예제 #1
 private void SetMinXAxis(MaxPoints maxPoints)
     if (_chart.TryGetFirstArea(out ChartArea area))
         area.AxisX.Minimum = Math.Max(0, area.AxisX.Maximum - maxPoints.Value);
예제 #2
        public static void maxCircleOutput(IList <IFeature> features)
            IList <ILineString> circles = new List <ILineString>();

            for (int i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)
                ILineString maxLine = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(features[i]);
                ILineString circle  = Circles.getCircle(maxLine.Coordinates[0], maxLine.Coordinates[1]);

            string path1           = @"H:\test\结果\MaxCircle实验测试1.shp";
            var    shapefileWriter = new ShapefileWriter(path1, ShapeGeometryType.LineString);

            foreach (var circle in circles)

            string path2 = @"H:\test\结果\MaxCircle实验测试1.dbf";

            ShapefileWriter.WriteDummyDbf(path2, features.Count);
예제 #3
        private void getPolygons(IFeature feature)
            IList <ILineString> lines    = new List <ILineString>();
            Coordinate          centroid = feature.Geometry.Centroid.Coordinate;
            Coordinate          origin   = new Coordinate();

            origin.X = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature).Coordinates[1].X - centroid.X;
            origin.Y = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature).Coordinates[1].Y - centroid.Y;    //最大点平移到自定义坐标系
            for (int i = 5; i <= 361; i += 5)
                double angle = getAngle(origin);
                double k     = 0;
                angle += i;
                if (angle > 360)  //若角大于360,减去360
                    angle -= 360;
                k = Math.Tan(angle * Math.PI / 180);
                Coordinate point = new Coordinate();  //判定每隔5度的点落在1.4象限,2,3象限,或者X轴上
                if (angle > 90 && angle < 270)
                    point.X = -100000.0;
                    point.Y = k * point.X;
                else if ((angle >= 0 && angle < 90) || (angle > 270 && angle <= 360))
                    point.X = 100000.0;
                    point.Y = k * point.X;
                else if (angle == 90)
                    point.X = 0;
                    point.Y = 100000.0;
                else if (angle == 270)
                    point.X = 0;
                    point.Y = -100000.0;
                point.X += centroid.X; //将点移动回到原空间投影坐标系
                point.Y += centroid.Y;
                Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { centroid, point };
                LineString   line   = new LineString(points);
                if (!line.Intersects(feature.Geometry.Boundary)) //如果所得线段与边界不相交,跳出当前循环,进入下个循环
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count - 1; i++)
                Coordinate[] points    = new Coordinate[] { centroid, lines[i].Coordinates[1], lines[i + 1].Coordinates[1], centroid };
                ILinearRing  triangle  = new LinearRing(points);
                Polygon      angleArea = new Polygon(triangle);
                IGeometry    area      = angleArea.Intersection(feature.Geometry);
                Polygens.Add(area);   //两条线与多边形交出的多边形面积
예제 #4
        private void setMaxCha(IFeature feature)
            ILineString   maxLine  = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature);
            AngleProperty property = new AngleProperty(feature);

            foreach (var line in property.Lines)
                Index index = new Index(maxLine.Coordinates[1].Distance(maxLine.Coordinates[0]) - line.Coordinates[1].Distance(line.Coordinates[0]), "外圆与外边界差");
예제 #5
        private void setMaxCha(IFeature feature)
            ILineString   maxLine  = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature);
            AngleProperty property = new AngleProperty(feature);

            foreach (var line in property.Lines)
                //double index = (maxLine.Coordinates[1].Distance(maxLine.Coordinates[0]) - line.Coordinates[1].Distance(line.Coordinates[0]));
                double index = (maxLine.Length - line.Length);
예제 #6
        public Indexs(IFeature feature)

            MaxLine = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature);
            MinLine = MinPoints.getMinVector(feature);
예제 #7
        public static void maxLineOutput(IList <IFeature> features)
            IList <ILineString> maxLines = new List <ILineString>();

            for (int i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)

            string path1           = @"H:\test\结果\MaxLine实验测试1.shp";
            var    shapefileWriter = new ShapefileWriter(path1, ShapeGeometryType.LineString);

            foreach (var maxLine in maxLines)
            string path2 = @"H:\test\结果\MaxLine实验测试1.dbf";

            ShapefileWriter.WriteDummyDbf(path2, features.Count);
        protected override void AddSpecifiedAttributes()

            if (Start != null) AddAttribute(Start);
            if (Destination != null) AddAttribute(Destination);

            AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Ranges), string.Join(",", Ranges));
            AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => RangeType), EnumHelper.GetDescription(RangeType));

            if (JsonAttributes != null)
                AddAttribute(new JsonRepresentation(JsonAttribute.Include_TypeElement, JsonAttribute.UsePluralNamingForCollections, JsonAttribute.SupressJsonResponseObjectWrapper));

            if (ConsumptionModel != null) AddAttribute(ConsumptionModel);
            if (CustomConsumptionDetails != null) AddAttribute(CustomConsumptionDetails);

            if (RequestId != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => RequestId), RequestId);

            if (SingleComponent != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => SingleComponent), SingleComponent.ToString().ToLower());
            if (Resolution != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Resolution), Resolution.ToString());
            if (MaxPoints != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => MaxPoints), MaxPoints.ToString());
            if (Quality != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Quality), Quality.ToString());

            if (Departure != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Departure), ((DateTime)Departure).ToString("s"));
            if (Arrival != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Arrival), ((DateTime)Arrival).ToString("s"));

            if (JsonCallback != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => JsonCallback), JsonCallback);

            if (TruckType != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => TruckType), EnumHelper.GetDescription(TruckType));
            if (TrailersCount != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => TrailersCount), TrailersCount.ToString());

            if (ShippedHazardousGoods != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => ShippedHazardousGoods), string.Join(",", ShippedHazardousGoods.Select(sg => EnumHelper.GetDescription(sg))));

            if (LimitedWeight != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => LimitedWeight), LimitedWeight.Value.ToString(HereAPISession.Culture));
            if (WeightPerAxle != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => WeightPerAxle), WeightPerAxle.Value.ToString(HereAPISession.Culture));
            if (Height != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Height), Height.Value.ToString(HereAPISession.Culture));
            if (Width != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Width), Width.Value.ToString(HereAPISession.Culture));
            if (Length != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => Length), Length.Value.ToString(HereAPISession.Culture));

            if (TunnelCategory != null) AddAttribute(PropertyHelper.GetDescription(() => TunnelCategory), EnumHelper.GetDescription(TunnelCategory));
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要修改
        /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            // Form1
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
            this.AutoScaleMode       = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize          = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, 5000);
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.Text = "Form1";

            string filePath = "profile-1.txt";

            // 从数据文件>读取数据
            List <double>[] values = GetDataFromFile(filePath);

            int w = this.Width;
            int h = this.Height;

            Chart     chart1     = new Chart();
            ChartArea chartArea1 = new ChartArea();

            Series series1 = new Series();
            Series series2 = new Series(); // for 斜率曲线
            Series series3 = new Series(); // for 斜率曲线
            Series series4 = new Series(); // for 斜率曲线
            Series series5 = new Series();

            chartArea1.Name = "ChartArea1";


            //Legend legend1 = new Legend();
            //legend1.Name = "图标";
            chart1.Name       = "chart1";
            series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            series2.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            series3.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            series5.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            series4.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;


            Random rd2 = new Random();

            double[] num = new double[20];

            /*for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
             * {
             *  int valuey = rd2.Next(20, 100);
             *  DataPoint point = new DataPoint((i + 1), valuey);
             *  series1.Points.Add(point);
             * }*/
            series1.Points.DataBindXY(values[0], values[1]);
            int fitFactor = 10;
            // left to right, padding the most right points
            List <double> k = QCDSDataFitWithDirection(values[0], values[1], fitFactor, 0);

            series2.Points.DataBindXY(values[0], k);

            List <double> k2 = QCDSDataFit2(values[0], values[1], fitFactor);
            //series3.Points.DataBindXY(values[0], k2);
            // right to left, padding the most last points
            List <double> k3 = QCDSDataFitWithDirection(values[0], values[1], fitFactor, 1);

            series4.Points.DataBindXY(values[0], k3);

            // find the boundary of the gap,(point1,point2)
            GapIndex      gap    = findGap(values[0], values[1], k, k3);
            MaxPoints     result = findMax(values[0], values[1], k, k3);
            List <double> left_x = new List <double>();
            List <double> left_y = new List <double>();

            for (double ch = 0; (result.y[0] + ch <= 3); ch += 0.02)
                left_y.Add(result.y[0] + ch);
            series3.Points.DataBindXY(left_x, left_y);

            double heightDiff = gapHeightDifference(values[0], values[1], gap.left, gap.left, gap.right, gap.right);

            chart1.Titles.Add("height difference:" + heightDiff.ToString());

            List <double> right_x = new List <double>();
            List <double> right_y = new List <double>();

            for (double ch = 0; (result.y[0] + ch <= 3); ch += 0.02)
                right_y.Add(result.y[1] + ch);
            series5.Points.DataBindXY(right_x, right_y);


            //chart1.Titles[0].Text = "";
            //chartArea1.AxisX.IntervalType = double;
            //chartArea1.AxisY.IntervalType = double;
            series1.ChartArea         = "ChartArea1";
            chartArea1.AxisX.Title    = "X";
            chartArea1.AxisY.Title    = "Y";
            chartArea1.AxisX.Interval = 0.02;
            //chartArea1.AxisY.Interval = 0.0001;
            //chartArea1.AxisY.Minimum = 16;
            series1.Legend = "图标";
            series1.Name   = "Series1";
            chart1.Text    = "测试";
            chart1.Size    = new System.Drawing.Size(w, h);
            //chart1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50,120);
            series1.Color = Color.Red;
            series2.Color = Color.Blue;
            series3.Color = Color.Green;
            series5.Color = Color.Pink;
            series4.Color = Color.Honeydew;
            chart1.Text   = "ceshi";
            //chart1.Titles[0].Text = "fff";
            //chart1.SizeChanged += new System.EventHandler(DoSizeChanged);
            //chart1.AllowDrop = true;
            chart1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(243, 223, 193);

            chartArea1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(243, 223, 193);

            series1.BorderWidth = 2;
            series2.BorderWidth = 2;
            series3.BorderWidth = 2;
            series5.BorderWidth = 2;
            series4.BorderWidth = 2;
            //series1.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
            //series2.IsValuseShownAsLabel = true;


            chart1.Visible = true;
            //this.label10.Visible = true;
            //this.label10.Text = "【" + tn.Name + "】图";
            chartArea1.AxisX.IsMarginVisible = true;



             * System.Windows.Forms.Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("chart1", true);
             * //找到已经有的Chart1
             * Chart ch = (Chart)controls[0];
             * Series series2 = new Series();
             * Series series3 = new Series();
             * Series series4 = new Series();
             * //新定义一个数据项
             * Random rd = new Random();
             * for (int i = 0; i < ch.Series[0].Points.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  int valuey = rd.Next(20, 100);
             *  DataPoint point = new DataPoint((i + 1), valuey);
             *  series2.Points.Add(point);
             *  series3.Points.Add(point);
             *  series4.Points.Add(point);
             * }
             * series2.Color = Color.FromArgb(rd.Next(100, 255), rd.Next(100, 150), rd.Next(0, 255));
             * series2.BorderWidth = 2;
             * series2.ChartType = ((Chart)this.Controls[0]).Series[0].ChartType;
             * series3.Color = Color.FromArgb(rd.Next(100, 255), rd.Next(0, 150), rd.Next(0, 100));
             * series3.BorderWidth = 2;
             * series3.ChartType = ((Chart)this.Controls[0]).Series[0].ChartType;
             * series4.Color = Color.FromArgb(rd.Next(100, 255), rd.Next(0, 150), rd.Next(0, 255));
             * series4.BorderWidth = 2;
             * series4.ChartType = ((Chart)this.Controls[0]).Series[0].ChartType;
             * //定义线性和原有的线条形状一致
             * series2.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
             * ch.Series.Add(series2);
             * series3.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
             * ch.Series.Add(series3);
             * series4.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
             * ch.Series.Add(series4);
             * //添加数据列
             * /*Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
             * this.Show();
             * Pen pen1 = new Pen(Color.Red, 3);
             * Point[] p1 = new Point[]
             * {
             *  new Point(10,10),
             *  new Point(60,40),
             *  new Point(100,80),
             *  new Point(60,100)
             * };
             * g.DrawCurve(pen1, values);
             * g.Save();*/
예제 #10
        private GapIndex findGap(List <double> listX, List <double> listY, List <double> listK1, List <double> listK2)
            GapIndex  gap = new GapIndex();
            MaxPoints max = new MaxPoints();

            max.x = new List <double>();
            max.y = new List <double>();

            MaxPoints min = new MaxPoints();

            min.x = new List <double>();
            min.y = new List <double>();

            // var v1, v2;  max value
            //var v3, v4;  min value
            int cnt = 0;

            List <double> tmp;

            bool isSummit = true;
            var  v1       = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).Last();
            var  v3       = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).First();
            var  v2       = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).Last();
            var  v4       = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).First();

            if (v1.index < v3.index) //  summit,else valley
                isSummit = true;
                isSummit = false;
            int a, b;

            while (isSummit)
                v1 = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).Last();
                v2 = listK2.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).Last();

                if (isSummit)
                    a   = v1.index;
                    b   = v2.index;
                    tmp = listK2;
                    b   = v1.index;
                    a   = v2.index;
                    tmp = listK1;
                if (a > b && cnt < 2) //cnt < 2 to avoid infinate loop, it may happen
                    // set listK1[0-index] = 0
                    for (int i = 0; i <= a; i++)
                        tmp[i] = 0;
            cnt = 0;
            while (!isSummit)
                v3 = listK1.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).First();
                v4 = listK2.Select((m, index) => new { index, m }).OrderByDescending(n => n.m).First();

                if (v3.index > v4.index && cnt < 2) //cnt < 2 to avoid infinate loop, it may happen
                    // set listK1[0-index] = 0
                    for (int i = 0; i <= v3.index; i++)
                        listK2[i] = 0;
            if (isSummit)
                gap.left  = v1.index;
                gap.right = v2.index;
                gap.left  = v3.index;
                gap.right = v4.index;
예제 #11
 public override string ToString()
     try {
         return(Name + " [" + MaxPoints.ToString() + "]\r\n" + Description[0]);
     } catch (Exception) { return("Failed to convert PetTalentDataAttribute to string."); }
예제 #12
        private void DoLayoutTagContentRecursively(VirtualGameObject child, float offsetX, float offsetY, float viewWidth, float viewHeight, MaxPoints maxPoints)
            if (child.tag == Tag.TH)

            // もし子供ゾーンに入ったら、その時点でmaxPointの値を指定していいはず。
            // で。それを抜けたら、場で保持しているパラメータを、viewWidthとして指定できる!

            child.LayoutTagContent(offsetX, offsetY, viewWidth, viewHeight, (a) => {});

            foreach (var nestedChild in child.transform.GetChildlen())
                child.DoLayoutTagContentRecursively(nestedChild, offsetX, offsetY, viewWidth, viewHeight, maxPoints);
예제 #13
         *      layout contents.
         *      set position and size of content.
        private HandlePoint Layout(VirtualGameObject parent, HandlePoint handlePoint, Tokenizer.OnLayoutDelegate onLayoutDel, Action <List <VirtualGameObject> > insert)
            switch (this.tag)
            case Tag.ROOT: {
                // do nothing.

            default: {
                // Debug.LogError("before layout rectTransform.anchoredPosition:" + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + " of tag:" + tag + " handlePoint:" + handlePoint.nextTopHandle);
                LayoutTagContent(handlePoint.nextLeftHandle, handlePoint.nextTopHandle, handlePoint.viewWidth, handlePoint.viewHeight, insert);
                // Debug.LogError("after layout rectTransform.anchoredPosition:" + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + " of tag:" + tag + " handlePoint:" + handlePoint.nextTopHandle);

            // parent layout is done. will be resized by child, then padding.

            // calculate table's column count.
            if (this.tag == Tag.TABLE)
                // ハンドラで、n x m のテーブルであることが通知できる。
                // 別の話、N文字目に改行があったことが記録として残せるので、要素にidを振ることができる。
                // n x mがわかったら、それぞれの幅をどうしたいかを通知できるはず。
                // 指定したら、その幅を採用する。レイアウトも溢れも。ということはできそう。

                // ッツー感じか。n単位でwidthを返せばいいので、nを受け取ってn x widthを返すのでよさげ。
                var maxPoints = new MaxPoints();

                // pre-layout table contents.
                foreach (var tableChild in this.transform.GetChildlen())
                    DoLayoutTagContentRecursively(tableChild, handlePoint.nextLeftHandle, handlePoint.nextTopHandle, handlePoint.viewWidth, handlePoint.viewHeight, maxPoints);

            var childlen = this.transform.GetChildlen();

            if (0 < childlen.Count)
                LayoutChildlen(childlen, handlePoint, onLayoutDel);

                 * set parent = this content's size to wrapping all childlen.
                var rightBottomPoint = Vector2.zero;

                // fit most large bottom-right point. largest point of width and y.
                foreach (var child in childlen)
                    var paddedRightBottomPoint = child.PaddedRightBottomPoint();

                    if (rightBottomPoint.x < paddedRightBottomPoint.x)
                        rightBottomPoint.x = paddedRightBottomPoint.x;
                    if (rightBottomPoint.y < paddedRightBottomPoint.y)
                        rightBottomPoint.y = paddedRightBottomPoint.y;

                // fit size to wrap all child contents.
                rectTransform.sizeDelta = rightBottomPoint;
                // Debug.LogError("set wrap rectTransform.sizeDelta:" + rectTransform.sizeDelta + " of tag:" + tag);
                // Debug.LogError("after wrap rectTransform.anchoredPosition:" + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + " of tag:" + tag + " handlePoint:" + handlePoint.nextTopHandle);
                // layout and padding and orientation of child tags are done.

             *      set padding if need.
             *      default padding is 0.
            onLayoutDel(this.tag, this.depth, this.padding, this.keyValueStore);

             *      adopt padding to this content.
                // translate anchor position of content.(child follows parent.)
                rectTransform.anchoredPosition += padding.LeftTopPoint();

                handlePoint.nextLeftHandle += padding.PadWidth();
                handlePoint.nextTopHandle  += padding.PadHeight();
                // Debug.LogWarning("実験した方が良さそう");
            // Debug.LogError("rectTransform.anchoredPosition:" + rectTransform.anchoredPosition);

             *      set next left-top point by parent tag kind.
            switch (parent.tag)
            default: {
                // 回り込みを実現する。んだけど、これはどちらかというと多数派で、デフォルトっぽい。
                // next content is planned to layout to the next of this content.
                handlePoint.nextLeftHandle = this.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x + this.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x + this.padding.PadWidth();                        // right edge with padding
                // Debug.LogError("handlePoint.nextLeftHandle:" + handlePoint.nextLeftHandle);

            // Rootコンテンツにぶらさがっている項目は、全てCRLFがかかる。
            case Tag.ROOT: {
                // CRLF
                handlePoint.nextLeftHandle = 0;
                handlePoint.nextTopHandle += this.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + this.padding.PadHeight();

                // Debug.LogError("親がRootなので、改行する。handlePoint.nextTopHandle:" + handlePoint.nextTopHandle + " of tag:" + tag + " rectTransform.anchoredPosition:" + this.rectTransform.anchoredPosition);

예제 #14
        private void getMaxMinAngle(IFeature feature)
            IList <ILineString> lines    = new List <ILineString>();
            Coordinate          centroid = feature.Geometry.Centroid.Coordinate;
            Coordinate          origin   = new Coordinate();

            origin.X = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature).Coordinates[1].X - centroid.X;
            origin.Y = MaxPoints.getMaxVector(feature).Coordinates[1].Y - centroid.Y;    //最大点平移到自定义坐标系

            for (int i = 5; i <= 361; i += 5)
                double angle = getAngle(origin);
                double k     = 0;
                angle += i;

                if (angle > 360)  //若角大于360,减去360
                    angle -= 360;

                k = Math.Tan(angle * Math.PI / 180);

                Coordinate point = new Coordinate();  //判定每隔5度的点落在1.4象限,2,3象限,或者X轴上
                if (angle > 90 && angle < 270)
                    point.X = -100000.0;
                    point.Y = k * point.X;
                else if ((angle >= 0 && angle < 90) || (angle > 270 && angle <= 360))
                    point.X = 100000.0;
                    point.Y = k * point.X;
                else if (angle == 90)
                    point.X = 0;
                    point.Y = 100000.0;
                else if (angle == 270)
                    point.X = 0;
                    point.Y = -100000.0;
                point.X += centroid.X; //将点移动回到原空间投影坐标系
                point.Y += centroid.Y;

                Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[] { centroid, point };
                LineString   line   = new LineString(points);
                if (!line.Intersects(feature.Geometry.Boundary)) //如果所得线段与边界不相交,跳出当前循环,进入下个循环

                IGeometry intersectPoints = line.Intersection(feature.Geometry.Boundary);

                if (intersectPoints.Coordinates.Length > 1)
                    if (points[1].X > points[0].X)
                        line.Coordinates[1] = intersectPoints.Coordinates[intersectPoints.Coordinates.Length - 1];
                    else if (points[1].X < points[0].X)
                        line.Coordinates[1] = intersectPoints.Coordinates[0];
                    else if (points[1].X == points[0].X)
                        if (points[1].Y > points[0].Y)
                            line.Coordinates[1] = intersectPoints.Coordinates[intersectPoints.Coordinates.Length - 1];
                        else if (points[1].Y < points[0].Y)
                            line.Coordinates[1] = intersectPoints.Coordinates[0];
                    line.Coordinates[1] = intersectPoints.Coordinate;


            double titio = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count - 1; i++)
                double b = centroid.Distance(lines[i + 1].Coordinates[1]);
                double a = centroid.Distance(lines[i].Coordinates[1]);
                double h = b * Math.Sin(5 * Math.PI / 180);
                titio = 1 - h / (h + a);