예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a FastAcyclicNetwork with provided network definition data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeActivationFnArr">Array of neuron activation functions.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeAuxArgsArr">Array of neuron activation function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionArr">Array of connections.</param>
        /// <param name="layerInfoArr">Array of layer information.</param>
        /// <param name="outputNodeIdxArr">An array that specifies the index of each output neuron within _activationArr.
        /// This is necessary because the neurons have been sorted by their depth in the network structure and are therefore
        /// no longer in their original positions. Note however that the bias and input neurons *are* in their original
        /// positions as they are defined as being at depth zero.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeCount">Number of nodes in the network.</param>
        /// <param name="inputNodeCount">Number of input nodes in the network.</param>
        /// <param name="outputNodeCount">Number of output nodes in the network.</param>
        /// <param name="boundedOutput">Indicates that the output values at the output nodes should be bounded to the interval [0,1]</param>
        public FastAcyclicNetwork(IActivationFunction[] nodeActivationFnArr,
                                  double[][] nodeAuxArgsArr,
                                  FastConnection[] connectionArr,
                                  LayerInfo[] layerInfoArr,
                                  int[] outputNodeIdxArr,
                                  int nodeCount,
                                  int inputNodeCount,
                                  int outputNodeCount,
                                  bool boundedOutput)
            // Store refs to network structure data.
            _nodeActivationFnArr = nodeActivationFnArr;
            _nodeAuxArgsArr      = nodeAuxArgsArr;
            _connectionArr       = connectionArr;
            _layerInfoArr        = layerInfoArr;

            // Create working array for node activation signals.
            _activationArr = new double[nodeCount];

            // Wrap a sub-range of the _activationArr that holds the activation values for the input nodes.
            // Offset is 1 to skip bias neuron (The value at index 1 is the first black box input).
            _inputSignalArrayWrapper = new SignalArray(_activationArr, 1, inputNodeCount);

            // Wrap the output nodes. Nodes have been sorted by depth within the network therefore the output
            // nodes can no longer be guaranteed to be in a contiguous segment at a fixed location. As such their
            // positions are indicated by outputNodeIdxArr, and so we package up this array with the node signal
            // array to abstract away the level of indirection described by outputNodeIdxArr.
            if (boundedOutput)
                _outputSignalArrayWrapper = new OutputMappingSignalArray(_activationArr, outputNodeIdxArr);
                _outputSignalArrayWrapper = new MappingSignalArray(_activationArr, outputNodeIdxArr);

            // Store counts for use during activation.
            _inputNodeCount        = inputNodeCount;
            _inputAndBiasNodeCount = inputNodeCount + 1;
            _outputNodeCount       = outputNodeCount;

            // Initialise the bias neuron's fixed output value.
            _activationArr[0] = 1.0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a FastAcyclicNetwork with provided network definition data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeActivationFnArr">Array of neuron activation functions.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeAuxArgsArr">Array of neuron activation function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionArr">Array of connections.</param>
        /// <param name="layerInfoArr">Array of layer information.</param>
        /// <param name="outputNodeIdxArr">An array that specifies the index of each output neuron within _activationArr.
        /// This is necessary because the neurons have been sorted by their depth in the network structure and are therefore
        /// no longer in their original positions. Note however that the bias and input neurons *are* in their original 
        /// positions as they are defined as being at depth zero.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeCount">Number of nodes in the network.</param>
        /// <param name="inputNodeCount">Number of input nodes in the network.</param>
        /// <param name="outputNodeCount">Number of output nodes in the network.</param>
        public FastAcyclicNetwork(IActivationFunction[] nodeActivationFnArr,
                                  double[][] nodeAuxArgsArr,
                                  FastConnection[] connectionArr,
                                  LayerInfo[] layerInfoArr,
                                  int[] outputNodeIdxArr,
                                  int nodeCount,
                                  int inputNodeCount,
                                  int outputNodeCount)
            // Store refs to network structrue data.
            _nodeActivationFnArr = nodeActivationFnArr;
            _nodeAuxArgsArr = nodeAuxArgsArr;
            _connectionArr = connectionArr;
            _layerInfoArr = layerInfoArr;

            // Create working array for node activation signals.
            _activationArr = new double[nodeCount];

            // Wrap a sub-range of the _activationArr that holds the activation values for the input nodes.
            // Offset is 1 to skip bias neuron (The value at index 1 is the first black box input).
            _inputSignalArrayWrapper = new SignalArray(_activationArr, 1, inputNodeCount);

            // Wrap the output nodes. Nodes have been sorted by depth within the network therefore the output
            // nodes can no longer be guaranteed to be in a contiguous segment at a fixed location. As such their
            // positions are indicated by outputNodeIdxArr, and so we package up this array with the node signal
            // array to abstract away the level of indirection described by outputNodeIdxArr.
            _outputSignalArrayWrapper = new MappingSignalArray(_activationArr, outputNodeIdxArr);

            // Store counts for use during activation.
            _inputNodeCount = inputNodeCount;
            _inputAndBiasNodeCount = inputNodeCount+1;
            _outputNodeCount = outputNodeCount;

            // Initialise the bias neuron's fixed output value.
            _activationArr[0] = 1.0;