public void RendererNormalizeQuotesAndDashes() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Test-Quotes", Synopsis = new SectionBody("Example synopsis", SectionFormatOption.LineBreakAfterHeader), Description = new SectionBody(@"”“‘’––-") }; string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Common.AssertMultilineEqual(@"--- schema: 2.0.0 --- # Test-Quotes ## SYNOPSIS Example synopsis ## DESCRIPTION """"''--- ## PARAMETERS ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( ", markdown); }
public void RendererCreatesWorkflowParametersEntryWithoutDescriptions() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Workflow", IsWorkflow = true }; command.Syntax.Add(new MamlSyntax()); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Common.AssertMultilineEqual(@"--- schema: 2.0.0 --- # Workflow ## SYNTAX ``` Workflow [<WorkflowCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>] ``` ## PARAMETERS ### WorkflowCommonParameters This cmdlet supports the following workflow common parameters: -PSParameterCollection, -PSComputerName, -PSCredential, -PSConnectionRetryCount, -PSConnectionRetryIntervalSec, -PSRunningTimeoutSec, -PSElapsedTimeoutSec, -PSPersist, -PSAuthentication, -PSAuthenticationLevel, -PSApplicationName, -PSPort, -PSUseSSL, -PSConfigurationName, -PSConnectionURI, -PSAllowRedirection, -PSSessionOption, -PSCertificateThumbprint, -PSPrivateMetadata, -AsJob, -JobName, and -InputObject. For more information, see [about_WorkflowCommonParameters]( ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( ", markdown); }
public void Merge2ExamplesInOne() { // First merge two models with default syntax names var merger = new MamlMultiModelMerger(null, false, "! "); var input = new Dictionary <string, MamlCommand>(); input["First"] = GetModel( title: "Example 1", code: "PS:> 1+1", remarks: "Hello" ); input["Second"] = GetModel( title: "Example 1", code: "PS:> 1+1", remarks: "Hello" ); var result = merger.Merge(input); // Examples Assert.Single(result.Examples); Assert.Equal("Example 1", result.Examples.ElementAt(0).Title); // next render it as markdown and make sure that we don't crash var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(MAML.Parser.ParserMode.FormattingPreserve); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(result, true); }
public void RenderesWithPreservedFormatting() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.FormattingPreserve); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", SupportCommonParameters = false, Description = new SectionBody(@"Hello This \<description \> should be preserved by renderer With all [hyper]( and yada -- yada * Also * This list. May look. A little weired * [ ] But * [ ] It should be left" ) }; command.Links.Add( new MamlLink(isSimplifiedTextLink: true) { LinkName = "Any text [can](go here)\r\n[any](text)" } ); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Common.AssertMultilineEqual(@"--- schema: 2.0.0 --- # Get-Foo ## SYNOPSIS ## SYNTAX ## DESCRIPTION " + command.Description + @" ## EXAMPLES ## PARAMETERS ## INPUTS ## OUTPUTS ## NOTES ## RELATED LINKS Any text [can](go here) [any](text)", markdown); }
public void RendererIgnoresLineBreakWhenBodyIsEmpty() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Test-LineBreak", Notes = new SectionBody("", SectionFormatOption.LineBreakAfterHeader) }; string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Assert.DoesNotContain("\r\n\r\n\r\n", markdown); }
public void RendererLineBreakAfterParameter() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Test-LineBreak", Synopsis = new SectionBody("This is the synopsis"), Description = new SectionBody("This is a long description"), Notes = new SectionBody("This is a note") }; var parameter1 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Name", Required = true, Description = "Name description.", Globbing = true }; var parameter2 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Path", FormatOption = SectionFormatOption.LineBreakAfterHeader, Required = true, Description = "Path description.", Globbing = true }; command.Parameters.Add(parameter1); command.Parameters.Add(parameter2); var syntax1 = new MamlSyntax() { ParameterSetName = "ByName" }; syntax1.Parameters.Add(parameter1); syntax1.Parameters.Add(parameter2); command.Syntax.Add(syntax1); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); // Does not use line break and should not be added Assert.Contains("### -Name\r\nName description.", markdown); // Uses line break and should be preserved Assert.Contains("### -Path\r\n\r\nPath description.", markdown); }
public void MergeExamplesOrder() { // First merge two models with default syntax names var merger = new MamlMultiModelMerger(null, false, "! "); var input = new Dictionary <string, MamlCommand>(); input["First"] = GetModel( new [] { new MamlExample() { Title = "E1" }, new MamlExample() { Title = "E2" }, } ); input["Second"] = GetModel( new [] { new MamlExample() { Title = "E2" }, new MamlExample() { Title = "E1" }, new MamlExample() { Title = "E3" }, } ); var result = merger.Merge(input); // Examples Assert.Equal(3, result.Examples.Count); Assert.Equal("E1", result.Examples.ElementAt(0).Title); Assert.Equal("E2", result.Examples.ElementAt(1).Title); Assert.Equal("E3 (Second)", result.Examples.ElementAt(2).Title); // next render it as markdown and make sure that we don't crash var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(MAML.Parser.ParserMode.FormattingPreserve); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(result, true); }
private string MarkdownStringToMarkdownString(string markdown, ParserMode parserMode) { // Parse var parser = new MarkdownParser(); var markdownModel = parser.ParseString(new string[] { markdown }, ParserMode.FormattingPreserve, null); // Convert model to Maml var transformer = new ModelTransformerVersion2(); var mamlModel = transformer.NodeModelToMamlModel(markdownModel).FirstOrDefault(); // Render as markdown var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(parserMode); return(renderer.MamlModelToString(mamlModel, true)); }
public void RendererNormalizeQuotesAndDashes() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Test-Quotes", Description = @"”“‘’––-" }; string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Assert.Equal(@"--- schema: 2.0.0 --- # Test-Quotes ## SYNOPSIS ## SYNTAX ## DESCRIPTION """"''--- ## EXAMPLES ## PARAMETERS ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters ( ## INPUTS ## OUTPUTS ## NOTES ## RELATED LINKS ", markdown); }
public void MergeDefaultSyntaxAndCreateMarkdown() { // First merge two models with default syntax names var merger = new MamlMultiModelMerger(null, false, "! "); var input = new Dictionary <string, MamlCommand>(); input["First"] = GetModel1(); input["Second"] = GetModel2(); var result = merger.Merge(input); // Syntax Assert.Single(result.Syntax); Assert.Null(result.Syntax.ElementAt(0).ParameterSetName); Assert.True(result.Syntax.ElementAt(0).IsDefault); // Parameters Assert.Equal(2, result.Parameters.Count); Assert.Equal("Name1", result.Parameters[0].Name); Assert.Equal(new string[] { "First" }, result.Parameters[0].Applicable); Assert.Equal("Name2", result.Parameters[1].Name); Assert.Equal(new string[] { "Second" }, result.Parameters[1].Applicable); // next render it as markdown and make sure that we don't crash var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(MAML.Parser.ParserMode.FormattingPreserve); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(result, true); int yamlLinesCount = markdown.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s.Equals("```yaml")).Count(); // verify that ```yaml are all on a separate line Assert.Equal(2, yamlLinesCount); }
public void RenderesAllParameterSetMoniker() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", }; var commonParam = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Common", Required = true }; var parameter1 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "First", Required = true }; var parameter2 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Second", Required = true }; command.Parameters.Add(commonParam); command.Parameters.Add(parameter1); command.Parameters.Add(parameter2); var syntax1 = new MamlSyntax() { ParameterSetName = "FirstSyntax" }; syntax1.Parameters.Add(commonParam); syntax1.Parameters.Add(parameter1); var syntax2 = new MamlSyntax() { ParameterSetName = "SecondSyntax", IsDefault = true }; syntax2.Parameters.Add(commonParam); syntax2.Parameters.Add(parameter2); command.Syntax.Add(syntax1); command.Syntax.Add(syntax2); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); Assert.Equal(@"--- schema: 2.0.0 --- # Get-Foo ## SYNOPSIS ## SYNTAX ### FirstSyntax ``` Get-Foo -Common <String> -First <String> [<CommonParameters>] ``` ### SecondSyntax (Default) ``` Get-Foo -Common <String> -Second <String> [<CommonParameters>] ``` ## DESCRIPTION ## EXAMPLES ## PARAMETERS ### -Common ```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: Accept pipeline input: false Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -First ```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: FirstSyntax Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: Accept pipeline input: false Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Second ```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: SecondSyntax Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: Accept pipeline input: false Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters ( ## INPUTS ## OUTPUTS ## NOTES ## RELATED LINKS ", markdown); }
public void RendererProduceMarkdownV2Output() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", Synopsis = "This is the synopsis", Description = "This is a long description.\r\nWith two paragraphs. And the second one contains of few line! They should be auto-wrapped. Because, why not? We can do that kind of the things, no problem.\r\n\r\n-- Foo. Bar.\r\n-- Don't break. The list.\r\n-- Into. Pieces", Notes = "This is a multiline note.\r\nSecond line." }; var parameter = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Name", Required = true, Description = "Parameter Description.", VariableLength = true, Globbing = true, PipelineInput = "True (ByValue)", Position = "1", DefaultValue = "trololo", Aliases = new string[] { "GF", "Foos", "Do" }, }; parameter.ParameterValueGroup.AddRange(new string[] { "Value1", "Value2" }); command.Parameters.Add(parameter); var syntax1 = new MamlSyntax() { ParameterSetName = "ByName" }; syntax1.Parameters.Add(parameter); command.Syntax.Add(syntax1); command.Inputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Input <Description> goes here!" } ); command.Outputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Output Description goes here!" } ); command.Examples.Add(new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 1", Code = "PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt", Remarks = "This does stuff!" } ); command.Links.Add(new MamlLink() { LinkName = "PowerShell made by Microsoft Hackathon", LinkUri = "" }); command.Links.Add(new MamlLink() { LinkName = "", // if name is empty, it would be populated with uri LinkUri = "" }); // Note that the metadata should end up getting alphabetized. var metadata = new Hashtable(); metadata["foo"] = "bar"; metadata["null"] = null; string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, metadata); Assert.Equal(@"--- foo: bar null: schema: 2.0.0 --- # Get-Foo ## SYNOPSIS This is the synopsis ## SYNTAX ``` Get-Foo [-Name] <String> [<CommonParameters>] ``` ## DESCRIPTION This is a long description. With two paragraphs. And the second one contains of few line! They should be auto-wrapped. Because, why not? We can do that kind of the things, no problem. -- Foo. Bar. -- Don't break. The list. -- Into. Pieces ## EXAMPLES ### Example 1 ``` PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt ``` This does stuff! ## PARAMETERS ### -Name Parameter Description. ```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: GF, Foos, Do Accepted values: Value1, Value2 Required: True Position: 1 Default value: trololo Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue) Accept wildcard characters: True ``` ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters ( ## INPUTS ### String Input \<Description\> goes here! ## OUTPUTS ### String Output Description goes here! ## NOTES This is a multiline note. Second line. ## RELATED LINKS [PowerShell made by Microsoft Hackathon]( []( ", markdown); }
public void RendersExamplesFromMaml() { var renderer = new MarkdownV2Renderer(ParserMode.Full); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Test-LineBreak", }; var example1 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 1", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help") }, Remarks = "This is an example to get help." }; var example2 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 2", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help -Full") }, Introduction = "Intro" }; var example3 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 3", FormatOption = SectionFormatOption.LineBreakAfterHeader, Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help", "powershell") }, Remarks = "This is an example to get help." }; var example4 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 4", FormatOption = SectionFormatOption.LineBreakAfterHeader, Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help -Full") }, Introduction = "Intro" }; var example5 = new MamlExample() { Title = "---Example 5---", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help -Full") }, Introduction = "With some dashes and no spaces" }; var example6 = new MamlExample() { Title = "------------------ Example 6: With extra info ------------------", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help -Full") }, Introduction = "Padded to 64 characters and spaces" }; var example7 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 7: ".PadRight(66, 'A'), Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS C:\\> Get-Help -Full") }, Introduction = "Greater then 64 characters" }; command.Examples.Add(example1); command.Examples.Add(example2); command.Examples.Add(example3); command.Examples.Add(example4); command.Examples.Add(example5); command.Examples.Add(example6); command.Examples.Add(example7); string markdown = renderer.MamlModelToString(command, null); // Does not use line break and should not be added Assert.Contains("### Example 1\r\n```", markdown); Assert.Contains("### Example 2\r\nIntro\r\n\r\n```", markdown); // Uses line break and should be preserved Assert.Contains("### Example 3\r\n\r\n```powershell", markdown); Assert.Contains("### Example 4\r\n\r\nIntro\r\n\r\n```", markdown); // Includes title padding that should be removed Assert.Contains("### Example 5\r\n", markdown); Assert.Contains("### Example 6: With extra info\r\n", markdown); Assert.Contains($"### {example7.Title}\r\n", markdown); }