public SalaahTime GetSalaahTime(Masjid masjid, DateTime Val) { if (masjid.SalaahTimesType == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) { var FirstTry = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.DayNumber <= Val.DayOfYear && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) .OrderByDescending(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); if (FirstTry == null) { FirstTry = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.TimeDate.Year <= Val.Year && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) .OrderBy(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); } return(FirstTry); } else { return(masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.DayNumber == Val.DayOfYear && s.TimeDate.Year <= Val.Year && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.DailyTime) .OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeDate.Year) .OrderByDescending(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault()); } }
public IActionResult Masjid(MasjidEditViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } var user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; if (user == null | (user.MasjidId != model.Id && !user.IsSuperUser)) { throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to update the masjid"); } Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == model.Id).FirstOrDefault(); masjid.LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; _mapper.Map(model, masjid); Repository.Update(masjid); StatusMessage = "The Masjid has been updated"; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Masjid))); }
public IActionResult PerpetualTimes(double Latitude, double Longitude, double TimeZone) { Masjid TempMasjid = new Masjid(); TempMasjid.Latitude = Latitude; TempMasjid.Longitude = Longitude; TempMasjid.TimeZoneDiff = TimeZone; cPerpetualTime Time = new cPerpetualTime(DateTime.Now, TempMasjid, true); var _json = new { sehriEnds = Time.SehriEnds.ToString("HH:mm"), fajr = Time.Fajr.ToString("HH:mm"), sunrise = Time.Sunrise.ToString("HH:mm"), ishraaq = Time.Ishraaq.ToString("HH:mm"), zawaal = Time.Zawaal.ToString("HH:mm"), dhuhr = Time.Dhuhr.ToString("HH:mm"), asar1 = Time.AsrShafi.ToString("HH:mm"), asar2 = Time.AsrShafi.ToString("HH:mm"), sunset = Time.Sunset.ToString("HH:mm"), maghrib = Time.Maghrib.ToString("HH:mm"), isha = Time.Isha.ToString("HH:mm"), }; return(Json(_json)); }
public string MasjidDelete(string Id) { if (!IsSuperUser()) { return("Unauthorised"); } try { List <Notice> Notices = Repository.Find <Notice>(s => s.MasjidId == Id).ToList(); List <SalaahTime> SalaahTimes = Repository.Find <SalaahTime>(s => s.MasjidId == Id).ToList(); Masjid Masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); Repository.DeleteMultiple(Notices); Repository.DeleteMultiple(SalaahTimes); Repository.Delete(Masjid); return("Successful"); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Failed " + ex.Message); } }
public string PostAddMasjid(MasjidViewModel MasjidVM) { try { if (MasjidVM.SecurityQuestion != "6") { return("Fail - Security Question"); } Masjid Masjid = new Masjid(); Masjid.Name = MasjidVM.Name; Masjid.Town = MasjidVM.Town; Masjid.Country = MasjidVM.Country; //Masjid.TimeZone = MasjidVM.TimeZone; Masjid.TimeZoneId = MasjidVM.TimeZoneId; Masjid.Address = MasjidVM.Address; Masjid.Contact = MasjidVM.Contact; Masjid.GeneralInfo = MasjidVM.GeneralInfo; Masjid.LadiesFacility = MasjidVM.LadiesFacility; Masjid.Latitude = MasjidVM.Latitude; Masjid.Longitude = MasjidVM.Longitude; Masjid = _taqweemService.MasjidCreate(Masjid); return("Successful"); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Fail" + ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Add() { string name = Request["name"]; string address = Request["address"]; string area = Request["area"]; string fajar = Request["fajar"] + " : " + Request["fajar1"] + " " + Request["fajar2"]; var zohar = Request["zohar"] + " : " + Request["zohar1"] + " " + Request["zohar2"]; var asar = Request["asar"] + " : " + Request["asar1"] + " " + Request["asar2"]; var magrib = Request["magrib"] + " : " + Request["magrib1"] + " " + Request["magrib2"]; var esha = Request["esha"] + " : " + Request["esha1"] + " " + Request["esha2"]; Masjid m = new Masjid(); m.Address = address; m.Name = name; m.Area = area; m.Fajar = fajar; m.Zohar = zohar; m.Asar = asar; m.Magrib = magrib; m.Esha = esha; dc.Masjids.InsertOnSubmit(m); dc.SubmitChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("index")); }
public IActionResult PerpetualCalendarPrinter(string Id) { Masjid Masjid = Repository .Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == Id) .FirstOrDefault(); cPerpCalendar Model = new cPerpCalendar(Masjid); return(View(Model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string returnUrl = null) { ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; if (ModelState.IsValid) { ApplicationUser ExistingUser = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email).Result; if (ExistingUser != null) { _logger.LogInformation("Username already exists with that email"); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } if (model.MasjidId == null) { _logger.LogInformation("No Masjid specified"); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == model.MasjidId).FirstOrDefault(); if (masjid == null | masjid.AllowRegistration == false) { _logger.LogInformation("Unable to register with the specified Masjid"); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, MasjidId = model.MasjidId, FullName = model.FullName }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); code = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(code); var callbackUrl = Url.EmailConfirmationLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailConfirmationAsync(model.Email, callbackUrl); await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Masjid() { ApplicationUser user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == user.MasjidId).FirstOrDefault(); MasjidEditViewModel Model = new MasjidEditViewModel(); _mapper.Map(masjid, Model); return(View(Model)); }
public SalaahTime NextSalaahTime(Masjid masjid, DateTime Val) { SalaahTime Time; if (masjid.SalaahTimesType == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) { Time = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.DayNumber > Val.DayOfYear && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) .OrderBy(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); if (Time == null) { Time = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.Type == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) .OrderBy(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); if (Time != null) { Time.TimeDate = new DateTime(Val.Year + 1, 1, 1); Time.TimeDate = Time.TimeDate.AddDays(Time.DayNumber - 1); } } } else { Time = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.DayNumber > Val.DayOfYear && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.DailyTime && s.TimeDate.Year <= Val.Year && s.IsATimeChange == true) .OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeDate.Year) .OrderBy(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); if (Time == null) { Time = masjid.SalaahTimes .Where(s => s.Type == SalaahTimesType.DailyTime && s.TimeDate.Year <= Val.Year + 1 && s.IsATimeChange == true) .OrderByDescending(s => s.TimeDate.Year) .OrderBy(x => x.DayNumber) .FirstOrDefault(); } } return(Time); }
public IActionResult SalaahCalendarDaily(string Id) { Masjid Masjid = Repository .Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == Id) .FirstOrDefault(); if (Masjid.SalaahTimesType == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) { return(RedirectToAction("SalaahCalendar", "Home", new { Id = Id })); } cSalaahCalendar Model = new cSalaahCalendar(Masjid, _context); return(View(Model)); }
public int Save(MasjidModel model) { Masjid _tbl_masjid = new Masjid(model); if (model.Id != null && model.Id != 0) { _tbl_Masjid.Update(_tbl_masjid); } else { _tbl_masjid.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; _tbl_Masjid.Insert(_tbl_masjid); } return(_tbl_masjid.Id); }
public ActionResult Index() { var Jame = new Masjid() { Name = "Jamia Masjid", Address = "2724 W granville ave 60659", PHnum = "123456789", Fajr = DateTime.Parse("5:20 AM"), Zuhr = DateTime.Parse("1:15 PM"), Asr = DateTime.Parse("6:30 PM"), Maghrib = DateTime.Parse("7:20 PM"), Isha = DateTime.Parse("9:00 PM"), }; var REA = new Masjid() { Name = "Rahmat-E-Alam", Address = "3673 w northshore ave 60702", PHnum = "91234567", Fajr = DateTime.Parse("5:00 AM"), Zuhr = DateTime.Parse("1:10 PM"), Asr = DateTime.Parse("6:20 PM"), Maghrib = DateTime.Parse("7:00 PM"), Isha = DateTime.Parse("9:00 PM"), }; var Noor = new Masjid() { Name = "Masjid-E-Noor", Address = "lol sumwhere on devon", PHnum = "679374920", Fajr = DateTime.Parse("5:00 AM"), Zuhr = DateTime.Parse("1:10 PM"), Asr = DateTime.Parse("6:20 PM"), Maghrib = DateTime.Parse("7:00 PM"), Isha = DateTime.Parse("9:00 PM"), }; List <Masjid> Masjids = new List <Masjid> { Noor, REA, Jame }; var viewmodel = new MasjidViewModel { Masjids = Masjids }; return(View(viewmodel)); }
public IActionResult Notices() { ApplicationUser user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == user.MasjidId).FirstOrDefault(); NoticesViewModel Model = new NoticesViewModel(); Model.MasjidId = masjid.Id; Model.Notices = Repository .Find <Notice>(s => s.MasjidId == masjid.Id) .Include(s => s.Created) .ToList(); return(View(Model)); }
public MasjidInfoViewModel(Masjid pMasjid) { Markers = new Markers(); Masjid = pMasjid; PerpetualTime = new cPerpetualTime(DateTime.Now, Masjid, false); //Static Conversions QiblaDistance = Math.Round(cCalculations.DistanceTo(Masjid.Latitude, Masjid.Longitude, 21.4225, 39.8262)); QDStatute = Math.Round(QiblaDistance * 0.621371, 0); QDNautical = Math.Round(QiblaDistance * 0.539957, 0); QiblaBearing = Math.Round(cCalculations.DegreeBearing(Masjid.Latitude, Masjid.Longitude, 21.4225, 39.8262), 2); }
public IActionResult SalaahTimes() { ApplicationUser user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == user.MasjidId).FirstOrDefault(); SalaahTimesViewModel Model = new SalaahTimesViewModel(); Model.Type = masjid.SalaahTimesType; Model.MasjidId = masjid.Id; Model.SalaahTimes = Repository.Find <SalaahTime>(s => s.MasjidId == masjid.Id && s.Type == masjid.SalaahTimesType) .ToList(); return(View(Model)); }
public IActionResult MasjidAdmin(string Id) { ApplicationUser user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; if (user.IsSuperUser) { Masjid masjid = Repository.Find <Masjid>(s => s.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); MasjidEditViewModel Model = new MasjidEditViewModel(); _mapper.Map(masjid, Model); return(View("Masjid", Model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Masjid", "Manage")); } }
public async Task <object> GetMasjidSalaahTimesById(string id) { try { Masjid masjid = await _taqweemService.MasjidGetByIdIncludedAsync(id); SalaahTime times = _taqweemService.GetSalaahTime(masjid, DateTime.Now); if (times != null) { SalaahTimeDTO returnObject = new SalaahTimeDTO { MasjidId = times.MasjidId, Type = times.Type, IsATimeChange = times.IsATimeChange, TimeDate = times.TimeDate, DayNumber = times.DayNumber, FajrAdhaan = times.FajrAdhaan, FajrSalaah = times.FajrSalaah, DhuhrAdhaan = times.DhuhrAdhaan, DhuhrSalaah = times.DhuhrSalaah, JumuahAdhaan = times.JumuahAdhaan, JumuahSalaah = times.JumuahSalaah, SpecialDhuhrAdhaan = times.SpecialDhuhrAdhaan, SpecialDhuhrSalaah = times.SpecialDhuhrSalaah, AsrAdhaan = times.AsrAdhaan, AsrSalaah = times.AsrSalaah, IshaAdhaan = times.IshaAdhaan, IshaSalaah = times.IshaSalaah, }; return(returnObject); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public static void Initialize(ApplicationDbContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any students. if (context.Masjids.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } Masjid s = new Masjid(); s.Name = "Masjid Muaadh bin Jabal Crosby"; s.Town = "Johannesburg"; s.Country = "South Africa"; s.Latitude = -26.195149; s.Longitude = 27.990238; s.TimeZoneId = "South Africa Standard Time"; context.Masjids.Add(s); context.SaveChanges(); }
public IActionResult OldSiteRedirect(string Id) { try { int OldId = Convert.ToInt32(Id); Masjid masjid = _taqweemService.MasjidGetByOldSiteId(OldId); if (masjid != null) { return(RedirectToAction("MasjidInfo", "Home", new { Id = masjid.Id })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public cSalaahCalendar(Masjid pMasjid, ApplicationDbContext context) { _context = context; Repository = new EFRepository(_context); Masjid = pMasjid; Months = new List <DateTime>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { Months.Add(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, i, 1)); } Times = new List <SalaahTime>(); if (Masjid.SalaahTimesType == SalaahTimesType.DailyTime) { Times = Repository .Find <SalaahTime>(s => s.MasjidId == Masjid.Id && s.TimeDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.DailyTime) .OrderBy(s => s.DayNumber) .ToList(); Type = SalaahTimesType.DailyTime; } else { Times = Repository .Find <SalaahTime>(s => s.MasjidId == Masjid.Id && s.Type == SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime) .OrderBy(s => s.DayNumber) .ToList(); Type = SalaahTimesType.ScheduleTime; } }
public cPerpCalendar(Masjid pMasjid) { Masjid = pMasjid; Months = new List <DateTime>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { Months.Add(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, i, 1)); } Times = new List <cPerpetualTime>(); foreach (var Item in Months) { int Days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, Item.Month); for (int i = 1; i <= Days; i++) { Times.Add(new cPerpetualTime(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, Item.Month, i), Masjid, false)); } } }
public ActionResult Masjid(Masjid masjid) { return(View(masjid)); }
public string UploadMasjid(IFormFile file) { try { if (!IsSuperUser()) { return("Failed"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { file.CopyTo(stream); byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray(); Stream stream2 = new MemoryStream(byteArray); var package = new ExcelPackage(stream2); var z = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; ExcelWorksheet Sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; List <Masjid> Masjids = new List <Masjid>(); for (int i = 2; i <= Sheet.Dimension.End.Row; i++) { try { var M = new Masjid(); M.OldSiteId = Convert.ToInt32(Sheet.Cells[i, 1].Value.ToString()); if (M.OldSiteId == 1) { continue; } M.Name = Sheet.Cells[i, 2].Value.ToString(); M.Town = Sheet.Cells[i, 3].Value.ToString(); M.Country = Sheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(); M.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(Sheet.Cells[i, 5].Value.ToString()); M.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(Sheet.Cells[i, 6].Value.ToString()); //M.JuristMethod = (JuristicMethod)Enum.ToObject(typeof(JuristicMethod), (int)Sheet.Cells[i, 9].Value); string Ladies = Sheet.Cells[i, 10].Value.ToString(); if (Ladies == "Yes") { M.LadiesFacility = true; } else { M.LadiesFacility = false; } double Jummah = (double)Sheet.Cells[i, 11].Value; if (Jummah == 1) { M.JummahFacility = true; } else { M.JummahFacility = false; } M.Address = Sheet.Cells[i, 12].Value == null ? "" : Sheet.Cells[i, 12].Value.ToString(); M.Contact = Sheet.Cells[i, 13].Value == null ? "" : Sheet.Cells[i, 13].Value.ToString(); M.GeneralInfo = Sheet.Cells[i, 14].Value == null ? "" : Sheet.Cells[i, 14].Value.ToString(); M.TimeZoneId = "South Africa Standard Time"; Masjids.Add(M); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } } Masjids = Masjids.OrderBy(s => s.OldSiteId).ToList(); Repository.AddMultiple(Masjids); package.Dispose(); } return("Successful"); } else { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return("Fail" + ex.Message); } }
public cPerpetualTime(DateTime Dval, Masjid Masjid, bool IsTempMasjid) { if (!IsTempMasjid) { Masjid.TimeZoneDiff = cCalculations.GetTimeZoneDifference(Masjid.TimeZoneId, Dval); } Date = Dval; try { double PI = 4 * Math.Atan(1); double Pi = 4 * Math.Atan(1); double FAJR_ANGLE = 18; double ISHA_ANGLE = 18; double zSehriEnds, zFajr, zSunrise, zIshraaq, zZawaal, zAsr1, zAsr2, zSunset, zIftaar, zIsha; if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.UniversityOfIslamicSciencesKarachi) { FAJR_ANGLE = 18; ISHA_ANGLE = 18; } else if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.MuslimWorldLeague) { FAJR_ANGLE = 18; ISHA_ANGLE = 17; } else if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.IslamicSocietyOfNorthAmerica) { FAJR_ANGLE = 15; ISHA_ANGLE = 15; } else if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.UmmAlQuraUniversityMakkah) { FAJR_ANGLE = 18.5; ISHA_ANGLE = 0; } else if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.EgyptianGeneralAuthorityOfSurvey) { FAJR_ANGLE = 19.5; ISHA_ANGLE = 17.5; } else { FAJR_ANGLE = 18; ISHA_ANGLE = 18; } double dblLatitude, dblLongitude, dblHeight, dblTimeZone; double CALC_1, CALC_2, CALC_3, CALC_4, CALC_5, CALC_6, DECLINATION; int GLO_YEAR = Dval.Year;// DateTime.Now.Year; dblLatitude = Masjid.Latitude * (PI / 180); dblLongitude = Masjid.Longitude; dblTimeZone = Masjid.TimeZoneDiff * 15; dblHeight = Masjid.Height; if (dblLatitude < 0) { dblLatitude = -1 * dblLatitude; } DateTime LOOP_DATE = Dval;// DateTime.Now; int LOOP_MONTH = LOOP_DATE.Month; int LOOP_DAY = LOOP_DATE.Day; int LOOP_YEAR = LOOP_DATE.Year; if (LOOP_MONTH > 2) { LOOP_MONTH -= 3; } else { LOOP_YEAR -= 1; LOOP_MONTH += 9; } CALC_1 = ((0 / 24) + LOOP_DAY + Math.Floor(30.6 * LOOP_MONTH + 0.5) + Math.Floor(365.25 * (LOOP_YEAR - 1976)) - 8707.5) / 36525; CALC_2 = 23.4393 - (0.013 * CALC_1); CALC_3 = 357.528 + (35999.05 * CALC_1); CALC_3 = CALC_3 - (360 * Math.Floor(CALC_3 / 360)); CALC_4 = (1.915 * Math.Sin(CALC_3 * PI / 180)) + (0.02 * Math.Sin(2 * CALC_3 * PI / 180)); CALC_5 = 280.46 + (36000.77 * CALC_1) + CALC_4; CALC_5 = CALC_5 - (360 * Math.Floor(CALC_5 / 360)); CALC_6 = CALC_5 - (2.466 * Math.Sin(2 * CALC_5 * PI / 180)) + (0.053 * Math.Sin(4 * CALC_5 * PI / 180)); DECLINATION = Math.Atan(Math.Tan(CALC_2 * PI / 180) * Math.Sin(CALC_6 * PI / 180)); if (Masjid.Latitude < 0) { DECLINATION = DECLINATION * -1; } double EQUATIONTIME = ((CALC_5 - CALC_4 - CALC_6) / 15); zZawaal = ((12 + ((dblTimeZone - dblLongitude) / 15) - EQUATIONTIME));// +0.0083333333; //SUNRISE AND SUNSET CALCULATIONS double AZIMUTH = ((Math.Sin((-0.8333 * PI / 180) - (0.0347 * Math.Sqrt(Masjid.Height) * Pi / 180)) - (Math.Sin(DECLINATION) * Math.Sin(dblLatitude))) / (Math.Cos(DECLINATION) * Math.Cos(dblLatitude))); AZIMUTH = Math.Atan(-AZIMUTH / Math.Sqrt(-AZIMUTH * AZIMUTH + 1)) + (Pi / 2); AZIMUTH = (180 / (15 * Pi)) * AZIMUTH; zSunrise = zZawaal - AZIMUTH; zSunset = zZawaal + AZIMUTH; zIftaar = zSunset + 0.05; zIshraaq = zSunrise + 0.25; //zIshraaq = zSunrise + 0.0833333; double AZIMUTH2 = (((-1) * Math.Sin(FAJR_ANGLE * (PI / 180))) - ((Math.Sin(dblLatitude) * Math.Sin(DECLINATION)))) / (Math.Cos(dblLatitude) * Math.Cos((DECLINATION))); AZIMUTH2 = (Math.Acos(AZIMUTH2) * (180 / PI)) / 15; zSehriEnds = zZawaal - AZIMUTH2 - 0.083333333333; zFajr = zZawaal - AZIMUTH2; if (Masjid.JuristMethod == JuristicMethod.UmmAlQuraUniversityMakkah) { zIsha = zSunset + 0.05 + 1.5; } else { double AZIMUTH3 = (((-1) * Math.Sin(ISHA_ANGLE * (PI / 180))) - ((Math.Sin(dblLatitude) * (Math.Sin(DECLINATION))))) / (Math.Cos(dblLatitude) * Math.Cos(DECLINATION)); AZIMUTH3 = (Math.Acos(AZIMUTH3) * (180 / PI)) / 15; zIsha = zZawaal + AZIMUTH3; } double CALC_ASAR1 = (Math.Atan(1 / (1 + Math.Tan((dblLatitude) - (DECLINATION))))) * (180 / PI); CALC_ASAR1 = (Math.Sin(CALC_ASAR1 * (PI / 180))) - (Math.Sin(dblLatitude) * Math.Sin(DECLINATION)); CALC_ASAR1 = CALC_ASAR1 / (Math.Cos(dblLatitude) * Math.Cos(DECLINATION)); CALC_ASAR1 = (Math.Acos(CALC_ASAR1) * (180 / PI)) / 15; zAsr1 = zZawaal + CALC_ASAR1; double CALC_ASAR2 = Math.Atan(1 / (2 + (Math.Tan(((dblLatitude) - (DECLINATION)))))) * (180 / PI); CALC_ASAR2 = (Math.Sin(CALC_ASAR2 * (PI / 180))) - (Math.Sin(dblLatitude) * Math.Sin(DECLINATION)); CALC_ASAR2 = CALC_ASAR2 / (Math.Cos(dblLatitude) * Math.Cos(DECLINATION)); CALC_ASAR2 = (Math.Acos(CALC_ASAR2) * (180 / PI)) / 15; zAsr2 = zZawaal + CALC_ASAR2; int Day = Dval.Day; int Month = Dval.Month; int Year = Dval.Year; SehriEnds = DoubleToDateTime(zSehriEnds, Year, Month, Day); Fajr = DoubleToDateTime(zFajr, Year, Month, Day); Sunrise = DoubleToDateTime(zSunrise, Year, Month, Day); Ishraaq = DoubleToDateTime(zIshraaq, Year, Month, Day); Zawaal = DoubleToDateTime(zZawaal, Year, Month, Day); Dhuhr = Zawaal.AddMinutes(5); AsrShafi = DoubleToDateTime(zAsr1, Year, Month, Day); AsrHanafi = DoubleToDateTime(zAsr2, Year, Month, Day); Sunset = DoubleToDateTime(zSunset, Year, Month, Day); if (Masjid.MaghribAdhaanDelay != 0) { Maghrib = Sunset.AddMinutes(Masjid.MaghribAdhaanDelay); } else { Maghrib = Sunset.AddMinutes(3); } Isha = DoubleToDateTime(zIsha, Year, Month, Day); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void DBInit() { List <Models.TimeZone> TimeZones = Repository.GetAll <Models.TimeZone>().ToList(); if (TimeZones.Count < 1) { foreach (var Zone in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) { Models.TimeZone T = new Models.TimeZone(); T.Id = Zone.Id; T.DaylightName = Zone.DaylightName; T.DisplayName = Zone.DisplayName; T.StandardName = Zone.StandardName; T.SupportsDaylightSavingTime = Zone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime; T.DefaultUTCDifference = cCalculations.GetTimeZoneDifference(T.Id, DateTime.Now); TimeZones.Add(T); } Repository.AddMultiple(TimeZones); } List <Masjid> AllMasjids = Repository.GetAll <Masjid>().ToList(); //DB INIT if (AllMasjids.Count < 1) { Masjid s = new Masjid(); s.Id = "5f3e7169-ab20-4b34-bb27-2e86eefee2c1"; s.Name = "Masjid Muaadh bin Jabal - Crosby"; s.Town = "Johannesburg"; s.Country = "South Africa"; s.Latitude = -26.195149; s.Longitude = 27.990238; s.OldSiteId = 1; s.LadiesFacility = true; s.JummahFacility = true; s.Address = "114 Jamestown Avenue Crosby Johannesburg 2092"; s.Contact = "Ml R Joosub, Ml S Maanjra, Br Abdur Rasheed, Br Faizal Suffla, Br Basheer Seedat"; s.TimeZoneId = "South Africa Standard Time"; Repository.Add(s); } //// List <ApplicationUser> Users = Repository.GetAll <ApplicationUser>().ToList(); if (Users.Count < 1) { var OmairEmail = "*****@*****.**"; var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = OmairEmail, Email = OmairEmail, Id = "513f1fe1-8e01-4c62-b332-ee8a0f7e2c29", FullName = "Omair Kazi", EmailConfirmed = true, ActiveStatus = UserStatus.Active, IsSuperUser = true, CreatedAt = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), MasjidId = "5f3e7169-ab20-4b34-bb27-2e86eefee2c1" }; var Password = "******"; var result = _userManager.CreateAsync(user, Password).Result; } }
//Masjid public Masjid MasjidCreate(Masjid masjid) { return(Repository.Add(masjid)); }
public Masjid GetCountDown(Masjid Masjid) { MasjidCountDown CountDown = new MasjidCountDown(); SalaahTime Times = _taqweemService.GetSalaahTime(Masjid, DateTime.Now); DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; cPerpetualTime PepTime = new cPerpetualTime(DateTime.Now, Masjid, false); if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.FajrAdhaan.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Fajr Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.FajrAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.FajrAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.FajrSalaah.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Fajr Salaah"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.FajrSalaah); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.FajrSalaah.ToString("HH:mm"); } // JUMMAH// else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.JumuahAdhaan.TimeOfDay && Masjid.JummahFacility && Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Jumuah Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.JumuahAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.JumuahAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.JumuahSalaah.TimeOfDay && Masjid.JummahFacility && Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Jumuah Salaah"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.JumuahSalaah); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.JumuahSalaah.ToString("HH:mm"); } //DHUHR// else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.DhuhrAdhaan.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Dhuhr Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.DhuhrAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.DhuhrAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.DhuhrSalaah.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Dhuhr Salaah"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.DhuhrSalaah); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.DhuhrSalaah.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.AsrAdhaan.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Asr Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.AsrAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.AsrAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.AsrSalaah.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Asr Salaah"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.AsrSalaah); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.AsrSalaah.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < PepTime.Maghrib.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Maghrib"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(PepTime.Maghrib); CountDown.SalaahTime = PepTime.Maghrib.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.IshaAdhaan.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Isha Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.IshaAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.IshaAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } else if (Now.TimeOfDay < Times.IshaSalaah.TimeOfDay) { CountDown.NextSalaah = "Isha Salaah"; CountDown.CountDown = TimeDiff(Times.IshaSalaah); CountDown.SalaahTime = Times.IshaSalaah.ToString("HH:mm"); } else { //Check Next Days Fajr SalaahTime TomorrowsTime = _taqweemService.GetSalaahTime(Masjid, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); CountDown.NextSalaah = "Fajr Adhaan"; CountDown.CountDown = "N/A";// TimeDiff(TomorrowsTime.FajrAdhaan); CountDown.SalaahTime = TomorrowsTime.FajrAdhaan.ToString("HH:mm"); } Masjid.CountDown = CountDown; return(Masjid); }
public IActionResult MasjidInfo(string Id) { Masjid Info = _taqweemService.MasjidGetByIdIncluded(Id); MasjidInfoViewModel Model = new MasjidInfoViewModel(Info); Model.Markers.Marker = _taqweemService.MasjidGetAll().ToList(); Model.Users = _taqweemService.UsersGetByMasjidId(Id); Model.Notices = _taqweemService.NoticesGetByMasjidIdUnhidden(Id); //Get current salaah time for the masjid Model.SalaahTime = _taqweemService.GetSalaahTime(Info, DateTime.Now); //Get next salaah time change for the masjid Model.NextSalaahTime = _taqweemService.NextSalaahTime(Info, DateTime.Now); if (Model.NextSalaahTime != null) { DateTime val = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1); val = val.AddDays(Model.NextSalaahTime.DayNumber - 1); if (Model.NextSalaahTime.DayNumber < DateTime.Now.DayOfYear) { val = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1, 1, 1); val = val.AddDays(Model.NextSalaahTime.DayNumber - 1); } Model.NextPerpetualTime = new cPerpetualTime(val, Info, false); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsFajrTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.FajrAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.FajrSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.FajrAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.FajrSalaah); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsDhuhrTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.DhuhrAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.DhuhrSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.DhuhrAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.DhuhrSalaah); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsSpecialDhuhrTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.SpecialDhuhrAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.SpecialDhuhrSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.SpecialDhuhrAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.SpecialDhuhrSalaah); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsJumuahTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.JumuahAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.JumuahSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.JumuahAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.JumuahSalaah); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsAsrTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.AsrAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.AsrSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.AsrAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.AsrSalaah); Model.NextSalaahTime.IsIshaTimeChange = IsTimeDifferent( Model.SalaahTime.IshaAdhaan, Model.SalaahTime.IshaSalaah, Model.NextSalaahTime.IshaAdhaan, Model.NextSalaahTime.IshaSalaah); } return(View(Model)); }