public void Generate(Map map) { = map; map.Entities.Clear(); map.Spawns.Clear(); map.IsAutospawn = true; map.Music = "Overworld"; map.SeaLevel = map.Height / 5; Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be space."; map.Materials = new byte[map.Width * map.Height]; Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be air."; map.Fill(Material.Air, new Rectangle(0, 0, map.Width, map.SeaLevel)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be dirt."; var dirtLevel = map.SeaLevel; var clayHeight = dirtLevel + 200; var sandstoneHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(2) / Map.BlockHeight; var sectionHeight = (map.Height - sandstoneHeight) / 7; var limestoneHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(3) / Map.BlockHeight; var quartziteHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(4) / Map.BlockHeight; var graniteHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(5) / Map.BlockHeight; var marbleHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(6) / Map.BlockHeight; var rhyoliteHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(7) / Map.BlockHeight; var basaltHeight = map.GetTierAltitude(8) / Map.BlockHeight; map.Fill(Material.Dirt, new Rectangle(0, dirtLevel, map.Width, 200)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be clay."; map.Fill(Material.Clay, new Rectangle(0, clayHeight, map.Width, 300)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be sandstone."; map.Fill(Material.Sandstone, new Rectangle(0, sandstoneHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be limestone."; map.Fill(Material.Limestone, new Rectangle(0, limestoneHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be granite."; map.Fill(Material.Quartzite, new Rectangle(0, quartziteHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be quartzite."; map.Fill(Material.Granite, new Rectangle(0, graniteHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be marble."; map.Fill(Material.Marble, new Rectangle(0, marbleHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be rhyolite."; map.Fill(Material.Rhyolite, new Rectangle(0, rhyoliteHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be basalt."; map.Fill(Material.Basalt, new Rectangle(0, basaltHeight, map.Width, sectionHeight)); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be rough terrain."; map.CreateHills(Material.Clay, Material.Dirt, clayHeight, 3 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Sandstone, Material.Clay, sandstoneHeight, 3 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Limestone, Material.Sandstone, limestoneHeight, 6 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Quartzite, Material.Limestone, quartziteHeight, 6 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Granite, Material.Quartzite, graniteHeight, 6 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Marble, Material.Granite, marbleHeight, 6 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Rhyolite, Material.Marble, rhyoliteHeight, 3 * VerticalScale); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be hills and lakes."; map.CreateHills(Material.Dirt, Material.Water, dirtLevel, 200, -200, 200, -200); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Clay, dirtLevel - 500, clayHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Sandstone, clayHeight, sandstoneHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Limestone, sandstoneHeight, limestoneHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Quartzite, limestoneHeight, quartziteHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Granite, quartziteHeight, graniteHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Marble, graniteHeight, marbleHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Rhyolite, marbleHeight, rhyoliteHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Basalt, rhyoliteHeight, basaltHeight, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Lava, basaltHeight, map.Height, 10000, 50, Brush.Size7); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be lava."; var topLavaHeight = basaltHeight - 5 * VerticalScale; map.LavaLevel = topLavaHeight; map.Fill(Material.Lava, new Rectangle(0, topLavaHeight, map.Width, 5 * VerticalScale)); var bottomLavaHeight = map.Height - 5 * VerticalScale; map.Fill(Material.Lava, new Rectangle(0, bottomLavaHeight, map.Width, 5 * VerticalScale)); map.CreateHills(Material.Lava, Material.Rhyolite, topLavaHeight, 4 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Basalt, Material.Lava, basaltHeight, 4 * VerticalScale); map.CreateHills(Material.Lava, Material.Basalt, bottomLavaHeight, 6 * VerticalScale); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Water, clayHeight, rhyoliteHeight, 250000, 100, Brush.Size9); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Gravel, map.SeaLevel + 100, rhyoliteHeight, 250000, 50, Brush.Size9); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Lava, marbleHeight, map.Height, 150000, 100, Brush.Size9); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.PoisonGas, marbleHeight, map.Height, 150000, 300, Brush.Size9); map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Oil, marbleHeight, map.Height, 150000, 150, Brush.Size9); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be floating islands."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Dirt, 100, sectionHeight, 125000, 350, Brush.Size10, (position) => { if (!Utility.Roll8()) { AddRandomSpawns(position, true); } if (Utility.Roll4()) { var chestPosition = map.FindGround(new Vector2(position.X, 0)) + new Vector2(0, -50); var chest = map.AddPlaceable(null, ItemBase.Get(ItemId.WorldHypercube), chestPosition); var tier = 3; chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); } }, false ); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be caves."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Air, map.SeaLevel - 300, map.Height, 50000, 450, Brush.Size9, (position) => { if (Utility.Flip()) { map.AddPlaceable(null, ItemBase.Get(ItemId.LightOrb), position); } if (!Utility.Roll8()) { AddRandomSpawns(position); } if (Utility.Roll4()) { var chest = map.AddPlaceable(null, ItemBase.Get(ItemId.WorldHypercube), position); var tier = map.GetTier(position); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); chest.AddItem(GenerateRandomItem(tier)); } } ); map.StartingPosition = new Vector2(map.PixelWidth / 2, (sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight) + 1200); // add 1200 here so that spawn won't catch an island right in the center as it descends down. map.StartingPosition = map.FindGround(map.StartingPosition); map.StartingPosition = new Vector2(map.StartingPosition.X, map.StartingPosition.Y - 200f); AddPortal(map.StartingPosition, Material.Bone).Remove(); var portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(map.StartingPosition.X, map.SeaLevelInPixels), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 2"; portal.Value = "KrawnixLair"; map.AddEntity(new Placeable() { TypeId = ItemId.Workbench, Position = portal.Position + new Vector2(-80, 50) }); portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(3) - Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 3"; portal.Value = "Botanica"; var skyPortalIslandPosition = new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), Utility.Next(500, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 100)); map.CreateVein(Material.Dirt, skyPortalIslandPosition, 350, Brush.Size10, false); skyPortalIslandPosition = map.FindGround(skyPortalIslandPosition); portal = AddPortal(skyPortalIslandPosition + new Vector2(0, -50), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 4"; portal.Value = "SkyRealm"; portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(5) - Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 5"; portal.Value = "Oberon"; portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(6) - Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 6"; portal.Value = "CaveDive"; portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(7) - Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 7"; portal.Value = "Burrower"; portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(8) - Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 8"; portal.Value = "Vesuvius"; portal = AddPortal(new Vector2(Utility.Next(1000, map.PixelWidth - 1000), map.GetTierAltitude(8) + Utility.Next(300, sectionHeight * Map.BlockHeight - 300)), Material.Bone); portal.Name = "Dungeon Tier 9"; portal.Value = "FinalBoss"; Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be grass, snow and thin strips of terrain to hold up the oceans."; for (var y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { var levelMaterial = Material.Dirt; if (y > clayHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Clay; } if (y > sandstoneHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Sandstone; } if (y > limestoneHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Limestone; } if (y > quartziteHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Quartzite; } if (y > graniteHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Granite; } if (y > marbleHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Marble; } if (y > rhyoliteHeight) { levelMaterial = Material.Rhyolite; } if (y > map.LavaLevel + 25) { levelMaterial = Material.Basalt; } for (var x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) { var material = map.GetMaterial(x, y); if (MaterialInfo.IsLiquid(material)) { if (MaterialInfo.IsGas(map.GetMaterial(x, y + 1))) { map.SetMaterial(x, y + 1, levelMaterial); } if (MaterialInfo.IsGas(map.GetMaterial(x - 1, y))) { map.SetMaterial(x - 1, y, levelMaterial); } if (MaterialInfo.IsGas(map.GetMaterial(x + 1, y))) { map.SetMaterial(x + 1, y, levelMaterial); } } else { // this is my horrible attempt at erosion. //var adjacent = IsAdjacent(x, y, Material.Air); //if (adjacent != Direction.Up && adjacent != Direction.Left && adjacent != Direction.None) //{ // SetMaterial(x, y, Material.Air); // continue; //} switch (material) { case Material.Dirt: if (map.GetMaterial(x, y - 1) == Material.Air) { if (y < map.SeaLevel + 15) { map.SetMaterial(x, y, Material.Grass); if (y < map.SeaLevel - 50) { map.SetMaterial(x, y - 1, Material.Snow); if (Utility.Flip()) { map.SetMaterial(x, y - 2, Material.Snow); } } } } //else //{ // if (GetMaterial(x, y - 1) == Material.Water) // SetMaterial(x, y, Material.Mud); //} break; } } } } Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be sandy beaches."; const int beachWidth = 600; const int beachHeight = 10; for (int i = 0; i < beachWidth; i++) { var ground = map.FindGround(new Vector2(i * Map.BlockWidth, map.SeaLevelInPixels - sectionHeight / 2 * Map.BlockHeight)); for (int y = 0; y < beachHeight; y++) { map.SetMaterialAtPixel(ground + new Vector2(0, -Map.BlockHeight * y), Material.Sand); } } for (int i = map.Width - 420; i < map.Width; i++) { var ground = map.FindGround(new Vector2(i * Map.BlockWidth, map.SeaLevelInPixels - sectionHeight / 2 * Map.BlockHeight)); for (int y = 0; y < beachHeight; y++) { map.SetMaterialAtPixel(ground + new Vector2(0, -Map.BlockHeight * y), Material.Sand); } } map.WallMaterials = (byte[])map.Materials.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < map.WallMaterials.Length; i++) { if (map.WallMaterials[i] == (byte)Material.Water) { map.WallMaterials[i] = (byte)Material.Dirt; } } Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be coal."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Coal, map.SeaLevel - 300, map.Height, 50000, 50, Brush.Size4); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be iron."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.IronOre, map.SeaLevel - 300, map.SeaLevel + sectionHeight * 5, 10000, 100); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be aluminum."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.AluminumOre, sandstoneHeight, sandstoneHeight + sectionHeight * 5, 15000, 100); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be copper."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.CopperOre, sandstoneHeight, sandstoneHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 15000, 100); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be silver."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.SilverOre, limestoneHeight, limestoneHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 15000, 100); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be gold."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.GoldOre, quartziteHeight, graniteHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 15000, 100); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be dilithium."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Dilithium, graniteHeight, quartziteHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 15000, 40); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be radium."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.RadiumOre, marbleHeight, marbleHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 15000, 40); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be uranium."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.UraniumOre, basaltHeight, map.Height, 10000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be sodium."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Sodium, map.SeaLevel - 300, map.SeaLevel + sectionHeight * 4, 20000, 30); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be sulpher."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Sulfur, clayHeight, clayHeight + sectionHeight * 3, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be topaz."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Topaz, sandstoneHeight, sandstoneHeight + sectionHeight, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be amethyst."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Amethyst, limestoneHeight, limestoneHeight + sectionHeight, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be emerald."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Emerald, quartziteHeight, quartziteHeight + sectionHeight, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be sapphire."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Sapphire, graniteHeight, graniteHeight + sectionHeight, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be rubies."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Ruby, marbleHeight, marbleHeight + sectionHeight, 25000, 20); Utility.StatusMessage = "Let there be diamonds."; map.SprinkleVeins(Material.Diamond, rhyoliteHeight, rhyoliteHeight + sectionHeight * 2, 25000, 20); foreach (var player in map.Players) { map.Entities.Add(player); player.Respawn(); } // so that entities actually get saved map.FlushEntities(); Utility.StatusMessage = ""; }
public static void RegisterProjectiles() { ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.DigSmall, UseTierParticleColor = true, IsSlowBloom = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, DigBrush = Brush.Size4, MaxAge = 600, Speed = 500, FireSound = Sound.MiningToolFire, TechName = "Mining Tool", UseTierTextures = true }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.DigMedium, UseTierParticleColor = true, IsSlowBloom = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, DigBrush = Brush.Size6, MaxAge = 600, Speed = 520, FireSound = Sound.MiningToolFire, TechName = "Mining Tool", UseTierTextures = true }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.DigLarge, UseTierParticleColor = true, IsSlowBloom = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, DigBrush = Brush.Size7, MaxAge = 600, Speed = 540, FireSound = Sound.MiningToolFire, TechName = "Mining Tool", UseTierTextures = true, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.DigExtraLarge, UseTierParticleColor = true, IsSlowBloom = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, DigBrush = Brush.Size9, MaxAge = 600, Speed = 560, FireSound = Sound.MiningToolFire, TechName = "Mining Tool", UseTierTextures = true, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Blaster, BaseDamage = 5, MaxAge = 600, Speed = 750, InitialParticleBurst = 10, UseTierParticleColor = true, UseTierTextures = true, ParticleStream = true, FireSound = Sound.BlasterFire, HitSound = Sound.BlasterHit, Knockback = 1000, }); var blasterCharged = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileId.Blaster).Clone(); blasterCharged.Name = null; blasterCharged.Id = ProjectileId.BlasterCharged; blasterCharged.BaseDamage = 20; blasterCharged.Speed = 1000; blasterCharged.Knockback = 10; blasterCharged.UseTierTextures = true; blasterCharged.FireSound = Sound.BlasterChargedFire; ProjectileBase.AddType(blasterCharged); var slowBlaster = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileId.Blaster).Clone(); slowBlaster.TechName = slowBlaster.Name; slowBlaster.Name = null; slowBlaster.Id = ProjectileId.SlowBlaster; slowBlaster.UseTierTextures = false; slowBlaster.BaseDamage = 8; slowBlaster.Speed = 300; slowBlaster.MaxAge = 6000; ProjectileBase.AddType(slowBlaster); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.LongRangeBlaster, BaseDamage = 4, MaxAge = 4000, Speed = 650, Penetrate = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, UseTierParticleColor = true, //UseTierTextures = true, FireSound = Sound.BlasterFire, HitSound = Sound.BlasterHit, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.BallLightning, BaseDamage = 20, MaxAge = 6000, Speed = 500, Penetrate = true, InitialParticleBurst = 10, ParticleColor = Color.LightBlue, HitSound = Sound.ElectricityHit, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Disruptor, BaseDamage = 6, MaxAge = 200, Speed = 750, InitialParticleBurst = 5, UseTierTextures = true, UseTierParticleColor = true, FireSound = Sound.DisruptorFire, HitSound = Sound.DisruptorHit, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.LaserRifle, BaseDamage = 13, MaxAge = 1000, Speed = 1000, //CoolDown = 500, InitialParticleBurst = 15, UseTierTextures = true, UseTierParticleColor = true, FireSound = Sound.LaserRifleFire, HitSound = Sound.LaserRifleHit, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.PoisonDart, BaseDamage = 5, MaxAge = 2000, Speed = 700, InitialParticleBurst = 10, ParticleColor = Color.Green, FireSound = Sound.Spike, HitSound = Sound.BlasterHit, }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.HomingMissile, BaseDamage = 11, MaxAge = 3000, Speed = 500, IsHoming = true, UseTierTextures = true, InitialParticleBurst = 30, ParticleColor = Color.LightGray, ParticleStream = true, FireSound = Sound.HomingMissileFire, HitSound = Sound.HomingMissileHit, OnHitParticleBurst = 75, }); var acidSpit = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileId.HomingMissile).Clone(); acidSpit.Id = ProjectileId.AcidSpit; acidSpit.Name = "AcidSpit"; acidSpit.UseTierTextures = false; acidSpit.ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(194, 245, 65, 200); acidSpit.FireSound = Sound.FireBreath; acidSpit.HitSound = Sound.AcidSplat; ProjectileBase.AddType(acidSpit); //var explosiveAcidSpit = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileId.HomingMissile).Clone(); //explosiveAcidSpit.Id = ProjectileId.ExplosiveAcidSpit; //explosiveAcidSpit.Name = "Explosive AcidSpit"; //explosiveAcidSpit.Penetrate = true; //explosiveAcidSpit.IsHoming = false; //explosiveAcidSpit.UseTierTextures = false; //explosiveAcidSpit.MaxAge = 6000; //explosiveAcidSpit.Speed = 400; //explosiveAcidSpit.ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(194, 245, 65, 200); //explosiveAcidSpit.FireSound = Sound.FireBreath; //explosiveAcidSpit.HitSound = Sound.AcidSplat; //explosiveAcidSpit.OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { // projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Acid, 0); // }; //explosiveAcidSpit.OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { // projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Acid, 0); //}; //ProjectileBase.AddType(explosiveAcidSpit); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.FlameThrower, Speed = 1000, ParticleColor = Color.Red, OnProjectileMove = (projectile, material) => { if (material != Material.Fire && MaterialInfo.IsLiquid(material)) { projectile.Remove(); } else { if (projectile.Age > 150) { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Fire, 0); } } }, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Fire, 0); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Fire, 0); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Fireball, BaseDamage = 25, Speed = 1000, MaxAge = 2000, DigBrush = Brush.Size10, DigStrength = 7, FireSound = Sound.FireBreath, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 113, 95, 200), ParticleStream = true, InitialParticleBurst = 20, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size5, Material.Fire, 0); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size5, Material.Fire, 0); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Fireball_2, BaseDamage = 8, Speed = 800, MaxAge = 3000, Penetrate = true, FireSound = Sound.FireBreath, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 113, 95, 200), ParticleStream = true, InitialParticleBurst = 20, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size10, Material.Fire, 0); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Comet, BaseDamage = 10, Speed = 500, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 43, 61, 175), ParticleStream = true, InitialParticleBurst = 20, MaxAge = 2000, DigBrush = Brush.Size10, DigStrength = 7, HasGravity = true, FireSound = Sound.FireBreath, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size4, Material.Fire, 0); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Spike, BaseDamage = 10, MaxAge = 2000, Speed = 750, InitialParticleBurst = 15, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(114, 118, 20, 255), ParticleStream = true, FireSound = Sound.Spike, }); var project = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileId.Spike).Clone(); project.TechName = project.Name; project.Name = null; project.Id = ProjectileId.SproutSpike; project.BaseDamage = 7; ProjectileBase.AddType(project); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.BoseEinsteinCondenser, BaseDamage = 5, MaxAge = 1000, Speed = 500, FireSound = Sound.BoseEinsteinCondenserFire, InitialParticleBurst = 5, ParticleColor = Color.LightBlue, ParticleStream = true, OnProjectileMove = (projectile, material) => { if (MaterialInfo.IsLiquid(material)) { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size9, Material.Ice, 0); projectile.Remove(); } }, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { //if (projectile.Age > 150) projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size9, Material.Ice, 0); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size9, Material.Ice, 0); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.DiggingAndDamaging, BaseDamage = 10, DigBrush = Brush.Size7, DigStrength = 7, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(248, 113, 241, 100), ParticleStream = true, MaxAge = 3000, Speed = 600, FireSound = Sound.SpaceShipBlaster, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size8, Material.Fire, 1); }, }); //Final Boss Grenades ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Grenade, BaseDamage = 5, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(109, 247, 27, 255), ParticleStream = true, Speed = 500, MaxAge = 3000, FireSound = Sound.HomingMissileFire, HitSound = Sound.HomingMissileHit, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.Explode(projectile.Position, 250, 9); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.Explode(projectile.Position, 250, 9); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.Grenade_2, BaseDamage = 1, Speed = 1000, MaxAge = 6000, HasGravity = true, FireSound = Sound.GrenadeFire, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(109, 247, 27, 255), ParticleStream = true, //OnProjectileMove = (projectile, material) => //{ // if (projectile.Age > 2800) // projectile.Map.Explode(projectile.Position, 5, 1); //}, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.Explode(projectile.Position, 5, 1); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.Explode(projectile.Position, 5, 1); } }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.MiniFlame, BaseDamage = 5, DigBrush = Brush.Size7, DigStrength = 8, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 80, 98, 255), ParticleStream = true, InitialParticleBurst = 30, MaxAge = 5000, Speed = 300, Penetrate = true }); ProjectileBase.AddType(new ProjectileType() { Id = ProjectileId.MiniFlame_2, BaseDamage = 5, ParticleColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 80, 98, 255), ParticleStream = true, MaxAge = 5000, Speed = 650, FireSound = Sound.MiniFlame, OnProjectileHitTerrain = (projectile, material) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size3, Material.Fire, 0); }, OnProjectileHit = (projectile, target, amount) => { projectile.Map.RenderBrush(projectile.Position, Brush.Size3, Material.Fire, 0); } }); }