public IHttpActionResult GetDoctorsList(string authId, string name, string client, string email, string phoneNum, string jobLevel, string voiceGrade, int?page, int?count, string sortCol, string sortDir) { try { using (MaxMasterDbEntities db = new MaxMasterDbEntities()) { // stored procedure [dbo].[DoctorDetailsGet] to retreive list of doctors int totalCount = 0; var DoctorsList = db.DoctorDetailsGet(authId, name, client, email, phoneNum, jobLevel, voiceGrade, page, count, sortCol, sortDir).ToList(); if (DoctorsList.Count > 0) { totalCount = (int)DoctorsList.FirstOrDefault().TotalCount; } return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { DoctorsList, totalCount })); } } catch (Exception ex) { new Error().logAPIError(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.ToString(), ex.StackTrace); return(Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "An error occured, Please try again later")); } }