예제 #1
        internal SKRect ConvertSpanToLocal(MapSpan gpsSpan)
            Rectangle mercatorRect = gpsSpan.ToMercator();

            if (gpsSpan.Crosses180thMeridianRight() && _MercatorRenderArea.Left < SKMapExtensions.MercatorCenterOffset)
                // We cross the 180th meridian to the right and are drawing to a tile on the left side of the map, so wrap around
                mercatorRect.X -= SKMapExtensions.MercatorMapSize;
            else if (gpsSpan.Crosses180thMeridianLeft() && _MercatorRenderArea.Right > SKMapExtensions.MercatorCenterOffset)
                // We cross the 180th meridian to the left and are drawing to a tile on the right side of the map, so wrap around
                mercatorRect.X += SKMapExtensions.MercatorMapSize;
