage[x, y] = 1;

            for (var y = 1; y < bounds.Height; y += 2)
                for (var x = 1; x < bounds.Width; x += 2)
                    Point pos = new Point(x, y);
                    if (m_stage[x, y] != 1) continue;

예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// When the solve button is pressed beginning either a normal or threaded solve,
 /// changing the solve button to a cancel button and if its clicked again cancelling the solve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void UI_btn_Solve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UI_btn_Solve.Text == "Solve")                             //if the button is in solve mode
         UI_btn_Solve.Text = "Cancel";                             //changing the text to cancel
         if ((_maze._xWidth * _maze._yHeight > 4000) || speed > 4) //if the maze is larger than 4000 sqr^2 or the speed is larger than 4 starting a threaded solve
             //telling the user a threaded solve is being used
             UI_LB_MessageViewer.Items.Insert(0, $"Threaded Maze Starting for file: {_file}");
             //starting a thread and setting the stack memory to 30mb
             Thread mazeThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(threadStart), 30000000);
             //sending the maze information to the thread as an object
             //teling the user that a non threaded solve has been started
             UI_LB_MessageViewer.Items.Insert(0, $"Non-threaded Maze Starting for file: {_file}");
             //calculating the start time of the solve
             int startTime = Environment.TickCount;
             //calling the recursive solve function
             _maze = recSolve(_maze, _maze._mStart);
             //sending the results to a function that will display everything to the user
             solveResults(_maze._steps, startTime, _maze._solved);
         //if cancel was clicked setting the text to solve
         UI_btn_Solve.Text = "Solve";
         //enabling the cancel stated
         cancel = true;
예제 #5
        // constructor for Encog
        public WindowLessTraining(int mazeId, int totalIterations, int maxTemp, int minTemp, int encogCycles)

            mazerepo = new MazeRepo();
            maze     = mazerepo.GetByID(mazeId);
            MazeId   = mazeId;

            TotalIterations  = totalIterations;
            this.maxTemp     = maxTemp;
            this.minTemp     = minTemp;
            this.encogCycles = encogCycles;
            isEncog          = true;

            lbl1.Content    = "# of Iterations:";
            lbl2.Content    = "Iterations done:";
            lbl3.Content    = "# of Cycles per:";
            lbl4.Content    = "Cycles done:";
            lbl5.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            lblMazeName.Content          = maze.Name;
            lblSessionCount.Content      = totalIterations.ToString();
            lblCurrentSession.Content    = 0;
            lblMoveCount.Content         = encogCycles.ToString();
            lblSessionsCompleted.Content = 0;
            lblRandomness.Visibility     = Visibility.Hidden;

            this.Title = "No Maze Encog Learning";
예제 #6
        public void GenerateMaze(MazeInfo inf)

            m_regions = new int[inf.Map.GetLength(0), inf.Map.GetLength(1)];
            bounds    = new Rectangle(0, 0, inf.Map.GetLength(0), inf.Map.GetLength(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < m_stage.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < m_stage.GetLength(1); y++)
                    m_stage[x, y] = 1;

            for (var y = 1; y < bounds.Height; y += 2)
                for (var x = 1; x < bounds.Width; x += 2)
                    Point pos = new Point(x, y);
                    if (m_stage[x, y] != 1)

예제 #7
        //Purpose:  recursive method as an attempt to solve a loaded maze, checking surrounding positions to find the valid path.
        //Parameter:MazeInfo maze - used to determine the current state of maze (solved or not) and the steps taken to solve the maze
        //          Point curPos  - the moved position to check if the current position is a valid path to take
        //Returns:  The maze's updated detail will be returned to check if the maze was solved or not
        private MazeInfo MazeSolver(MazeInfo maze, Point curPos)
            if (!_mazeDets.result && !_cancel)

                //exit conditions
                if (curPos.X == maze.endPos.X && curPos.Y == maze.endPos.Y)
                    _mazeDets.result = true;

                    //changes the state and label of buttons
                    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { btnSolve.Enabled = false; }));
                    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { btnSolve.Text = "Solve"; }));
                    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { btnLoad.Enabled = true; }));

                    //adds the collected final information to the listbox
                    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { listMazeLog.Items.Insert(0, $"The maze is solved in {maze.steps} steps / {_stop.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); }));


                //out of bounds -> return to previous position
                //wall/visited -> return to previous position
                if (curPos.X < 0 || curPos.X >= maze.mazeWidth || curPos.Y < 0 || curPos.Y >= maze.mazeHeight ||
                    _state[curPos.Y, curPos.X] == Wall.wall || _state[curPos.Y, curPos.X] == Wall.visited)

                //will not colour the starting green pixel to another colour
                if (curPos.X != maze.startPos.X || curPos.Y != maze.startPos.Y)
                    _canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(curPos.X, curPos.Y, maze.livePath);

                maze.steps += 1;
                _state[curPos.Y, curPos.X] = Wall.visited;

                //attempt to move position
                MazeSolver(maze, new Point(curPos.X + 1, curPos.Y));
                MazeSolver(maze, new Point(curPos.X - 1, curPos.Y));
                MazeSolver(maze, new Point(curPos.X, curPos.Y - 1));
                MazeSolver(maze, new Point(curPos.X, curPos.Y + 1));

                //reached a dead end, colour the return path to grey
                if (_mazeDets.result == false)
                    _canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(curPos.X, curPos.Y, maze.deadPath);
예제 #8
    public void SetPanelComponents(MazeInfo info, int index)
        mazeTitle.text =;
        if (info.topView != null)
            mazeView.sprite = info.topView;

        mazeIndex = index;
예제 #9
    public static void updateMazeNum(int mazeNumber)
        desiredMazeNum = mazeNumber;
        maze           = listOfAllMazes[desiredMazeNum];

        startPos = maze.robotStartPos;
        startRot = maze.robotStartRot;

        Camera.main.transform.position = maze.cameraPos;
        Camera.main.transform.rotation = maze.cameraRot;
예제 #10
파일: Maze.cs 프로젝트: scrachatron/Babelon
        private void SetValues(MazeInfo inf)
            MapInformation = inf;
            m_stage = MapInformation.Map;
            m_rooms = MapInformation.Rooms;

            roomtries = MapInformation.Roomtries;
            ConnectorChance = MapInformation.ConnectorChance;
            roomExtraSize = MapInformation.RoomExtraSize;
            windingPercent = MapInformation.WindingPercent;
예제 #11
        private void SetValues(MazeInfo inf)
            MapInformation = inf;
            m_stage        = MapInformation.Map;
            m_rooms        = MapInformation.Rooms;

            roomtries       = MapInformation.Roomtries;
            ConnectorChance = MapInformation.ConnectorChance;
            roomExtraSize   = MapInformation.RoomExtraSize;
            windingPercent  = MapInformation.WindingPercent;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// the function that will control the thread while the maze is solving
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maze"> the maze information must be cast back to MazeInfo</param>
        private void threadStart(object maze)
            //importing the maze information and casting it to the correct struct
            MazeInfo tMaze = (MazeInfo)maze;
            //calculating the start time
            int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            //calling the recursive solve function with the mazes information
            tMaze = recSolve(tMaze, _maze._mStart);
            //invoking the delegate to pass the results to a function that will display the results to the user
            Invoke(new delVoidIntIntBool(solveResults), tMaze._steps, startTime, tMaze._solved);
    void PrintToJson(List <WallPos> wallPosList, List <Vector2i> collectPosList, List <SpatialTaskInfo> spatialInfoList)
        MazeInfo WL = new MazeInfo();

        WL.wallPos         = wallPosList.ToArray();
        WL.collectTaskPos  = collectPosList.ToArray();
        WL.spatialTaskInfo = spatialInfoList.ToArray();

        string filePath   = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Levels/" + saveFileName + ".json");
        string dataAsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(WL, true);

        File.WriteAllText(filePath, dataAsJson);
예제 #14
         * Function: private void SolveMaze(object objdata)
         * Parameter: joined structure (including point and maze structure
         * return: void
         * Funtionality: called by the threading to solve the larger maze
         * recursively.
         * *****************************************************/
        private void SolveMaze(object objdata)
            if (objdata is MazeInfo)
                MazeInfo maze_s = (MazeInfo)objdata;
                Point    p_     = maze_s.p_start;

                MazeInfo maze_returned = ((Recursive_Method(p_, maze_s)));

                //invoke to update the steps
                Invoke(new delVoidVoid(Update), maze_returned.steps, maze_returned.solved);
        private void btnSaveMaze_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var repo = new MazeRepo();

            // check name for duplicate
            if (repo.HasDuplicate(txtBoxMazeName.Text) && !editMode)
                MessageBox.Show($"'{txtBoxMazeName.Text}' maze name already exist.", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoxMazeName.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please provide a name for the maze.");

            var maze = new MazeInfo()
                Name                  = txtBoxMazeName.Text,
                StartingPosition      = generator.StartingPosition,
                GoalPosition          = generator.GoalLocation,
                PerfectGameMovesCount = generator.PerfectGameMovesCount,
                Grid                  = generator.TheMazeGrid,
                Width                 = width,
                Height                = height

            if (editMode)
                repo.UpdateMaze(MazeId, maze);
            //var newMaze = repo.CreateMaze(maze);

            MessageBox.Show("Maze successfully saved!");

            //try get by id
            //var mazefromdb = repo.GetByID(newMaze.ID);

            // try to update maze
            //newMaze.PerfectScore = 100;
            //repo.UpdateMaze(newMaze.ID, newMaze);

            // try to get ID Name dic
            //var result = repo.GetIDNameDictionary();
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where RLM is being configured and trained. Call this method and pass the needed parameters to start the training.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maze">Contains all the details of the maze that encog will be going to solve.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTimeout">The given time for solving the maze per session.</param>
        public static void MazeTrain(MazeInfo maze, int gameTimeout)
            Console.WriteLine("RLM network settings:");

            int sessions          = Util.GetInput("Number of sessions [default 50]: ", 50); //Gets user input for the number of sessions
            int startRandomness   = Util.GetInput("Start randomness [default 100]: ", 100); //Gets user input for the start randomness
            int endRandomness     = Util.GetInput("End randomness [default 0]: ", 0);       //Gets user input for the end randomness
            int randomnessThrough = Util.GetInput("Number of sessions to enforce randomness [default 1]: ", 1);


                RLMMazeTraveler traveler = new RLMMazeTraveler(maze, true, randomnessThrough, startRandomness, endRandomness); //Instantiate RlmMazeTraveler game lib to configure the network.
                traveler.SessionComplete += SesionComplete;

                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                //Start the training (Play the game)
                for (int i = 0; i < randomnessThrough; i++)

                // set to predict instead of learn for the remaining sessions
                traveler.Learn = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < sessions - randomnessThrough; i++)


                Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {watch.Elapsed}");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException is RlmDefaultConnectionStringException)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.InnerException.Message}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {e.Message}");
    public override void Init(Transform playerController)
        CollectTaskPosList = new List <Vector3>();
        SpatialInfoList    = new List <SpatialTaskData>();

        // build maze by map
        if (AutoGenerate)
            Debug.Log("generate done, file name: " + saveFileName);

        MazeInfo mazeInfo = ReadFromJson();
        float    scale    = 2.0f;

        ExperimentManager.VRRig.position = new Vector3(entryIndex.x * scale, RigHeight, entryIndex.y * scale);
        ExperimentManager.VRRig.Rotate(new Vector3(0, entryRotation, 0));
        Vector3 initialPos = playerController.position;

        List <WallPos> wallPosList = new List <WallPos>(mazeInfo.wallPos);

        for (int i = 0; i < wallPosList.Count; i++)
            Vector3    position = new Vector3(wallPosList[i].x, 0, wallPosList[i].y) * scale;
            Quaternion rotation = (wallPosList[i].direction) ? Quaternion.identity : Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);
            Instantiate(wallPrefab, position, rotation);

        List <Vector2i> collectTaskPosList = new List <Vector2i>(mazeInfo.collectTaskPos);

        for (int i = 0; i < collectTaskPosList.Count; i++)
            CollectTaskPosList.Add(new Vector3(collectTaskPosList[i].x * scale, initialPos.y, collectTaskPosList[i].y * scale));

        List <SpatialTaskInfo> spatialInfoList = new List <SpatialTaskInfo>(mazeInfo.spatialTaskInfo);

        for (int i = 0; i < spatialInfoList.Count; i++)
            SpatialTaskData data = new SpatialTaskData();
            data.startPos = new Vector3(spatialInfoList[i].startPos.x * scale, initialPos.y, spatialInfoList[i].startPos.y * scale);
            data.endPos   = new Vector3(spatialInfoList[i].endPos.x * scale, initialPos.y, spatialInfoList[i].endPos.y * scale);


예제 #18
        private void Save()
            var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Xml", "", "", "xml");

            if (path.Length != 0)
                var go        = m_FlexGOParent.transform.GetChild(m_Flexs[0].idx).gameObject;
                var startPos  = m_Flexs.Count > 0 ? go.transform.position :;
                var startDir  = m_Flexs.Count > 0 ? go.transform.forward : Vector3.forward;
                var musicPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Clip).Replace("Assets/Resources/", string.Empty);
                musicPath = musicPath.Split('.')[0];
                var mazeInfo = new MazeInfo(m_Flexs.Values.ToList(), m_Scale, m_ReactTime, startPos, startDir, musicPath);
                var xmlStr   = XmlUtil.Serializer(typeof(MazeInfo), mazeInfo);
                File.WriteAllText(path, xmlStr);
    MazeInfo ReadFromJson()
        LevelData levelData = loadLevelList[(int)loadLevel];

        mapsize       = levelData.mapSize;
        entryIndex    = levelData.entryPos;
        entryRotation = levelData.entryRotation;

        string   filePath   = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Levels/" + levelData.fileName + ".json");
        string   dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
        MazeInfo WL         = JsonUtility.FromJson <MazeInfo>(dataAsJson);

        //RevertPath(WL, levelData.fileName);
        //StartPathFrom(52, 9, WL, levelData.fileName);

예제 #20
        public Solution <Position> SolveMaze(string nameOfGame, int algorithm)
            MazeInfo mazeInfo = GetMazeInfoOf(nameOfGame);

            if (mazeInfo == null)
                throw new Exception($"There is no game with the name '{nameOfGame}'");
            if (mazeInfo.Solution == null)
                // Solution is not inside the cache, so create one.
                ISearchable <Position> searchableMaze = new SearchableMaze(mazeInfo.Maze);
                ISearcher <Position>   searcher       = SearcherFactory <Position> .Create(algorithm);

                mazeInfo.Solution = searcher.Search(searchableMaze);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the maze-info of the specified game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nameOfGame">Name of game.</param>
        /// <returns>MazeInfo, null if the game is not exist.</returns>
        private MazeInfo GetMazeInfoOf(string nameOfGame)
            MazeInfo mazeInfo = null;

            // Search in all dictionaries.
            if (SPGames.ContainsKey(nameOfGame))
                mazeInfo = SPGames[nameOfGame].MazeInfo;
            else if (availablesMPGames.ContainsKey(nameOfGame))
                mazeInfo = availablesMPGames[nameOfGame].MazeInfo;
            else if (unAvailablesMPGames.ContainsKey(nameOfGame))
                mazeInfo = unAvailablesMPGames[nameOfGame].MazeInfo;
    void StartPathFrom(int firstCollectIndex, int firstSpatialIndex, MazeInfo input, string originFileName)
        MazeInfo WL = new MazeInfo();

        WL.wallPos = input.wallPos;

        List <Vector2i> collectPosList     = new List <Vector2i>(input.collectTaskPos);
        List <Vector2i> new_collectPosList = collectPosList.GetRange(firstCollectIndex, collectPosList.Count - firstCollectIndex);

        new_collectPosList.AddRange(collectPosList.GetRange(0, firstCollectIndex));
        WL.collectTaskPos = new_collectPosList.ToArray();

        List <SpatialTaskInfo> spatialTaskList     = new List <SpatialTaskInfo>(input.spatialTaskInfo);
        List <SpatialTaskInfo> new_spatialTaskList = spatialTaskList.GetRange(firstSpatialIndex, spatialTaskList.Count - firstSpatialIndex);

        new_spatialTaskList.AddRange(spatialTaskList.GetRange(0, firstSpatialIndex));
        WL.spatialTaskInfo = new_spatialTaskList.ToArray();

        string filePath   = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Levels/" + originFileName + "_StartAt" + firstCollectIndex + ".json");
        string dataAsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(WL, true);

        File.WriteAllText(filePath, dataAsJson);
예제 #23
        // constructor for RNN
        public WindowLessTraining(int mazeId, Boolean learn, int totalIterations, int temp_num_sessions, int startRandomness = 1, int endRandomness = 1)

            mazerepo = new MazeRepo();
            maze     = mazerepo.GetByID(mazeId);
            MazeId   = mazeId;

            Learn           = learn;
            TotalIterations = totalIterations;

            Temp_num_sessions = temp_num_sessions;
            StartRandomness   = startRandomness;
            EndRandomness     = endRandomness;
            isEncog           = false;

            lblMazeName.Content       = maze.Name;
            lblCurrentSession.Content = 1;
            lblSessionCount.Content   = totalIterations.ToString();
            lblMoveCount.Content      = 0;

            this.Title = "No Maze RNN Learning";
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where encog is being configured and trained. Call this method and pass the needed parameters to start the training.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maze">Contains all the details of the maze that encog will be going to solve.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTimeout">The given time for solving the maze per session.</param>
        public static void MazeTrain(MazeInfo maze, int gameTimeout)
            Console.WriteLine("Encog network structure:");

            int defHiddenLayers     = maze.Width * maze.Height;                                                               //This is the default number of hidden layer neurons if not specified.
            int hiddenLayers        = Util.GetInput("Number of hidden layers [default 1]: ", 1);                              //Getting user input for the number of hidden layers, will be set to 1(default) if not specified.
            int hiddenLayersNeurons = Util.GetInput($"Hidden layers rneurons [default {defHiddenLayers}]:", defHiddenLayers); //Getting user input for the number of hidden layer neurons, will be set to "defHiddenLayers"(default) value if not specified.

            var em = new EncogMaze(maze, hiddenLayers, hiddenLayersNeurons);                                                  //Create an instance of encog maze game to configure the network.

            em.EncogCycleComplete        += SesionComplete;
            em.TrainingIterationComplete += Em_DoneTrainingIteration;

            int mode    = Util.GetInput("Select Encog learning method [Annealing - 0, Genetic - 1 default]: ", 1);               //Gets user input for the type of encog training method, e.g. (Simulated Annealing, MLGeneticAlgorithm)
            int epochs  = Util.GetInput("EPOCHS to execute [default 10]: ", 10);                                                 //Gets user input for the number of epochs
            int cycles  = Util.GetInput((mode == 0) ? "Cycles per epoch [defualt 10]: " : "Population size [default 10]: ", 10); //Gets user input for the number of cycles
            int maxTemp = 0;
            int minTemp = 0;

            if (mode == 0)
                maxTemp = Util.GetInput("Max temperature [default 10]: ", 10); //Gets user input for the starting temperature
                minTemp = Util.GetInput("Min temperature [default 2]: ", 2);   //Gets user input for the ending temperature

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            em.Train(mode, epochs, maxTemp, minTemp, cycles, gameTimeout); //Call the Train() method from encog game lib to start the training.


            Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {watch.Elapsed}");
예제 #25
 public MazeSolver(IAmazeingClient client, MazeInfo maze)
     _client    = client;
     this._maze = maze;
예제 #26
        /* Calls the recursive Funtions to solve the required maze
         *  comprised of 2 methods, the event handler for the button and an additional recursive method that will
         *  actually solve the maze.  the event handler will do nothing more than call your recursive method
         *  /passing MazeInfo object and the current maze point,
         *  the return value of type MazeInfo indicates that the
         *  Solve attempt is complete – true=success, false=no solution and the number of steps to the exit
        private void buttonSolve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            stop = false;

            string[] filename = filename_[7].Split('_');
            //indicate a point struct
            Point_Val Point_struct;

            Point_struct.pointVal_ = new Point(0, 0);

            //set the steps to zero
            MazeInfo_struct.steps = 0;
            //assign the initial start points to the pount value
            Point_struct.pointVal_ = MazeInfo_struct.p_start;
            //set the solved to false
            MazeInfo_struct.solved = false;
            if (buttonSolve.Text == "Solve")
                //For implementation, provide 2 paths to maze solutions.\
                //If the maze overall area is larger than 4000 or if the current sleep value is greater than 4,
                //use the threaded solver,
                //otherwise directly solve the maze without a thread.
                if ((MazeInfo_struct.height * MazeInfo_struct.width < 4000) && numericUpDownSpeed.Value <= 4)
                    MazeInfo maze_s = ((Recursive_Method(Point_struct.pointVal_, MazeInfo_struct)));
                    if (maze_s.solved == true)
                        listBoxData.Items.Add($"Solved in {maze_s.steps}");
                        listBoxData.Items.Add($"Maze is not solved!");
                        listBoxData.Items.Add($"We are now using threading to solve the maze. ");
                        listBoxData.Items.Add($"Attempting threaded solve of maze {filename[1]} maze ");
                        if (numericUpDownSpeed.Value >= 1)
                            stop             = false;
                            buttonSolve.Text = "Cancel";
                        //Increase the maximize stack size in a thread spawn ( 2nd argument overload ),
                        //to 20MB to allow solving larger mazes.
                        maze_thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SolveMaze), 20000000);
                        maze_thread.IsBackground = true;
                    catch (Exception message)
            else if (buttonSolve.Text == "Cancel")
                stop             = true;
                buttonSolve.Text = "Solve";
                listBoxData.Items.Add($"Thread has been canceled ");
예제 #27
        /* ********************************************************************
         * Funtion:  private MazeInfo Recursive_Method(Point p_, MazeInfo maze_s)
         * Parameters: Point p_, MazeInfo maze_s
         * Return: Maze info object that indicates maze is solved or not
         * Funtionality: Solves the maze recursively if the dead end is reached it backtracks and showing a backtracking
         * in a different color
        private MazeInfo Recursive_Method(Point p_, MazeInfo maze_s)
            if (stop == true)
                maze_s.solved = true;
            //check if the point is out of bounds if it is return
            if (p_.X >= canvas.ScaledWidth || p_.X < 0 || p_.Y >= canvas.ScaledHeight || p_.Y < 0)
                maze_s.solved = false;

            //check if the point has reached the end if it is return and set solved to true
            if (p_ == MazeInfo_struct.p_end)
                maze_s.solved = true;
            //if there is obstacle wall or the obstacle has been visited set the maze solved to false
            if ((Obs_array[p_.X, p_.Y] == Obstacle.wall) || ((Obs_array[p_.X, p_.Y] == Obstacle.visited)))
                maze_s.solved = false;

            //increase the steps or count the total number of steps it took to solve the masze

            //if we are checking the point that means it has been visited
            Obs_array[p_.X, p_.Y] = Obstacle.visited;

            //set the speed
            if (p_ != MazeInfo_struct.p_end && p_ != MazeInfo_struct.p_start)
                if (numericUpDownSpeed.Value > 0)
                    maze_s.solved = true;
                    int speed = (int)numericUpDownSpeed.Value * 10;

            //If it is not equal to start draw the correct solution
            if (p_ != maze_s.p_start)
                canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(p_.X, p_.Y, maze_s.Sol_color);

            //recurse in all directions if the maze is solved set the flag to solved
            //and return
            //checks x+1 direction  if maze is solved true is returned
            maze_s = Recursive_Method(new Point(p_.X + 1, p_.Y), maze_s);

            if (maze_s.solved)
                maze_s.solved = true;
            //checks the x -1 direction if maze is solved true is returned
            maze_s = Recursive_Method(new Point(p_.X - 1, p_.Y), maze_s);
            if (maze_s.solved)
                maze_s.solved = true;

            //checks y +1 direction  if maze is solved true is returned
            maze_s = Recursive_Method(new Point(p_.X, p_.Y + 1), maze_s);
            if (maze_s.solved)
                maze_s.solved = true;

            //checks y -1 direction  if maze is solved true is returned
            maze_s = Recursive_Method(new Point(p_.X, p_.Y - 1), maze_s);
            if (maze_s.solved)
                maze_s.solved = true;

            //if no solution was found that means there is a dead end.
            //show the dead end in a dead end color
            //this is basically backtracking.

            if (p_ != maze_s.p_start)
                canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(p_.X, p_.Y, maze_s.Dead_color);

            //no solution was found return false
            maze_s.solved = false;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// gets maze from server
        /// </summary>
        public void GetMazeInfo()
            MazeInfo mazeInfo = new MazeInfo(40, 50, 36, 34, 8, 48, 36, 34, "00000000000100000000000100010001000000011111011111011111011111010111010101111101000001000100010001000101000001010001010101110101011101011101010111111101111101010001010100010100010101000001000100000001010111011101011101010111110101110111111101010001000100010001010000010001010000010101011101111101110101110111110101011101010000010000010001010001000000010001000101111101111101110111110111111101111101110100010001010100000001000100010001000101010101110101011111110111010111110101110101010001000100010001000001000000010000011101110111110101011111111101111111111101000101010001010100000000010101000001000101110101010111010111011101010101110101110001010101000001000100010101010101000101110101010111111111011101110101010111110100010001000101000001010000010101000000010111110111010101111101111111010111011101010001000001010001010000000001000001010101010111111101110101010111110111111101010001000100000000010001000001000100000101111111011111110111110111110101110101110100000101000001000001000100010100010000010111010101110111110111110111010111111111010000010001000001000001010001010000010101011111110111110111110101011101010101010101000100010000010100000100010101010101010101010111011111010111111101011101010101010100000100000100010000010100000100010111011111111111011111011101111111111101010000010001000100010001010000000000010101011111010101010101011101111111011111010001010001000101010100000101000001000001011101011111110111011111010101110101111100000101000001000001000001010100010100011101110101110111111101111101010111011101010100010101000000000100000101000100010101010111010111111111110111010111011101010001000100000100010001010001000101010101011111011111010101010111010111010101010100010100000100010001010001010101000101011101011101011111111101011101010111010101010001010100000000010001000101000101000101110101011101111111111101110111011111010100010101000100000100010100000101000001010111010111110111010101011101010101111100000001000000000100010000000101000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111");

            mazeDisplay = new MazeDisplay(mazeInfo);
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// moving through the maze recursively to find the correct path through the maze
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maze">the information about the maze</param>
        /// <param name="curPo">the starting position of the recursive function</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MazeInfo recSolve(MazeInfo maze, Point curPo)
            //if the cancel button is pressed escaping the function
            //setting the steps to zero and that the maze was not solved
            if (cancel == true)
                maze._steps  = 0;
                maze._solved = false;
            //if the maze exit is reached marking the maze as solve and escaping the function
            if (curPo == maze._mEnd)
                maze._solved = true;
            //if the current position of the function is out of bounds backing up
            if ((curPo.X >= maze._xWidth) || (curPo.X < 0) || (curPo.Y >= maze._yHeight) || (curPo.Y < 0))
            //if the current position of the function is in a wall backing up
            if (mazeArray[curPo.X, curPo.Y] == state.wall)
            //if the current position of the function is a pixel that has been visited already backing up
            if (mazeArray[curPo.X, curPo.Y] == state.visited)

            //if the current position is not the start of the maze
            if (curPo != maze._mStart)
                mazeArray[curPo.X, curPo.Y] = state.visited;            //setting that pixel to visited
                _canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(curPo.X, curPo.Y, maze._cSol); //setting the color to the solution color
                _canvas.Render();                                       //rendering the canvas

            //incrementing the step counter
            maze._steps += 1;

            //if the speed is not zero sleeping the solver
            if (speed != 0)

            //attempting to move the solver in each direction in the order (up, right, down, left) moving down 1 level of recursion
            if ((maze = recSolve(maze, new Point(curPo.X, curPo.Y + 1)))._solved)
            if ((maze = recSolve(maze, new Point(curPo.X + 1, curPo.Y)))._solved)
            if ((maze = recSolve(maze, new Point(curPo.X, curPo.Y - 1)))._solved)
            if ((maze = recSolve(maze, new Point(curPo.X - 1, curPo.Y)))._solved)

            //if the maze wasn't solve moving down the chain of recursion
            if (curPo != maze._mStart)
                _canvas.SetBBScaledPixel(curPo.X, curPo.Y, maze._cDed); //setting the current path to the visited color
                _canvas.Render();                                       //rendering the canvas

            //decrementing the steps
            maze._steps -= 1;

            //moving up 1 level of recursion
예제 #30
        async void Init(MazeInfo mazeInfo)
            if (!Learn)
                CurrentIteration  = 1;
                Temp_num_sessions = 1;
                StartRandomness   = 0;
                EndRandomness     = 0;

            replayMemory       = new object[Temp_num_sessions];
            StatusText.Content = "Initializing RLM engine...";
            await Task.Run(() => {
                RLMMazeTraveler traveler = new RLMMazeTraveler(mazeInfo, Learn, Temp_num_sessions, StartRandomness, EndRandomness); //Instantiate RlmMazeTraveler game lib to configure the network.

                traveler.SessionComplete   += Traveler_SessionComplete;
                traveler.MazeCycleComplete += Traveler_MazeCycleComplete;
                traveler.SessionStarted    += Traveler_SessionStarted;
                traveler.MazeCycleError    += mazecycle_error;
                game.traveler = traveler;

                if (Learn)
                    RunUIThread(() => {
                        StatusText.Content = "Training started...";
                    //Start the training (Play the game)
                    for (int i = 0; i < RandomnessOver; i++)
                        locations = new List <Location>();
                        RunUIThread(() => {
                            lblCurrentSession.Content = 1;
                        CurrentIteration = i + 1;

                    // set to predict instead of learn for the remaining sessions
                    traveler.Learn = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Temp_num_sessions - RandomnessOver; i++)
                        locations = new List <Location>();
                        RunUIThread(() => {
                            StatusText.Content = $"Training started... {CurrentIteration * 100 / Temp_num_sessions}%";

                    RunUIThread(() => {
                        StatusText.Content = $"Training done... 100%";
                    RunUIThread(() => {
                        StatusText.Content = $"RLM preparing to play...";

                    locations = new List <Location>();

                    RunUIThread(() => {
                        StatusText.Content = $"RLM Playing...";
                    traveler.Learn = false;

            }).ContinueWith(async(t) => {
                //show AI playing game
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                foreach (dynamic obj in replayMemory)
                    RunUIThread(() =>
                        lblCurrentSession.Content = (int)obj.cycleNum + 1;
                        lblRandomness.Content     = (int)obj.randomnessLeft;

                    foreach (Location loc in obj.moves as List <Location> )
                        var x = loc.X;
                        var y = loc.Y;
                        RunUIThread(() =>
                            maze.ChangeCellColor(new TravelerLocation()
                                X = loc.X, Y = loc.Y
                            }, true);
                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2));
                        //If game is not solved within 5s, go to the next session.
                        if (watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 10)


                    RunUIThread(() => {
                        lblScore.Content = (double)obj.score;
                        lblMoves.Content = (int)obj.movesCnt;

                        if (!Learn)
                            StatusText.Content = $"RLM done playing...";
                            StatusText.Content = $"Showing rlm replay...";


                RunUIThread(() => {
                    StatusText.Content = $"Done. Close the window to return back to the menu and train again...";
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
예제 #31
        public MainWindow(int mazeId, PlayerType type, Boolean learn = false, int temp_num_sessions = 1, int currentIteration = 1, int totalIterations = 1, int startRandomness = 1, int endRandomness = 1)
            mazerepo = new MazeRepo();

            mazeInfo            = mazerepo.GetByID(mazeId);
            RandomnessOver      = temp_num_sessions;
            ClosedDueToGameOver = false;
            Learn = learn;
            Type  = type;
            if (Type == PlayerType.Human)
                this.Title            = "Human Player";
                StatusText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            else if (Type == PlayerType.RNN)
                if (learn)
                    Temp_num_sessions = totalIterations;
                    StartRandomness   = startRandomness;
                    EndRandomness     = endRandomness;

                    this.Title                = "RNN Learning";
                    statGrid.Visibility       = Visibility.Visible;
                    lblMazeName.Content       = mazeInfo.Name;
                    lblTotalSession.Content   = totalIterations;
                    lblCurrentSession.Content = CurrentIteration = currentIteration;
                    lblScore.Content          = LastScore;
                    lblMoves.Content          = LastMovesCount;
                    this.Title = "RNN Player";
                this.Title = "Encog Player";

            game = new MazeGameLib.MazeGame();
            maze = new Maze();
            //Initialize Grid
            game.TheMazeGrid = mazeInfo.Grid;
            maze.InitializeMaze(game, mazeGrid);

            //Init Game
            //game.InitGame(this.MainGrid, new RunThreadUI_Delegate(RunUIThread));

            //Send Keys to Game
            if (Type == PlayerType.Human)
                this.KeyDown += MainWindow_KeyDown;

            // reset static session count
            if (currentIteration == 1)

            //Send shutdown event to game
            //this.Closed += MainWindow_Closed;
예제 #32
        public void RegenMaze(MazeInfo inf)
            Map = m_mazeGen.MapInformation.Map;

            m_LayerSize = new Point(Game1.TILESIZE, Game1.TILESIZE);
            Rectangle temprect = m_mazeGen.m_rooms[Game1.RNG.Next(0, m_mazeGen.m_rooms.Count)];

            m_StartPos = temprect.ReturnRandom(1);

            Rectangle tmprect = temprect;

                temprect = m_mazeGen.m_rooms[Game1.RNG.Next(0, m_mazeGen.m_rooms.Count)];
            } while (tmprect == temprect);

            m_WinPos = temprect.ReturnRandom(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < inf.NoOfChests; i++)
                Rectangle room          = m_mazeGen.m_rooms[Game1.RNG.Next(0, m_mazeGen.m_rooms.Count)];
                Point     possiblechest = room.ReturnRandom(1);
                if (possiblechest != m_StartPos && possiblechest != m_WinPos)
                    if (m_chests.Contains(possiblechest))

            VisualMap = new Tile[Map.GetLength(0), Map.GetLength(1)];

            for (int x = 0; x < Map.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Map.GetLength(1); y++)
                    int[,] m_base = new int[3, 3];

                    for (int xt = 0; xt < 3; xt++)
                        for (int yt = 0; yt < 3; yt++)
                            m_base[xt, yt] = 1;

                    for (int currx = -1; currx < 2; currx++)
                        for (int curry = -1; curry < 2; curry++)
                            if (x + currx < 0)
                            if (y + curry < 0)
                            if (x + currx > Map.GetLength(0) - 1)
                            if (y + curry > Map.GetLength(1) - 1)

                            Point copycord = new Point(x + currx, y + curry);

                            m_base[currx + 1, curry + 1] = Map[copycord.X, copycord.Y];

                    if (Map[x, y] == 0)
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.Floor);
                    else if (Map[x, y] == 1 && m_base[2, 1] == 0)
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.LWall);
                    else if (Map[x, y] == 1 && m_base[0, 1] == 0)
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.RWall);
                    else if (Map[x, y] == 1 && m_base[1, 0] == 0)
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.TWall);
                    else if (Map[x, y] == 1 && m_base[1, 2] == 0)
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.BWall);
                        VisualMap[x, y] = new Tile(TileType.EmptyRegion);