예제 #1
        // Test in-app and window acrylic created while in fallback mode
        void RunAcrylicCreatedInFallbackMode()
            using (var setup = new MaterialSetupHelper(true /* ignoreAreEffectsFast*/, true /* simulateDisabledByPolicy */))
                // Test app acrylic
                _acrylicBrush = new AcrylicBrush
                    BackgroundSource = AcrylicBackgroundSource.Backdrop,
                    FallbackColor    = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0xFF),
                    TintOpacity      = TintOpacity.Value

                _acrylicTestApi.AcrylicBrush = _acrylicBrush;

                Rectangle1.Fill = _acrylicBrush;
                bool result1 = VerifyFallbackColor();

                // Test window acrylic
                _acrylicBrush = new AcrylicBrush
                    BackgroundSource = AcrylicBackgroundSource.HostBackdrop,
                    FallbackColor    = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x0, 0xFF, 0xFF),
                    TintOpacity      = TintOpacity.Value
                _acrylicTestApi.AcrylicBrush = _acrylicBrush;

                Rectangle1.Fill = _acrylicBrush;
                bool result2 = VerifyFallbackColor();

                TestResult.Text = "AcrylicCreatedInFallbackMode: " + (result1 && result2 ? "Passed" : "Failed ");
예제 #2
        private void RunTestButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var setup = new MaterialSetupHelper())
                // Initialize local references to Page.Resources overrides for the RevealBrushes we'll use
                _resourceButtonRevealBackgroundBrush        = Resources["ButtonRevealBackground"] as RevealBackgroundBrush;
                _resourceButtonRevealBackgroundPointerOver  = Resources["ButtonRevealBackgroundPointerOver"] as RevealBackgroundBrush;
                _resourceButtonRevealBackgroundPressed      = Resources["ButtonRevealBackgroundPressed"] as RevealBackgroundBrush;
                _resourceButtonRevealBorderBrush            = Resources["ButtonRevealBorderBrush"] as RevealBorderBrush;
                _resourceButtonRevealBorderBrushPointerOver = Resources["ButtonRevealBorderBrushPointerOver"] as RevealBorderBrush;
                _resourceButtonRevealBorderBrushPressed     = Resources["ButtonRevealBorderBrushPressed"] as RevealBorderBrush;

                // Apply reveal styles
                RevealButton.Style       = Application.Current.Resources["ButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;
                RevealRepeatButton.Style = Application.Current.Resources["RepeatButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;
                RevealToggleButton.Style = Application.Current.Resources["ToggleButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;
                LargeButton.Style        = Application.Current.Resources["ButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;
                NarrowButton.Style       = Application.Current.Resources["ButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;

                switch (TestNameComboBox.GetSelectedText())
                case "RevealAlwaysUseFallback":
예제 #3
        private void RunTestButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var selectedText = TestNameComboBox.GetSelectedText();

            // This group of tests is separate as it requires manual control of MaterialSetupHelper flags
            switch (selectedText)
            case "AcrylicAlwaysUseFallback": RunAcrylicAlwaysUseFallback(); return;

            case "HideAndShowWindow": RunHideAndShowWindow(); return;

            using (var setup = new MaterialSetupHelper())
                switch (selectedText)
                case "BasicAcrylicOnRectangle": RunBasicAcrylicOnRectangle(); break;

                case "AcrylicPropertyChanges": RunAcrylicPropertyChanges(); break;

                case "VerifyDisconnectedState": RunVerifyDisconnectedState(); break;

                case "AcrylicCreatedInFallbackMode": RunAcrylicCreatedInFallbackMode(); break;

                case "VerifyOpaqueTintOptimization": RunVerifyOpaqueTintOptimization(); break;

                case "TintTransitionDuration": RunTintTransitionDuration(); break;

                case "AcrylicNoiseCache": RunAcrylicNoiseCache(); break;

                case "VerifyAcrylicBrushEffect": RunVerifyAcrylicBrushEffect(); break;
        private void OnCheckBrushResourcesClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            using (var setup = new MaterialSetupHelper())
                // Load up the resource dictionaries and do some consistency checks on them. Verify:
                // 1) All same resource names exist in all theme dictionaries (rs1, rs2) x (light, dark, hc)
                // 2) If a resource is a RevealBrush in Light that it's the same type of RevealBrush in Dark
                // 3) All RevealBrushes in Light should have TargetTheme=Light, same for Dark.
                // 4) Border-named brushes should be RevealBorderBrush, same for Background.

                    _checkBrushResult = "";

                    // RS1 should have no implicit keys.
                    int implicitKeys = RS1RevealThemeResourcesLight.Where(x => !(x.Key is string)).Count();
                    if (implicitKeys > 0)
                        BrushCheckFailed("Rs1 should have no implicit keys (had {0})", implicitKeys);

                    var rs1Keys = RS1RevealThemeResourcesLight.Keys.ToList();
                    var rs2Keys = RS2RevealThemeResourcesLight.Keys.ToList();

                    var uniqueKeysInRS1 = RS1RevealThemeResourcesLight.Where(x => !rs2Keys.Contains(x.Key)).ToList();
                    var uniqueKeysInRS2 = RS2RevealThemeResourcesLight.Where(x => !rs1Keys.Contains(x.Key)).Where(x => x.Key is string).ToList();

                    if (uniqueKeysInRS2.Count > 0)
                        BrushCheckFailed("RS2 should not have any keys that RS1 does not");

                    // Grab all the theme dictionaries -- for RS1 tack on any keys not in a theme dictionary and treat them as if they're in that theme dictionary.
                    var rs1dark  = ((ResourceDictionary)RS1RevealThemeResourcesDark.ThemeDictionaries["Default"]).Concat(uniqueKeysInRS1).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                    var rs1light = ((ResourceDictionary)RS1RevealThemeResourcesLight.ThemeDictionaries["Light"]).Concat(uniqueKeysInRS1).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                    var rs1hc    = ((ResourceDictionary)RS1RevealThemeResourcesLight.ThemeDictionaries["HighContrast"]).Concat(uniqueKeysInRS1).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                    var rs2dark  = ((ResourceDictionary)RS2RevealThemeResourcesDark.ThemeDictionaries["Default"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                    var rs2light = ((ResourceDictionary)RS2RevealThemeResourcesLight.ThemeDictionaries["Light"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                    var rs2hc    = ((ResourceDictionary)RS2RevealThemeResourcesLight.ThemeDictionaries["HighContrast"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

                    // Choose the rs1 light keys as "truth" and check everyone else has those keys and doesn't have keys they shouldn't.
                    var expectedKeys = rs1light.Keys;
                    Action <string, Dictionary <object, object> > checkDictionary = (which, dict) =>
                        var unexpectedEntries = dict.Where(x => !expectedKeys.Contains(x.Key)).ToList();

                        foreach (var unexpected in unexpectedEntries)
                            BrushCheckFailed("Dictionary {0} has an entry it should not: {1}", which, unexpected.Key);

                        var missingEntries = expectedKeys.Where(x => !dict.ContainsKey(x)).ToList();
                        foreach (var missing in missingEntries)
                            BrushCheckFailed("Dictionary {0} should have had entry '{1}' but was missing", which, missing);

                    checkDictionary("rs1light", rs1light);
                    checkDictionary("rs2light", rs2light);

                    checkDictionary("rs1dark", rs1dark);
                    checkDictionary("rs2dark", rs2dark);

                    // NOTE: Doing this will cause the High Contrast brushes to load ThemeResource from Light/Dark instead of HighContrast.
                    // At the moment there's nothing we can do about that. But we can still check the keys in the dictionaries.
                    checkDictionary("rs1hc", rs1hc);
                    checkDictionary("rs2hc", rs2hc);

                    // Make sure there are no reveal brushes in high contrast or rs1.
                    foreach (var entry in rs1hc.Concat(rs1dark).Concat(rs1light))
                        var brush = entry.Value as RevealBrush;
                        if (brush != null)
                            BrushCheckFailed("RS1 theme dictionary had a RevealBrush entry {0}", entry.Key);

                    // Don't log failures for issues where the brush is intentionally different in RS1.
                    var brushesWithFallbackIssues = new HashSet <string> {

                    // Trying to dig the resources out of the dictionary simply doesn't work. We have to load XAML and put the element in the tree.
                    string snippetBegin = "<Grid RequestedTheme=\"{0}\" " +
                                          " xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\">" +
                                          " <Grid.Resources><ResourceDictionary Source=\"{1}\"/></Grid.Resources>\r\n";

                    string snippetChildren = "";
                    foreach (var lightEntry in rs2light)
                        if (lightEntry.Value is RevealBrush)
                            snippetChildren += string.Format("<Grid Name=\"{0}\" Background=\"{{ThemeResource {0}}}\"/>\r\n", lightEntry.Key);

                    string snippetEnd      = "</Grid>";
                    string rs1darksnippet  = string.Format(snippetBegin, "Dark", "ms-appx:///RevealBrush_rs1_themeresources.xaml") + snippetChildren + snippetEnd;
                    string rs2darksnippet  = string.Format(snippetBegin, "Dark", "ms-appx:///RevealBrush_rs2_themeresources.xaml") + snippetChildren + snippetEnd;
                    string rs1lightsnippet = string.Format(snippetBegin, "Light", "ms-appx:///RevealBrush_rs1_themeresources.xaml") + snippetChildren + snippetEnd;
                    string rs2lightsnippet = string.Format(snippetBegin, "Light", "ms-appx:///RevealBrush_rs2_themeresources.xaml") + snippetChildren + snippetEnd;
                    var    darkGridRS1     = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(rs1darksnippet);
                    var darkGridRS2 = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(rs2darksnippet);
                    var lightGridRS1 = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(rs1lightsnippet);
                    var lightGridRS2 = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(rs2lightsnippet);

                    Dictionary <string, Grid> rs1DarkBrushes  = new Dictionary <string, Grid>();
                    Dictionary <string, Grid> rs2DarkBrushes  = new Dictionary <string, Grid>();
                    Dictionary <string, Grid> rs1LightBrushes = new Dictionary <string, Grid>();
                    Dictionary <string, Grid> rs2LightBrushes = new Dictionary <string, Grid>();

                    foreach (Grid grid in darkGridRS1.Children)
                        rs1DarkBrushes[grid.Name] = grid;

                    foreach (Grid grid in darkGridRS2.Children)
                        rs2DarkBrushes[grid.Name] = grid;

                    foreach (Grid grid in lightGridRS1.Children)
                        rs1LightBrushes[grid.Name] = grid;

                    foreach (Grid grid in lightGridRS2.Children)
                        rs2LightBrushes[grid.Name] = grid;

                    foreach (var lightEntry in rs1LightBrushes)
                        var darkRS1Brush  = rs1DarkBrushes[(string)lightEntry.Key].Background as SolidColorBrush;
                        var darkBrush     = rs2DarkBrushes[(string)lightEntry.Key].Background as RevealBrush;
                        var lightRS1Brush = rs1LightBrushes[(string)lightEntry.Key].Background as SolidColorBrush;
                        var lightBrush    = rs2LightBrushes[(string)lightEntry.Key].Background as RevealBrush;

                        // Check that TargetTheme is set correctly.
                        if (lightBrush.TargetTheme != ApplicationTheme.Light)
                            BrushCheckFailed("RevealBrush for light theme did not have TargetTheme=Light: {0}", lightEntry.Key);

                        // Make sure that their fallback colors match their correspondents in RS1.
                        if (lightBrush.FallbackColor != lightRS1Brush.Color && !brushesWithFallbackIssues.Contains(lightEntry.Key))
                            BrushCheckFailed("FallbackColor for light theme did not match rs1 color: {0}", lightEntry.Key);

                        if (darkBrush == null || darkBrush.GetType() != lightBrush.GetType())
                            BrushCheckFailed("Light entry was RevealBrush but dark entry was not (or their types weren't the same): {0}", lightEntry.Key);
                            if (darkBrush.TargetTheme != ApplicationTheme.Dark)
                                BrushCheckFailed("RevealBrush for dark theme did not have TargetTheme=Dark: {0}", lightEntry.Key);
                                if (darkBrush.FallbackColor != darkRS1Brush.Color && !brushesWithFallbackIssues.Contains(lightEntry.Key))
                                    BrushCheckFailed("FallbackColor for dark theme did not match rs1 color: {0}", lightEntry.Key);
                catch (Exception e)
                    BrushCheckFailed("ERROR: " + e.ToString());

                // Set at the end to make sure we only fire valuechanged once.
                CheckBrushesResult.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
                CheckBrushesResult.Text         = _checkBrushResult;