예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the call to callback url with provided payload
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the call succeeded, false if the call failed</returns>
        private async Task <string> InitiateCallbackAsync(HttpClient client, string callbackUrl, string callbackToken,
                                                          string callbackEncryption, string payload, int requestTimeout,
                                                          CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            var    hostURI    = new Uri(callbackUrl);
            var    stopwatch  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            string errMessage = null;

                var restClient          = new RestClient(callbackUrl, callbackToken, client);
                var notificationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, requestTimeout);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callbackEncryption))
                    _ = await restClient.PostJsonAsync("", payload, requestTimeout : notificationTimeout, token : stoppingToken);
                    _ = await restClient.PostOctetStream("", MapiEncryption.Encrypt(payload, callbackEncryption), requestTimeout : notificationTimeout, token : stoppingToken);

                logger.LogDebug($"Successfully sent notification to '{callbackUrl}', with execution time of '{stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}'ms");
            catch (Exception ex)
                errMessage = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
                logger.LogError($"Callback failed for host {hostURI.Host}. Error: {ex.GetBaseException().Message}");
                notificationScheduler.AddExecutionTime(hostURI.Host, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        public void TestEncryption()
            var    recipientKeyPair = PublicKeyBox.GenerateKeyPair();
            var    encryptionKey    = MapiEncryption.GetEncryptionKey(recipientKeyPair);
            string s         = "Test message";
            var    encrypted = MapiEncryption.Encrypt(s, encryptionKey);

            var decrypted = MapiEncryption.Decrypt(encrypted, recipientKeyPair);

            Assert.AreEqual(s, decrypted);

            encrypted[5] ^= 1;

            Assert.ThrowsException <CryptographicException>(() => MapiEncryption.Decrypt(encrypted, recipientKeyPair));
        public static IEnumerable <ValidationResult> IsSupportedEncryption(string s, string memberName)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                if (!MapiEncryption.IsEncryptionSupported(s))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult($"{memberName} contains unsupported encryption type"));

                // 1024 is DB limit. It should not happen.
                if (s.Length > 1024)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult($"{memberName} contains encryption token that is too long"));