예제 #1
        public void ManyLinksTest()
            string markdown = @"
This is a link to my [Web site][1].

And some more text

And here is some more [text][2].

Here is [another link][3].


  [1]: http://west-wind.com
  [2]: http://weblog.west-wind.com
  [3]: http://markdownmonster.west-wind.com";

            var result = MarkdownUtilities.AddLinkReference(markdown,
                                                            new SelectionRange {
                StartColumn = 0, StartRow = 3, EndColumn = 8, EndRow = 3

예제 #2
        public void ParseMicrosoftDocsUrl()
            var url = "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/getting-started/";

            var fixedupUrl = MarkdownUtilities.ParseMarkdownUrl(url);

            Assert.IsTrue(fixedupUrl.Contains("index.md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
예제 #3
        public void ParseGithubUrl()
            var url = "https://github.com/RickStrahl/MarkdownMonster";

            var fixedupUrl = MarkdownUtilities.ParseMarkdownUrl(url);

            Assert.IsTrue(fixedupUrl.Contains("readme.md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
예제 #4
        public void ParseGithubUrlAlreadyRaw()
            var url        = "https://github.com/RickStrahl/MarkdownMonster/blob/master/Todo.md";
            var fixedupUrl = MarkdownUtilities.ParseMarkdownUrl(url);


            // shouldn't be updated as that's already a raw url with different syntax
            Assert.IsTrue(fixedupUrl.Contains("/raw/") || fixedupUrl.Contains("raw.githubusercontent.com"));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves Weblog Metadata and Post Data from a Jekyll post on disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jekyllPostFilename">Full path to a Jekyll post on disk</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WeblogPostMetadata GetPostMetaDataFromFile(string jekyllPostFilename, Post post)
            string content = null;

                content = File.ReadAllText(jekyllPostFilename);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))

            var meta = WeblogPostMetadata.GetPostYamlConfigFromMarkdown(content, post);

            if (meta == null)

            string   dateString = MarkdownUtilities.ExtractYamlValue(meta.YamlFrontMatter, "date");
            DateTime date;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out date))
                dateString = jekyllPostFilename.Substring(0, 10);
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out date))
                    date = DateTime.Now.Date;
            post.DateCreated = date;
            meta.PostDate    = date;

            content         = Markdown.ToPlainText(meta.MarkdownBody);
            post.mt_excerpt = StringUtils.TextAbstract(content, 180);

예제 #6
        public void AddFirstLinkTest()
            string markdown = @"
This is a link to my Web site.

And some more text

And here is some more text.

Here is link.


            var result = MarkdownUtilities.AddLinkReference(markdown, new SelectionRange {
                StartColumn = 0, StartRow = 3, EndColumn = 8, EndRow = 3
            }, "https://websurge.west-wind.com");

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Strips the Markdown Meta data from the message and populates
        /// the post structure with the meta data values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="markdown">The raw markdown document with YAML header (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="post">Optional empty <seealso cref="Post"/> object that is filled with the meta data in.</param>
        public static WeblogPostMetadata GetPostYamlConfigFromMarkdown(string markdown, Post post = null)
            var meta = new WeblogPostMetadata()
                RawMarkdownBody = markdown,
                MarkdownBody    = markdown,
                WeblogName      = WeblogAddinConfiguration.Current.LastWeblogAccessed,
                CustomFields    = new Dictionary <string, CustomField>()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(markdown))

            markdown = markdown.Trim();

            if (!markdown.StartsWith("---\n") && !markdown.StartsWith("---\r"))

            // YAML with --- so we can replace
            string extractedYaml = MarkdownUtilities.ExtractFrontMatter(markdown, false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extractedYaml))

            // just the YAML text
            var yaml = extractedYaml.Trim('-', ' ', '\r', '\n');

            var input = new StringReader(yaml);

            var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder()
                               .WithNamingConvention(new CamelCaseNamingConvention())

            WeblogPostMetadata yamlMeta = null;

                yamlMeta = deserializer.Deserialize <WeblogPostMetadata>(input);

            if (yamlMeta == null)

            if (meta.CustomFields == null)
                meta.CustomFields = new Dictionary <string, CustomField>();

            meta = yamlMeta;

            meta.MarkdownBody    = markdown.Replace(extractedYaml, "");
            meta.RawMarkdownBody = markdown;
            meta.YamlFrontMatter = yaml;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.WeblogName))
                meta.WeblogName = WeblogAddinConfiguration.Current.LastWeblogAccessed;

            if (post != null)
                post.Title = meta.Title?.Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.Categories))
                    post.Categories = meta.Categories.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < post.Categories.Length; i++)
                        post.Categories[i] = post.Categories[i].Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.Keywords))
                    post.Tags = meta.Keywords.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < post.Tags.Length; i++)
                        post.Tags[i] = post.Tags[i].Trim();

                post.Permalink   = meta.Permalink;
                post.DateCreated = meta.PostDate;
                if (post.DateCreated < new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))
                    post.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;

                post.mt_excerpt  = meta.Abstract;
                post.mt_keywords = meta.Keywords;

                if (meta.CustomFields != null)
                    post.CustomFields = meta.CustomFields.Values.ToArray();

예제 #8
        public void CreateDownloadedPostOnDisk(Post post, string weblogName)
            string filename = SafeFilename(post.Title);

            var folder = Path.Combine(WeblogAddinConfiguration.Current.PostsFolder,
                                      "Downloaded", weblogName,

            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
            var outputFile = Path.Combine(folder, StringUtils.ToCamelCase(filename) + ".md");

            bool   isMarkdown    = false;
            string body          = post.Body;
            string featuredImage = null;

            if (post.CustomFields != null)
                var cf = post.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(custf => custf.ID == "mt_markdown");
                if (cf != null)
                    body       = cf.Value;
                    isMarkdown = true;

                cf = post.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(custf => custf.ID == "wp_post_thumbnail");
                if (cf != null)
                    featuredImage = cf.Value;
            if (!isMarkdown)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_text_more))
                    // Wordpress ReadMore syntax - SERIOUSLY???
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_excerpt))
                        post.mt_excerpt = HtmlUtils.StripHtml(post.Body);

                    body = MarkdownUtilities.HtmlToMarkdown(body) +
                           "\n\n<!--more-->\n\n" +
                    body = MarkdownUtilities.HtmlToMarkdown(body);

            string categories = null;

            if (post.Categories != null && post.Categories.Length > 0)
                categories = string.Join(",", post.Categories);

            // Create the new post by creating a file with title preset
            string newPostMarkdown = NewWeblogPost(new WeblogPostMetadata()
                Title            = post.Title,
                MarkdownBody     = body,
                Categories       = categories,
                Keywords         = post.mt_keywords,
                Abstract         = post.mt_excerpt,
                PostId           = post.PostID.ToString(),
                WeblogName       = weblogName,
                FeaturedImageUrl = featuredImage

            File.WriteAllText(outputFile, newPostMarkdown);

            mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile);

            if (isMarkdown)
                string html = post.Body;
                string path = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder;

                // do this synchronously so images show up :-<
                ShowStatus("Downloading post images...");
                SaveMarkdownImages(html, path);
                ShowStatus("Post download complete.", 5000);

                //new Action<string,string>(SaveImages).BeginInvoke(html,path,null, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// mm htmltomarkdown [inputfile] [outputFile] -open
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFile"></param>
        /// <param name="outputFile"></param>
        /// <param name="openOutputFile"></param>
        public void HtmlToMarkdown()
            string inputFile  = Arguments.InputFile;
            string outputFile = Arguments.OutputFile;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFile) || !File.Exists(inputFile))
                var fd = new OpenFileDialog
                    DefaultExt = ".html",
                    Filter     = "HTML files (*.html, *.htm)|*.html;*.htm|" +
                                 "All files (*.*)|*.*",
                    CheckFileExists  = true,
                    RestoreDirectory = true,
                    Title            = "Open HTML File",
                    InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory
                var res = fd.ShowDialog();
                if (res == null)
                inputFile = fd.FileName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile))
                var fd = new SaveFileDialog
                    DefaultExt = ".md",
                    Filter     = "Markdown files (*.md,*.markdown,*.mdcrypt)|*.md;*.markdown;*.mdcrypt|" +
                                 "All files (*.*)|*.*",
                    CheckFileExists  = false,
                    RestoreDirectory = true,
                    Title            = "Save as Markdown File",
                    InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFile),
                    FileName         = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(inputFile), "md")
                var res = fd.ShowDialog();
                if (res == null)
                outputFile = fd.FileName;

            string md;

                var html = File.ReadAllText(inputFile);
                md = MarkdownUtilities.HtmlToMarkdown(html, true);
                ColorConsole.WriteError("Failed: Couldn't read input file.");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile))
                    File.WriteAllText(outputFile, md);
                    ColorConsole.WriteError("Failed: Couldn't write output file.");

                if (Arguments.OpenOutputFile)
                    ShellUtils.ExecuteProcess("markdownmonster.exe", $"'{outputFile}'");

                ColorConsole.WriteSuccess($"Created Markdown file: {outputFile}");

예제 #10
        public void CreateDownloadedPostOnDisk(Post post, string weblogName)
            string filename = FileUtils.SafeFilename(post.Title);

            var folder = Path.Combine(WeblogAddinConfiguration.Current.PostsFolder,
                                      "Downloaded", weblogName,

            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
            var outputFile = Path.Combine(folder, StringUtils.ToCamelCase(filename) + ".md");

            bool   isMarkdown    = false;
            string body          = post.Body;
            string featuredImage = null;

            if (post.CustomFields != null)
                var cf = post.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(custf => custf.Id == "mt_markdown");
                if (cf != null)
                    body       = cf.Value;
                    isMarkdown = true;

                cf = post.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(custf => custf.Id == "wp_post_thumbnail");
                if (cf != null)
                    featuredImage = cf.Value;
            if (!isMarkdown)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_text_more))
                    // Wordpress ReadMore syntax - SERIOUSLY???
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_excerpt))
                        post.mt_excerpt = HtmlUtils.StripHtml(post.Body);

                    body = MarkdownUtilities.HtmlToMarkdown(body) +
                           $"{mmApp.NewLine}{mmApp.NewLine}<!--more-->{mmApp.NewLine}{mmApp.NewLine}" +
                    body = MarkdownUtilities.HtmlToMarkdown(body);

            string categories = null;

            if (post.Categories != null && post.Categories.Length > 0)
                categories = string.Join(",", post.Categories);

            // Create the new post by creating a file with title preset
            var meta = new WeblogPostMetadata()
                Title            = post.Title,
                MarkdownBody     = body,
                Categories       = categories,
                Keywords         = post.mt_keywords,
                Abstract         = post.mt_excerpt,
                PostId           = post.PostId.ToString(),
                WeblogName       = weblogName,
                FeaturedImageUrl = featuredImage,
                PostDate         = post.DateCreated,
                PostStatus       = post.PostStatus,
                Permalink        = post.Permalink

            string newPostMarkdown = NewWeblogPost(meta);

                File.WriteAllText(outputFile, newPostMarkdown);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show($@"Couldn't write new file at:

                                "Weblog Entry File not created",

            mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile);

            if (isMarkdown)
                string html = post.Body;
                string path = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder;

                // do this synchronously so images show up :-<
                ShowStatus("Downloading post images...", mmApp.Configuration.StatusMessageTimeout);
                SaveMarkdownImages(html, path);
                ShowStatus("Post download complete.", mmApp.Configuration.StatusMessageTimeout);

                //new Action<string,string>(SaveImages).BeginInvoke(html,path,null, null);

            Model.Window.ShowFolderBrowser(folder: Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile));
예제 #11
        IEnumerable <OpenXmlElement> Span2Elements(MarkdownSpan md, bool nestedSpan = false)
            reporter.CurrentSpan = md;
            if (md.IsLiteral)
                var mdl = md as MarkdownSpan.Literal;
                var s   = MarkdownUtilities.UnescapeLiteral(mdl);
                foreach (var r in Literal2Elements(s, nestedSpan))
                    yield return(r);

            else if (md.IsStrong || md.IsEmphasis)
                IEnumerable <MarkdownSpan> spans = (md.IsStrong ? (md as MarkdownSpan.Strong).body : (md as MarkdownSpan.Emphasis).body);

                // Workaround for https://github.com/tpetricek/FSharp.formatting/issues/389 - the markdown parser
                // turns *this_is_it* into a nested Emphasis["this", Emphasis["is"], "it"] instead of Emphasis["this_is_it"]
                // What we'll do is preprocess it into Emphasis["this_is_it"]
                if (md.IsEmphasis)
                    var spans2 = spans.Select(s =>
                        var _ = "";
                        if (s.IsEmphasis)
                            s = (s as MarkdownSpan.Emphasis).body.Single();
                            _ = "_";
                        if (s.IsLiteral)
                            return(_ + (s as MarkdownSpan.Literal).text + _);

                        reporter.Error("MD15", $"something odd inside emphasis '{s.GetType().Name}' - only allowed emphasis and literal"); return("");
                    spans = new List <MarkdownSpan>()
                        MarkdownSpan.NewLiteral(string.Join("", spans2), FSharpOption <MarkdownRange> .None)

                // Convention is that ***term*** is used to define a term.
                // That's parsed as Strong, which contains Emphasis, which contains one Literal
                string  literal = null;
                TermRef termdef = null;
                if (!nestedSpan && md.IsStrong && spans.Count() == 1 && spans.First().IsEmphasis)
                    var spans2 = (spans.First() as MarkdownSpan.Emphasis).body;
                    if (spans2.Count() == 1 && spans2.First().IsLiteral)
                        literal = (spans2.First() as MarkdownSpan.Literal).text;
                        termdef = new TermRef(literal, reporter.Location);
                        if (context.Terms.ContainsKey(literal))
                            var def = context.Terms[literal];
                            reporter.Warning("MD16", $"Term '{literal}' defined a second time");
                            reporter.Warning("MD16b", $"Here was the previous definition of term '{literal}'", def.Loc);
                            context.Terms.Add(literal, termdef);

                // Convention inside our specs is that emphasis only ever contains literals,
                // either to emphasis some human-text or to refer to an ANTLR-production
                ProductionRef prodref = null;
                if (!nestedSpan && md.IsEmphasis && (spans.Count() != 1 || !spans.First().IsLiteral))
                    reporter.Error("MD17", $"something odd inside emphasis");

                if (!nestedSpan && md.IsEmphasis && spans.Count() == 1 && spans.First().IsLiteral)
                    literal = (spans.First() as MarkdownSpan.Literal).text;
                    prodref = productions.FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.Names.Contains(literal));
                    context.Italics.Add(new ItalicUse(literal, prodref != null ? ItalicUse.ItalicUseKind.Production : ItalicUse.ItalicUseKind.Italic, reporter.Location));

                if (prodref != null)
                    var props = new RunProperties(new Color {
                        Val = "6A5ACD"
                    }, new Underline {
                        Val = UnderlineValues.Single
                    var run = new Run(new Text(literal)
                        Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                        RunProperties = props
                    var link = new Hyperlink(run)
                        Anchor = prodref.BookmarkName
                    yield return(link);
                else if (termdef != null)
                    context.MaxBookmarkId.Value += 1;
                    yield return(new BookmarkStart {
                        Name = termdef.BookmarkName, Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString()

                    var props = new RunProperties(new Italic(), new Bold());
                    yield return(new Run(new Text(literal)
                        Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                        RunProperties = props

                    yield return(new BookmarkEnd {
                        Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString()
                    foreach (var e in Spans2Elements(spans, true))
                        var style = (md.IsStrong ? new Bold() as OpenXmlElement : new Italic());
                        var run   = e as Run;
                        if (run != null)
                            run.InsertAt(new RunProperties(style), 0);

                        yield return(e);

            else if (md.IsInlineCode)
                var mdi  = md as MarkdownSpan.InlineCode;
                var code = mdi.code;

                var txt = new Text(BugWorkaroundDecode(code))
                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                var props = new RunProperties(new RunStyle {
                    Val = "CodeEmbedded"
                var run = new Run(txt)
                    RunProperties = props
                yield return(run);

            else if (md.IsLatexInlineMath)
                var latex = md as MarkdownSpan.LatexInlineMath;
                var code  = latex.code;

                // TODO: Make this look nice - if we actually need it. It's possible that it's only present
                // before subscripts are replaced.
                var txt = new Text(BugWorkaroundDecode(code))
                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                var props = new RunProperties(new RunStyle {
                    Val = "CodeEmbedded"
                var run = new Run(txt)
                    RunProperties = props
                yield return(run);

            else if (md.IsDirectLink || md.IsIndirectLink)
                IEnumerable <MarkdownSpan> spans;
                string url = "", alt = "";
                if (md.IsDirectLink)
                    var mddl = md as MarkdownSpan.DirectLink;
                    spans = mddl.body;
                    url   = mddl.link;
                    alt   = mddl.title.Option();
                    var mdil     = md as MarkdownSpan.IndirectLink;
                    var original = mdil.original;
                    var id       = mdil.key;
                    spans = mdil.body;
                    if (markdownDocument.DefinedLinks.ContainsKey(id))
                        url = markdownDocument.DefinedLinks[id].Item1;
                        alt = markdownDocument.DefinedLinks[id].Item2.Option();

                var anchor = "";
                if (spans.Count() == 1 && spans.First().IsLiteral)
                    anchor = MarkdownUtilities.UnescapeLiteral(spans.First() as MarkdownSpan.Literal);
                else if (spans.Count() == 1 && spans.First().IsInlineCode)
                    anchor = (spans.First() as MarkdownSpan.InlineCode).code;
                    reporter.Error("MD18", $"Link anchor must be Literal or InlineCode, not '{md.GetType().Name}'");
                    yield break;

                if (sections.ContainsKey(url))
                    var section = sections[url];
                    // If we're linking to something with a section number, we know what the link text should be.
                    // (There are a few links that aren't to numbered sections, e.g. to "Annex C".)
                    if (section.Number is object)
                        var expectedAnchor = "§" + section.Number;
                        if (anchor != expectedAnchor)
                            reporter.Warning("MD19", $"Mismatch: link anchor is '{anchor}', should be '{expectedAnchor}'");

                    var txt = new Text(anchor)
                        Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                    var run = new Hyperlink(new Run(txt))
                        Anchor = section.BookmarkName
                    yield return(run);
                else if (url.StartsWith("http:") || url.StartsWith("https:"))
                    var style = new RunStyle {
                        Val = "Hyperlink"
                    var hyperlink = new Hyperlink {
                        DocLocation = url, Tooltip = alt
                    foreach (var element in Spans2Elements(spans))
                        var run = element as Run;
                        if (run != null)
                            run.InsertAt(new RunProperties(style), 0);

                    yield return(hyperlink);
                    // TODO: Make this report an error unconditionally once the subscript "latex-like" Markdown is removed.
                    if (url != "")
                        reporter.Error("MD28", $"Hyperlink url '{url}' unrecognized - not a recognized heading, and not http");

            else if (md.IsHardLineBreak)
                // I've only ever seen this arise from dodgy markdown parsing, so I'll ignore it...

                reporter.Error("MD20", $"Unrecognized markdown element {md.GetType().Name}");
                yield return(new Run(new Text($"[{md.GetType().Name}]")));