예제 #1
        public double[] FeedForward(double[] x_inp)
            Debug.Assert(x[0].Length == x_inp.Length + 1);

            x[0][0] = bias;
            for (int i = 0; i < x_inp.Length; i++)
                x[0][i + 1] = x_inp[i];

            Debug.Assert(w.Length + 1 == x.Length);

            for (int lay = 0; lay < w.Length - 1; lay++)
                x[lay + 1][0] = bias;
                for (int neu = 0; neu < w[lay].Length; neu++)
                    s[lay][neu]         = MatrixArithmetics.Sum(MatrixArithmetics.PairMult(x[lay], w[lay][neu]));
                    x[lay + 1][neu + 1] = F(s[lay][neu]);

            // the last layer has no bias in outputs
            int last = w.Length - 1;

                for (int neu = 0; neu < w[last].Length; neu++)
                    s[last][neu]     = MatrixArithmetics.Sum(MatrixArithmetics.PairMult(x[last], w[last][neu]));
                    x[last + 1][neu] = F(s[last][neu]);

            return(x[x.Length - 1]);
예제 #2
        public static double CalculateError(double[] etalonOut, double[] sampleOut)
            double[] D = MatrixArithmetics.Minus(sampleOut, etalonOut);

            return(MatrixArithmetics.Sum(MatrixArithmetics.PairMult(D, D)));
예제 #3
        public void Train(double[][] xCookedSamples, double[][] yCookedSamples)
            int outputs = w[w.Length - 1].Length;

            //Debug.Assert(outputs == chars.Length);

            int P = xCookedSamples.GetLength(0);

            double netError;
            int    epoch = 0;

            // ready to start
                double localEta = const_Eta;
                netError = 0;
                // passing all samples
                for (int p = 0; p < P; p++)
                    double[] y = FeedForward(xCookedSamples[p]);

                    double[] D = MatrixArithmetics.Minus(y, yCookedSamples[p]);

                    netError += MatrixArithmetics.Sum(MatrixArithmetics.PairMult(D, D));

                    // do the last layer
                    int last = w.Length - 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < outputs; j++)
                        d[last][j] = D[j] * dF(s[last][j]);

                    // do inner layers
                    for (int lay = last - 1; lay >= 0; lay--)
                        for (int j = 0; j < d[lay].Length; j++)
                            double sum_dw = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < d[lay + 1].Length; k++)
                                sum_dw += d[lay + 1][k] * w[lay + 1][k][j];

                            // d = dF(s) * Sum(d * w)
                            d[lay][j] = dF(s[lay][j]) * sum_dw;

                    for (int lay = 0; lay < w.Length; lay++)
                        for (int neu = 0; neu < w[lay].Length; neu++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < w[lay][neu].Length; i++)
                                w[lay][neu][i] -= localEta * d[lay][neu] * x[lay][i];
                //if (backgroundWorkerTrain.CancellationPending)
                //    goto stopTrain;
                //if (epoch % 5 == 0)
                //    backgroundWorkerTrain.ReportProgress(epoch);
                //    reportEpoc = epoch;
                //    reportError = netError;
            }while (Math.Abs(netError) > eps && epoch < maxEpoch);

            //reportEpoc = epoch;
            //reportError = netError;
            //Debug.Print("Trainig finished with Error: {0}, at epoch #{1}", netError, epoch);