예제 #1
        public void TestSampleHasLifetimeEndWithInitialClockTime()
            GameplayClockContainer   gameplayContainer = null;
            DrawableStoryboardSample sample            = null;

            AddStep("create container", () =>
                var working = CreateWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo);

                Add(gameplayContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(working, 1000, true)
                    IsPaused = { Value = true },
                    Child    = new FrameStabilityContainer
                        Child = sample = new DrawableStoryboardSample(new StoryboardSampleInfo(string.Empty, 0, 1))

            AddStep("start time", () => gameplayContainer.Start());

            AddUntilStep("sample not played", () => !sample.RequestedPlaying);
            AddUntilStep("sample has lifetime end", () => sample.LifetimeEnd < double.MaxValue);
예제 #2
        public void TestSamplePlaybackWithBeatmapHitsoundsOff()
            GameplayClockContainer       gameplayContainer = null;
            TestDrawableStoryboardSample sample            = null;

            AddStep("disable beatmap hitsounds", () => config.SetValue(OsuSetting.BeatmapHitsounds, false));

            AddStep("setup storyboard sample", () =>
                Beatmap.Value = new TestCustomSkinWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo, this);

                var beatmapSkinSourceContainer = new BeatmapSkinProvidingContainer(Beatmap.Value.Skin);

                Add(gameplayContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value, 0)
                    Child = beatmapSkinSourceContainer

                beatmapSkinSourceContainer.Add(sample = new TestDrawableStoryboardSample(new StoryboardSampleInfo("test-sample", 1, 1))
                    Clock = gameplayContainer.GameplayClock

            AddStep("start", () => gameplayContainer.Start());

            AddUntilStep("sample played", () => sample.IsPlayed);
            AddUntilStep("sample has lifetime end", () => sample.LifetimeEnd < double.MaxValue);

            AddStep("restore default", () => config.GetBindable <bool>(OsuSetting.BeatmapHitsounds).SetDefault());
예제 #3
        public void TestElapseThenReset()
            GameplayClockContainer gameplayClockContainer = null;

            AddStep("create container", () =>
                var working = CreateWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo);

                Child = gameplayClockContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(working, 0);

            AddStep("start clock", () => gameplayClockContainer.Start());
            AddUntilStep("current time greater 2000", () => gameplayClockContainer.GameplayClock.CurrentTime > 2000);

            double timeAtReset = 0;

            AddStep("reset clock", () =>
                timeAtReset = gameplayClockContainer.GameplayClock.CurrentTime;

            AddAssert("current time < time at reset", () => gameplayClockContainer.GameplayClock.CurrentTime < timeAtReset);
        public void TestSeekPerformsInGameplayTime(
            [Values(1.0, 0.5, 2.0)] double clockRate,
            [Values(0.0, 200.0, -200.0)] double userOffset,
            [Values(false, true)] bool whileStopped)
            ClockBackedTestWorkingBeatmap working = null;
            GameplayClockContainer        gameplayClockContainer = null;

            AddStep("create container", () =>
                working = new ClockBackedTestWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo, new FramedClock(new ManualClock()), Audio);

                Add(gameplayClockContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(working, 0));

                if (whileStopped)


            AddStep($"set clock rate to {clockRate}", () => working.Track.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Frequency, new BindableDouble(clockRate)));
            AddStep($"set audio offset to {userOffset}", () => localConfig.SetValue(OsuSetting.AudioOffset, userOffset));

            AddStep("seek to 2500", () => gameplayClockContainer.Seek(2500));
            AddAssert("gameplay clock time = 2500", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(gameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime, 2500, 10f));

            AddStep("seek to 10000", () => gameplayClockContainer.Seek(10000));
            AddAssert("gameplay clock time = 10000", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(gameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime, 10000, 10f));
예제 #5
        private void load()
            Container leaderboardContainer;

            masterClockContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value, 0);

            InternalChildren = new[]
                (Drawable)(syncManager = new CatchUpSyncManager(masterClockContainer)),
                masterClockContainer.WithChild(new GridContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    ColumnDimensions = new[]
                        new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize)
                    Content = new[]
                        new Drawable[]
                            leaderboardContainer = new Container
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.X
                            grid = new PlayerGrid {
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both

            for (int i = 0; i < UserIds.Count; i++)
                grid.Add(instances[i] = new PlayerArea(UserIds[i], masterClockContainer.GameplayClock));

            // Todo: This is not quite correct - it should be per-user to adjust for other mod combinations.
            var playableBeatmap = Beatmap.Value.GetPlayableBeatmap(Ruleset.Value);
            var scoreProcessor  = Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().CreateScoreProcessor();


            LoadComponentAsync(leaderboard = new MultiSpectatorLeaderboard(scoreProcessor, UserIds.ToArray())
                Expanded = { Value = true },
                Anchor   = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                Origin   = Anchor.CentreLeft,
            }, l =>
                foreach (var instance in instances)
                    leaderboard.AddClock(instance.UserId, instance.GameplayClock);

예제 #6
        public void TestStartThenElapsedTime()
            GameplayClockContainer gameplayClockContainer = null;

            AddStep("create container", () =>
                var working = CreateWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo);

                Child = gameplayClockContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(working, 0);

            AddStep("start clock", () => gameplayClockContainer.Start());
            AddUntilStep("elapsed greater than zero", () => gameplayClockContainer.GameplayClock.ElapsedFrameTime > 0);
예제 #7
        public void TestSamplePlaybackWithRateMods(Type expectedMod, double expectedRate)
            GameplayClockContainer       gameplayContainer = null;
            StoryboardSampleInfo         sampleInfo        = null;
            TestDrawableStoryboardSample sample            = null;

            Mod testedMod = Activator.CreateInstance(expectedMod) as Mod;

            switch (testedMod)
            case ModRateAdjust m:
                m.SpeedChange.Value = expectedRate;

            case ModTimeRamp m:
                m.FinalRate.Value = m.InitialRate.Value = expectedRate;

            AddStep("setup storyboard sample", () =>
                Beatmap.Value      = new TestCustomSkinWorkingBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo, this);
                SelectedMods.Value = new[] { testedMod };

                var beatmapSkinSourceContainer = new BeatmapSkinProvidingContainer(Beatmap.Value.Skin);

                Add(gameplayContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value, 0)
                    Child = beatmapSkinSourceContainer

                beatmapSkinSourceContainer.Add(sample = new TestDrawableStoryboardSample(sampleInfo = new StoryboardSampleInfo("test-sample", 1, 1))
                    Clock = gameplayContainer.GameplayClock

            AddStep("start", () => gameplayContainer.Start());

            AddAssert("sample playback rate matches mod rates", () =>
                      testedMod != null && Precision.AlmostEquals(
                          sample.ChildrenOfType <DrawableSample>().First().AggregateFrequency.Value,
예제 #8
        private void load()
            FillFlowContainer leaderboardFlow;
            Container         scoreDisplayContainer;

            masterClockContainer = CreateMasterGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value);

            InternalChildren = new[]
                (Drawable)(syncManager = new CatchUpSyncManager(masterClockContainer)),
                masterClockContainer.WithChild(new GridContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    RowDimensions    = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize) },
                    Content          = new[]
                        new Drawable[]
                            scoreDisplayContainer = new Container
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y
                        new Drawable[]
                            new GridContainer
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                                ColumnDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize) },
                                Content          = new[]
                                    new Drawable[]
                                        leaderboardFlow = new FillFlowContainer
                                            Anchor       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                                            Origin       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                                            AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                                            Direction    = FillDirection.Vertical,
                                            Spacing      = new Vector2(5)
                                        grid = new PlayerGrid {
                                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both

            for (int i = 0; i < Users.Count; i++)
                grid.Add(instances[i] = new PlayerArea(Users[i], masterClockContainer.GameplayClock));

            // Todo: This is not quite correct - it should be per-user to adjust for other mod combinations.
            var playableBeatmap = Beatmap.Value.GetPlayableBeatmap(Ruleset.Value);
            var scoreProcessor  = Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().CreateScoreProcessor();


            LoadComponentAsync(leaderboard = new MultiSpectatorLeaderboard(Ruleset.Value, scoreProcessor, users)
                Expanded = { Value = true },
            }, l =>
                foreach (var instance in instances)
                    leaderboard.AddClock(instance.UserId, instance.GameplayClock);

                leaderboardFlow.Insert(0, leaderboard);

                if (leaderboard.TeamScores.Count == 2)
                    LoadComponentAsync(new MatchScoreDisplay
                        Team1Score = { BindTarget = leaderboard.TeamScores.First().Value },
                        Team2Score = { BindTarget = leaderboard.TeamScores.Last().Value },
                    }, scoreDisplayContainer.Add);

            LoadComponentAsync(new GameplayChatDisplay(room)
                Expanded = { Value = true },
            }, chat => leaderboardFlow.Insert(1, chat));