예제 #1
    // instantiate all chunks
    void Awake()
        multiplier = axisMax / size;
        int y       = 0;
        int counter = 0;

        for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                Transform clone;
                clone        = Instantiate(chunk, transform.position + new Vector3(x, 0, z) * axisMax, transform.rotation) as Transform;
                clone.parent = transform;
                clone.name   = "zChunk_" + clone.position.x + "_" + clone.position.y + "_" + clone.position.z;

                // set offset
                MarchingCubesC other = clone.gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();

                other.offset = new Vector3(x * (size - 1), y * (size - 1), z * (size - 1));
                //Debug.Log(other.offset + ", " + new Vector3(x, y, z));

        // get list of our neighbours
        foreach (Transform child in transform) // Downcast notice..uh..
            MarchingCubesC childChunk = child.gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();

            Vector3 currentPos = child.position; ///multiplier;
            // scan forward
            String     searchName = "zChunk_" + currentPos.x + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z + axisMax);
            GameObject neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[0] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan forward-right
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x + axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z + axisMax);
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[1] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan right
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x + axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + currentPos.z;
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[2] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan backward-right
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x + axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z - axisMax);
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[3] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan backward
            searchName = "zChunk_" + currentPos.x + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z - axisMax);
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[4] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan backward-left
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x - axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z - axisMax);
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[5] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan left
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x - axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + currentPos.z;
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[6] = neighbour.transform;

            // scan forward-left
            searchName = "zChunk_" + (currentPos.x - axisMax) + "_" + currentPos.y + "_" + (currentPos.z + axisMax);
            neighbour  = GameObject.Find(searchName);
            if (neighbour != null)
                childChunk.neighbours[7] = neighbour.transform;
    void Update()
        // add block .. with mouseclick
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) // button is held down
            // TODO: layermask for ray, hit only terrain
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 9999))
                lastHit = hit.point;

                // get object reference

                Transform chunk = hit.transform;

                Vector3 localhit = chunk.InverseTransformPoint(lastHit);

                int hx = (int)(localhit.x / multiplier);
                int hy = (int)(localhit.y / multiplier); // -0.2 is temporary fix for clicking top plane and getting too big values..
                int hz = (int)(localhit.z / multiplier);

                infoText.text = "Name:" + chunk.name + "  Hit:" + hx + "," + hy + "," + hz;

                // show laser
                lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, Camera.main.transform.position + new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
                lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, lastHit);

                MarchingCubesC editChunk = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                MarchingCubesC targetChunk;

                float modifyPower = 0;

                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) // shift pressed, remove
                    modifyPower = removeStrength;
                { // add
                    modifyPower = addStrength;

                editChunk.ModifyChunkAdd(hx + size * hy + size2 * hz, modifyPower);

                // check diagonals and other neighbours (if we need to affect them)
                if (hx == border.x && hz == border.z) // modify to forward right
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[1] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[1].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd(0 + size * hy + size2 * 0, modifyPower);

                if (hx == border.x && hz == 0) // modify to back right
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[3] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[3].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(0 + size * hy + size2 * border.z), modifyPower);

                if (hx == 0 && hz == 0) // modify to back left
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[5] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[5].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(border.x + size * hy + size2 * border.z), modifyPower);

                if (hx == 0 && hz == border.z) // modify to forward left
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[7] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[7].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(border.x + size * hy + size2 * 0), modifyPower);


                if (hx == border.x) // modify to RIGHT
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[2] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[2].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(0 + size * hy + size2 * hz), modifyPower);

                if (hx == 0) // modify to LEFT
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[6] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[6].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(border.x + size * hy + size2 * hz), modifyPower);

                if (hz == border.z) // modify to forward
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[0] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[0].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(hx + size * hy + size2 * 0), modifyPower);

                if (hz == 0) // modify to backward
                    if (editChunk.neighbours[4] != null)
                        targetChunk = editChunk.neighbours[4].gameObject.GetComponent <MarchingCubesC>();
                        targetChunk.ModifyChunkAdd((int)(hx + size * hy + size2 * border.z), modifyPower);

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) // button released
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, Camera.main.transform.position);
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, Camera.main.transform.position);

        if (Input.GetKey("r")) // reset scene