public static HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo , Vector[] coords , FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv , ILinAlg ila , double thres_zeroblk = 0.001 , IterOption iteropt = IterOption.Matlab_experimental , string[] options = null ) { bool rediag = true; HessMatrix H = null; List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv = null; int numca = 0; double[] reMass = null; object[] reAtoms = null; Vector[] reCoords = null; Tuple <int[], int[][]> idxKeepRemv = null; //System.Console.WriteLine("begin re-indexing hess"); { object[] atoms = hessinfo.atoms; idxKeepRemv = GetIdxKeepListRemv(atoms, coords); int[] idxKeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; int[][] idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2; { List <int> check = new List <int>(); check.AddRange(idxKeep); foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv) { check.AddRange(idxRemv); } check = check.HToHashSet().ToList(); if (check.Count != coords.Length) { throw new Exception("the re-index contains the duplicated atoms or the missing atoms"); } } List <int> idxs = new List <int>(); idxs.AddRange(idxKeep); foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv) { idxs.AddRange(idxRemv); } HDebug.Assert(idxs.Count == idxs.HToHashSet().Count); H = hessinfo.hess.ReshapeByAtom(idxs); numca = idxKeep.Length; reMass = hessinfo.mass.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs); reAtoms = hessinfo.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs); reCoords = coords.HSelectByIndex(idxs); int nidx = idxKeep.Length; lstNewIdxRemv = new List <int> [idxsRemv.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < idxsRemv.Length; i++) { lstNewIdxRemv[i] = new List <int>(); foreach (var idx in idxsRemv[i]) { lstNewIdxRemv[i].Add(nidx); nidx++; } } HDebug.Assert(nidx == lstNewIdxRemv.Last().Last() + 1); HDebug.Assert(nidx == idxs.Count); } GC.Collect(0); HDebug.Assert(numca == H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum()); //if(bool.Parse("false")) { if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { int[] idxKeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; int[][] idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2; Pdb.Atom[] pdbatoms = hessinfo.atomsAsUniverseAtom.ListPdbAtoms(); Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-keeps.pdb", pdbatoms.HSelectByIndex(idxKeep), false); if (HFile.Exists(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb")) { HFile.Delete(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb"); } foreach (int[] idxremv in idxsRemv.Reverse()) { List <Pdb.Element> delatoms = new List <Pdb.Element>(); foreach (int idx in idxremv) { if (pdbatoms[idx] == null) { continue; } string line = pdbatoms[idx].GetUpdatedLine(coords[idx]); Pdb.Atom delatom = Pdb.Atom.FromString(line); delatoms.Add(delatom); } Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb", delatoms.ToArray(), true); } } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { // export matrix to matlab, so the matrix can be checked in there. int[] idxca = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray(); Matlab.Register(@"C:\temp\"); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)"); Matlab.Clear(); } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { HDirectory.CreateDirectory(@"K:\temp\$coarse-graining\"); { // export original hessian matrix List <int> cs = new List <int>(); List <int> rs = new List <int>(); foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in hessinfo.hess.EnumBlocks()) { cs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item1); rs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item2); } Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("hess = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));"); Matlab.Execute("hess = float(hess);"); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(hess)"); Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);"); Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);"); Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-original.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');"); Matlab.Clear(); } { // export reshuffled hessian matrix List <int> cs = new List <int>(); List <int> rs = new List <int>(); foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks()) { cs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item1); rs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item2); } Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("H = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));"); Matlab.Execute("H = float(H);"); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)"); Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);"); Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);"); Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-reshuffled.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');"); Matlab.Clear(); } } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { int[] idxca = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray(); HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxca); HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxoth); HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxca); HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxoth); Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("A", A.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("B", B.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("C", C.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("D", D.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.Clear(); } #endregion } List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = null; { object[] atoms = reAtoms; // reAtoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]); CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl info = null; switch (iteropt) { case IterOption.ILinAlg_20150329: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg_20150329(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false); break; case IterOption.ILinAlg: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false); break; case IterOption.Matlab: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.Matlab_experimental: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_experimental(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.Matlab_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.LinAlg_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_LinAlg_IterLowerTri.Do(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; } ; H = info.H; iterinfos = info.iterinfos; } //{ // var info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk); // H = info.H; //} GC.Collect(0); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { int nidx = 0; int[] ikeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; foreach (int idx in ikeep) { bool equal = object.ReferenceEquals(hessinfo.atoms[idx], reAtoms[nidx]); if (equal == false) { HDebug.Assert(false); } HDebug.Assert(equal); nidx++; } } if (rediag) { H = H.CorrectHessDiag(); } //System.Console.WriteLine("finish fixing diag"); return(new HessInfoCoarseResiIter { hess = H, mass = reMass.HSelectCount(numca), atoms = reAtoms.HSelectCount(numca), coords = reCoords.HSelectCount(numca), numZeroEigval = 6, iterinfos = iterinfos, }); }