예제 #1
        private bool ImportDEMFormat(string InFile, ref MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            Stream   FileStream;
            sDEMData DEMData = new sDEMData();

                FileStream = System.IO.File.Open(InFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                if (!(FileStream == null))
                    DEMData = ReadDEMData(FileStream, Callback);
                    MakeGrid(DEMData, Callback);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Message("导入.dem格式的文件出现错误 " + InFile + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function copies a two dimensional array of float values to the appropriate space in the grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OutputArray">The two dimensional array of floats to save to the grid</param>
        /// <param name="mwGrid">The MapWinGIS.grid to save the float values to</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for status messages</param>
        public void SaveArrayToWindow(float[][] OutputArray, MapWinGIS.Grid mwGrid, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            // Write values to the grid
            int numCols = this.Rectangle.Width;
            int numRows = this.Rectangle.Height;

            float[] Temp = new float[numCols * numRows];
            //Organize the OutputArray into a single window
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Copying value to 1-D array.");
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                    Temp[numCols * row + col] = OutputArray[row][col];
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Saving window to grid");
            mwGrid.PutFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref Temp[0]);
예제 #3
        private void MakeGrid(sFLTData FLTData, string InitialFile, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader h = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            int i, j;

            h.dX          = FLTData.cellsize;
            h.dY          = FLTData.cellsize;
            h.Notes       = "Grid文件导入路径 " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(InitialFile);
            h.NodataValue = FLTData.NODATA_value;
            h.NumberCols  = FLTData.ncols;
            h.NumberRows  = FLTData.nrows;
            h.XllCenter   = FLTData.xllcenter;
            h.YllCenter   = FLTData.yllcenter;

            base.CreateNew("", h, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType, -1, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary);

            for (i = 0; i < FLTData.ncols; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < FLTData.nrows; j++)
                    base.Value[i, j] = FLTData.Values[i, j];
                if (Callback != null)
                    Callback.Progress(base.Key, 50 + i / FLTData.ncols * 50, "创建 MapWinGIS grid");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 导入.flt格式的文件
        /// </summary>
        private bool ImportFLTFormat(string InFile, ref MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            sFLTData FLTData = new sFLTData();

                ReadHDRFile(FLTData, InFile.Substring(0, InFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".hdr");
                ReadFLTData(FLTData, InFile, Callback);
                MakeGrid(FLTData, InFile, Callback);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Message("导入.flt格式的文件出现错误," + InFile + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
예제 #5
        }//End Write_Vertical


        #region Array - Grid Handling

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a region of a grid into a 2D array of float values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mwSourceGrid">The grid to read</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for status messages</param>
        /// <returns>float[][] the values from the grid</returns>
        public float[][] GetArrayFromWindow(MapWinGIS.Grid mwSourceGrid, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            if (mwSourceGrid == null)
                if (ICallBack != null)
                    ICallBack.Error("Error", "SourceGrid cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceGrid cannot be null.");

            int numRows = this.Rectangle.Height;
            int numCols = this.Rectangle.Width;

            // Populate the Array by directly reading values from the grid
            float[][] SourceArray = new float[numRows][];
            float[]   Temp        = new float[numRows * numCols];

            // Read from the ocx once, rather than calling several times
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, " Loading Values");
            mwSourceGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref Temp[0]);
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Copying Values");
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                SourceArray[row] = new float[numCols];
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                    // copy the values into a 2D style array because it improves
                    // handling speeds for some reason
                    SourceArray[row][col] = Temp[row * numCols + col];
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Finished copying values from grid.");
        }// End GetArrayFromWindow
예제 #6
        private void MakeGrid(sDEMData DEMData, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader h = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            int i;
            int j;
            int m;
            int n;

            h.dX          = 30;
            h.dY          = 30;
            h.Notes       = "DEMData.Notes";
            h.NodataValue = -1;
            h.NumberCols  = DEMData.NumCols;
            h.NumberRows  = System.Convert.ToInt32((DEMData.MaxY() - DEMData.MinY() / 30)) + 1;
            h.XllCenter   = DEMData.MinX();
            h.YllCenter   = DEMData.MinY();

            base.CreateNew("", h, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.ShortDataType, h.NodataValue, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary);

            for (i = 0; i < DEMData.NumCols; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < DEMData.NumElevs[i]; j++)
                    base.ProjToCell(DEMData.ColStarts[i].X, System.Convert.ToInt32(DEMData.ColStarts[i].Y) + (30 * j), out m, out n);
                    base.Value[m, n] = DEMData.Values[i, j];
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("创建 MapWinGIS grid 对象. numCols: " + i.ToString());
                if (Callback != null)
                    Callback.Progress(base.Key, 50 + i / DEMData.NumCols * 50, "创建 MapWinGIS grid 对象");
예제 #7
        private bool ImportSURFERFormat(string InFile, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            string tempPath = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Program.GetMWGTempFile(), "");

            string tempAsc = tempPath + "\\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InFile) + ".asc";

            string null_string = null;

            if (!grd2asc(InFile, tempAsc, ref null_string))

            if (!base.Open(tempAsc))

예제 #8
        private void ReadFLTData(sFLTData FLTData, string DataFile, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            int          i, j;
            FileStream   fs = null;
            BinaryReader r;

                FLTData.Values = new float[FLTData.ncols - 1 + 1, FLTData.nrows - 1 + 1];

                fs = File.Open(DataFile, FileMode.Open);
                r  = new BinaryReader(fs);
                fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (j = 0; j < FLTData.nrows; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < FLTData.ncols; i++)
                        FLTData.Values[i, j] = r.ReadSingle();
                    if (Callback != null)
                        Callback.Progress(base.Key, j / FLTData.nrows * 50, "读取 FLT 数据");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Message("读取.flt网格图层的数据文件出错: " + "\r\n" + ex.Message);

예제 #9
        // False if the user canceled, true otherwise
        private static bool Do_ApplyFilter(MapWinGIS.Image SourceImage, ref MapWinGIS.Image DestImage, float[,] filter, bool ShowProgressDialog, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            int Prog    = 0;
            int OldProg = 0;

            // Report unnamed as differently from null
            string SourceFile = "null";
            string DestFile   = "null";

            if (SourceImage != null)
                SourceFile = SourceImage.Filename;
                if (SourceFile == null)
                    SourceFile = "Unnamed";
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: SourceImage cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceImage cannot be null.");
            if (DestImage != null)
                DestFile = SourceImage.Filename;
                if (DestFile == null)
                    DestFile = "Unnamed";
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: DestImage cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("DestImage cannot be null.");

            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Do_ApplyFilter(SourceImage: " + SourceImage.Filename + ",\n" +
                                     "            DestImage: " + DestImage.Filename + ",\n" +
                                     "            filter: [" + filter.GetUpperBound(0) + ", " + filter.GetUpperBound(1) + "],\n" +
                                     "            ShowProgressDialog: " + ShowProgressDialog.ToString() + ",\n" +
                                     "            ICallback)");

            ProgressDialog MyProgress = new ProgressDialog();

            if (filter.GetUpperBound(0) == 0 || filter.GetUpperBound(1) == 0)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Filter must have values.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Filter must have values.");

            // Ensure the filter is smaller than the image.
            if (filter.GetUpperBound(0) > SourceImage.Height || filter.GetUpperBound(1) > SourceImage.Width)
                throw new ArgumentException("The filter is too large for this image.  In order for convolution to work, the image must be larger than the filter.");

            // We are going to assume mirror handling of edges
            ExtHandler LocHandler = new ExtHandler(SourceImage.Height, SourceImage.Width);

            // convolve
            int R, G, B, color;
            int Xcor = 0, Ycor = 0; // Corrected X and Y locations to take into account mirror
            int fH, fW;             // stores the values of half the height and width of the filter

            fH = (int)filter.GetUpperBound(0) / 2;
            fW = (int)filter.GetUpperBound(1) / 2;

            if (ICallBack == null)
                MyProgress.WriteMessage("Applying Filter...");
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Applying Filter...", Prog, OldProg);
            for (int row = 0; row < SourceImage.Height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < SourceImage.Width; col++)
                    float fR = 0;
                    float fG = 0;
                    float fB = 0;

                    for (int Y = 0; Y <= filter.GetUpperBound(0); Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X <= filter.GetUpperBound(1); X++)
                            // Read the color for this spot
                            LocHandler.CorrectLocation(col + X - fW, row + Y - fH, ref Xcor, ref Ycor);
                            color = SourceImage.get_Value(Ycor, Xcor);
                            R     = color % 256;
                            G     = (int)(color / 256) % 256;
                            B     = (int)(color / (256 * 256));

                            // convolve the values with the filter and add them to the accumulators
                            fR += filter[Y, X] * R;
                            fG += filter[Y, X] * G;
                            fB += filter[Y, X] * B;
                    // After convolution, write the combined value to the file
                    R = (int)fR;
                    if (R > 255)
                        R = 255;
                    G = (int)fG;
                    if (G > 255)
                        G = 255;
                    B = (int)fB;
                    if (B > 255)
                        B = 255;
                    color = (256 * 256) * B + 256 * G + R;
                    DestImage.set_Value(row, col, color);
                Prog = (100 * row) / SourceImage.Height;
                if (Prog > OldProg)
                    if (ICallBack != null)
                        ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Filtering Image...");

                    if (ShowProgressDialog == true)
                        MyProgress.Progress = Prog;

                        if (MyProgress.IsCanceled == true)
                            MapWinUtility.Logger.Message("Apply Filter was canceled.", "Process Canceled", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK);

                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Filtering Image..." + Prog.ToString() + "%Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                    OldProg = Prog;
            DestImage.dX = SourceImage.dX;
            DestImage.dY = SourceImage.dY;
            DestImage.Save(DestImage.Filename, true, MapWinGIS.ImageType.USE_FILE_EXTENSION, null);
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finsihed ApplyFilter");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Will convolve the SourceImage specified using the filter specified, returning the result in a new image
        /// as the ref parameter DestImage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SourceImage">A MapWinGIS.Image object to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="DestImage">The output MapWinGIS.Image object from this process</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The 2D float array of filter coefficients to use (Row Major)</param>
        /// <param name="ShowProgressDialog">If true, will show progress in a typical dialog form</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">If specified, will return data as a MapWinGIS.ICallBack object</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean, false if the process was canceled.</returns>
        public static bool ApplyFilter(MapWinGIS.Image SourceImage, ref MapWinGIS.Image DestImage, float[,] filter, bool ShowProgressDialog, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            // Report unnamed as differently from null
            string SourceFile = "null";
            string DestFile   = "null";

            if (SourceImage != null)
                SourceFile = SourceImage.Filename;
                if (SourceFile == null)
                    SourceFile = "Unnamed";
            if (DestImage != null)
                DestFile = SourceImage.Filename;
                if (DestFile == null)
                    DestFile = "Unnamed";
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ApplyFilter(SourceImage: " + SourceFile + ",\n" +
                                     "            DestImage: " + DestFile + ",\n" +
                                     "            filter: [" + filter.GetUpperBound(0) + ", " + filter.GetUpperBound(1) + "],\n" +
                                     "            ShowProgressDialog: " + ShowProgressDialog.ToString() + ",\n" +
                                     "            ICallback)");

            return(Do_ApplyFilter(SourceImage, ref DestImage, filter, ShowProgressDialog, ICallBack));
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates a new shapefile that has Z values and follows along the same line segments.
        /// The boundaries for grid cells are marked with vertices and the segment is given a Z value
        /// that corresponds to the grid elevation it intersects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mwElevGrid">A MapWinGIS Grid that contains the elevations.</param>
        /// <param name="mwPolyLine">A MapWinGIS Shapefile that shows the pathways of the cross sections in the X-Y direction.</param>
        /// <param name="OutFileName">A string containing the full path of the desired output shapefile.  The extension should be *.shp</param>
        /// <param name="CrossSectionType">Clarifies the type of output.  default = PolyLineWithZ</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for progress messages. [Optional]</param>
        /// <remarks>This function throws Argument or Application exceptions on errors, so it's recommended that coders enclose it in a try catch block.</remarks>
        public static void GetCrossSection(MapWinGIS.Grid mwElevGrid, MapWinGIS.Shapefile mwPolyLine, string OutFileName, CrossSectionTypes CrossSectionType, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("GetCrossSection(mwElevGrid: " + Macro.ParamName(mwElevGrid) + ",\n" +
                                     "                mwPolyLine: " + Macro.ParamName(mwPolyLine) + ",\n" +
                                     "                OutFileName: " + OutFileName + ",\n" +
                                     "                CrossSectionType: " + CrossSectionType.ToString() + ",\n" +
                                     "                ICallback)");
            bool   res;
            int    Prog = 0;
            int    OldProg = 0;
            double dS, dX, dY, XllCenter, YllCenter;
            int    NumRows, NumCols, ElevField, IDField;

            ElevField = 1;
            IDField   = 0;
            // Test to be sure that the elevation grid and shapefile are not null
            if (mwElevGrid == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Elevation grid mwElevGrid can't be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Elevation grid mwElevGrid can't be null.");
            if (mwPolyLine == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: The shapefile of input cross sections mwPolyLine can't be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("The shapefile of input cross sections mwPolyLine can't be null.");

            // Clear any existing shapefile output filenames that might cause problems if they exist.
            string fn;

            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(OutFileName)) == false)
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(OutFileName))
            fn = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(OutFileName, ".dbf");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fn))
            fn = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(OutFileName, ".shx");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fn))
            fn = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(OutFileName, ".prj");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fn))
            // Since we are given the lower left coordinate, just make sure dX and dY are positive
            dX = Math.Abs(mwElevGrid.Header.dX);
            if (dX == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("mwElevGrid.Header.dX cannot be 0.");
            dY = Math.Abs(mwElevGrid.Header.dY);
            if (dY == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("mwElevGrid.Header.dY cannot be 0.");

            // Determine the stepping distance from the grid coordintes
            dS = dX / 2;
            if (dY < dX)
                dS = dY / 2;

            XllCenter = mwElevGrid.Header.XllCenter;
            YllCenter = mwElevGrid.Header.YllCenter;
            NumRows   = mwElevGrid.Header.NumberRows;
            NumCols   = mwElevGrid.Header.NumberCols;

            // Test for intersection between the entire shapefile and the grid
            double left, right, top, bottom;

            left   = XllCenter - dX / 2;
            right  = XllCenter + NumCols * dX - dX / 2;
            bottom = YllCenter - dY / 2;
            top    = YllCenter + NumRows * dY - dY / 2;
            MapWinGeoProc.Topology2D.Envelope gExt = new MapWinGeoProc.Topology2D.Envelope(left, right, bottom, top);
            MapWinGeoProc.Topology2D.Envelope pExt = new MapWinGeoProc.Topology2D.Envelope(mwPolyLine.Extents);
            if (gExt.Intersects(pExt) == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: The shapefile doesn't overlap the grid, so no cross sections were found.");
                throw new ApplicationException("The shapefile doesn't overlap the grid, so no cross sections were found.");

            // Setup the output shapefile and the basic shape objects
            MapWinGIS.Shape     mwShape;
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile sfOut = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            sfOut.Projection = mwPolyLine.Projection;

            if (CrossSectionType == CrossSectionTypes.PointsWithZAndElevField)
                res = sfOut.CreateNew(OutFileName, MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POINTZ);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                res = sfOut.StartEditingShapes(true, ICallBack);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                MapWinGIS.Field ID = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                ID.Name = "ID";
                ID.Type = MapWinGIS.FieldType.INTEGER_FIELD;
                res     = sfOut.EditInsertField(ID, ref IDField, ICallBack);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                MapWinGIS.Field Elev = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                Elev.Name = "Elevation";
                Elev.Type = MapWinGIS.FieldType.DOUBLE_FIELD;
                res       = sfOut.EditInsertField(Elev, ref ElevField, ICallBack);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                res = sfOut.CreateNew(OutFileName, MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYLINEZ);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                res = sfOut.StartEditingShapes(true, ICallBack);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                MapWinGIS.Field ID = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                ID.Name = "ID";
                ID.Type = MapWinGIS.FieldType.INTEGER_FIELD;
                res     = sfOut.EditInsertField(ID, ref IDField, ICallBack);
                if (res != true)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));

            MapWinGIS.Shape mwOutShape;
            // Loop through all the shapes in the polyline shapefile
            int shIndx = -1;

            for (int shp = 0; shp < mwPolyLine.NumShapes; shp++)
                mwShape = mwPolyLine.get_Shape(shp);

                // By turning multi-part polylines into multiple linestrings, we avoid the annoying multi-part logic
                MultiLineString MLS = GeometryFactory.CreateMultiLineString(mwShape);

                for (int ls = 0; ls < MLS.NumGeometries; ls++)
                    LineString lsSource = MLS.GeometryN[ls] as LineString;
                    for (int pt = 0; pt < lsSource.Coordinates.Count - 1; pt++)
                        Coordinate start = lsSource.Coordinates[pt];
                        Coordinate end   = lsSource.Coordinates[pt + 1];

                        // Crop the parts of each segment that do not overlap with the grid.
                        if (start.X < left)
                            if (end.X < left)
                                // this segment is outside the grid
                            // crop this segment to only the portion on the grid
                            start.X = left;
                        if (end.X < left)
                            // crop this segment to only the portion on the grid
                            end.X = left;
                        if (start.X > right)
                            if (end.X > right)
                                // this segment is outside the grid
                            // crop to grid
                            start.X = right;
                        if (end.X > right)
                            // crop to the grid
                            end.X = right;

                        double length   = Math.Sqrt((end.X - start.X) * (end.X - start.X) + (end.Y - start.Y) * (end.Y - start.Y));
                        int    NumSteps = (int)Math.Floor(length / dS);
                        double segDx    = (end.X - start.X) / NumSteps;
                        double segDy    = (end.Y - start.Y) / NumSteps;
                        mwOutShape = new MapWinGIS.Shape();
                        if (CrossSectionType == CrossSectionTypes.PolyLineWithZ)

                        // step by dS and get the grid value at that point at each step
                        int p = 0;
                        for (int I = 0; I < NumSteps; I++)
                            int    row, col;
                            object Elev;
                            double X = start.X + segDx * I;
                            double Y = start.Y + segDy * I;
                            mwElevGrid.ProjToCell(X, Y, out col, out row);
                            Elev = mwElevGrid.get_Value(col, row);
                            MapWinGIS.Point pnt = new MapWinGIS.Point();
                            pnt.x = X;
                            pnt.y = Y;
                            pnt.Z = (double)Elev;
                            if (CrossSectionType == CrossSectionTypes.PointsWithZAndElevField)
                                p          = 0;
                                mwOutShape = new MapWinGIS.Shape();
                                res = mwOutShape.InsertPoint(pnt, ref p);
                                if (res == false)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(mwOutShape.get_ErrorMsg(mwOutShape.LastErrorCode));
                                res = sfOut.EditInsertShape(mwOutShape, ref shIndx);
                                if (res != true)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                                res = sfOut.EditCellValue(IDField, shIndx, shIndx);
                                if (res != true)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                                res = sfOut.EditCellValue(ElevField, shIndx, Elev);
                                if (res != true)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                                res = mwOutShape.InsertPoint(pnt, ref p);
                                if (res == false)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(mwOutShape.get_ErrorMsg(mwOutShape.LastErrorCode));
                        if (CrossSectionType == CrossSectionTypes.PolyLineWithZ)
                            if (mwOutShape.numPoints > 0)
                                res = sfOut.EditInsertShape(mwOutShape, ref shIndx);
                                if (res != true)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                                res = sfOut.EditCellValue(IDField, shIndx, shIndx);
                                if (res != true)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                Prog = Convert.ToInt32(shp * 100 / mwPolyLine.NumShapes);
                if (Prog > OldProg)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Evaluating Cross Section..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete.", Prog, OldProg);
                    OldProg = Prog;
            res = sfOut.StopEditingShapes(true, true, ICallBack);
            if (res != true)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ApplicationException(sfOut.get_ErrorMsg(sfOut.LastErrorCode));
예제 #12
        }// End GetArrayFromWindow

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns jagged array where the borders are read from the destination file but the central
        /// portion is set to be the maximum float value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mwSourceGrid">A MapWinGIS.Grid to read the frame borders that are on the very outside of the image</param>
        /// <param name="mwDestGrid">A MapWinGIS.Grid to read the frame borders on the interior edges already processed </param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for messages (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>A float[][] array representing the destination values for an entire frame</returns>
        public float[][] GetBorders(MapWinGIS.Grid mwSourceGrid, MapWinGIS.Grid mwDestGrid, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            if (mwSourceGrid == null || mwDestGrid == null)
                if (ICallBack != null)
                    ICallBack.Error("Error", "SourceGrid cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceGrid cannot be null.");

            int numRows = this.Rectangle.Height;
            int numCols = this.Rectangle.Width;

            // Populate the Array by directly reading values from the grid
            float[][] SourceArray = new float[numRows][];

            // Read from the ocx once, rather than calling several times

            // Initialize the array to max values
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                SourceArray[row] = new float[numCols];
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                    SourceArray[row][col] = float.MaxValue;

            // If we need a dependency in a given direction, read it from the file.
            if (Y == 0)
                mwSourceGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref SourceArray[0][0]);
            else if (Parent.First_Time(X, Y - 1) == false)
                mwDestGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref SourceArray[0][0]);

            if (Y == Parent.NumFramesTall - 1)
                mwSourceGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref SourceArray[numRows - 1][0]);
            else if (Parent.First_Time(X, Y + 1) == false)
                mwDestGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref SourceArray[numRows - 1][0]);

            if (X == 0)
                float[] Temp = new float[numRows];
                mwSourceGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.X, ref Temp[0]);
                for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                    SourceArray[row][0] = Temp[row];
            else if (Parent.First_Time(X - 1, Y) == false)
                float[] Temp = new float[numRows];
                mwDestGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.X, this.Rectangle.X, ref Temp[0]);
                for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                    SourceArray[row][0] = Temp[row];

            if (X == Parent.NumFramesWide - 1)
                float[] Temp = new float[numRows];
                mwSourceGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref Temp[0]);
                for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                    SourceArray[row][numCols - 1] = Temp[row];
            else if (Parent.First_Time(X + 1, Y) == false)
                float[] Temp = new float[numRows];
                mwDestGrid.GetFloatWindow(this.Rectangle.Y, this.Rectangle.Bottom - 1, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, this.Rectangle.Right - 1, ref Temp[0]);
                for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                    SourceArray[row][numCols - 1] = Temp[row];
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Finished copying values from grid.");
예제 #13
        private static void CachePointsBrute(string InPointsPath, int InValueFieldIndex, out List <InterpolationPoint> PointsCache, out string Projection, out string ProjectionUnits, out MapWinGIS.Extents PointsExtents, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)
            int newperc = 0, oldperc = 0;

            MapWinGIS.Shapefile points = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            points.Open(InPointsPath, null);

            PointsExtents = points.Extents;
            Projection    = points.Projection;
            if (Projection != null)
                ProjectionUnits = Projection.Substring(Projection.IndexOf("units=") + 6);
                ProjectionUnits = ProjectionUnits.Substring(0, ProjectionUnits.IndexOf("+")).Trim();
                double tmpX   = points.Extents.xMax;
                string tmpstr = Math.Floor(tmpX).ToString();

                if (tmpstr.Length > 4)
                    ProjectionUnits = "";
                    ProjectionUnits = "lat/long";

            PointsCache = new List <InterpolationPoint>();
            InterpolationPoint pt;

            MapWinGIS.Point currpt;
            int             ns         = points.NumShapes;

            for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
                newperc = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(i) / Convert.ToDouble(ns)) * 100);
                if ((newperc > oldperc))
                    if (callback != null)
                        callback.Progress("Status", newperc, "IDW Caching " + i.ToString());
                    oldperc = newperc;

                currpt = points.get_Shape(i).get_Point(0);

                pt = new InterpolationPoint(currpt.x, currpt.y, double.Parse(points.get_CellValue(InValueFieldIndex, i).ToString()), 0);
예제 #14
        private static void CachePoints(string InPointsPath, int InValueFieldIndex, out KDTreeDLL.KDTree PointsTree, out double[][] Points, out double[] PointVals, out string Projection, out string ProjectionUnits, out MapWinGIS.Extents PointsExtents, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)
            int newperc = 0, oldperc = 0;

            MapWinGIS.Shapefile pointsf = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            pointsf.Open(InPointsPath, null);

            PointsExtents = pointsf.Extents;
            Projection    = pointsf.Projection;
            if (Projection != null)
                ProjectionUnits = Projection.Substring(Projection.IndexOf("units=") + 6);
                ProjectionUnits = ProjectionUnits.Substring(0, ProjectionUnits.IndexOf("+")).Trim();
                double tmpX   = pointsf.Extents.xMax;
                string tmpstr = Math.Floor(tmpX).ToString();

                if (tmpstr.Length > 4)
                    ProjectionUnits = "";
                    ProjectionUnits = "lat/long";

            PointsTree = new KDTreeDLL.KDTree(2);

            MapWinGIS.Point currpt;
            int             ns          = pointsf.NumShapes;

            Points    = new double[ns][];
            PointVals = new double[ns];
            int duplicates = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
                Points[i] = new double[2];

                newperc = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(i) / Convert.ToDouble(ns)) * 100);
                if ((newperc > oldperc))
                    if (callback != null)
                        callback.Progress("Status", newperc, "IDW Caching " + i.ToString());
                    oldperc = newperc;

                currpt       = pointsf.get_Shape(i).get_Point(0);
                Points[i][0] = currpt.x;
                Points[i][1] = currpt.y;
                PointVals[i] = double.Parse(pointsf.get_CellValue(InValueFieldIndex, i).ToString());

                    if (PointsTree.search(Points[i]) == null)
                        PointsTree.insert(Points[i], i);
                catch (KDTreeDLL.KeyDuplicateException)
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 打开指定数据源的图层
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">文件名</param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Open(string filename, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)

            if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".shp"))
                MapWinGIS.Shapefile sf = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
                if (sf.Open(filename, callback))
                    // 检查dbf是否存在
                    bool error = false;
                    if (!File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(sf.Filename, ".dbf")))
                        m_error = LayerSourceError.DbfIsMissing;
                        error   = true;

                    // 检查DBF记录数相匹配的形状的数量。
                    MapWinGIS.Table table = new MapWinGIS.Table();
                    table.Open(Path.ChangeExtension(sf.Filename, ".dbf"), null);
                    if (sf.NumShapes != table.NumRows)
                        m_error = LayerSourceError.DbfRecordCountMismatch;
                        error   = true;


                    if (error)
                        m_shapefile = sf;
                    m_error       = LayerSourceError.OcxBased;
                    m_ErrorString = sf.get_ErrorMsg(sf.LastErrorCode);
                bool asGrid = true;
                if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".tif"))
                    asGrid = false;

                // TODO: 可能更聪明的选择是在grid/image中使用应用程序设置
                if (asGrid)
                    MapWinGIS.Grid grid = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
                    if (grid.Open(filename, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, false, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, callback))
                        m_grid = grid;

                // 尝试image
                MapWinGIS.Image image = new MapWinGIS.Image();
                if (image.Open(filename, MapWinGIS.ImageType.USE_FILE_EXTENSION, false, callback))
                    m_image = image;
                    m_error       = LayerSourceError.OcxBased;
                    m_ErrorString = image.get_ErrorMsg(image.LastErrorCode);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This overload calculates the difference between files.  THe number of rows and columns should be the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SourceFile1">String filename of one grid to compare</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFile2">String filename of another grid to compare</param>
        /// <param name="DestFile">String filename of the output difference file</param>
        /// <param name="Overwrite">Boolean, true if you wish to overwrite an existing output
        /// file and delete the associated .bmp file.  False raises a messagebox if the files exist.</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallBack for status messages</param>
        public static void Difference(string SourceFile1, string SourceFile2, string DestFile, bool Overwrite, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            MapWinGIS.Grid Source1 = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            MapWinGIS.Grid Source2 = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            MapWinGIS.Grid Dest    = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            bool           res;

            // Open the source grids
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Opening Files...");
            res = Source1.Open(SourceFile1, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: " + Source1.get_ErrorMsg(Source1.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Source1.get_ErrorMsg(Source1.LastErrorCode));
            res = Source2.Open(SourceFile2, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                throw new ArgumentException(Source2.get_ErrorMsg(Source2.LastErrorCode));

            // Delete any existing files for our output grid
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(DestFile))
                string bmp   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "bmp");
                string bpw   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "bpw");
                string prj   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "prj");
                string mwleg = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "mwleg");
                if (Overwrite == false)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp) || System.IO.File.Exists(bpw) ||
                        System.IO.File.Exists(prj) || System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))
                        if (MapWinUtility.Logger.Message("The output file exists, or associated files of the same name exist.  Do you wish to delete the existing files?\n", "Output Files Exist", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                        // This ensures mapwindow will recognize the new image as a new file.
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(bpw))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(prj))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))
                        if (MapWinUtility.Logger.Message("The output file already exists.  Do you wish to delete it?", "Destination File Already Exists",
                                                         System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                            == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bpw))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(prj))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))

            // Create a new output grid
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader newHeader = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            if (ICallBack != null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Creating Output File...");
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Creating Output File...");
            res = Dest.CreateNew(DestFile, newHeader, Source1.DataType, 0, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: " + Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));

            // Calculate the differences
            Difference(Source1, Source2, Dest, ICallBack);

            // Close Source grids

            // Save and close the output grid
            res = Dest.Save(DestFile, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished Difference");
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Will convolve the 2-D filter with the source image, producing the output image.
        /// This overload assumes that you are working with files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SourceFile">A string representing the image file to open.</param>
        /// <param name="DestFile">A string representing the image file to save to.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">A 2D array of floats, row major.  Filter must be smaller than image.</param>
        /// <param name="ShowProgressDialog">Boolean, true to have the function automatically show a dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for handling errors and progress messages</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean, false if the process was canceled.</returns>
        public static bool ApplyFilter(string SourceFile, string DestFile, float[,] filter, bool ShowProgressDialog, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ApplyFilter(SourceFile: " + SourceFile + ",\n" +
                                     "            DestFile: " + DestFile + ",\n" +
                                     "            filter: [" + filter.GetUpperBound(0) + ", " + filter.GetUpperBound(1) + "],\n" +
                                     "            ShowProgressDialog: " + ShowProgressDialog.ToString() + ",\n" +
                                     "            ICallback)");
            bool res;

            // Argument checks
            if (SourceFile == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: SourceFile cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceFile cannot be null.");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(SourceFile) == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: SourceFile not found.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceFile not found.");
            if (DestFile == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: DestFile cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("DestFile cannot be null.");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(SourceFile) == true)
            if (filter.GetUpperBound(0) == 0 || filter.GetUpperBound(1) == 0)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Filter must have values.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Filter must have values.");

            // Check image object
            MapWinGIS.Image SourceImage = new MapWinGIS.Image();
            res = SourceImage.Open(SourceFile, MapWinGIS.ImageType.USE_FILE_EXTENSION, true, null);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + "Attempting to open " + SourceFile + " produced the following error:\n" + SourceImage.get_ErrorMsg(SourceImage.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ApplicationException("Attempting to open " + SourceFile + " produced the following error:\n" + SourceImage.get_ErrorMsg(SourceImage.LastErrorCode));
            // Try to create the output image
            MapWinGIS.Image DestImage = new MapWinGIS.Image();
            res = DestImage.CreateNew(SourceImage.Width, SourceImage.Height);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + "Attempting to create " + DestFile + " produced the following error:\n" + DestImage.get_ErrorMsg(DestImage.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ApplicationException("Attempting to create " + DestFile + " produced the following error:\n" + DestImage.get_ErrorMsg(DestImage.LastErrorCode));
            DestImage.Save(DestFile, false, MapWinGIS.ImageType.USE_FILE_EXTENSION, ICallBack);
            res = Do_ApplyFilter(SourceImage, ref DestImage, filter, ShowProgressDialog, ICallBack);
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished ApplyFilter");
예제 #18
        // This is not a full fledged map algebra function!  This cannot deal with
        // images of different sizes or cell spacings.  This is only a quick function
        // that can tell if, for instance, a pitfilled image is different from the
        // version created in Arcview.  It simply takes each cell and finds the difference
        // in values.
        #region "Difference"

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the difference values and stores them in the Dest grid.  This only works if the grids
        /// have the same number of rows and columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Source1">MapWinGIS.Grid representing one source grid</param>
        /// <param name="Source2">MapWinGIS.Grid to compare Source1 against</param>
        /// <param name="Dest">MapWinGIS.Grid where the output is to be saved</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallBack</param>
        /// <remarks>Uses ArgumentExceptions if the grids are different sizes</remarks>
        public static void Difference(MapWinGIS.Grid Source1, MapWinGIS.Grid Source2, MapWinGIS.Grid Dest, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            // Log entrance as best as possible while preventing errors from a null reference
            string Source1File = "null";
            string Source2File = "null";
            string DestFile    = "null";

            if (Source1 != null)
                Source1File = Source1.Filename;
                if (Source1File == null)
                    Source1File = "Unnamed";
            if (Source2 != null)
                Source2File = Source2.Filename;
                if (Source2File == null)
                    Source2File = "Unnamed";
            if (Dest != null)
                DestFile = Dest.Filename;
                if (DestFile == null)
                    DestFile = "Unnamed";
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Difference(Source1: " + Source1File + ",\n" +
                                     "           Source2: " + Source2File + ",\n" +
                                     "           Dest: " + DestFile + ",\n" +
                                     "           ICallback");

            if (Source1 == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Source1 cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Source1 cannot be null.");
            if (Source2 == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Source2 cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Source2 cannot be null.");
            if (Dest == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: Dest cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Dest cannot be null.");
            int nX, nY;

            nX = Source1.Header.NumberCols;
            nY = Source1.Header.NumberRows;
            if (Source2.Header.NumberRows != nY)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: The grids are not the same height.");
                throw new ArgumentException("The grids are not the same height.");
            if (Source2.Header.NumberCols != nX)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: The grids are not the same width!");
                throw new ArgumentException("The grids are not the same width!");
            if (Dest.Header.NumberRows != nY)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: The output grid is not the same height!");
                throw new ArgumentException("The output grid is not the same height!");
            if (Dest.Header.NumberCols != nX)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: The output grid is not the same width!");
                throw new ArgumentException("The output grid is not the same width!");

            int OldProg = 0;
            int Prog    = 0;

            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Difference...0% Complete");
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference...0% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
            if (Source1.DataType != MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType)
                switch (Source1.DataType)
                case MapWinGIS.GridDataType.DoubleDataType:
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < nY; Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < nX; X++)
                            double val = (double)Source1.get_Value(X, Y) - (double)Source2.get_Value(X, Y);
                            Dest.set_Value(X, Y, val);
                        if (ICallBack != null)
                            Prog = (int)(Y * 100 / nY);
                            if (Prog > OldProg)
                                ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete");
                                MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                                OldProg = Prog;

                case MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType:
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < nY; Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < nX; X++)
                            double val = (double)Source1.get_Value(X, Y) - (double)Source2.get_Value(X, Y);
                            Dest.set_Value(X, Y, val);
                        if (ICallBack != null)
                            Prog = (int)(Y * 100 / nY);
                            if (Prog > OldProg)
                                ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete");
                                MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                                OldProg = Prog;

                case MapWinGIS.GridDataType.LongDataType:
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < nY; Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < nX; X++)
                            long val = (long)Source1.get_Value(X, Y) - (long)Source2.get_Value(X, Y);
                            Dest.set_Value(X, Y, val);
                        if (ICallBack != null)
                            Prog = (int)(Y * 100 / nY);
                            if (Prog > OldProg)
                                MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                                ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete");
                                OldProg = Prog;

                case MapWinGIS.GridDataType.ShortDataType:
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < nY; Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < nX; X++)
                            int val = (int)Source1.get_Value(X, Y) - (int)Source2.get_Value(X, Y);
                            Dest.set_Value(X, Y, val);
                        if (ICallBack != null)
                            Prog = (int)(Y * 100 / nY);
                            if (Prog > OldProg)
                                MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                                ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete");
                                OldProg = Prog;

                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("The Datatype was not a valid numeric type.", Prog, OldProg);
                    throw new ArgumentException("The Datatype was not a valid numeric type.");
                for (int Y = 0; Y < nY; Y++)
                    float[] Vals1 = new float[nX];
                    float[] Vals2 = new float[nX];
                    float[] Diff  = new float[nX];
                    Source1.GetRow(Y, ref Vals1[0]);
                    Source2.GetRow(Y, ref Vals2[0]);
                    for (int X = 0; X < nX; X++)
                        Diff[X] = Vals1[X] - Vals2[X];
                    Dest.PutRow(Y, ref Diff[0]);
                    if (ICallBack != null)
                        Prog = (int)(Y * 100 / nY);
                        if (Prog > OldProg)
                            MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete", Prog, OldProg);
                            ICallBack.Progress("Status", Prog, "Difference..." + Prog.ToString() + "% Complete");
                            OldProg = Prog;
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished Difference");
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Done.");
예제 #19
        private sDEMData ReadDEMData(Stream fileStream, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            // 从USGS读取dem格式的数据文件(ASCII 文本)
            int i, j;

            int      numElevs;
            int      Elev = 0;
            int      Off2;
            int      Off3;
            int      Inserts;
            sDEMData DEMData = new sDEMData();
            string   chunckResult;

                DEMData.Notes      = GetChunk(fileStream, 1, 144);
                DEMData.HorizUnits = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetChunk(fileStream, 529, 6));
                DEMData.VertUnits  = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetChunk(fileStream, 535, 6));
                DEMData.Vertices   = new sVertex[4];
                for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    DEMData.Vertices[i].X = Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, 547 + (48 * i), 24));
                    DEMData.Vertices[i].Y = Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, 571 + (48 * i), 24));
                DEMData.Min      = System.Convert.ToDouble(Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, 739, 24)));
                DEMData.Max      = System.Convert.ToDouble(Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, 763, 24)));
                DEMData.NumCols  = System.Convert.ToInt32((GetChunk(fileStream, 859, 6)));
                DEMData.Values   = new int[DEMData.NumCols - 1 + 1, 1];
                DEMData.NumElevs = new int[DEMData.NumCols - 1 + 1];
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEM 的头(Header)信息:");
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.Notes: " + DEMData.Notes);
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.HorizUnits: " + DEMData.HorizUnits.ToString());
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.VertUnits: " + DEMData.VertUnits.ToString());
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.Min: " + DEMData.Min.ToString());
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.Max: " + DEMData.Max.ToString());
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEMData.NumCols: " + DEMData.NumCols.ToString());

                Off2              = 1024;
                Inserts           = 0;
                DEMData.ColStarts = new sVertex[DEMData.NumCols - 1 + 1];
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("DEM Data");
                for (i = 0; i < DEMData.NumCols; i++)
                    //读取elevs的数量, starting x 和 starting y
                    numElevs               = Convert.ToInt32(GetChunk(fileStream, Off2 + 13, 6));
                    DEMData.NumElevs[i]    = numElevs;
                    DEMData.ColStarts[i].X = Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, Off2 + 25, 24));
                    DEMData.ColStarts[i].Y = Fdbl(GetChunk(fileStream, Off2 + 49, 24));
                    //Information.UBound(DEMData.Values, 2)
                    if (numElevs - 1 > DEMData.Values.GetLength(1))
                        DEMData.Values = (int[, ])Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Utils.CopyArray((Array)DEMData.Values, new int[DEMData.NumCols, numElevs]);
                    for (j = 0; j < numElevs; j++)
                        Inserts = 0;
                        if (j > 145)
                            Inserts = (int)((j - 145) / 171 + 1);
                        Off3         = Off2 + 145 + (j * 6) + Inserts * 4; //4 spaces between each extended group
                        chunckResult = GetChunk(fileStream, Off3, 6);
                        if (chunckResult.Trim() != string.Empty)
                            if (int.TryParse(chunckResult, out Elev) == false)
                                Elev = -1;
                                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("ReadDEMData Error. GetChunk returned non-integer:" + chunckResult);
                        DEMData.Values[i, j] = Elev;
                    if (numElevs <= 146)
                        Off2 = Off2 + 1024;
                        Inserts = (int)((numElevs - 146) / 170 + 1);
                        Off2    = Off2 + 1024 + Inserts * 1024;
                    if (Callback != null)
                        Callback.Progress(base.Key, i / DEMData.NumCols * 50, "读取 DEM 数据");
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("读取 DEM 数据完成");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Msg("读取DEM数据出错 : " + ex.Message);
            sDEMData a = new sDEMData();

예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据文件名初始化对象
 /// </summary>
 public LayerSource(string filename, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)
     this.Open(filename, callback);
예제 #21
 public override bool Save(string Filename = "", MapWinGIS.GridFileType GridFileType = MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, MapWinGIS.ICallback cBack = null)
     return(base.Save(Filename, GridFileType, cBack));
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InPointsPath">Input point shapefile path to interpolate</param>
        /// <param name="InValueFieldIndex">Input field index where interpolation value is stored</param>
        /// <param name="OutGridPath">Output grid path where interpolation is stored</param>
        /// <param name="CellSize">Cell Size for output grid. Default lower of points extent height or width divided by 250</param>
        /// <param name="Power">Power variable for IDW algorithm. 0 lt p lt 1 will give sharp changes. >1 will give smoother. Default 2.</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodType">Variable is a variable number of nearest points. Fixed is all points in a fixed distance</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodCount">Variable Count is either number of nearest points to use. Fixed Count is minimum points needed to find valid interpolation</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodDistance">Variable Distance is a maximum distance of nearest points. Fixed Distance is distance to use to select points</param>
        /// <param name="callback">A callback for progress information</param>
        public static void IDW(string InPointsPath, int InValueFieldIndex, string OutGridPath, double CellSize, double Power, IDWNeighborhoodType NeighborhoodType, int NeighborhoodCount, double NeighborhoodDistance, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)
            int newperc = 0, oldperc = 0;

            KDTreeDLL.KDTree pointsTree;
            double[][]       Points;
            double[]         PointVals;
            string           proj, projUnits;

            MapWinGIS.Extents pointsExtents;
            CachePoints(InPointsPath, InValueFieldIndex, out pointsTree, out Points, out PointVals, out proj, out projUnits, out pointsExtents, callback);

            MapWinGIS.Grid outGrid;
            DataManagement.DeleteGrid(ref OutGridPath);
            double NoDataValue = -32768;

            CreateGridFromExtents(pointsExtents, CellSize, proj, NoDataValue, OutGridPath, out outGrid);

            //Cycle grid and find interpolated value for each cell

            int    nr = outGrid.Header.NumberRows;
            int    nc = outGrid.Header.NumberCols;
            double sumWeight, sumWeightAndVal, projX, projY;

            int[]    neighbors;
            double[] CellPoint;
            newperc = 0;
            oldperc = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nr; row++)
                newperc = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(row) / Convert.ToDouble(nr)) * 100);
                if (callback != null)
                    callback.Progress("Status", newperc, "IDW Row " + row.ToString() + "/" + nr.ToString());
                oldperc = newperc;

                newperc = 0;
                oldperc = 0;
                for (int col = 0; col < nc; col++)
                    outGrid.CellToProj(col, row, out projX, out projY);
                    CellPoint    = new double[2];
                    CellPoint[0] = projX;
                    CellPoint[1] = projY;

                    if (GetIDWNeighbors(CellPoint, ref pointsTree, ref Points, out neighbors, NeighborhoodType, NeighborhoodCount, NeighborhoodDistance, projUnits) == 0)
                        sumWeightAndVal = 0;
                        sumWeight       = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++)
                            sumWeightAndVal += GetIDWeight(CellPoint, Points[neighbors[i]], projUnits, Power) * PointVals[neighbors[i]];
                            sumWeight       += GetIDWeight(CellPoint, Points[neighbors[i]], projUnits, Power);
                        outGrid.set_Value(col, row, (sumWeightAndVal / sumWeight));

            outGrid.Save(OutGridPath, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null);
            if (callback != null)
                callback.Progress("Status", 0, "");
예제 #23
 public override bool CreateNew(string Filename, MapWinGIS.GridHeader Header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType DataType, object InitialValue, bool InRam = true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType FileType = MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, MapWinGIS.ICallback cBack = null)
     return(base.CreateNew(Filename, Header, DataType, InitialValue, InRam, FileType, cBack));
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InPointsPath">Input point shapefile path to interpolate</param>
        /// <param name="InValueFieldIndex">Input field index where interpolation value is stored</param>
        /// <param name="OutGridPath">Output grid path where interpolation is stored</param>
        /// <param name="CellSize">Cell Size for output grid. Default lower of points extent height or width divided by 250</param>
        /// <param name="Power">Power variable for IDW algorithm. 0 lt p lt 1 will give sharp changes. >1 will give smoother. Default 2.</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodType">Variable is a variable number of nearest points. Fixed is all points in a fixed distance</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodCount">Variable Count is either number of nearest points to use. Fixed Count is minimum points needed to find valid interpolation</param>
        /// <param name="NeighborhoodDistance">Variable Distance is a maximum distance of nearest points. Fixed Distance is distance to use to select points</param>
        /// <param name="callback">A callback for progress information</param>
        public static void IDWBrute(string InPointsPath, int InValueFieldIndex, string OutGridPath, double CellSize, double Power, IDWNeighborhoodType NeighborhoodType, int NeighborhoodCount, double NeighborhoodDistance, MapWinGIS.ICallback callback)
            int newperc = 0, oldperc = 0;

            List <InterpolationPoint> pointsCache;
            string proj, projUnits;

            MapWinGIS.Extents pointsExtents;
            CachePointsBrute(InPointsPath, InValueFieldIndex, out pointsCache, out proj, out projUnits, out pointsExtents, callback);

            MapWinGIS.Grid outGrid;
            DataManagement.DeleteGrid(ref OutGridPath);
            double NoDataValue = -32768;

            CreateGridFromExtents(pointsExtents, CellSize, proj, NoDataValue, OutGridPath, out outGrid);

            //Cycle grid and find interpolated value for each cell
            List <InterpolationPoint> neighbors;
            InterpolationPoint        cellPoint;
            int    nr = outGrid.Header.NumberRows;
            int    nc = outGrid.Header.NumberCols;
            double sumWeight, sumWeightAndVal;

            newperc = 0;
            oldperc = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nr; row++)
                newperc = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(row) / Convert.ToDouble(nr)) * 100);
                if (callback != null)
                    callback.Progress("Status", newperc, "IDW Row " + row);

                newperc = 0;
                oldperc = 0;
                for (int col = 0; col < nc; col++)
                    newperc = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(col) / Convert.ToDouble(nc)) * 100);
                    if ((newperc > oldperc))
                        if (callback != null)
                            callback.Progress("Status", newperc, "IDW Row " + row.ToString() + "  Col " + col.ToString());
                        oldperc = newperc;

                    cellPoint = new InterpolationPoint();
                    outGrid.CellToProj(col, row, out cellPoint.X, out cellPoint.Y);
                    GetIDWNeighborsBrute(cellPoint, ref pointsCache, out neighbors, NeighborhoodType, NeighborhoodCount, NeighborhoodDistance, projUnits);

                    sumWeightAndVal = 0;
                    sumWeight       = 0;

                    foreach (InterpolationPoint npoint in neighbors)
                        sumWeightAndVal += GetIDWeightBrute(cellPoint, npoint, projUnits, Power) * npoint.Value;
                        sumWeight       += GetIDWeightBrute(cellPoint, npoint, projUnits, Power);

                    outGrid.set_Value(col, row, (sumWeightAndVal / sumWeight));

            outGrid.Save(OutGridPath, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null);
예제 #25
        public override bool Open(string Filename, MapWinGIS.GridDataType DataType = MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, bool InRam = true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType FileType = MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, MapWinGIS.ICallback cBack = null)
            string bgdequiv = (string)(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Filename, ".bgd"));

            if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".flt"))
                if (File.Exists(bgdequiv) && MapWinGIS.Utility.DataManagement.CheckFile2Newest(Filename, bgdequiv))
                    return(base.Open(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, InRam, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack));
                    if (ImportFLTFormat(Filename, ref cBack))
                        base.Save(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack);
            else if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".dem"))
                if (File.Exists(bgdequiv) && MapWinGIS.Utility.DataManagement.CheckFile2Newest(Filename, bgdequiv))
                    return(base.Open(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, InRam, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack));
                    if (ImportDEMFormat(Filename, ref cBack))
                        MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("Save grid with name: " + bgdequiv);
                        base.Save(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack);
            else if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".grd"))
                if (File.Exists(bgdequiv) && MapWinGIS.Utility.DataManagement.CheckFile2Newest(Filename, bgdequiv))
                    return(base.Open(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, InRam, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack));
                    if (ImportSURFERFormat(Filename, cBack))
                        base.Save(bgdequiv, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary, cBack);
                return(base.Open(Filename, DataType, InRam, FileType, cBack));
예제 #26
        // Flood cells represent cells that were changed in the last iteration
        // initially this should be on the order of the perimeter in size but will get "larger"
        // as the "overwriting" takes over.  Flood areas overwrite with lower values, spreading the
        // lowest value as much as possible
        private static void FloodFill(float[][] Source, ref float[][] Dest, int numRows, int numCols, List <mPoint> WetCells, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            mPoint        pt;
            List <mPoint> NewCells;
            List <mPoint> DryCells;

            int[] dirX  = { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 };
            int[] dirY  = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 };
            long  Count = 0;
            int   Percent;
            int   OldPercent = 0;
            int   Cycles     = 0;

            while (WetCells.Count > 0)
                NewCells = new List <mPoint>();
                for (int iCell = 0; iCell < WetCells.Count; iCell++)
                    pt = WetCells[iCell];
                    if (Dest[pt.Row][pt.Col] < pt.Z)
                        pt.Z = Dest[pt.Row][pt.Col];

                    int X, Y;
                    for (int dr = 0; dr < 8; dr++)
                        // ensure the neighbor is inside the image
                        Y = pt.Row + dirY[dr];
                        if (Y < 0 || Y > numRows - 1)
                        X = pt.Col + dirX[dr];
                        if (X < 0 || X > numCols - 1)
                        // if our neighbor is dry, don't do anything
                        if (Dest[Y][X] == Source[Y][X])
                        // if our neighbor's water level is below ours, change us
                        if (Dest[Y][X] < pt.Z)
                            // if we are wet, we might as well save time and drop our level to that level
                            if (pt.Z > Source[pt.Row][pt.Col])
                                // if our source is higher, dry us out
                                if (Source[pt.Row][pt.Col] >= Dest[Y][X])
                                    Dest[pt.Row][pt.Col] = Source[pt.Row][pt.Col];

                                    pt.Z     = Source[pt.Row][pt.Col];
                                    DryCells = new List <mPoint>();
                                    NewCells.AddRange(DryUpward(Source, ref Dest, numRows, numCols, DryCells, ICallBack));
                                    //We don't need to consider this direction for spreading since it was dry
                                    Dest[pt.Row][pt.Col] = Dest[Y][X];
                                    pt.Z = Dest[pt.Row][pt.Col];
                            // if we made it here, we don't have to update ourself, but we don't
                            // change our neighbor either

                        // if our neighbor's source is higher than the water level, dry our neighbor
                        if (Source[Y][X] >= pt.Z)
                            Dest[Y][X] = Source[Y][X];
                            DryCells   = new List <mPoint>();
                            DryCells.Add(new mPoint(Y, X, Source[Y][X]));
                            NewCells.AddRange(DryUpward(Source, ref Dest, numRows, numCols, DryCells, ICallBack));
                            if (Dest[Y][X] > pt.Z)
                                // if our neighbor's water level is higher than ours, lower it

                                Dest[Y][X] = pt.Z;
                                NewCells.Add(new mPoint(Y, X, pt.Z));
                                // our neighbor's water level is the same as ours, so do nothing
                        // our neighbor was changed
                WetCells = NewCells;
                if (ICallBack != null)
                    // assume an average of 3*NumRows*NumCols
                    Count  += NewCells.Count;
                    Cycles  = NewCells.Count;
                    Percent = Convert.ToInt32(100 * Count / (2 * numCols * numRows));
                    if (Percent > OldPercent + 3)
                        if (Percent < 100)
                            ICallBack.Progress("status", Percent, "Count: " + Count + ",  Mem: " + Cycles);
                            OldPercent = Percent;
                            ICallBack.Progress("status", 100, "Count: " + Count + ",  Mem: " + Cycles);
                            OldPercent = Percent;
            // We succeeded in completely filling this image so we never have to come back
        }// End FloodFill
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates a new shapefile that has Z values and follows along the same line segments.
        /// The boundaries for grid cells are marked with vertices and the segment is given a Z value
        /// that corresponds to the grid elevation it intersects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ElevGrid">A string filename for the grid that contains the elevations.</param>
        /// <param name="PolyLine">A string filename for a polyline shapefile that shows the pathways of the cross sections in the X-Y direction.</param>
        /// <param name="OutFileName">A string containing the full path of the desired output shapefile.  The extension should be *.shp</param>
        /// <param name="CrossSectionType">Clarifies the type of output</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallback for progress messages. [Optional]</param>
        /// <remarks>This function throws Argument or Application exceptions on errors, so it's recommended that coders enclose it in a try catch block.</remarks>
        public static void GetCrossSection(string ElevGrid, string PolyLine, string OutFileName, CrossSectionTypes CrossSectionType, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            bool res;

            // Load the grid
            if (ElevGrid == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("ElevGrid cannot be null.");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(ElevGrid) == false)
                throw new ArgumentException("The file " + ElevGrid + " does not exist.");
            MapWinGIS.Grid mwGrid = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            res = mwGrid.Open(ElevGrid, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                throw new ApplicationException(mwGrid.get_ErrorMsg(mwGrid.LastErrorCode));

            // Load the Shapefile
            if (PolyLine == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("PolyLine cannot be null.");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(PolyLine) == false)
                throw new ArgumentException("The file " + PolyLine + " does not exist.");
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile mwPolyLine = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            res = mwPolyLine.Open(PolyLine, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                throw new ApplicationException(mwPolyLine.get_ErrorMsg(mwPolyLine.LastErrorCode));

            GetCrossSection(mwGrid, mwPolyLine, OutFileName, CrossSectionType, ICallBack);