예제 #1
        public MarketOverview TotalBonds(int input)
            // At this point i'm not sure if activeBonds are the total issued so far or is it limit bonds.
            // limitBonds - totalBonds seems to give the correct number for available bonds.
            var marketOverview = new MarketOverview()
                TotalBondsIssued   = GetBondInfo("activeBonds").Result,
                MaxBonds           = GetBondInfo("limitBonds").Result,
                TotalDistinctUsers = GetBondInfo("nBonds").Result,
                TotalBondsBought   = GetBondInfo("totalBonds").Result,
                ContractBalance    = GetContractBalance().Result

        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region local variable init
            bool firstRun = true;
            bool fullyInvested = false;
            bool         bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced  = false;
            bool         btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced = false;
            bool         bfxLimitEntryPlaced       = false;
            bool         btceLimitEntryPlaced      = false;
            double       netBfx                    = 0;
            double       netBtce                   = 0;
            double       bfxLimitBidPrice          = 0;
            double       btceLimitAskPrice         = 0;
            double       btceLimitBidPrice         = 0;
            double       btceLimitEntryVolume      = 0;
            int          bfx_entry_orderid         = 0;
            int          bfx_exit_orderid          = 0;
            int          btce_entry_orderid        = 0;
            double       bfxAskLimit               = 0;
            double       btceBidLimit              = 0;
            double       btceMarketActionPrice     = 0;
            double       bfxMarketActionPrice      = 0;
            double       btceMarketExitActionPrice = 0;
            double       LMT_BFX                   = 0;
            double       LMT_BFX2                  = 0;
            double       lastNetBtce               = 0;
            double       targetBtceAmtThisOrder    = 0;
            const string exchange2                 = "btcchina";
            string       crossCName;

            if (exchange2 == "btc-e")
                crossCName = "ltc_usd";

            else if (exchange2 == "btcchina")
                crossCName = "LTCCNY";

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to start");
            Console.WriteLine("running live..");
            while (true)
                MarketOverview marketData = new MarketOverview();
                    marketData = getMarketData(exchange2);
                catch (Exception)
                    goto reReq;
                if (!firstRun)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);
                    firstRun = false;
                //        Initial order placement        //
                //if (false)
                exitRatio = exitRatio;
                #region Entry Orders
                if (!fullyInvested && !bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced && !btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced)                                           //check if we should place orders
                    if (marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume > 0.1 && !bfxLimitEntryPlaced && marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume <= 0.1) //we can place a limit order to sell at bfx
                        bfxAskLimit           = marketData.prices.bfx_ask;
                        bfx_entry_orderid     = ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", Math.Min(Math.Min((maxInvest + netBfx), investAmt), marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume), marketData.prices.bfx_ask, "ltcusd", "sell", "limit");
                        bfxLimitEntryPlaced   = true;
                        btceMarketActionPrice = marketData.prices.btce_ask_adjusted;
                        LMT_BFX = 0;
                    #region check bfx limit entry status
                    else if (bfxLimitEntryPlaced)        //check our orders status
                        Tuple <double, double> status = ApiCall.orderStatus("bitfinex", bfx_entry_orderid, 0);
                        double amtExec = status.Item2;
                        double amtRem  = status.Item1;
                        //continuously update netBfxHolding
                        netBfx -= amtExec - LMT_BFX;
                        LMT_BFX = amtExec;
                        if (netBfx + netBtce < -0.1)       // some of our order executed, match on the other exchange
                            double matchingOrderVol = -1 * (netBfx + netBtce);
                            if (btceLimitEntryPlaced)
                                btceLimitEntryPlaced = false;
                                string cancelAttempt = ApiCall.cancelOrder(exchange2, btce_entry_orderid); //cancel our other limit order
                                //cancelAttempt = cancelAttempt.Replace("return", "ret");
                                //dynamic jds = JObject.Parse(cancelAttempt);
                                //if (jds.success == 0)
                                //{//order is fully processed
                                //    matchingOrderVol = 0;
                                //    netLongBtce += btceLimitEntryVolume;
                                //else if (jds.ret.funds.ltc > lastBtceAmtExec)
                                //{//partial execution
                                //    matchingOrderVol -= double.Parse(jds.ret.funds.ltc.ToString()) - lastBtceAmtExec;
                            Console.WriteLine("bitfinex limit order processed some more");
                            int success = ApiCall.placeOrder(exchange2, matchingOrderVol, btceMarketActionPrice, crossCName, "buy"); //match our order on the other exchange
                            //need to verify the order!
                            if (success != -1)
                                netBtce     += matchingOrderVol;
                                lastNetBtce += matchingOrderVol;
                            if (amtRem < 0.01)
                                Console.WriteLine("Order part executed fully!");
                                bfxLimitEntryPlaced = false; //order executed in full
                                if (maxInvest + netBfx <= 0.1)
                                    fullyInvested = true;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Entry done");

                        else if ((marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume > 0.1 || marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume < amtRem || marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume <= 0.1) && bfxLimitEntryPlaced)
                            //we can act on market or we are no longer profitable
                            ApiCall.cancelOrder("bitfinex", bfx_entry_orderid);
                            bfxLimitEntryPlaced = false;
                        else if (bfxAskLimit > marketData.prices.bfx_ask && marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume > 0.1 && bfxLimitEntryPlaced && amtRem > 0.1)
                            bfx_entry_orderid     = ApiCall.replaceOrder("bitfinex", bfx_entry_orderid, Math.Min(amtRem, marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume), marketData.prices.bfx_ask, "ltcusd", "sell", "limit");
                            bfxAskLimit           = marketData.prices.bfx_ask;
                            btceMarketActionPrice = marketData.prices.btce_ask_adjusted;
                            LMT_BFX = 0;
                            amtExec = 0;
                    if (!fullyInvested && marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume > 0.1 && !btceLimitEntryPlaced && maxInvest - netBtce > 0.1 && marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume <= 0.1)//place a btce limit order. note that we can have simultanious bfx/btce entry orders
                        btceLimitBidPrice      = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                        btceLimitEntryVolume   = Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Round(maxInvest - netBtce, 4), investAmt), marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume);
                        btce_entry_orderid     = ApiCall.placeOrder(exchange2, btceLimitEntryVolume, marketData.prices.btce_bid, crossCName, "buy");
                        btceLimitEntryPlaced   = true;
                        btceBidLimit           = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                        bfxMarketActionPrice   = marketData.prices.bfx_bid_adjusted;
                        targetBtceAmtThisOrder = netBtce + btceLimitEntryVolume;
                        //control variables
                    #region check btce limit entry status
                    else if (btceLimitEntryPlaced)
                        ApiCall.AccountInformation act = ApiCall.getAccountInfo(exchange2);
                        double amtExec = act.ltcAmount;
                        netBtce = amtExec;
                        //double amtRem = (netBtceHolding + btceLimitEntryVolume) - amtExec;
                        if (netBtce + netBfx > 0.1)
                            double matchingOrderVol = netBtce + netBfx;
                            if (bfxLimitEntryPlaced)
                                //we have to cancel the other order
                                string cancelAttempt = ApiCall.cancelOrder("bitfinex", bfx_entry_orderid); //cancelorder returns amount executed
                                bfxLimitEntryPlaced = false;
                                //dynamic jds = JObject.Parse(cancelAttempt); this is more complicated than i thought
                                //if (jds.executed_amount > lastBfxAmtExec)
                                //    matchingOrderVol -= double.Parse(jds.executed_amount.ToString()) - lastBfxAmtExec;
                            Console.WriteLine("btce limit order processed some more: " + matchingOrderVol);
                            ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", matchingOrderVol, bfxMarketActionPrice, "ltcusd", "sell", "limit");
                            netBfx -= matchingOrderVol;
                            if (targetBtceAmtThisOrder - amtExec <= 0.1)
                                btceLimitEntryPlaced = false; //order executed in full
                                Console.WriteLine("Order part executed fully!");
                                if (maxInvest - netBtce <= 0.1)
                                    fullyInvested = true;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Entry done");
                        if (btceLimitEntryPlaced && (marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume > 0.1 || marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume < targetBtceAmtThisOrder - amtExec || marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume <= 0.1))
                            //cancel the limit to act on market or because it is not profitable
                            ApiCall.cancelOrder(exchange2, btce_entry_orderid);
                            btceLimitEntryPlaced = false;
                        else if (btceBidLimit < marketData.prices.btce_bid && marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume > 0.1 && btceLimitEntryPlaced)
                            double vol = Math.Min(Math.Min(maxInvest - amtExec, marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume), investAmt);
                            btce_entry_orderid     = ApiCall.replaceOrder(exchange2, btce_entry_orderid, vol, marketData.prices.btce_bid, crossCName, "buy");
                            btceBidLimit           = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                            bfxMarketActionPrice   = marketData.prices.bfx_bid_adjusted;
                            targetBtceAmtThisOrder = amtExec + vol;
                    if (!fullyInvested && marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume > 0.1 && !bfxLimitEntryPlaced && !btceLimitEntryPlaced && netBtce < maxInvest)//see if we should place a market order to enter
                        //other orders should already be canceled
                        bfx_entry_orderid     = ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", Math.Min(Math.Min((maxInvest + netBfx), investAmt), marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume), marketData.prices.bfx_bid_adjusted, "ltcusd", "sell", "limit");
                        btceMarketActionPrice = marketData.prices.btce_ask_adjusted;
                        bfxLimitEntryPlaced   = true;
                        LMT_BFX = 0;
                //        Initial orders Executed        //
                #region Exit orders
                if (netBtce > 0 && !bfxLimitEntryPlaced && !btceLimitEntryPlaced)
                    if (marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume > 0.1 && marketData.exit.marketExitVolume < 0.1 && !bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced && netBfx < -0.1)
                        //we should enter into a bfx limit exit position
                        bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced  = true;
                        bfx_exit_orderid          = ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", Math.Min(Math.Min(-1 * netBfx, investAmt), marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume), marketData.prices.bfx_bid, "ltcusd", "buy", "limit");
                        bfxLimitBidPrice          = marketData.prices.bfx_bid;
                        btceLimitAskPrice         = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                        btceMarketExitActionPrice = marketData.prices.btce_bid_adjusted;
                        LMT_BFX2 = 0;
                    #region check bfx exit order
                    else if (bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced)
                        //check progress of our secondary limit orders
                        Tuple <double, double> status = ApiCall.orderStatus("bitfinex", bfx_exit_orderid);
                        double amtExec   = status.Item2;
                        double bfxRemAmt = status.Item1;

                        netBfx  += amtExec - LMT_BFX2; //continuously update
                        LMT_BFX2 = amtExec;
                        if (netBfx + netBtce > 0.1)    //our bfx order is filled some more, place a matching buy order on btce
                            ApiCall.AccountInformation btce = ApiCall.getAccountInfo(exchange2);
                            double orderVol = Math.Min(Math.Round((netBtce + netBfx), 3), btce.ltcAmount);
                            Console.WriteLine(ApiCall.placeOrder(exchange2, orderVol, btceMarketExitActionPrice, crossCName, "sell"));
                            Console.WriteLine("Bitfinex limit close order filled some more!");
                            netBtce -= orderVol;
                            if (bfxRemAmt == 0)
                            {            //this order has completed
                                bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced = false;
                            if (netBfx >= -0.01)
                                //our entire position was closed, restart.
                                bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced = false;
                                //have to double check that bfx position is 100% closed
                                goto restart;
                        else if (marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume <= 0.1 || marketData.exit.marketExitVolume > 0.1)
                            //the best bid is no longer profitable OR we can act on the market
                            ApiCall.cancelOrder("bitfinex", bfx_exit_orderid);
                            bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced = false;
                        else if (marketData.prices.bfx_bid > bfxLimitBidPrice && marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume > 0.1)
                            bfx_exit_orderid          = ApiCall.replaceOrder("bitfinex", bfx_exit_orderid, Math.Min(bfxRemAmt, marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume), marketData.prices.bfx_bid, "ltcusd", "buy", "limit");
                            bfxLimitBidPrice          = marketData.prices.bfx_bid;
                            btceMarketExitActionPrice = marketData.prices.btce_bid_adjusted;
                            amtExec  = 0;
                            LMT_BFX2 = 0;
                        btceLimitAskPrice = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                    #region check btce close order
                    //if (btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced)
                    //    //check progress of our secondary limit orders
                    //    string a = Query.btceQuery("&method=ActiveOrders&pair=ltc_usd");
                    //    a = a.Replace("return", "ret").Replace(btce_exit_orderid.ToString(), "order");
                    //    dynamic dynamos = JObject.Parse(a);
                    //    double amtRem = double.Parse(dynamos.ret.order.amount.ToString());
                    //    double amtExec = btceLimitExitVolume - amtRem;
                    //    if (amtExec > lastAmtSoldBtce)
                    //    {
                    //        //our bfx order is filled some more, place a matching buy order on bfx
                    //        Console.WriteLine(ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", Math.Round((amtExec - lastAmtSoldBtce), 3), marketData.prices.bfx_ask, "ltcusd", "buy"));
                    //        netLongBfx = amtExec;
                    //        Console.WriteLine("Bitfinex limit close order filled some more!");
                    //        netLongBfx += amtExec - lastAmtBoughtBfx;
                    //    }
                    //    if (marketData.prices.btce_ask / marketData.prices.btce_ask > exitRatio)
                    //    {
                    //        //cancel our bfx limit buy order.
                    //        ApiCall.cancelOrder("btc-e", btce_exit_orderid);
                    //        Console.WriteLine("Canceled bfx limit order");
                    //        bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced = false;
                    //    }
                    //    //else if (marketData.prices.bfx_bid > bfxLimitBidPrice && marketData.prices.bfx_bid / marketData.prices.btce_bid < exitRatio && !waitingOnBtceSell)
                    //    //{
                    //    //    Console.WriteLine("lowering our btce ask");
                    //    //    cancelOrder("bitfinex", bfx_exit_orderid);
                    //    //    //bfxnparam++;
                    //    //    string b = placeOrder(bfxRemAmt, marketData.prices.bfx_bid, "ltcusd", "bitfinex", "buy", "limit");
                    //    //    bfx_exit_orderid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<bitfinex_json.orderInfo>(b).order_id;
                    //    //    Console.WriteLine("placed limit buy order to close bfx position");
                    //    //    bfxLimitBidPrice = marketData.prices.bfx_bid;
                    //    //    btceLimitAskPrice = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                    //    //}
                    //    lastAmtSoldBtce = amtExec;
                    #region market exit
                    if (marketData.exit.marketExitVolume > 0.1 && !bfxLimitCloseOrderPlaced && !btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced && netBfx < 0)//we can close our secondary positions at market
                        //cancel outstanding close orders - should already be done
                        ApiCall.AccountInformation btce = ApiCall.getAccountInfo(exchange2);
                        if (btce.ltcAmount > 0)
                            double bfxExitedVol  = Math.Min(-1 * netBfx, marketData.exit.marketExitVolume);
                            double btceExitedVol = Math.Min(btce.ltcAmount, marketData.exit.marketExitVolume);
                            double exitVol       = Math.Min(bfxExitedVol, btceExitedVol);
                            ApiCall.placeOrder("bitfinex", bfxExitedVol, marketData.prices.bfx_ask_adjusted, "ltcusd", "buy", "limit");
                            ApiCall.placeOrder(exchange2, btceExitedVol, marketData.prices.btce_bid_adjusted, crossCName, "sell");
                            Console.WriteLine("Exited " + bfxExitedVol + " at BFX, " + btceExitedVol + " at BTCE");
                            netBtce -= exitVol;
                            netBfx  += exitVol;
                            if (netBfx >= -0.05)
                                //double check to make sure we have NO bfx position!
                                //closeAllOrders();//claim anything remaining at market
                                goto restart;
                            Console.WriteLine("No ltc in btc-e wallet yet.");
                    //else if (marketData.prices.bfx_ask / marketData.prices.btce_ask < exitRatio && btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced == false)//if a sell order on btce executes at the best ask and we can immedlatly buy on bfx
                    //    Console.WriteLine("placing btce sell limit order");
                    //    btceLimitCloseOrderPlaced = true;
                    //    accountInformation acctInfo = getAccountInfo("btc-e");
                    //    btceLimitExitVolume = Math.Min(Math.Min(netShortBfx - netLongBfx, investAmt), acctInfo.ltcAmount);
                    //    string a = placeOrder(btceLimitExitVolume, marketData.prices.btce_ask, "ltc_usd", "btc-e", "sell");
                    //    a = a.Replace("return", "ret");
                    //    dynamic jOb = JObject.Parse(a);
                    //    btce_exit_orderid = Int32.Parse(jOb.ret.order_id.ToString());
                    //    Console.WriteLine("exit order placed at btce limit");
                    //    btceLimitAskPrice = marketData.prices.btce_bid;
                Console.WriteLine("Volume to enter BFX limit at: " + marketData.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume + " BTCE: " + marketData.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume);
                Console.WriteLine("Volume to enter market at: " + marketData.entry.marketEntryVolume);
                Console.WriteLine("Volume to exit BFX limit at: " + marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume + " BTCE: " + marketData.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume);
                Console.WriteLine("Volume to exit market at: " + marketData.exit.marketExitVolume);
                Console.WriteLine("cross exchange ratio: " + marketData.prices.bfx_ask / marketData.prices.btce_bid);//+ (profitAtThisLevel+exitRatio) +"  " +  (profitAtThisLevelMkt+exitRatio));
                Console.WriteLine("###### " + netBfx + "   ######   " + netBtce + " ######");
        static MarketOverview getMarketData(string e2)
            md[]           bfxOrders = new md[10];
            md[]           e2Orders    = new md[10];
            HttpWebRequest bfxDepthReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/book/LTCUSD?limit_bids=10&limit_asks=10");

            bitfinex_json.Depth e1Depth = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <bitfinex_json.Depth>(Query.read(bfxDepthReq));
            if (e2 == "btcchina")
                HttpWebRequest      btcchinaDepthReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://data.btcchina.com/data/orderbook?market=LTCCNY&limit=10");
                btcchina_json.Depth e2Depth          = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <btcchina_json.Depth>(Query.read(btcchinaDepthReq));
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    bfxOrders[i]             = new md();
                    bfxOrders[i].asks        = new md.Asks();
                    bfxOrders[i].bids        = new md.Bids();
                    bfxOrders[i].asks.price  = e1Depth.asks[i].price;
                    bfxOrders[i].asks.volume = e1Depth.asks[i].amount;
                    bfxOrders[i].bids.price  = e1Depth.bids[i].price;
                    bfxOrders[i].bids.volume = e1Depth.bids[i].amount;
                    e2Orders[i]             = new md();
                    e2Orders[i].asks        = new md.Asks();
                    e2Orders[i].bids        = new md.Bids();
                    e2Orders[i].asks.price  = e2Depth.asks[i][0];
                    e2Orders[i].asks.volume = e2Depth.asks[i][1];
                    e2Orders[i].bids.price  = e2Depth.bids[i][0];
                    e2Orders[i].bids.volume = e2Depth.bids[i][1];
            else if (e2 == "btc-e")
                HttpWebRequest  btceDepthReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://btc-e.com/api/3/depth/ltc_usd?limit=10");
                btce_json.Depth e2Depth      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <btce_json.Depth>(Query.read(btceDepthReq));
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    bfxOrders[i]             = new md();
                    bfxOrders[i].asks        = new md.Asks();
                    bfxOrders[i].bids        = new md.Bids();
                    bfxOrders[i].asks.price  = e1Depth.asks[i].price;
                    bfxOrders[i].asks.volume = e1Depth.asks[i].amount;
                    bfxOrders[i].bids.price  = e1Depth.bids[i].price;
                    bfxOrders[i].bids.volume = e1Depth.bids[i].amount;
                    e2Orders[i]             = new md();
                    e2Orders[i].asks        = new md.Asks();
                    e2Orders[i].bids        = new md.Bids();
                    e2Orders[i].asks.price  = e2Depth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0];
                    e2Orders[i].asks.volume = e2Depth.ltc_usd.asks[i][1];
                    e2Orders[i].bids.price  = e2Depth.ltc_usd.bids[i][0];
                    e2Orders[i].bids.volume = e2Depth.ltc_usd.bids[i][1];
            double bfx_ask  = bfxOrders[0].asks.price;
            double bfx_bid  = bfxOrders[0].bids.price;
            double btce_ask = e2Orders[0].asks.price;
            double btce_bid = e2Orders[0].bids.price;

            #region profit calculation
            //bfx limit entry
            double bfxLimitEntryVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            double adjustedBtceAsk     = btce_ask;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double profitAtNextDepth = calculateProfit(bfx_ask, btce_ask).Item1;//((1 - e2MarketFee) * (bfx_ask / exitRatio) - (1 + e2MarketFee) * btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0]) + bfx_ask - (1 + bfxLimitFee) * bfx_ask;
                if (profitAtNextDepth > 0)
                    adjustedBtceAsk      = e2Orders[i].asks.price;
                    bfxLimitEntryVolume += e2Orders[i].asks.volume;
                    //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price
            //btce limit entry
            double btceLimitEntryVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            double adjustedBfxBid       = bfx_bid;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double profitAtNextDepth = calculateProfit(bfx_ask, btce_ask, bfx_bid, btce_bid).Item3;//((1 - e2MarketFee) * (bfx_ask / exitRatio) - (1 + e2MarketFee) * btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0]) + bfx_ask - (1 + bfxLimitFee) * bfx_ask;
                if (profitAtNextDepth > 0)
                    adjustedBfxBid        = bfxOrders[i].bids.price;
                    btceLimitEntryVolume += bfxOrders[i].bids.volume;
                    //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price
            //market entry volume
            double marketEntryVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            if (bfxLimitEntryVolume > 0 && btceLimitEntryVolume > 0)
                double nextBfxBidVol    = bfxOrders[0].bids.volume;
                double nextBtceAskVol   = e2Orders[0].asks.volume;
                double nextBfxBidPrice  = bfxOrders[0].bids.price;
                double nextBtceAskPrice = e2Orders[0].asks.price;
                int    bfxLastIndex     = 0;
                int    btceLastIndex    = 0;
                while (bfxLastIndex < 4 && btceLastIndex < 4)
                    double profitAtNextDepth = calculateProfit(bfx_ask, nextBtceAskPrice, nextBfxBidPrice).Item2;//((1 - e2MarketFee) * (bfx_ask / exitRatio) - (1 + e2MarketFee) * btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0]) + bfx_ask - (1 + bfxLimitFee) * bfx_ask;
                    if (profitAtNextDepth > 0)
                        adjustedBtceAsk = nextBtceAskPrice;
                        adjustedBfxBid  = nextBfxBidPrice;
                        double minVol = Math.Min(nextBfxBidVol, nextBtceAskVol);
                        marketEntryVolume += minVol;
                        nextBfxBidVol     -= minVol;
                        nextBtceAskVol    -= minVol;
                        if (nextBfxBidVol == 0)
                            adjustedBfxBid = nextBfxBidPrice;
                            nextBfxBidVol   = bfxOrders[bfxLastIndex].bids.volume;
                            nextBfxBidPrice = bfxOrders[bfxLastIndex].bids.price;
                            adjustedBtceAsk = nextBtceAskPrice;
                            nextBtceAskVol   = e2Orders[btceLastIndex].asks.volume;
                            nextBtceAskPrice = e2Orders[btceLastIndex].asks.price;
                        //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price
            //bfx limit exit volume
            double bfxLimitExitVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            double adjustedBtceBid    = btce_bid;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double exitRatioAtNextDepth = bfx_bid / e2Orders[i].bids.price;
                if (exitRatioAtNextDepth < exitRatio)
                    adjustedBtceBid     = e2Orders[i].bids.price;
                    bfxLimitExitVolume += e2Orders[i].bids.volume;
                    //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price
            //btce limit exit volume
            double btceLimitExitVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            double adjustedBfxAsk      = bfx_ask;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double exitRatioAtNextDepth = bfx_ask / e2Orders[i].bids.price;
                if (exitRatioAtNextDepth < exitRatio)
                    //adjustedBfxAsk = btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][
                    //btce_bid = btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0];
                    btceLimitExitVolume += bfxOrders[i].asks.volume;
                    //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price
            //market exit volume
            double marketExitVolume = 0; //volume of best bid at other exchange
            if (bfxLimitExitVolume > 0 && btceLimitExitVolume > 0)
                double nextBfxAskVol    = bfxOrders[0].asks.volume;
                double nextBtceBidVol   = e2Orders[0].bids.volume;
                double nextBfxAskPrice  = bfxOrders[0].asks.price;
                double nextBtceBidPrice = e2Orders[0].bids.price;
                int    bfxLastIndex     = 0;
                int    btceLastIndex    = 0;
                while (bfxLastIndex < 4 && btceLastIndex < 4)
                    double ratioAtNextDepth = nextBfxAskPrice / nextBtceBidPrice;
                    if (ratioAtNextDepth < exitRatio)
                        //btce_ask = btceDepth.ltc_usd.asks[i][0];
                        double minVol = Math.Min(nextBfxAskVol, nextBtceBidVol);
                        marketExitVolume += minVol;
                        nextBfxAskVol    -= minVol;
                        nextBtceBidVol   -= minVol;
                        if (nextBfxAskVol == 0)
                            adjustedBfxAsk = nextBfxAskPrice;
                            nextBfxAskVol   = bfxOrders[bfxLastIndex].asks.volume;
                            nextBfxAskPrice = bfxOrders[bfxLastIndex].asks.price;
                            adjustedBtceBid = nextBtceBidPrice;
                            nextBtceBidVol  = e2Orders[btceLastIndex].bids.volume;
                            nextBfxAskPrice = e2Orders[btceLastIndex].bids.price;
                        //we can buy up to this volume, add this volume to our max and go for this price

            MarketOverview mkt = new MarketOverview();
            mkt.prices = new MarketOverview.Prices();
            mkt.entry  = new MarketOverview.Entry();
            mkt.exit   = new MarketOverview.Exit();

            mkt.prices.bfx_bid             = bfxOrders[0].bids.price;
            mkt.prices.bfx_ask             = bfxOrders[0].asks.price;
            mkt.prices.btce_bid            = e2Orders[0].bids.price;
            mkt.prices.btce_ask            = e2Orders[0].asks.price;
            mkt.entry.bfxLimitEntryVolume  = bfxLimitEntryVolume;
            mkt.exit.bfxLimitExitVolume    = bfxLimitExitVolume;
            mkt.entry.marketEntryVolume    = marketEntryVolume;
            mkt.entry.btceLimitEntryVolume = btceLimitEntryVolume;
            mkt.exit.marketExitVolume      = marketExitVolume;
            mkt.prices.bfx_ask_adjusted    = adjustedBfxAsk;
            mkt.prices.bfx_bid_adjusted    = adjustedBfxBid;
            mkt.prices.btce_ask_adjusted   = adjustedBtceAsk;
            mkt.prices.btce_bid_adjusted   = adjustedBtceBid;