예제 #1
        #region [CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() Method]
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the trees dominated by the CurrentParseTreeNode and the
        /// FindPatternRoot. If these trees match, true is returned and the
        /// MatchingNodes stack contains the list of matching node pairs.
        /// Otherwise, false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CurrentBranchMatchesPattern()
                              "MatchAlgorithm.CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() called.");

            // Validate the current state.

            if (FindPatternRoot == null)
                string sMessage = "CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() "
                                  + "called with an invalid state: "
                                  + "FindPatternRoot is null.";
                throw new Exception(sMessage);

            if (CurrentParseTreeNode == null)
                string sMessage = "CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() "
                                  + "called with an invalid state: "
                                  + "CurrentParseTreeNode is null.";
                throw new Exception(sMessage);

            // Clear the stack of matching node pairs.


            // Call FeaturesAndChildrenMatch() to check if the current
            // parse-tree branch matches the find-pattern tree. If so,
            // return true.

            SyntaxNodePair oNodePair = new SyntaxNodePair();

            oNodePair.ParseTreeNode   = CurrentParseTreeNode;
            oNodePair.FindPatternNode = FindPatternRoot;
            if (FeaturesAndChildrenMatch(oNodePair))
                Debug.Assert(MatchingNodes.Count > 0);

                                  "MatchAlgorithm.CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() returns "
                                  + "true.");


            // The current parse-tree branch does not match the find-pattern
            // tree, so return false.
            // Note: The matching procedure should have cleared all node
            // pairs from the MatchingNodes stack if the match failed.

            Debug.Assert(MatchingNodes.Count == 0);


                              "MatchAlgorithm.CurrentBranchMatchesPattern() returns "
                              + "false.");

예제 #2
        #region [FindNextMatchingBranch() Method]
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the CurrentParseTreeNode forward in the parse tree, until
        /// the sub-tree dominated by this node matches the pattern
        /// dominated by FindPatternRoot. If CurrentParseTreeNode is null
        /// when this method is called, the search starts with the first
        /// node in the parse tree. Otherwise, the search continues with the
        /// next node in the tree. If a matching sub-tree is found, true is
        /// returned and the MatchingNodes stack contains the list of
        /// matching node pairs. If no match is found, CurrentParseTreeNode
        /// is set to null and false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FindNextMatchingBranch()
                              "FindAlgorithm.FindNextMatchingBranch() called.");

            // Validate the current state.

            if (CurrentParseTreeNode != null)
                SyntaxNode oNode = CurrentParseTreeNode;
                while (oNode != ParseTreeRoot)
                    if (oNode.ParentNode == null)
                        string sMessage = "FindNextMatchingBranch() "
                                          + "called with an invalid state: "
                                          + "the ParseTreeRoot tree does not contain "
                                          + "the CurrentParseTreeNode.";
                        throw new Exception(sMessage);
                    oNode = oNode.ParentNode;

            // Clear the lists of MatchingNodes and ReplacedNodes.


            // Save the previous value of the CurrentParseTreeNode.

            SyntaxNode oPreviousParseTreeNode = CurrentParseTreeNode;

            // Move the CurrentParseTreeNode to the next branch to compare:
            //     If CurrentParseTreeNode is null, start with the first
            //     parse-tree node in post order.
            //     Otherwise, move to the next node in post order.
            // Note: The parse tree is traversed in post-order (parent after
            // its children) to prevent infinite recursion that could occur
            // if an XP node was replaced by a node with XP children, and
            // then the rule was applied recursively to these children.

            if (CurrentParseTreeNode == null)
                    = GetFirstNodeInPostOrder(ParseTreeRoot);
                    = GetNextNodeInPostOrder(CurrentParseTreeNode);

            // Check if the previous branch should be deleted.
            // When the ReplaceCurrentMatchingBranch() method needs to
            // delete the current parse-tree node, it sets it to an empty
            // node (one with no features and no children) instead. This is
            // so we can use the current parse-tree node to determine where
            // to find the next node to compare.
            // If the previous branch is an empty node (with no features and
            // no children), delete it.

            if (oPreviousParseTreeNode != null)
                if ((oPreviousParseTreeNode.Features.Count == 0) &&
                    (oPreviousParseTreeNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0))
                    // Remove the empty node from its parent's ChildNodes
                    // collection. If the empty node is the same as the
                    // ParseTreeRoot, set the ParseTreeRoot to null.

                    SyntaxNode oParent = oPreviousParseTreeNode.ParentNode;
                    if (oParent != null)
                    if (oPreviousParseTreeNode == ParseTreeRoot)
                        ParseTreeRoot = null;

            // If FindPatternRoot is null, nothing can match this pattern.
            // In this case, set CurrentParseTreeNode to null so there will
            // be no comparisons and false will be returned.

            if (FindPatternRoot == null)
                CurrentParseTreeNode = null;

            // Traverse the parse tree (in post order), looking for a match,
            // until there are no more nodes to traverse. Return true if a
            // match is found.

            while (CurrentParseTreeNode != null)
                // Return true if the current branch matches the pattern.

                if (CurrentBranchMatchesPattern())
                    Debug.Assert(MatchingNodes.Count > 0);
                    Debug.Assert(ReplacedNodes.Count == 0);
                    Debug.Assert(CurrentParseTreeNode != null);

                                      "FindAlgorithm.FindNextMatchingBranch() returns "
                                      + "true.");


                // Move to the next node in post order.

                    = GetNextNodeInPostOrder(CurrentParseTreeNode);

            // A matching branch was not found, so return false.

            Debug.Assert(MatchingNodes.Count == 0);
            Debug.Assert(ReplacedNodes.Count == 0);
            Debug.Assert(CurrentParseTreeNode == null);

                              "FindAlgorithm.FindNextMatchingBranch() returns false.");
