public void SwitchToSmallMario(bool animate) { // ManualMoveY(-17); // put mario back on ground state.SwitchToSmallMario(animate); marioState = MarioState.SMALL; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { MarioTransform = GetComponent <Mariotransform>(); playerRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); //spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); mainCam = Camera.main; MarioTransform.OnTransform += (sr, an, state) => { Debug.Log("OnTransform()"); spriteRenderer = sr; animator = an; MarioState = state; if (state == MarioState.Big) { collider.size = new Vector2(1, 2); collider.offset = new Vector2(0, 0.5f); //igMarioBox.enabled = true; } else { collider.size = new Vector2(1, 1); collider.offset = new Vector2(0, 0); //bigMarioBox.enabled = false; } }; layerMask = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Untagged"); }
void Update() { switch (state) { case MarioState.RECEIVING: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_DOWN; audioSource.PlayOneShot(movementAudio); } break; case MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_DOWN: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_DOWN; audioSource.PlayOneShot(movementAudio); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { state = MarioState.RECEIVING; audioSource.PlayOneShot(movementAudio); } break; case MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_DOWN: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_DOWN; audioSource.PlayOneShot(movementAudio); } break; } }
public static LevelUtility.SpriteSet SwitchLevel(LevelUtility.SpriteSet spriteSet, int setNum, String currentFilename) { MarioState temp = spriteSet.players[0].GetState(); if (setNum == 0) { firstSet = new LevelUtility.SpriteSet(0); onePositionDict = new Dictionary <string, List <Vector2> >(); LevelUtility.InitializePositionKey(onePositionDict); } else { secondSet = new LevelUtility.SpriteSet(1); twoPositionDict = new Dictionary <string, List <Vector2> >(); LevelUtility.InitializePositionKey(twoPositionDict); } if (filenames[setNum] == currentFilename) { marioStartLocation.Y -= AdjustMarioStart(temp); camera = new CameraController(game, new Vector2(marioStartLocation.X - 20, 0), screenHeight, screenWidth); } spriteSet = LoadLevel(currentFilename, new Vector2(marioStartLocation.X - 20, 0), setNum, spriteSet); ResumeLastState(temp, spriteSet); filenames[setNum] = currentFilename; return(spriteSet); }
/// <summary> /// Run /// </summary> void Run() { //DRight = (Input.GetKey(keyForward) ? 1.0f : 0) - (Input.GetKey(keyBack) ? 1.0f : 0); if (DRight > 0) { if (!isFaceRight) { Reverse(); isFaceRight = true; } rb.AddForce(Vector2.right * runSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } else if (DRight < 0) { if (isFaceRight) { Reverse(); isFaceRight = false; } rb.AddForce(Vector2.left * runSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } if (DRight == 0) { state = MarioState.idle; } if (DRight != 0 && isGroung) { state =; } }
private void DrawOn2DControl(int numQSteps) { if (!_lockPositions) { _marioState = MarioState.CreateMarioState(); } MarioState marioStateCenter = AirMovementCalculator.ApplyInputRepeatedly(_marioState, RelativeDirection.Center, numQSteps); MarioState marioStateForward = AirMovementCalculator.ApplyInputRepeatedly(_marioState, RelativeDirection.Forward, numQSteps); MarioState marioStateBackward = AirMovementCalculator.ApplyInputRepeatedly(_marioState, RelativeDirection.Backward, numQSteps); MarioState marioStateLeft = AirMovementCalculator.ApplyInputRepeatedly(_marioState, RelativeDirection.Left, numQSteps); ushort marioAngle = _marioState.MarioAngle; (float cx, float cz) = (marioStateCenter.X, marioStateCenter.Z); (float fx, float fz) = (marioStateForward.X, marioStateForward.Z); (float bx, float bz) = (marioStateBackward.X, marioStateBackward.Z); (float lx, float lz) = (marioStateLeft.X, marioStateLeft.Z); double sideDist = MoreMath.GetDistanceBetween(cx, cz, lx, lz); double forwardDist = MoreMath.GetDistanceBetween(cx, cz, fx, fz); double backwardDist = MoreMath.GetDistanceBetween(cx, cz, bx, bz); (float controlCenterX, float controlCenterZ) = MapUtilities.ConvertCoordsForControlTopDownView(cx, cz, UseRelativeCoordinates); List <(float pointX, float pointZ)> controlPoints = Enumerable.Range(0, MapConfig.MapCircleNumPoints2D).ToList() .ConvertAll(index => (index / (float)MapConfig.MapCircleNumPoints2D) * 65536) .ConvertAll(angle => GetEllipsePoint(cx, cz, sideDist, forwardDist, backwardDist, marioAngle, angle)) .ConvertAll(point => MapUtilities.ConvertCoordsForControlTopDownView((float)point.x, (float)point.z, UseRelativeCoordinates)); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, -1); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.LoadIdentity(); // Draw circle GL.Color4(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, OpacityByte); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.TriangleFan); GL.Vertex2(controlCenterX, controlCenterZ); foreach ((float x, float z) in controlPoints) { GL.Vertex2(x, z); } GL.Vertex2(controlPoints[0].pointX, controlPoints[0].pointZ); GL.End(); // Draw outline if (LineWidth != 0) { GL.Color4(LineColor.R, LineColor.G, LineColor.B, (byte)255); GL.LineWidth(LineWidth); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineLoop); foreach ((float x, float z) in controlPoints) { GL.Vertex2(x, z); } GL.End(); } GL.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1.0f); }
public void SetFireState() { canGrow = false; marioState = MarioState.Fire; currentSprite = fireStates[marioMovement]; //Play transition stateTransitionTimeRemaining = firePowerupTransitionLength; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { instance = this; pointsDisplay.text = GameData.points.ToString(); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); marioState = MarioState.SMALL; }
public static int AdjustMarioStart(MarioState state) { int adjust = 0; if (state == MarioState.LARGE || state == MarioState.FIRE) { adjust = 32; } return(adjust); }
public void restart_course() { death_counter = -1; damage_time_counter = -1; mario_object.setDead(false); mario_state = MarioState.SMALL; lives--; SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex, LoadSceneMode.Single); mario_object.Start(); }
// The constructor takes the sprite sheet to use and the initial location public Mario(Texture2D spriteSheet, Vector2 marioLoc, MarioState startingState) { this.spriteSheet = spriteSheet; this.marioLoc = marioLoc; this.state = startingState; // Initialize fps = 10.0; // Will cycle through 10 walk frames per second timePerFrame = 1.0 / fps; // Time per frame = amount of time in a single walk image }
/// <summary> /// 跳跃 /// </summary> public void Jump() { if (isGroung && mobileJump) { mobileJump = false; rb.AddForce(Vector2.up * height); AudioManager.audioManager.PlayerVoice("Jump"); state = MarioState.jump; } }
public void SwitchToFireMario(bool animate) { if (marioState.Equals(MarioState.LARGE)) { SoundManager.PlaySound(Game1.marioPowerUpSound); } state.SwitchToFireMario(animate); marioState = MarioState.FIRE; }
//Increases the cureent MarioState public void IncreaseMarioState() { if (currentMarioState != MarioState.FIRE) { sfxManager.PlaySound(9); StartCoroutine(playerMovement.TempFreezeMovement(1f)); currentMarioState += 1; anim.SetInteger("playerState", (int)currentMarioState); } UpdateMarioCollider(); }
public void SwitchToBigMario(bool animate) { if (marioState.Equals(MarioState.SMALL)) { if (animate) { SoundManager.PlaySound(Game1.marioPowerUpSound); //state.SwitchToBigMario(); } state.SwitchToBigMario(animate); } marioState = MarioState.LARGE; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // Sets up the mario location marioLoc = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2); // Initialize fps = 10.0; timePerFrame = 1.0 / fps; state = MarioState.FaceRight; base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// 碰到敌人 /// </summary> public void CollisionEnemy() { SmallJump(); if (!isBig) { state = MarioState.deth; AudioManager.audioManager.PlayerVoice("Deth"); } if (isBig) { ChangeSmall(); } }
public void GetKilled() { isDying = true; state.BeKilled(); Game1.mainBGMInstance.Pause(); SoundManager.PauseTime = 3; SoundManager.PlaySound(Game1.marioDieSound); SoundManager.SoundLock1 = true; marioState = MarioState.DEAD; SetVerticalVelocity(-5); deathCoords = location; enemyMultiplier = 1; }
public void ResetState() { if (state == MarioState.AT_FLOOR_1) { state = MarioState.RECEIVING; } else if (state == MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_UP) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_DOWN; } else if (state == MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_UP) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_DOWN; } }
public Mario(Vector2 initLocation, SoundManager sm) { location = initLocation; state = new RightIdleSmallMarioState(this); marioSprite = new RightIdleSmallMario(); marioState = MarioState.SMALL; powerupManager = new MarioPowerupChangeManager(); largeToFireManager = new MarioLargeToFireAnimationManager(); endLevelManager = new MarioEndOfLevelAnimationManager(); takingDamageManager = new MarioTakingDamageAnimationManager(); velo = 0; = sm; numLives = 3; marioMovMnger = new MarioMovingManager(this); }
public static LevelUtility.SpriteSet LoadLevel(String filename, Vector2 cameraStart, int setNum, LevelUtility.SpriteSet spriteSet) { if (setNum == 0) { positionDict = onePositionDict; } else { positionDict = twoPositionDict; } CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(); List <string> csvLines = csvReader.getLines(filename); CSVParser levelParser = new CSVParser(); camera = new CameraController(game, cameraStart, screenHeight, screenWidth); spriteSet = SwitchSpriteSet(setNum); levelParser.parse(positionDict, csvLines, screenHeight, screenWidth); int levelHeight = csvLines.Count(); int levelWidth = csvLines[0].Count(); int worldHeight = screenHeight; int worldWidth = levelWidth; if (spriteSet.players.Count > 0) { lastState = spriteSet.players[0].GetState(); lives = spriteSet.players[0].GetLives(); } spriteSet.players = new List <IPlayer>(); SpriteGenerator spriteGenerator = new SpriteGenerator(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Vector2> > pair in positionDict) { spriteGenerator.generateSprites(pair.Key, pair.Value, spriteSet.players, spriteSet.blocks, spriteSet.pipes, spriteSet.goombas, spriteSet.koopas, spriteSet.coins, spriteSet.items, spriteSet.objects); } ResumeLastState(lastState, spriteSet); return(spriteSet); }
public static void ResumeLastState(MarioState lastState, LevelUtility.SpriteSet spriteSet) { if (lastState == MarioState.SMALL) { spriteSet.players[0].SwitchToSmallMario(false); spriteSet.players[0].ManualMoveY(-16); } else if (lastState == MarioState.LARGE) { spriteSet.players[0].SwitchToBigMario(false); //players[0].ManualMoveY(32); } else if (lastState == MarioState.FIRE) { spriteSet.players[0].SwitchToFireMario(false); } }
private void ShowSprite(MarioState state) { HideAllSprite(); switch (state) { case MarioState.Idle: spriteIdle.enabled = true; break; case MarioState.Run: spriteRun.enabled = true; break; case MarioState.Jump: spriteJump.enabled = true; break; } }
public void Reset() { canGrow = true; starPower = false; isJumping = false; flagpoleSequence = false; flagpoleColPos = new Vector2(); flagpoleSlide = new Vector2(); finishSequence = false; flagpoleCount = 0; marioState = MarioState.Small; marioMovement = MarioMovement.IdleRight; currentSprite = smallStates[marioMovement]; SwitchCurrentSprite(marioMovement); stateTransitionTimeRemaining = ZERO; warpTimeRemaining = ZERO; blinkTimeRemaining = ZERO; }
public void UpdateState() { if (state == MarioState.RECEIVING) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_1; audioSource.PlayOneShot(passBoxAudio); } else if (state == MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_DOWN) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_2_ARMS_UP; audioSource.PlayOneShot(passBoxAudio); } else if (state == MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_DOWN) { state = MarioState.AT_FLOOR_3_ARMS_UP; audioSource.PlayOneShot(passBoxAudio); } }
public IItem ReleaseItem(MarioState state) { if (HasItem()) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(PowerUpPlaceholder)) { Rectangle loc = item.GetRectangle(); switch (state) { case MarioState.SMALL: return(new RedMushroom(new Vector2(loc.X, loc.Y))); case MarioState.LARGE: return(new FireFlower(new Vector2(loc.X, loc.Y))); case MarioState.FIRE: return(new Star(new Vector2(loc.X, loc.Y))); default: return(null); } } else if (item.GetType() == typeof(BlockCoin)) { Display.UpdateNumCoins(); return(item); } else if (item.GetType() == typeof(MultiCoin)) { Display.UpdateNumCoins(); timer += (float)lastUpdate.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds; hitCount++; return(new MultiCoin(new Vector2(location.X, location.Y - 16))); } else { return(item); } } else { return(null); } }
public void Shrink() { canGrow = true; if (marioState == MarioState.Small) { mario.Die(); } else { //If facing left, set movement to be transition left. marioMovement = (MarioFacingLeft()) ? MarioMovement.ShrinkLeft : MarioMovement.ShrinkRight; marioState = MarioState.Small; SoundEffectFactory.Instance.PlayPipeSound(); UpdateSprite(); blinkTimeRemaining = blinkLength; stateTransitionTimeRemaining = (marioState == MarioState.Big) ? firePowerupTransitionLength : currentSprite.ClipLength; } }
//Decreases the cureent MarioState public void DecreaseMarioState() { if (currentMarioState != MarioState.SMALL) { sfxManager.PlaySound(13); StartCoroutine(playerMovement.TempFreezeMovement(1f)); currentMarioState -= 1; anim.SetInteger("playerState", (int)currentMarioState); } else { //Lives Manager . Lose Life Debug.Log("LOSE"); anim.SetTrigger("playerDie"); bgmManager.PlaySound(4); livesManager.LoseLife(); } UpdateMarioCollider(); }
public void SetState(MarioState marioState) { switch (marioState) { case MarioState.small: playerState = SmallMS; break; case MarioState.big: playerState = BigMS; break; case MarioState.raccoon: playerState = RaccoonMS; break; case playerState = FireMS; break; } }
public void Grow() { if (canGrow) { marioState = MarioState.Big; //If facing left, set movement to be transition left. marioMovement = (MarioFacingLeft()) ? MarioMovement.GrowLeft : MarioMovement.GrowRight; ISprite oldSprite = currentSprite; UpdateSprite(); //Move us up since small sprite is smaller than big sprite if (oldSprite != null && currentSprite != null) { mario.ForceMove(0, -Math.Abs(currentSprite.Height - oldSprite.Height)); } //Play growing transition stateTransitionTimeRemaining = currentSprite.ClipLength; } canGrow = false; }