public string DisplayMaterial(string name, double percent, MaterialCommoditiesList historicmatlist = null, MaterialCommoditiesList currentmatlist = null) { StringBuilder scanText = new StringBuilder(); MaterialCommodityData mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetCachedMaterial(name); if (mc != null && (historicmatlist != null || currentmatlist != null)) { MaterialCommodities historic = historicmatlist?.Find(; MaterialCommodities current = ReferenceEquals(historicmatlist, currentmatlist) ? null : currentmatlist?.Find(; int?limit = MaterialCommodityData.MaterialLimit(mc); string matinfo = historic?.count.ToString() ?? "0"; if (limit != null) { matinfo += "/" + limit.Value.ToString(); } if (current != null && (historic == null || historic.count != current.count)) { matinfo += " Cur " + current.count.ToString(); } scanText.AppendFormat("{0} ({1}) {2} {3}% {4}\n",, mc.shortname, mc.type, percent.ToString("N1"), matinfo); } else { scanText.AppendFormat("{0} {1}%\n", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name.ToLower()), percent.ToString("N1")); } return(scanText.ToNullSafeString()); }
// curmats may be null Point CreateMaterialNodes(List <ExtPictureBox.ImageElement> pc, JournalScan sn, MaterialCommoditiesList curmats, HistoryList hl, Point matpos, Size matsize) { Point startpos = matpos; Point maximum = matpos; int noperline = 0; bool noncommon = ShowMaterialsRare; string matclicktext = sn.DisplayMaterials(2, curmats, hl.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> sd in sn.Materials) { string tooltip = sn.DisplayMaterial(sd.Key, sd.Value, curmats, hl.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity); Color fillc = Color.Yellow; string abv = sd.Key.Substring(0, 1); MaterialCommodityData mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetByFDName(sd.Key); if (mc != null) { abv = mc.Shortname; fillc = mc.Colour; if (HideFullMaterials) // check full { int?limit = mc.MaterialLimit(); MaterialCommodities matnow = curmats?.Find(mc); // allow curmats = null // debug if (matnow != null && mc.shortname == "Fe") matnow.count = 10000; if (matnow != null && limit != null && matnow.Count >= limit) // and limit { continue; } } if (noncommon && mc.IsCommonMaterial) { continue; } } CreateMaterialImage(pc, matpos, matsize, abv, tooltip + "\n\n" + "All " + matclicktext, tooltip, fillc, Color.Black); maximum = new Point(Math.Max(maximum.X, matpos.X + matsize.Width), Math.Max(maximum.Y, matpos.Y + matsize.Height)); if (++noperline == 4) { matpos = new Point(startpos.X, matpos.Y + matsize.Height + materiallinespacerxy); noperline = 0; } else { matpos.X += matsize.Width + materiallinespacerxy; } } return(maximum); }
// curmats may be null Point CreateMaterialNodes(List <ExtPictureBox.ImageElement> pc, JournalScan sn, MaterialCommoditiesList curmats, HistoryList hl, Point matpos, Size matsize) { Point startpos = matpos; Point maximum = matpos; int noperline = 0; string matclicktext = sn.DisplayMaterials(2, curmats, hl.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> sd in sn.Materials) { string tooltip = sn.DisplayMaterial(sd.Key, sd.Value, curmats, hl.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity); Color fillc = Color.Yellow; string abv = sd.Key.Substring(0, 1); MaterialCommodityData mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetByFDName(sd.Key); if (mc != null) { abv = mc.Shortname; fillc = mc.Colour; if (HideFullMaterials) // check full { int?limit = mc.MaterialLimit(); MaterialCommodities matnow = curmats?.Find(mc); // allow curmats = null // debug if (matnow != null && mc.shortname == "Fe") matnow.count = 10000; if (matnow != null && limit != null && matnow.Count >= limit) // and limit { continue; } } if (ShowOnlyMaterialsRare && mc.IsCommonMaterial) { continue; } } System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap colormap = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap(); colormap.OldColor = Color.White; // this is the marker colour to replace colormap.NewColor = fillc; Bitmap mat = BaseUtils.BitMapHelpers.ReplaceColourInBitmap((Bitmap)Icons.Controls.Scan_Bodies_Material, new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap[] { colormap }); BaseUtils.BitMapHelpers.DrawTextCentreIntoBitmap(ref mat, abv, stdfont, Color.Black); ExtPictureBox.ImageElement ie = new ExtPictureBox.ImageElement( new Rectangle(matpos.X, matpos.Y, matsize.Width, matsize.Height), mat, tooltip + "\n\n" + "All " + matclicktext, tooltip); pc.Add(ie); maximum = new Point(Math.Max(maximum.X, matpos.X + matsize.Width), Math.Max(maximum.Y, matpos.Y + matsize.Height)); if (++noperline == 4) { matpos = new Point(startpos.X, matpos.Y + matsize.Height + materiallinespacerxy); noperline = 0; } else { matpos.X += matsize.Width + materiallinespacerxy; } } return(maximum); }
private async void Display() { HistoryEntry last_he = userControlSynthesis.CurrentHistoryEntry; // sync with what its showing if (EngineeringWanted != null && SynthesisWanted != null && last_he != null) // if we have all the ingredients (get it!) { List <MaterialCommodities> mcl = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Sort(false); var totals = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.TotalList(mcl); // start with totals present Color textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor; Color backcolour = this.BackColor; List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > totalWanted = EngineeringWanted.Concat(SynthesisWanted).ToList(); string techBrokers = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DBTechBrokerFilterSave, "None"); if (techBrokers != "None") { List <string> techBrokerList = techBrokers.Split(';').ToList <string>(); foreach (Recipes.Recipe r in Recipes.TechBrokerUnlocks) { if (techBrokers == "All" || techBrokerList.Contains(r.Name)) { totalWanted.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(r, 1)); } } } string specialeffects = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DBSpecialEffectsFilterSave, "None"); if (specialeffects != "None") { List <string> seList = specialeffects.Split(';').ToList <string>(); foreach (Recipes.Recipe r in Recipes.SpecialEffects) { if (specialeffects == "All" || specialeffects.Contains(r.Name)) { totalWanted.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(r, 1)); } } } var shoppinglist = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.GetShoppingList(totalWanted, mcl); JournalScan sd = null; StarScan.SystemNode last_sn = null; if (last_he.IsLanded && (showListAvailability || showPlanetMats)) { sd = discoveryform.history.GetScans(last_he.System.Name).Where(sc => sc.BodyName == last_he.WhereAmI).FirstOrDefault(); } if (!last_he.IsLanded && showSystemAvailability) { last_sn = await discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystemAsync(last_he.System, useEDSMForSystemAvailability); } StringBuilder wantedList = new StringBuilder(); if (shoppinglist.Any()) { double available; wantedList.Append("Needed Mats".T(EDTx.UserControlShoppingList_NM) + ":" + Environment.NewLine); List <string> capExceededMats = new List <string>(); foreach (var c in shoppinglist) // and add new.. { string present = ""; if (showListAvailability) { if (sd != null && sd.HasMaterials) { if (sd.Materials.TryGetValue(c.Item1.Details.FDName, out available)) { present = $" {available.ToString("N1")}%"; } else { present = " -"; } } } wantedList.Append($" {c.Item2} {c.Item1.Details.Name}{present}"); int?onHand = mcl.Where(m => m.Details.Shortname == c.Item1.Details.Shortname).FirstOrDefault()?.Count; int totalReq = c.Item2 + (onHand.HasValue ? onHand.Value : 0); if ((c.Item1.Details.Type == MaterialCommodityData.ItemType.VeryCommon && totalReq > VeryCommonCap) || (c.Item1.Details.Type == MaterialCommodityData.ItemType.Common && totalReq > CommonCap) || (c.Item1.Details.Type == MaterialCommodityData.ItemType.Standard && totalReq > StandardCap) || (c.Item1.Details.Type == MaterialCommodityData.ItemType.Rare && totalReq > RareCap) || (c.Item1.Details.Type == MaterialCommodityData.ItemType.VeryRare && totalReq > VeryRareCap)) { capExceededMats.Add(c.Item1.Details.Name); } if (!last_he.IsLanded && last_sn != null) { var landables = last_sn.Bodies.Where(b => b.ScanData != null && (!b.ScanData.IsEDSMBody || useEDSMForSystemAvailability) && b.ScanData.HasMaterials && b.ScanData.Materials.ContainsKey(c.Item1.Details.FDName)); if (landables.Count() > 0) { wantedList.Append("\n "); List <Tuple <string, double> > allMats = new List <Tuple <string, double> >(); foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in landables) { sn.ScanData.Materials.TryGetValue(c.Item1.Details.FDName, out available); allMats.Add(new Tuple <string, double>(sn.fullname.Replace(last_he.System.Name, "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).Trim(), available)); } allMats = allMats.OrderByDescending(m => m.Item2).ToList(); int n = 1; foreach (Tuple <string, double> m in allMats) { if (n % 6 == 0) { wantedList.Append("\n "); } wantedList.Append($"{m.Item1.ToUpperInvariant()}: {m.Item2.ToString("N1")}% "); n++; } } } wantedList.Append("\n"); } if (capExceededMats.Any()) { wantedList.Append(Environment.NewLine + "Filling Shopping List would exceed capacity for:".T(EDTx.UserControlShoppingList_FS)); foreach (string mat in capExceededMats) { wantedList.Append($"\n {mat}"); } } } else { wantedList.Append("No materials currently required.".T(EDTx.UserControlShoppingList_NoMat)); } if (showMaxInjections) { var totals2 = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.TotalList(mcl); // start with totals present Tuple <int, int, string, string> basic = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals2, Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.First(r => r.Name == "FSD" && r.level == "Basic")); Tuple <int, int, string, string> standard = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals2, Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.First(r => r.Name == "FSD" && r.level == "Standard")); Tuple <int, int, string, string> premium = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals2, Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.First(r => r.Name == "FSD" && r.level == "Premium")); wantedList.Append(Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Max FSD Injections\r\n {0} Basic\r\n {1} Standard\r\n {2} Premium".T(EDTx.UserControlShoppingList_FSD), basic.Item1, standard.Item1, premium.Item1)); } if (showPlanetMats && sd != null && sd.HasMaterials) { wantedList.Append(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Materials on {0}".T(EDTx.UserControlShoppingList_MO), last_he.WhereAmI) + Environment.NewLine); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> mat in sd.Materials) { int?onHand = mcl.Where(m => m.Details.FDName == mat.Key).FirstOrDefault()?.Count; MaterialCommodityData md = GetByFDName(mat.Key); int max = md.MaterialLimit().Value; if (!hidePlanetMatsWithNoCapacity || (onHand.HasValue ? onHand.Value : 0) < max) { wantedList.AppendFormat(" {0} {1}% ({2}/{3})\n", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(mat.Key.ToLowerInvariant()), mat.Value.ToString("N1"), (onHand.HasValue ? onHand.Value : 0), max); } } } Font font = discoveryform.theme.GetFont; pictureBoxList.ClearImageList(); ExtPictureBox.ImageElement displayList = pictureBoxList.AddTextAutoSize(new Point(0, 0), new Size(1000, 1000), wantedList.ToNullSafeString(), font, textcolour, backcolour, 1.0F); pictureBoxList.Render(); font.Dispose(); try { splitContainerVertical.Panel1MinSize = displayList.Image.Width + 8; // panel left has minimum width to accomodate the text } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Swallowed exception " + e); // swallow the exception - seen an instance of it but wan't reproduce. #2512. } if (IsTransparent) { RevertToNormalSize(); int minWidth = Math.Max(((UserControlForm)FindForm()).TitleBarMinWidth(), displayList.Image.Width) + 8; RequestTemporaryResize(new Size(minWidth, displayList.Image.Height + 4)); } else { RevertToNormalSize(); // eng/synth is on, normal size } } // if transparent, we don't show the eng/synth panels userControlEngineering.Visible = userControlSynthesis.Visible = !IsTransparent; userControlEngineering.Enabled = userControlSynthesis.Enabled = !IsTransparent; buttonTechBroker.Visible = buttonSpecialEffects.Visible = !IsTransparent; }
private void Display(MaterialCommoditiesList mcl) { dataGridViewMC.Rows.Clear(); textBoxItems1.Text = textBoxItems2.Text = ""; if (mcl == null) { return; } System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCount100 + " MC " + displaynumber + " Begin Display"); List <MaterialCommodities> mc = mcl.Sort(!materials); if (mc.Count > 0) { labelNoItems.Visible = false; foreach (MaterialCommodities m in mc) { object[] rowobj; if (materials) { rowobj = new[] {, m.shortname, m.category, m.type + " (" + (MaterialCommodityData.MaterialLimit(m.type) ?? 0).ToString() + ")", m.count.ToString() }; } else { rowobj = new[] {, m.type, m.count.ToString(), m.price.ToString("0.#") }; } int idx = dataGridViewMC.Rows.Add(rowobj); //dataGridViewMC.Rows[idx].Tag = m; } if (dataGridViewMC.SortedColumn != null && dataGridViewMC.SortOrder != SortOrder.None) { dataGridViewMC.Sort(dataGridViewMC.SortedColumn, dataGridViewMC.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending ? ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending); } if (materials) { textBoxItems1.Text = mcl.DataCount.ToStringInvariant(); textBoxItems2.Text = mcl.MaterialsCount.ToStringInvariant(); } else { textBoxItems1.Text = mcl.CargoCount.ToStringInvariant(); } } else { labelNoItems.Visible = true; } System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCount100 + " MC " + displaynumber + " Load Finished"); }