/**This function should generate the mesh that surrounds all of the metaballs.
     * Although there may be many metaballs, it will technically only generate a single mesh. **/

    void generateMesh()
        if (metaballs.Count <= 0)
        //STEP 1. Iterate through the cubic region surrounding each metaball.
        //Determine the largest size of the region to explore. Need to locate the largest and smallest X, Y and Z values.
        float minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ;

        minX = maxX = minY = maxY = minZ = maxZ = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < metaballs.Count; i++)
            Metaball m        = metaballs[i];
            Vector3  position = m.transform.position;
            float    r        = m.maxSquaredRadius;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.x - r < minX))
                minX = position.x - r;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.x + r > maxX))
                maxX = position.x + r;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.y - r < minY))
                minY = position.y - r;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.y + r > maxY))
                maxY = position.y + r;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.z - r < minZ))
                minZ = position.z - r;
            if ((i == 0) || (position.z + r > maxZ))
                maxZ = position.z + r;
        int     xResolution = Mathf.CeilToInt((maxX - minX) / cubeLength);
        int     yResolution = Mathf.CeilToInt((maxY - minY) / cubeLength);
        int     zResolution = Mathf.CeilToInt((maxZ - minZ) / cubeLength);
        Vector3 corner      = new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ);

        for (int x = 0; x < xResolution; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < yResolution; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < zResolution; z++)
                    //Start in left, bottom, back corner, slowly work your way to the right, top, front corner.
                    //For each cube you will examine 8 points, and determine the value at that point
                    //Each cube is going to need 8 vertices - Order is strange because it needs to fit with the Marching Cubes library
                    //1. Left Bottom Back
                    int     i    = (x * xResolution * xResolution) + (y * yResolution) + z;
                    float[] cube = new float[8];
                    cube[0] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * x), corner.y + (cubeLength * y), corner.z + (cubeLength * z)));
                    //2. Left Bottom Front
                    cube[4] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * x), corner.y + (cubeLength * y), corner.z + (cubeLength * (z + 1))));
                    //3. Left Top Back
                    cube[3] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * x), corner.y + (cubeLength * (y + 1)), corner.z + (cubeLength * z)));
                    //4. Left Top Front
                    cube[7] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * x), corner.y + (cubeLength * (y + 1)), corner.z + (cubeLength * (z + 1))));
                    //5. Right Bottom Back
                    cube[1] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * (x + 1)), corner.y + (cubeLength * y), corner.z + (cubeLength * z)));
                    //6. Right Bottom Front
                    cube[5] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * (x + 1)), corner.y + (cubeLength * y), corner.z + (cubeLength * (z + 1))));
                    //7. Right Top Back
                    cube[2] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * (x + 1)), corner.y + (cubeLength * (y + 1)), corner.z + (cubeLength * z)));
                    //8. Right Top Front
                    cube[6] = getValueAtPoint(new Vector3(corner.x + (cubeLength * (x + 1)), corner.y + (cubeLength * (y + 1)), corner.z + (cubeLength * (z + 1))));
                    marching.March(corner.x + (cubeLength * x), corner.y + (cubeLength * y), corner.z + (cubeLength * z), cube, cubeLength, vertices, triangles);
        mesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();