public void AddOneToOneNotOwning(PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName)
            var propertyValue = (OneToOne)value;
            var owningReferencePropertyName = propertyValue.ReferencedPropertyName;             // mappedBy

            var configuration = _mainGenerator.EntitiesConfigurations[entityName];

            if (configuration == null)
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            var ownedIdMapping = configuration.IdMappingData;

            if (ownedIdMapping == null)
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            var lastPropertyPrefix   = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(owningReferencePropertyName);
            var referencedEntityName = propertyValue.ReferencedEntityName;

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var ownedIdMapper = ownedIdMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                propertyAuditingData.Name, owningReferencePropertyName,
                referencedEntityName, ownedIdMapper, MappingTools.IgnoreNotFound(value));

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();

            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new OneToOneNotOwningMapper(entityName, referencedEntityName, owningReferencePropertyName, propertyData));
        public void AddToOne(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value,
                             ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName, bool insertable)
            var referencedEntityName = ((ToOne)value).ReferencedEntityName;
            var idMapping            = _mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName,
                                                                                 propertyAuditingData, true);

            var lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.Name);

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var relMapper = idMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                propertyAuditingData.Name, referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable, MappingTools.IgnoreNotFound(value));

            // If the property isn't insertable, checking if this is not a "fake" bidirectional many-to-one relationship,
            // that is, when the one side owns the relation (and is a collection), and the many side is non insertable.
            // When that's the case and the user specified to store this relation without a middle table (using
            // @AuditMappedBy), we have to make the property insertable for the purposes of Envers. In case of changes to
            // the entity that didn't involve the relation, it's value will then be stored properly. In case of changes
            // to the entity that did involve the relation, it's the responsibility of the collection side to store the
            // proper data.
            bool nonInsertableFake;

            if (!insertable && propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable)
                nonInsertableFake = true;
                insertable        = true;
                nonInsertableFake = false;

            // Adding an element to the mapping corresponding to the references entity id's
            var properties = new XElement(idMapping.XmlRelationMapping);

            properties.Add(new XAttribute("name", propertyAuditingData.Name));

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, lastPropertyPrefix,
                                                       false, insertable, propertyAuditingData.AccessType);

            // Extracting related id properties from properties tag
            var firstJoin = firstJoinElement(parent);

            foreach (var element in properties.Elements())
                if (firstJoin == null)

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();

            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new ToOneIdMapper(relMapper, propertyData, referencedEntityName, nonInsertableFake));
        public void AddOneToOnePrimaryKeyJoinColumn(PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName, bool insertable)
            var referencedEntityName = ((ToOne)value).ReferencedEntityName;
            var idMapping            = _mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName, propertyAuditingData, true);
            var lastPropertyPrefix   = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.Name);

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var relMapper = idMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
            _mainGenerator.EntitiesConfigurations[entityName].AddToOneRelation(propertyAuditingData.Name, referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable, MappingTools.IgnoreNotFound(value));

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();

            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new OneToOnePrimaryKeyJoinColumnMapper(entityName, referencedEntityName, propertyData));