예제 #1
    //Update and set all animation properties related to movement
    private void UpdateMovementAnimations(Vector3 moveDir)
        //lerp movement floats so blend tree is smooth
        float currentFDirection = AnimatorRef.GetFloat("ForwardDirection");
        float currentRDirection = AnimatorRef.GetFloat("RightDirection");

        //forward direction
        if (MathFunc.AlmostEquals(currentFDirection, moveDir.z))
            currentFDirection = moveDir.z;
        else if (moveDir.z < currentFDirection)
            currentFDirection -= Time.deltaTime * 2.0f;
        else if (moveDir.z > currentFDirection)
            currentFDirection += Time.deltaTime * 2.0f;

        //left/right direction
        if (MathFunc.AlmostEquals(currentRDirection, moveDir.x))
            currentRDirection = moveDir.x;
        else if (moveDir.x < currentRDirection)
            currentRDirection -= Time.deltaTime * 2.0f;
        else if (moveDir.x > currentRDirection)
            currentRDirection += Time.deltaTime * 2.0f;

        if (m_IsSprinting)
            AnimatorRef.SetFloat("ForwardDirection", currentFDirection);
            AnimatorRef.SetFloat("ForwardDirection", Mathf.Clamp(currentFDirection, -1.0f, 0.5f));

        AnimatorRef.SetFloat("RightDirection", currentRDirection);

        AnimatorRef.SetBool("InAir", m_IsInAir);

        //if true, set animation for jumping off the ground
        AnimatorRef.SetBool("IsJumping", m_IsJumping);

        //if true, set animation for landing on the ground
        AnimatorRef.SetBool("IsLanding", m_IsLanding);
예제 #2
        public override void OnFirstTreeCall()
            float randomXInRoom = Random.Range(0, m_RoomWidth);
            float randomZInRoom = Random.Range(0, m_RoomLength);

            Vector3 posInRoom = new Vector3(randomXInRoom, m_RoomHeight, randomZInRoom);

            posInRoom = m_AIReference.MyIslandRoom.transform.TransformPoint(posInRoom);

            Vector3 hitPoint = AIUtilits.CalcClosestPositionOnNavMeshBelowPos(posInRoom.x, posInRoom.z, posInRoom.y, m_AIReference.transform.position.y, 5.0f);

            if (!MathFunc.AlmostEquals(hitPoint, posInRoom))

예제 #3
        public override BehaviourState UpdateNodeBehaviour()
            //if the agent isn't on the Nav mesh then it cannot possibly move on the nav mesh. Return failed.
            if (!m_AIReference.Agent.isOnNavMesh)

            if (((m_AIReference.transform.position - m_AIReference.Target.transform.position).magnitude > MathFunc.LargeEpsilon) &&
                !MathFunc.AlmostEquals(m_AIReference.Agent.destination, m_AIReference.Target.transform.position))

예제 #4
        private void MovePlayerToCenter()
            foreach (Player player in m_PlayerList)
                //get the line relative to the player
                Vector3 currentPlayerLine = LocalLineRenderer.GetPosition(player.PlayerNumber * 2 - 1);

                //get the direction to the player that the line tip needs to move to
                Vector3 directionToSpearTip = m_SpearHomePosition - currentPlayerLine;

                //calculate the amount that the "chain" must move this frame towards the origin
                Vector3 amountToMove = (directionToSpearTip * ChainReturnSpeed * Time.deltaTime) + currentPlayerLine;
                //set the position in the local line renderer to represent the new location that the line renderer will be
                LocalLineRenderer.SetPosition(player.PlayerNumber * 2 - 1, amountToMove);

                //next if the player's photon view is the local one then we need to move the player
                if (player.photonView.isMine && m_PlayersBeingPulled[player.PlayerNumber - 1])
                    //calcualte the direction that the player must travel in order to get back to the origin where the spear tip is located
                    directionToSpearTip = m_SpearHomePosition - player.transform.position;

                    //calcualte the change in frames how much the player will travel
                    player.transform.position += directionToSpearTip * Time.deltaTime * ChainReturnSpeed;

                    //next we raycast to see if the player hit any thing right behind them when being pulled. This is done to see if the chain will break
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    if (Physics.Raycast(player.transform.position, directionToSpearTip, out hit, (player.transform.position - m_SpearHomePosition).magnitude))
                        //check to see if the distance from the hit point to the player is almost nothing and if it is then break the chain
                        if ((hit.point - player.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < (MathFunc.LargeEpsilon * MathFunc.LargeEpsilon))

                    //finally we determine if the chain has returned and the local player's chain should be broken
                    if (MathFunc.AlmostEquals(LocalLineRenderer.GetPosition(player.PlayerNumber * 2 - 1), LocalLineRenderer.GetPosition(0), 6.0f) ||
                        MathFunc.AlmostEquals(player.transform.position, m_SpearHomePosition, 5.0f))
                        //if the positions pretty much overlap that means that it's time for the chain to break and the player to be released back into the wild

                bool attackFinished = false;
                //if there's more then 1 element in the players being pulled array then check if both values are true. If both values are true then
                //the chains no longer need to be pulled and the attack is over. else the attack is over if the only element in the array is true
                if (m_PlayersBeingPulled.Length > 1)
                    if (!m_PlayersBeingPulled[0] && !m_PlayersBeingPulled[1])
                        attackFinished = true;
                else if (!m_PlayersBeingPulled[0])
                    attackFinished = true;

                //if the attack is done then set sendingchains to false and turn the local linerenderer off
                if (attackFinished)
                    m_SendingChains           = false;
                    LocalLineRenderer.enabled = false;