예제 #1
 private void store(OleDbConnection cn, string material, MaterialDesignProps props)
     if (props is ConcreteDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (ConcreteDesignProps)props);
     else if (props is NoDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (NoDesignProps)props);
     else if (props is RebarDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (RebarDesignProps)props);
     else if (props is AluminumDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (AluminumDesignProps)props);
     else if (props is ColdFormedDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (ColdFormedDesignProps)props);
     else if (props is SteelDesignProps)
         store(cn, material, (SteelDesignProps)props);                                 // Se tiene que checar al final porque tiene herencia.
         throw new NotSupportedException("Only specific DesignProps are supported, this method should not be called");
예제 #2
        public void UpdatePage2()
            if (material != null)
                material.Name       = material.Name; // Checks that material name is valid
                nameTextBox.Text    = material.Name;
                densityTextBox.Text = material.Density.ToString();
                densityLabel.Text   = Culture.Get("Density") + " (" + Canguro.Model.Model.Instance.UnitSystem.UnitName(Canguro.Model.UnitSystem.Units.Density) + ")";
                MaterialTypeProps   typeProps   = material.TypeProperties;
                MaterialDesignProps designProps = material.DesignProperties;

                for (int i = 0; i < typeList.Count; i++)
                    if (typeList[i].ToString().Equals(typeProps.ToString()))
                        typeComboBox.SelectedIndex = i;

                typePropertyGrid.SelectedObject = typeProps;

                for (int i = 0; i < designPropList.Count; i++)
                    if (designPropList[i].ToString().Equals(designProps.ToString()))
                        designComboBox.SelectedIndex = i;
                designPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = designProps;
예제 #3
        private void store(OleDbConnection cn, Material obj)
            MaterialTypeProps   tProps = obj.TypeProperties;
            MaterialDesignProps dProps = obj.DesignProperties;
            double e, u, a;
            string type = "";
            string design = (dProps is RebarDesignProps) ? "Rebar" :
                            (dProps is ColdFormedDesignProps) ? "ColdFormed" :
                            (dProps is SteelDesignProps) ? "Steel" :
                            (dProps is ConcreteDesignProps) ? "Concrete" :
                            (dProps is AluminumDesignProps) ? "Aluminum" : "None";

            if (tProps is IsotropicTypeProps)
                IsotropicTypeProps iProps = tProps as IsotropicTypeProps;
                type = "Isotropic";
                e    = iProps.E;
                u    = iProps.Nu;
                a    = iProps.Alpha;
            else if (tProps is UniaxialTypeProps)
                UniaxialTypeProps uProps = tProps as UniaxialTypeProps;
                type = "Uniaxial";
                e    = uProps.E;
                u    = 0.0;
                a    = uProps.A;
                e    = u = a = 0.0;
                type = (tProps is OrthotropicTypeProps) ? "Orthotropic" : "Anisotropic";

            string sql = "INSERT INTO [Material Properties 01 - General] " +
                         "(Material,Type,DesignType,UnitMass,UnitWeight,E,U,A,MDampRatio,VDampMass,VDampStiff,HDampMass,HDampStiff,NumAdvance,Color) " +
                         "VALUES (\"" + obj.Name + "\",\"" + type + "\",\"" + design + "\"," +
                         obj.Density + "," + obj.UnitWeight + "," + e + "," + u + "," + a + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,\"Yellow\");";

            new OleDbCommand(sql, cn).ExecuteNonQuery();

            store(cn, obj.Name, dProps);