예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Diagonalizes the inertia matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inertia">The inertia matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="inertiaDiagonal">The inertia of the principal axes.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">
        /// The rotation that rotates from principal axis space to parent/world space.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All valid inertia matrices can be transformed into a coordinate space where all elements
        /// non-diagonal matrix elements are 0. The axis of this special space are the principal axes.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void DiagonalizeInertia(Matrix33F inertia, out Vector3F inertiaDiagonal, out Matrix33F rotation)
            // Alternatively we could use Jacobi transformation (iterative method, see Bullet/btMatrix3x3.diagonalize()
              // and Numerical Recipes book) or we could find the eigenvalues using the characteristic
              // polynomial which is a cubic polynomial and then solve for the eigenvectors (see Numeric
              // Recipes and "Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics" chapter ray-tracing
              // for cubic equations and computation of bounding boxes.

              // Perform eigenvalue decomposition.
              var eigenValueDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecompositionF(inertia.ToMatrixF());
              inertiaDiagonal = eigenValueDecomposition.RealEigenvalues.ToVector3F();
              rotation = eigenValueDecomposition.V.ToMatrix33F();

              if (!rotation.IsRotation)
            // V is orthogonal but not necessarily a rotation. If it is no rotation
            // we have to swap two columns.
            MathHelper.Swap(ref inertiaDiagonal.Y, ref inertiaDiagonal.Z);

            Vector3F dummy = rotation.GetColumn(1);
            rotation.SetColumn(1, rotation.GetColumn(2));
            rotation.SetColumn(2, dummy);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Diagonalizes the inertia matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inertia">The inertia matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="inertiaDiagonal">The inertia of the principal axes.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">
        /// The rotation that rotates from principal axis space to parent/world space.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All valid inertia matrices can be transformed into a coordinate space where all elements
        /// non-diagonal matrix elements are 0. The axis of this special space are the principal axes.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void DiagonalizeInertia(Matrix33F inertia, out Vector3F inertiaDiagonal, out Matrix33F rotation)
            // Alternatively we could use Jacobi transformation (iterative method, see Bullet/btMatrix3x3.diagonalize()
            // and Numerical Recipes book) or we could find the eigenvalues using the characteristic
            // polynomial which is a cubic polynomial and then solve for the eigenvectors (see Numeric
            // Recipes and "Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics" chapter ray-tracing
            // for cubic equations and computation of bounding boxes.

            // Perform eigenvalue decomposition.
            var eigenValueDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecompositionF(inertia.ToMatrixF());

            inertiaDiagonal = eigenValueDecomposition.RealEigenvalues.ToVector3F();
            rotation        = eigenValueDecomposition.V.ToMatrix33F();

            if (!rotation.IsRotation)
                // V is orthogonal but not necessarily a rotation. If it is no rotation
                // we have to swap two columns.
                MathHelper.Swap(ref inertiaDiagonal.Y, ref inertiaDiagonal.Z);

                Vector3F dummy = rotation.GetColumn(1);
                rotation.SetColumn(1, rotation.GetColumn(2));
                rotation.SetColumn(2, dummy);

예제 #3
        public void SetColumn()
            Matrix33F m = new Matrix33F(columnMajor, MatrixOrder.ColumnMajor);

            m.SetColumn(0, new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(2.0f, 5.0f, 8.0f), m.GetColumn(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f), m.GetColumn(2));

            m.SetColumn(1, new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f), m.GetColumn(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f), m.GetColumn(2));

            m.SetColumn(2, new Vector3F(0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f), m.GetColumn(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f), m.GetColumn(2));
예제 #4
        public void AddRagdoll(float scale, Vector3F ragdollPosition)
            // Ragdolls are usually used in games to create realistic death animations of
            // characters. The character is usually rendered using a skinned triangle mesh.
            // But in the physics simulation the body parts of the character are represented
            // using simple shapes, such as spheres, capsules, boxes, or convex polyhedra,
            // which are connected with joints.
            // The physics simulations computes how these parts collide and fall. The positions
            // and orientations are then read back each frame to update the animation of the
            // triangle mesh.

            // In this example the ragdoll is built from spheres, capsules and boxes. The
            // rigid bodies are created in code. In practice, ragdolls should be built using
            // external tools, such as a 3D modeller or a game editor.

            #region ----- Create rigid bodies for the most relevant body parts -----

            BoxShape  pelvisShape = new BoxShape(0.3f * scale, 0.22f * scale, 0.20f * scale);
            MassFrame pelvisMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(pelvisShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody pelvis      = new RigidBody(pelvisShape, pelvisMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f, 0.01f * scale, -0.03f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

            BoxShape  torsoShape = new BoxShape(0.35f * scale, 0.22f * scale, 0.44f * scale);
            MassFrame torsoMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(torsoShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody torso      = new RigidBody(torsoShape, torsoMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f, 0.01f * scale, -0.4f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

            SphereShape headShape = new SphereShape(0.13f * scale);
            MassFrame   headMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(headShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody   head      = new RigidBody(headShape, headMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f * scale, 0f, -0.776f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

            CapsuleShape upperArmShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.3f * scale);
            MassFrame    upperArmMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(upperArmShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody    leftUpperArm  = new RigidBody(upperArmShape, upperArmMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.32f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
            RigidBody rightUpperArm = new RigidBody(upperArmShape, upperArmMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.32f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

            CapsuleShape lowerArmShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.4f * scale);
            MassFrame    lowerArmMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(lowerArmShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody    leftLowerArm  = new RigidBody(lowerArmShape, lowerArmMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.62f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
            RigidBody rightLowerArm = new RigidBody(lowerArmShape, lowerArmMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.62f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

            CapsuleShape upperLegShape = new CapsuleShape(0.09f * scale, 0.5f * scale);
            MassFrame    upperLegMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(upperLegShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody    leftUpperLeg  = new RigidBody(upperLegShape, upperLegMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.10f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.233f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

            RigidBody rightUpperLeg = new RigidBody(upperLegShape, upperLegMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.10f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.233f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

            CapsuleShape lowerLegShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.4f * scale);
            MassFrame    lowerLegMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(pelvisShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody    leftLowerLeg  = new RigidBody(lowerLegShape, lowerLegMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.11f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.7f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
            RigidBody rightLowerLeg = new RigidBody(lowerLegShape, lowerLegMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.11f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.7f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

            BoxShape  footShape = new BoxShape(0.12f * scale, 0.28f * scale, 0.07f * scale);
            MassFrame footMass  = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(footShape, Vector3F.One, Density, 0.01f, 3);
            RigidBody leftFoot  = new RigidBody(footShape, footMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.11f * scale, -0.06f * scale, 0.94f * scale) + ragdollPosition),
            RigidBody rightFoot = new RigidBody(footShape, footMass, null)
                Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.11f * scale, -0.06f * scale, 0.94f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

            #region ----- Add joints between body parts -----

            Vector3F   pelvisJointPosition = new Vector3F(0f, 0.026f * scale, -0.115f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint pelvisJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = torso,
                BodyB            = pelvis,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(pelvisJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(pelvisJointPosition)),
                Minimum          = -0.5f,
                Maximum          = 1.1f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   neckJointPosition = new Vector3F(0f, 0.026f * scale, -0.690f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint neckJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = head,
                BodyB            = torso,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(head.Pose.ToLocalPosition(neckJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(neckJointPosition)),
                Minimum          = -1f,
                Maximum          = 1f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F  leftShoulderJointPosition    = new Vector3F(-0.193f * scale, 0.056f * scale, -0.528f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            Vector3F  leftShoulderJointAxis        = new Vector3F(0, -1, -1).Normalized;
            Matrix33F leftShoulderJointOrientation = new Matrix33F();
            leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(0, leftShoulderJointAxis);
            leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(1, leftShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal1);
            leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(2, leftShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal2);
            BallJoint leftShoulderJoint = new BallJoint
                BodyA = leftUpperArm,
                BodyB = torso,
                AnchorPositionALocal = leftUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftShoulderJointPosition),
                AnchorPositionBLocal = torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftShoulderJointPosition),
                CollisionEnabled     = false,
                ErrorReduction       = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness             = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce             = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F  rightShoulderJointPosition    = new Vector3F(0.193f * scale, 0.056f * scale, -0.528f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            Vector3F  rightShoulderJointAxis        = new Vector3F(0, 1, 1).Normalized;
            Matrix33F rightShoulderJointOrientation = new Matrix33F();
            rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(0, rightShoulderJointAxis);
            rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(1, rightShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal1);
            rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(2, rightShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal2);
            BallJoint rightShoulderJoint = new BallJoint
                BodyA = rightUpperArm,
                BodyB = torso,
                AnchorPositionALocal = rightUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightShoulderJointPosition),
                AnchorPositionBLocal = torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightShoulderJointPosition),
                CollisionEnabled     = false,
                ErrorReduction       = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness             = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce             = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F  leftElbowJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.451f * scale, 0.071f * scale, -0.538f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            Matrix33F elbowAxisOrientation   = new Matrix33F(0, 0, -1,
                                                             0, 1, 0,
                                                             1, 0, 0);
            HingeJoint leftElbowJoint = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = leftLowerArm,
                BodyB            = leftUpperArm,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftLowerArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftElbowJointPosition), leftLowerArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftElbowJointPosition), leftUpperArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
                Minimum          = -2,
                Maximum          = 0,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   rightElbowJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.451f * scale, 0.071f * scale, -0.538f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint rightElbowJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = rightLowerArm,
                BodyB            = rightUpperArm,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightLowerArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightElbowJointPosition), rightLowerArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightElbowJointPosition), rightUpperArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
                Minimum          = 0,
                Maximum          = 2,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   leftHipJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.107f * scale, 0.049f * scale, 0.026f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint leftHipJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = pelvis,
                BodyB            = leftUpperLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftHipJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftHipJointPosition), leftUpperLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
                Minimum          = -0.1f,
                Maximum          = 1.2f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   rightHipJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.107f * scale, 0.049f * scale, 0.026f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint rightHipJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = pelvis,
                BodyB            = rightUpperLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightHipJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightHipJointPosition), rightUpperLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
                Minimum          = -0.1f,
                Maximum          = 1.2f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   leftKneeJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.118f * scale, -0.012f * scale, 0.439f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint leftKneeJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = leftLowerLeg,
                BodyB            = leftUpperLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftKneeJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftKneeJointPosition)),
                Minimum          = 0,
                Maximum          = 1.7f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   rightKneeJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.118f * scale, -0.012f * scale, 0.439f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint rightKneeJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = rightLowerLeg,
                BodyB            = rightUpperLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightKneeJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightKneeJointPosition)),
                Minimum          = 0,
                Maximum          = 1.7f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   leftAnkleJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.118f * scale, -0.016f * scale, 0.861f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint leftAnkleJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = leftFoot,
                BodyB            = leftLowerLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftFoot.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftAnkleJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftAnkleJointPosition), leftLowerLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
                Minimum          = -0.4f,
                Maximum          = 0.9f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            Vector3F   rightAnkleJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.118f * scale, -0.016f * scale, 0.861f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
            HingeJoint rightAnkleJoint         = new HingeJoint
                BodyA            = rightFoot,
                BodyB            = rightLowerLeg,
                AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightFoot.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightAnkleJointPosition)),
                AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightAnkleJointPosition), rightLowerLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
                Minimum          = -0.4f,
                Maximum          = 0.9f,
                CollisionEnabled = false,
                ErrorReduction   = JointErrorReduction,
                Softness         = JointSoftness,
                MaxForce         = JointMaxForce,

            #region ----- Add damping to improve stability -----

            if (DampingEnabled)
                // Damping removes jiggling and improves stability.
                AddDamping(pelvis, torso);
                AddDamping(torso, head);
                AddDamping(torso, leftUpperArm);
                AddDamping(leftUpperArm, leftLowerArm);
                AddDamping(torso, rightUpperArm);
                AddDamping(rightUpperArm, rightLowerArm);
                AddDamping(pelvis, leftUpperLeg);
                AddDamping(pelvis, rightUpperLeg);
                AddDamping(leftUpperLeg, leftLowerLeg);
                AddDamping(rightUpperLeg, rightLowerLeg);
                AddDamping(leftLowerLeg, leftFoot);
                AddDamping(rightLowerLeg, rightFoot);
예제 #5
 public void SetColumnException2()
     Matrix33F m = new Matrix33F(columnMajor, MatrixOrder.ColumnMajor);
       m.SetColumn(3, Vector3F.One);
예제 #6
        public void SetColumn()
            Matrix33F m = new Matrix33F(columnMajor, MatrixOrder.ColumnMajor);
              m.SetColumn(0, new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(2.0f, 5.0f, 8.0f), m.GetColumn(1));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f), m.GetColumn(2));

              m.SetColumn(1, new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f), m.GetColumn(1));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f), m.GetColumn(2));

              m.SetColumn(2, new Vector3F(0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), m.GetColumn(0));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f), m.GetColumn(1));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f), m.GetColumn(2));
예제 #7
    // Using a softness value > 0 is important to give the ragdoll a more natural movement and to
    // avoid jittering.
    public static void AddRagdoll(Simulation simulation, float scale, Vector3F ragdollPosition, float softness, bool addDamping)
      // Ragdolls are usually used in games to create realistic death animations of 
      // characters. The character is usually rendered using a skinned triangle mesh.
      // But in the physics simulation the body parts of the character are represented
      // using simple shapes, such as spheres, capsules, boxes, or convex polyhedra, 
      // which are connected with joints.
      // The physics simulations computes how these parts collide and fall. The positions
      // and orientations are then read back each frame to update the animation of the
      // triangle mesh.

      // In this example the ragdoll is built from spheres, capsules and boxes. The
      // rigid bodies are created in code. In practice, ragdolls should be built using
      // external tools, such as a 3D modeler or a game editor.

      #region ----- Create rigid bodies for the most relevant body parts -----

      // The density used for all bodies.
      const float density = 1000;

      BoxShape pelvisShape = new BoxShape(0.3f * scale, 0.22f * scale, 0.20f * scale);
      MassFrame pelvisMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(pelvisShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody pelvis = new RigidBody(pelvisShape, pelvisMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f, 0.01f * scale, -0.03f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

      BoxShape torsoShape = new BoxShape(0.35f * scale, 0.22f * scale, 0.44f * scale);
      MassFrame torsoMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(torsoShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody torso = new RigidBody(torsoShape, torsoMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f, 0.01f * scale, -0.4f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

      SphereShape headShape = new SphereShape(0.13f * scale);
      MassFrame headMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(headShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody head = new RigidBody(headShape, headMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0f * scale, 0f, -0.776f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

      CapsuleShape upperArmShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.3f * scale);
      MassFrame upperArmMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(upperArmShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody leftUpperArm = new RigidBody(upperArmShape, upperArmMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.32f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
      RigidBody rightUpperArm = new RigidBody(upperArmShape, upperArmMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.32f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

      CapsuleShape lowerArmShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.4f * scale);
      MassFrame lowerArmMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(lowerArmShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody leftLowerArm = new RigidBody(lowerArmShape, lowerArmMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.62f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
      RigidBody rightLowerArm = new RigidBody(lowerArmShape, lowerArmMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.62f * scale, 0.06f * scale, -0.53f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

      CapsuleShape upperLegShape = new CapsuleShape(0.09f * scale, 0.5f * scale);
      MassFrame upperLegMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(upperLegShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody leftUpperLeg = new RigidBody(upperLegShape, upperLegMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.10f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.233f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

      RigidBody rightUpperLeg = new RigidBody(upperLegShape, upperLegMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.10f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.233f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

      CapsuleShape lowerLegShape = new CapsuleShape(0.08f * scale, 0.4f * scale);
      MassFrame lowerLegMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(pelvisShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody leftLowerLeg = new RigidBody(lowerLegShape, lowerLegMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.11f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.7f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),
      RigidBody rightLowerLeg = new RigidBody(lowerLegShape, lowerLegMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.11f * scale, 0.01f * scale, 0.7f * scale) + ragdollPosition, Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(ConstantsF.PiOver2)),

      BoxShape footShape = new BoxShape(0.12f * scale, 0.28f * scale, 0.07f * scale);
      MassFrame footMass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndDensity(footShape, Vector3F.One, density, 0.01f, 3);
      RigidBody leftFoot = new RigidBody(footShape, footMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-0.11f * scale, -0.06f * scale, 0.94f * scale) + ragdollPosition),
      RigidBody rightFoot = new RigidBody(footShape, footMass, null)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0.11f * scale, -0.06f * scale, 0.94f * scale) + ragdollPosition),

      #region ----- Add joints between body parts -----

      float errorReduction = 0.3f;
      float maxForce = float.PositiveInfinity;

      Vector3F pelvisJointPosition = new Vector3F(0f, 0.026f * scale, -0.115f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint pelvisJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = torso,
        BodyB = pelvis,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(pelvisJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(pelvisJointPosition)),
        Minimum = -0.5f,
        Maximum = 1.1f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F neckJointPosition = new Vector3F(0f, 0.026f * scale, -0.690f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint neckJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = head,
        BodyB = torso,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(head.Pose.ToLocalPosition(neckJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(neckJointPosition)),
        Minimum = -1f,
        Maximum = 1f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F leftShoulderJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.193f * scale, 0.056f * scale, -0.528f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      Vector3F leftShoulderJointAxis = new Vector3F(0, -1, -1).Normalized;
      Matrix33F leftShoulderJointOrientation = new Matrix33F();
      leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(0, leftShoulderJointAxis);
      leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(1, leftShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal1);
      leftShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(2, leftShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal2);
      BallJoint leftShoulderJoint = new BallJoint
        BodyA = leftUpperArm,
        BodyB = torso,
        AnchorPositionALocal = leftUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftShoulderJointPosition),
        AnchorPositionBLocal = torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftShoulderJointPosition),
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F rightShoulderJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.193f * scale, 0.056f * scale, -0.528f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      Vector3F rightShoulderJointAxis = new Vector3F(0, 1, 1).Normalized;
      Matrix33F rightShoulderJointOrientation = new Matrix33F();
      rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(0, rightShoulderJointAxis);
      rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(1, rightShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal1);
      rightShoulderJointOrientation.SetColumn(2, rightShoulderJointAxis.Orthonormal2);
      BallJoint rightShoulderJoint = new BallJoint
        BodyA = rightUpperArm,
        BodyB = torso,
        AnchorPositionALocal = rightUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightShoulderJointPosition),
        AnchorPositionBLocal = torso.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightShoulderJointPosition),
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F leftElbowJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.451f * scale, 0.071f * scale, -0.538f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      Matrix33F elbowAxisOrientation = new Matrix33F(0, 0, -1,
                                                     0, 1, 0,
                                                     1, 0, 0);
      HingeJoint leftElbowJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = leftLowerArm,
        BodyB = leftUpperArm,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftLowerArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftElbowJointPosition), leftLowerArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftElbowJointPosition), leftUpperArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
        Minimum = -2,
        Maximum = 0,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F rightElbowJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.451f * scale, 0.071f * scale, -0.538f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint rightElbowJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = rightLowerArm,
        BodyB = rightUpperArm,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightLowerArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightElbowJointPosition), rightLowerArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperArm.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightElbowJointPosition), rightUpperArm.Pose.Orientation.Inverse * elbowAxisOrientation),
        Minimum = 0,
        Maximum = 2,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F leftHipJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.107f * scale, 0.049f * scale, 0.026f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint leftHipJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = pelvis,
        BodyB = leftUpperLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftHipJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftHipJointPosition), leftUpperLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
        Minimum = -0.1f,
        Maximum = 1.2f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F rightHipJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.107f * scale, 0.049f * scale, 0.026f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint rightHipJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = pelvis,
        BodyB = rightUpperLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(pelvis.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightHipJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightHipJointPosition), rightUpperLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
        Minimum = -0.1f,
        Maximum = 1.2f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F leftKneeJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.118f * scale, -0.012f * scale, 0.439f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint leftKneeJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = leftLowerLeg,
        BodyB = leftUpperLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftKneeJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftKneeJointPosition)),
        Minimum = 0,
        Maximum = 1.7f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F rightKneeJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.118f * scale, -0.012f * scale, 0.439f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint rightKneeJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = rightLowerLeg,
        BodyB = rightUpperLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightKneeJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightUpperLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightKneeJointPosition)),
        Minimum = 0,
        Maximum = 1.7f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F leftAnkleJointPosition = new Vector3F(-0.118f * scale, -0.016f * scale, 0.861f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint leftAnkleJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = leftFoot,
        BodyB = leftLowerLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(leftFoot.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftAnkleJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(leftLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(leftAnkleJointPosition), leftLowerLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
        Minimum = -0.4f,
        Maximum = 0.9f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      Vector3F rightAnkleJointPosition = new Vector3F(0.118f * scale, -0.016f * scale, 0.861f * scale) + ragdollPosition;
      HingeJoint rightAnkleJoint = new HingeJoint
        BodyA = rightFoot,
        BodyB = rightLowerLeg,
        AnchorPoseALocal = new Pose(rightFoot.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightAnkleJointPosition)),
        AnchorPoseBLocal = new Pose(rightLowerLeg.Pose.ToLocalPosition(rightAnkleJointPosition), rightLowerLeg.Pose.Orientation.Inverse),
        Minimum = -0.4f,
        Maximum = 0.9f,
        CollisionEnabled = false,
        ErrorReduction = errorReduction,
        Softness = softness,
        MaxForce = maxForce,

      #region ----- Add damping to improve stability -----

      if (addDamping)
        // Damping removes jiggling and improves stability.
        softness = 0.05f;
        maxForce = float.PositiveInfinity;

        AddDamping(simulation, pelvis, torso, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, torso, head, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, torso, leftUpperArm, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, leftUpperArm, leftLowerArm, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, torso, rightUpperArm, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, rightUpperArm, rightLowerArm, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, pelvis, leftUpperLeg, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, pelvis, rightUpperLeg, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, leftUpperLeg, leftLowerLeg, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, rightUpperLeg, rightLowerLeg, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, leftLowerLeg, leftFoot, softness, maxForce);
        AddDamping(simulation, rightLowerLeg, rightFoot, softness, maxForce);
예제 #8
        public void SetColumnException2()
            Matrix33F m = new Matrix33F(columnMajor, MatrixOrder.ColumnMajor);

            m.SetColumn(3, Vector3F.One);