public static void Run(FF1Rom rom, RandomNumberGenerator csharpRNG) { MapRequirements reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.EarthCaveB1, Rom = rom, }; MapGenerator generator = new MapGenerator(); MapGeneratorStrategy strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.BSPTree; while (true) { var seed = new byte[8]; csharpRNG.GetBytes(seed); MT19337 rng = new MT19337(BitConverter.ToUInt32(seed, 0)); CompleteMap waterfall = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); Console.WriteLine("Press a key to generate another one (X to quit)..."); if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.X) { break; } } }
public void Randomize(Blob seed, Flags flags, Preferences preferences) { MT19337 rng; using (SHA256 hasher = SHA256.Create()) { Blob FlagsBlob = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Flags.EncodeFlagsText(flags)); Blob SeedAndFlags = Blob.Concat(new Blob[] { FlagsBlob, seed }); Blob hash = hasher.ComputeHash(SeedAndFlags); rng = new MT19337(BitConverter.ToUInt32(hash, 0)); } if (flags.TournamentSafe) { AssureSafe(); } UpgradeToMMC3(); MakeSpace(); Bank1E(); Bank1B(); EasterEggs(); DynamicWindowColor(preferences.MenuColor); PermanentCaravan(); ShiftEarthOrbDown(); CastableItemTargeting(); FixEnemyPalettes(); // fixes a bug in the original game's programming that causes third enemy slot's palette to render incorrectly FixWarpBug(); // The warp bug must be fixed for magic level shuffle and spellcrafter SeparateUnrunnables(); var talkroutines = new TalkRoutines(); var npcdata = new NPCdata(this); UpdateDialogs(npcdata); if (flags.TournamentSafe) { Put(0x3FFE3, Blob.FromHex("66696E616C2066616E74617379")); } flags = Flags.ConvertAllTriState(flags, rng); TeleportShuffle teleporters = new TeleportShuffle(); var palettes = OverworldMap.GeneratePalettes(Get(OverworldMap.MapPaletteOffset, MapCount * OverworldMap.MapPaletteSize).Chunk(OverworldMap.MapPaletteSize)); var overworldMap = new OverworldMap(this, flags, palettes, teleporters); var maps = ReadMaps(); var shopItemLocation = ItemLocations.CaravanItemShop1; var oldItemNames = ReadText(ItemTextPointerOffset, ItemTextPointerBase, ItemTextPointerCount); if (flags.EFGWaterfall || flags.EFGEarth1 || flags.EFGEarth2) { MapRequirements reqs; MapGeneratorStrategy strategy; MapGenerator generator = new MapGenerator(); if (flags.EFGWaterfall) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.Waterfall, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.WaterfallClone; CompleteMap waterfall = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.Waterfall.SetEntrance(waterfall.Entrance); overworldMap.PutOverworldTeleport(OverworldTeleportIndex.Waterfall, teleporters.Waterfall); maps[(int)MapId.Waterfall] = waterfall.Map; } if (flags.EFGEarth1) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.EarthCaveB1, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.Square; var earthB1 = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.EarthCave1.SetEntrance(earthB1.Entrance); overworldMap.PutOverworldTeleport(OverworldTeleportIndex.EarthCave1, teleporters.EarthCave1); maps[(int)MapId.EarthCaveB1] = earthB1.Map; } if (flags.EFGEarth2) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.EarthCaveB2, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.Square; var earthB2 = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.EarthCave2.SetEntrance(earthB2.Entrance); overworldMap.PutStandardTeleport(TeleportIndex.EarthCave2, teleporters.EarthCave2, OverworldTeleportIndex.EarthCave1); maps[(int)MapId.EarthCaveB2] = earthB2.Map; } } var flippedMaps = new List <MapId>(); if ((bool)flags.FlipDungeons) { flippedMaps = HorizontalFlipDungeons(rng, maps, teleporters, overworldMap); } if ((bool)flags.RandomizeFormationEnemizer) { DoEnemizer(rng, (bool)flags.RandomizeEnemizer, (bool)flags.RandomizeFormationEnemizer, flags.EnemizerDontMakeNewScripts); } if (preferences.ModernBattlefield) { EnableModernBattlefield(); } if ((bool)flags.TitansTrove) { EnableTitansTrove(maps); } if ((bool)flags.LefeinShops) { EnableLefeinShops(maps); } // This has to be done before we shuffle spell levels. if (flags.SpellBugs) { FixSpellBugs(); } //must be done before spells get shuffled around otherwise we'd be changing a spell that isnt lock if (flags.LockMode != LockHitMode.Vanilla) { ChangeLockMode(flags.LockMode); } if (flags.EnemySpellsTargetingAllies) { FixEnemyAOESpells(); } if (flags.AllSpellLevelsForKnightNinja) { KnightNinjaChargesForAllLevels(); } if (flags.BuffHealingSpells) { BuffHealingSpells(); } UpdateMagicAutohitThreshold(rng, flags.MagicAutohitThreshold); if ((bool)flags.GenerateNewSpellbook) { CraftNewSpellbook(rng, (bool)flags.SpellcrafterMixSpells, flags.LockMode, (bool)flags.MagicLevels, (bool)flags.SpellcrafterRetainPermissions); } if ((bool)flags.MagisizeWeapons) { MagisizeWeapons(rng, (bool)flags.MagisizeWeaponsBalanced); } if ((bool)flags.ItemMagic) { ShuffleItemMagic(rng, (bool)flags.BalancedItemMagicShuffle); } if ((bool)flags.GuaranteedRuseItem) { CraftRuseItem(); } if ((bool)flags.ShortToFR) { ShortenToFR(maps, (bool)flags.PreserveFiendRefights, (bool)flags.PreserveAllFiendRefights, rng); } if (((bool)flags.Treasures) && flags.ShardHunt && !flags.FreeOrbs) { EnableShardHunt(rng, talkroutines, flags.ShardCount); } if ((bool)flags.TransformFinalFormation && !flags.SpookyFlag) { TransformFinalFormation((FinalFormation)rng.Between(0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(FinalFormation)).Length - 1), flags.EvadeCap); } var maxRetries = 8; for (var i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) { try { overworldMap = new OverworldMap(this, flags, palettes, teleporters); if (((bool)flags.Entrances || (bool)flags.Floors || (bool)flags.Towns) && ((bool)flags.Treasures) && ((bool)flags.NPCItems)) { overworldMap.ShuffleEntrancesAndFloors(rng, flags); // Disable the Princess Warp back to Castle Coneria if ((bool)flags.Entrances || (bool)flags.Floors) { talkroutines.ReplaceChunk(newTalkRoutines.Talk_Princess1, Blob.FromHex("20CC90"), Blob.FromHex("EAEAEA")); } } if ((bool)flags.Treasures && (bool)flags.ShuffleObjectiveNPCs) { overworldMap.ShuffleObjectiveNPCs(rng); } IncentiveData incentivesData = new IncentiveData(rng, flags, overworldMap, shopItemLocation); if (((bool)flags.Shops)) { var excludeItemsFromRandomShops = new List <Item>(); if ((bool)flags.Treasures) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops = incentivesData.ForcedItemPlacements.Select(x => x.Item).Concat(incentivesData.IncentiveItems).ToList(); } if (!((bool)flags.RandomWaresIncludesSpecialGear)) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops.AddRange(ItemLists.SpecialGear); if ((bool)flags.GuaranteedRuseItem) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops.Add(Item.PowerRod); } } if ((bool)flags.NoMasamune) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops.Add(Item.Masamune); } shopItemLocation = ShuffleShops(rng, (bool)flags.ImmediatePureAndSoftRequired, ((bool)flags.RandomWares), excludeItemsFromRandomShops, flags.WorldWealth); incentivesData = new IncentiveData(rng, flags, overworldMap, shopItemLocation); } if ((bool)flags.Treasures) { generatedPlacement = ShuffleTreasures(rng, flags, incentivesData, shopItemLocation, overworldMap, teleporters); } break; } catch (InsaneException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (maxRetries > (i + 1)) { continue; } throw new InvalidOperationException(e.Message); } } // Change Astos routine so item isn't lost in wall of text if ((bool)flags.NPCItems || (bool)flags.NPCFetchItems || (bool)flags.ShuffleAstos) { talkroutines.Replace(newTalkRoutines.Talk_Astos, Blob.FromHex("A674F005BD2060F027A5738561202096B020A572203D96A575200096A476207F90207392A5611820109F201896A9F060A57060")); } npcdata.UpdateItemPlacement(generatedPlacement); if ((bool)flags.MagicShopLocs) { ShuffleMagicLocations(rng); } if (((bool)flags.MagicShops)) { ShuffleMagicShops(rng); } if (((bool)flags.MagicLevels)) { ShuffleMagicLevels(rng, ((bool)flags.MagicPermissions), (bool)flags.MagicLevelsTiered, (bool)flags.MagicLevelsMixed, (bool)!flags.GenerateNewSpellbook); } new StartingInventory(rng, flags, this).SetStartingInventory(); /* * if (flags.WeaponPermissions) * { * ShuffleWeaponPermissions(rng); * } * * if (flags.ArmorPermissions) * { * ShuffleArmorPermissions(rng); * } */ if (flags.SaveGameWhenGameOver) { EnableSaveOnDeath(flags); } // Ordered before RNG shuffle. In the event that both flags are on, RNG shuffle depends on this. if (((bool)flags.FixMissingBattleRngEntry)) { FixMissingBattleRngEntry(); } if (((bool)flags.Rng)) { ShuffleRng(rng); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyScripts)) { ShuffleEnemyScripts(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates, (bool)!flags.BossScriptsOnly, ((bool)flags.EnemySkillsSpellsTiered || (bool)flags.ScaryImps), (bool)flags.ScaryImps); } if (((bool)flags.EnemySkillsSpells)) { if ((bool)flags.EnemySkillsSpellsTiered && (bool)!flags.BossSkillsOnly) { GenerateBalancedEnemyScripts(rng, (bool)flags.SwolePirates); ShuffleEnemySkillsSpells(rng, false); } else { ShuffleEnemySkillsSpells(rng, (bool)!flags.BossSkillsOnly); } } if (((bool)flags.EnemyStatusAttacks)) { if (((bool)flags.RandomStatusAttacks)) { RandomEnemyStatusAttacks(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates, (bool)flags.DisableStunTouch); } else { ShuffleEnemyStatusAttacks(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates); } } if (flags.Runnability == Runnability.Random) { flags.Runnability = (Runnability)Rng.Between(rng, 0, 3); } if (flags.Runnability == Runnability.AllRunnable) { CompletelyRunnable(); } else if (flags.Runnability == Runnability.AllUnrunnable) { CompletelyUnrunnable(); } else if (flags.Runnability == Runnability.Shuffle) { ShuffleUnrunnable(rng); } // Always on to supply the correct changes for WaitWhenUnrunnable AllowStrikeFirstAndSurprise(flags.WaitWhenUnrunnable, (bool)flags.UnrunnablesStrikeFirstAndSurprise); if (((bool)flags.EnemyFormationsSurprise)) { ShuffleSurpriseBonus(rng); } // Put this before other encounter / trap tile edits. if ((bool)flags.AllowUnsafeMelmond) { EnableMelmondGhetto(flags.EnemizerEnabled); } // After unrunnable shuffle and before formation shuffle. Perfect! if (flags.WarMECHMode != WarMECHMode.Vanilla) { WarMECHNpc(flags.WarMECHMode, npcdata, rng, maps); } if (flags.WarMECHMode == WarMECHMode.Unleashed) { UnleashWarMECH(); } if ((bool)flags.ClassAsNpcFiends || (bool)flags.ClassAsNpcKeyNPC) { ClassAsNPC(flags, talkroutines, npcdata, flippedMaps, rng); } if ((bool)flags.FiendShuffle) { FiendShuffle(rng); } if (flags.FormationShuffleMode != FormationShuffleMode.None && !flags.EnemizerEnabled) { ShuffleEnemyFormations(rng, flags.FormationShuffleMode); } if ((bool)flags.RemoveTrapTiles) { RemoveTrapTiles(flags.EnemizerEnabled); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyTrapTiles) && !flags.EnemizerEnabled) { ShuffleTrapTiles(rng, ((bool)flags.RandomTrapFormations)); } if ((bool)flags.OrdealsPillars) { ShuffleOrdeals(rng, maps); } if (flags.SkyCastle4FMazeMode == SkyCastle4FMazeMode.Maze) { DoSkyCastle4FMaze(rng, maps); } else if (flags.SkyCastle4FMazeMode == SkyCastle4FMazeMode.Teleporters) { ShuffleSkyCastle4F(rng, maps); } if ((bool)flags.ConfusedOldMen) { EnableConfusedOldMen(rng); } if ((bool)flags.EarlyOrdeals) { EnableEarlyOrdeals(); } if (flags.ChaosRush) { EnableChaosRush(); } if ((bool)flags.EarlyKing) { EnableEarlyKing(npcdata); } if ((bool)flags.EarlySarda) { EnableEarlySarda(npcdata); } if ((bool)flags.EarlySage) { EnableEarlySage(npcdata); } if ((bool)flags.FreeBridge) { EnableFreeBridge(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeAirship) { EnableFreeAirship(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeShip) { EnableFreeShip(); } if (flags.FreeOrbs) { EnableFreeOrbs(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeCanal) { EnableFreeCanal((bool)flags.NPCItems, npcdata); } if ((bool)flags.FreeCanoe) { EnableFreeCanoe(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeLute) { EnableFreeLute(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeTail && !(bool)flags.NoTail) { EnableFreeTail(); } if (flags.NoPartyShuffle) { DisablePartyShuffle(); } if (flags.SpeedHacks) { EnableSpeedHacks(); } if (flags.IdentifyTreasures) { EnableIdentifyTreasures(); } if (flags.Dash) { EnableDash(); } if (flags.BuyTen) { EnableBuyQuantity(); } else if (flags.BuyTenOld) { EnableBuyTen(); } if (flags.WaitWhenUnrunnable) { ChangeUnrunnableRunToWait(); } if (flags.SpeedHacks && flags.EnableCritNumberDisplay) { EnableCritNumberDisplay(); } if (flags.BattleMagicMenuWrapAround) { BattleMagicMenuWrapAround(); } if (flags.NPCSwatter) { EnableNPCSwatter(npcdata); } if (flags.EasyMode) { EnableEasyMode(); } if ((bool)flags.TrappedChests || (bool)flags.TCMasaGuardian || (bool)flags.TrappedShards) { MonsterInABox(rng, flags); } if (flags.HouseMPRestoration || flags.HousesFillHp) { FixHouse(flags.HouseMPRestoration, flags.HousesFillHp); } if (flags.BBCritRate) { DontDoubleBBCritRates(); } if (flags.WeaponCritRate) { DoubleWeaponCritRates(); } //needs to go after item magic, moved after double weapon crit to have more control over the actual number of crit gained. if ((bool)flags.RandomWeaponBonus) { RandomWeaponBonus(rng, flags.RandomWeaponBonusLow, flags.RandomWeaponBonusHigh, (bool)flags.RandomWeaponBonusExcludeMasa); } if ((bool)flags.RandomArmorBonus) { RandomArmorBonus(rng, flags.RandomArmorBonusLow, flags.RandomArmorBonusHigh); } if (flags.WeaponBonuses) { IncreaseWeaponBonus(flags.WeaponTypeBonusValue); } if (flags.WeaponStats) { FixWeaponStats(); } if (flags.ChanceToRun) { FixChanceToRun(); } if (flags.EnemyStatusAttackBug) { FixEnemyStatusAttackBug(); } if (flags.BlackBeltAbsorb) { FixBBAbsorbBug(); } if (flags.MDefMode != MDEFGrowthMode.None) { MDefChanges(flags.MDefMode); } if (flags.ThiefHitRate) { ThiefHitRate(); } if (flags.ImproveTurnOrderRandomization) { ImproveTurnOrderRandomization(rng); } if (flags.FixHitChanceCap) { FixHitChanceCap(); } if (flags.EnemyElementalResistancesBug) { FixEnemyElementalResistances(); } if (preferences.FunEnemyNames && !flags.EnemizerEnabled) { FunEnemyNames(preferences.TeamSteak); } var itemText = ReadText(ItemTextPointerOffset, ItemTextPointerBase, ItemTextPointerCount); itemText[(int)Item.Ribbon] = itemText[(int)Item.Ribbon].Remove(7); if ((bool)flags.HintsVillage || (bool)flags.HintsDungeon) { if ((bool)flags.HintsDungeon) { SetDungeonNPC(flippedMaps, rng); } NPCHints(rng, npcdata, flags, overworldMap); } if (flags.Etherizer && !flags.HouseMPRestoration && !flags.HousesFillHp) { Etherizer(); itemText[(int)Item.Tent] = "ETHR@p"; itemText[(int)Item.Cabin] = "DRY@p "; itemText[(int)Item.House] = "XETH@p"; } ExpGoldBoost(flags.ExpBonus, flags.ExpMultiplier); ScalePrices(flags, itemText, rng, ((bool)flags.ClampMinimumPriceScale), shopItemLocation); ScaleEncounterRate(flags.EncounterRate / 30.0, flags.DungeonEncounterRate / 30.0); overworldMap.ApplyMapEdits(); WriteMaps(maps); WriteText(itemText, ItemTextPointerOffset, ItemTextPointerBase, ItemTextOffset, UnusedGoldItems); if ((bool)flags.SwolePirates) { EnableSwolePirates(); } if (flags.EnemyScaleStatsHigh != 100 || flags.EnemyScaleStatsLow != 100 || ((bool)flags.SeparateEnemyHPScaling && (flags.EnemyScaleHpLow != 100 || flags.EnemyScaleHpHigh != 100))) { ScaleEnemyStats(rng, flags); } if (flags.BossScaleStatsHigh != 100 || flags.BossScaleStatsLow != 100 || ((bool)flags.SeparateBossHPScaling && (flags.BossScaleHpLow != 100 || flags.BossScaleHpHigh != 100))) { ScaleBossStats(rng, flags); } PartyComposition(rng, flags, preferences); if (((bool)flags.RecruitmentMode)) { PubReplaceClinic(rng, flags); } if ((bool)flags.ChangeMaxMP) { SetMPMax(flags.RedMageMaxMP, flags.WhiteMageMaxMP, flags.BlackMageMaxMP, flags.KnightMaxMP, flags.NinjaMaxMP); } if ((bool)flags.ShuffleAstos) { ShuffleAstos(flags, npcdata, talkroutines, rng); } if ((bool)flags.EnablePoolParty) { EnablePoolParty(flags, rng); } if ((bool)flags.MapCanalBridge) { EnableCanalBridge(); } if (flags.NoDanMode) { NoDanMode(); } SetProgressiveScaleMode(flags); if ((bool)flags.RandomizeClass) { RandomizeClass(rng, flags, oldItemNames); } if ((bool)flags.EnableRandomPromotions) { EnableRandomPromotions(flags, rng); } if (flags.DisableTentSaving) { CannotSaveOnOverworld(); } if (flags.DisableInnSaving) { CannotSaveAtInns(); } if (flags.PacifistMode && !flags.SpookyFlag) { PacifistEnd(talkroutines, npcdata, (bool)flags.EnemyTrapTiles || flags.EnemizerEnabled); } if (flags.ShopInfo) { ShopUpgrade(); } if (flags.SpookyFlag) { Spooky(talkroutines, npcdata, rng, flags); } if (flags.InventoryAutosort && !(preferences.RenounceAutosort)) { EnableInventoryAutosort(); } // We have to do "fun" stuff last because it alters the RNG state. // Back up Rng so that fun flags are uniform when different ones are selected uint funRngSeed = rng.Next(); RollCredits(rng); if (preferences.DisableDamageTileFlicker) { DisableDamageTileFlicker(); } if (preferences.ThirdBattlePalette) { UseVariablePaletteForCursorAndStone(); } if (preferences.PaletteSwap && !flags.EnemizerEnabled) { rng = new MT19337(funRngSeed); PaletteSwap(rng); } if (preferences.TeamSteak && !(bool)flags.RandomizeEnemizer) { TeamSteak(); } if (preferences.ChangeLute) { rng = new MT19337(funRngSeed); ChangeLute(rng); } rng = new MT19337(funRngSeed); HurrayDwarfFate(preferences.HurrayDwarfFate, npcdata, rng); if (preferences.Music != MusicShuffle.None) { rng = new MT19337(funRngSeed); ShuffleMusic(preferences.Music, rng); } if (preferences.DisableSpellCastFlash) { DisableSpellCastScreenFlash(); } npcdata.WriteNPCdata(this); talkroutines.WriteRoutines(this); talkroutines.UpdateNPCRoutines(this, npcdata); WriteSeedAndFlags(seed.ToHex(), Flags.EncodeFlagsText(flags)); ExtraTrackingAndInitCode(flags); }
public void Randomize(Blob seed, Flags flags, Preferences preferences) { var rng = new MT19337(BitConverter.ToUInt32(seed, 0)); // Spoilers => different rng immediately if (flags.Spoilers) { rng = new MT19337(rng.Next()); } UpgradeToMMC3(); MakeSpace(); Bank1E(); Bank1B(); EasterEggs(); DynamicWindowColor(preferences.MenuColor); PermanentCaravan(); ShiftEarthOrbDown(); CastableItemTargeting(); flags = Flags.ConvertAllTriState(flags, rng); TeleportShuffle teleporters = new TeleportShuffle(); var palettes = OverworldMap.GeneratePalettes(Get(OverworldMap.MapPaletteOffset, MapCount * OverworldMap.MapPaletteSize).Chunk(OverworldMap.MapPaletteSize)); var overworldMap = new OverworldMap(this, flags, palettes, teleporters); var maps = ReadMaps(); var shopItemLocation = ItemLocations.CaravanItemShop1; #if DEBUG if (flags.ExperimentalFloorGeneration) { MapRequirements reqs; MapGeneratorStrategy strategy; MapGenerator generator = new MapGenerator(); if (flags.EFGWaterfall) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.Waterfall, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.WaterfallClone; CompleteMap waterfall = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.Waterfall.SetEntrance(waterfall.Entrance); overworldMap.PutOverworldTeleport(OverworldTeleportIndex.Waterfall, teleporters.Waterfall); maps[(int)MapId.Waterfall] = waterfall.Map; } if (flags.EFGEarth1) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.EarthCaveB1, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.Square; var earthB1 = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.EarthCave1.SetEntrance(earthB1.Entrance); overworldMap.PutOverworldTeleport(OverworldTeleportIndex.EarthCave1, teleporters.EarthCave1); maps[(int)MapId.EarthCaveB1] = earthB1.Map; } if (flags.EFGEarth2) { reqs = new MapRequirements { MapId = MapId.EarthCaveB2, Rom = this, }; strategy = MapGeneratorStrategy.Square; var earthB2 = generator.Generate(rng, strategy, reqs); // Should add more into the reqs so that this can be done inside the generator. teleporters.EarthCave2.SetEntrance(earthB2.Entrance); overworldMap.PutStandardTeleport(TeleportIndex.EarthCave2, teleporters.EarthCave2, OverworldTeleportIndex.EarthCave1); maps[(int)MapId.EarthCaveB2] = earthB2.Map; } } #endif if (flags.RandomizeFormationEnemizer) { DoEnemizer(rng, false, flags.RandomizeFormationEnemizer, false); } if (preferences.ModernBattlefield) { EnableModernBattlefield(); } if ((bool)flags.TitansTrove) { EnableTitansTrove(maps); } if ((bool)flags.LefeinShops) { EnableLefeinShops(maps); } // This has to be done before we shuffle spell levels. if (flags.SpellBugs) { FixSpellBugs(); } if (flags.RebalanceSpells) { RebalanceSpells(); } if (flags.EnemySpellsTargetingAllies) { FixEnemyAOESpells(); } if ((bool)flags.ItemMagic) { ShuffleItemMagic(rng); } if ((bool)flags.ShortToFR) { ShortenToFR(maps, (bool)flags.PreserveFiendRefights, rng); } if (((bool)flags.Treasures) && flags.ShardHunt && !flags.FreeOrbs) { EnableShardHunt(rng, flags.ExtraShards ? rng.Between(24, 30) : 16, ((bool)flags.NPCItems)); } if ((bool)flags.TransformFinalFormation) { TransformFinalFormation((FinalFormation)rng.Between(0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(FinalFormation)).Length - 1)); } var maxRetries = 8; for (var i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) { try { overworldMap = new OverworldMap(this, flags, palettes, teleporters); if (((bool)flags.Entrances || (bool)flags.Floors || (bool)flags.Towns) && ((bool)flags.Treasures) && ((bool)flags.NPCItems)) { overworldMap.ShuffleEntrancesAndFloors(rng, flags); } if ((bool)flags.ShuffleObjectiveNPCs) { overworldMap.ShuffleObjectiveNPCs(rng); } IncentiveData incentivesData = new IncentiveData(rng, flags, overworldMap, shopItemLocation); if (((bool)flags.Shops)) { var excludeItemsFromRandomShops = new List <Item>(); if ((bool)flags.Treasures) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops = incentivesData.ForcedItemPlacements.Select(x => x.Item).Concat(incentivesData.IncentiveItems).ToList(); } if (!((bool)flags.RandomWaresIncludesSpecialGear)) { excludeItemsFromRandomShops.AddRange(ItemLists.SpecialGear); } shopItemLocation = ShuffleShops(rng, (bool)flags.ImmediatePureAndSoftRequired, ((bool)flags.RandomWares), excludeItemsFromRandomShops, flags.WorldWealth); incentivesData = new IncentiveData(rng, flags, overworldMap, shopItemLocation); } if ((bool)flags.Treasures) { ShuffleTreasures(rng, flags, incentivesData, shopItemLocation, overworldMap, teleporters); } break; } catch (InsaneException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (maxRetries > (i + 1)) { continue; } throw new InvalidOperationException(e.Message); } } if (((bool)flags.MagicShops)) { ShuffleMagicShops(rng); } if (((bool)flags.MagicLevels)) { FixWarpBug(); // The warp bug only needs to be fixed if the magic levels are being shuffled ShuffleMagicLevels(rng, ((bool)flags.MagicPermissions)); } /* * if (flags.WeaponPermissions) * { * ShuffleWeaponPermissions(rng); * } * * if (flags.ArmorPermissions) * { * ShuffleArmorPermissions(rng); * } */ if (((bool)flags.Rng)) { ShuffleRng(rng); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyScripts)) { ShuffleEnemyScripts(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates); } if (((bool)flags.EnemySkillsSpells)) { ShuffleEnemySkillsSpells(rng); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyStatusAttacks)) { if (((bool)flags.RandomStatusAttacks)) { RandomEnemyStatusAttacks(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates); } else { ShuffleEnemyStatusAttacks(rng, (bool)flags.AllowUnsafePirates); } } if (((bool)flags.EnemyFormationsUnrunnable)) { if (((bool)flags.EverythingUnrunnable)) { CompletelyUnrunnable(); } else { ShuffleUnrunnable(rng); } } if (((bool)flags.UnrunnablesStrikeFirstAndSurprise)) { AllowStrikeFirstAndSurprise(); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyFormationsSurprise)) { ShuffleSurpriseBonus(rng); } // Put this before other encounter / trap tile edits. if ((bool)flags.AllowUnsafeMelmond) { EnableMelmondGhetto(flags.RandomizeFormationEnemizer); } // After unrunnable shuffle and before formation shuffle. Perfect! if (flags.WarMECHMode != WarMECHMode.Vanilla) { WarMECHNpc(flags.WarMECHMode, rng, maps); } if (flags.WarMECHMode == WarMECHMode.Unleashed) { UnleashWarMECH(); } if (flags.FiendShuffle) { FiendShuffle(rng); } if (flags.FormationShuffleMode != FormationShuffleModeEnum.None) { ShuffleEnemyFormations(rng, flags.FormationShuffleMode); } if (((bool)flags.EnemyTrapTiles)) { ShuffleTrapTiles(rng, ((bool)flags.RandomTrapFormations)); } if ((bool)flags.OrdealsPillars) { ShuffleOrdeals(rng, maps); } if (flags.SkyCastle4FMazeMode == SkyCastle4FMazeMode.Maze) { DoSkyCastle4FMaze(rng, maps); } else if (flags.SkyCastle4FMazeMode == SkyCastle4FMazeMode.Teleporters) { ShuffleSkyCastle4F(rng, maps); } if ((bool)flags.ConfusedOldMen) { EnableConfusedOldMen(rng); } if ((bool)flags.EarlyOrdeals) { EnableEarlyOrdeals(); } if (flags.ChaosRush) { EnableChaosRush(); } if ((bool)flags.EarlySarda && !((bool)flags.NPCItems)) { EnableEarlySarda(); } if ((bool)flags.EarlySage && !((bool)flags.NPCItems)) { EnableEarlySage(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeBridge) { EnableFreeBridge(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeAirship) { EnableFreeAirship(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeShip) { EnableFreeShip(); } if (flags.FreeOrbs) { EnableFreeOrbs(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeCanal) { EnableFreeCanal(); } if ((bool)flags.FreeLute) { EnableFreeLute(); } if (flags.NoPartyShuffle) { DisablePartyShuffle(); } if (flags.SpeedHacks) { EnableSpeedHacks(); } if (flags.IdentifyTreasures) { EnableIdentifyTreasures(); } if (flags.Dash) { EnableDash(); } if (flags.BuyTen) { EnableBuyTen(); } if (flags.WaitWhenUnrunnable) { ChangeUnrunnableRunToWait(); } if (flags.SpeedHacks && flags.EnableCritNumberDisplay) { EnableCritNumberDisplay(); } if (flags.NPCSwatter) { EnableNPCSwatter(); } if (flags.EasyMode) { EnableEasyMode(); } if (flags.HouseMPRestoration || flags.HousesFillHp) { FixHouse(flags.HouseMPRestoration, flags.HousesFillHp); } if (flags.WeaponStats) { FixWeaponStats(); } if (flags.ChanceToRun) { FixChanceToRun(); } if (flags.EnemyStatusAttackBug) { FixEnemyStatusAttackBug(); } if (flags.BlackBeltAbsorb) { FixBBAbsorbBug(); } if (flags.MDefMode != MDefChangesEnum.None) { MDefChanges(flags.MDefMode); } if (flags.ThiefHitRate) { ThiefHitRate(); } if (flags.ImproveTurnOrderRandomization) { ImproveTurnOrderRandomization(rng); } if (flags.FixHitChanceCap) { FixHitChanceCap(); } if (flags.EnemyElementalResistancesBug) { FixEnemyElementalResistances(); } if (preferences.FunEnemyNames) { FunEnemyNames(preferences.TeamSteak); } var itemText = ReadText(ItemTextPointerOffset, ItemTextPointerBase, ItemTextPointerCount); itemText[(int)Item.Ribbon].Trim(); ExpGoldBoost(flags.ExpBonus, flags.ExpMultiplier); ScalePrices(flags, itemText, rng, ((bool)flags.ClampMinimumPriceScale), shopItemLocation); ScaleEncounterRate(flags.EncounterRate / 30.0, flags.DungeonEncounterRate / 30.0); overworldMap.ApplyMapEdits(); WriteMaps(maps); WriteText(itemText, ItemTextPointerOffset, ItemTextPointerBase, ItemTextOffset, UnusedGoldItems); if (flags.EnemyScaleFactor > 1) { ScaleEnemyStats(flags.EnemyScaleFactor, flags.WrapStatOverflow, flags.IncludeMorale, rng, ((bool)flags.ClampMinimumStatScale)); } if (flags.BossScaleFactor > 1) { ScaleBossStats(flags.BossScaleFactor, flags.WrapStatOverflow, flags.IncludeMorale, rng, ((bool)flags.ClampMinimumBossStatScale)); } PartyComposition(rng, flags); if (((bool)flags.RecruitmentMode)) { PubReplaceClinic(rng, flags); } if ((bool)flags.MapCanalBridge) { EnableCanalBridge(); } if (flags.NoDanMode) { NoDanMode(); } SetProgressiveScaleMode(flags.ProgressiveScaleMode); if (flags.DisableTentSaving) { CannotSaveOnOverworld(); } if (flags.DisableInnSaving) { CannotSaveAtInns(); } // We have to do "fun" stuff last because it alters the RNG state. RollCredits(rng); if (preferences.DisableDamageTileFlicker) { DisableDamageTileFlicker(); } if (preferences.ThirdBattlePalette) { UseVariablePaletteForCursorAndStone(); } if (preferences.PaletteSwap) { PaletteSwap(rng); } if (preferences.TeamSteak) { TeamSteak(); } if (preferences.Music != MusicShuffle.None) { ShuffleMusic(preferences.Music, rng); } WriteSeedAndFlags(Version, seed.ToHex(), Flags.EncodeFlagsText(flags)); ExtraTrackingAndInitCode(); }
public CompleteMap Generate(MT19337 rng, MapRequirements reqs) { int sanity = 0; while (++sanity < 500) { CompleteMap complete = new CompleteMap { Map = new Map(SentinelAlive), Requirements = reqs, }; int hallwayCount = rng.Between(24, 30); for (int i = 0; i < hallwayCount; ++i) { var dimensions = (rng.Between(2, 8) * 2 + 1, rng.Between(2, 5) * 2 + 1); var pos = (rng.Between(0, LocalMax - dimensions.Item1) / 2 * 2, rng.Between(0, LocalMax - dimensions.Item2) / 2 * 2); PlaceHallway(complete.Map, pos, dimensions, reqs.Floor); } foreach (var side in complete.Map.Where(el => (el.Tile == Tile.HallwayLeft || el.Tile == Tile.HallwayRight) && el.Left().Tile == reqs.Floor && el.Right().Tile == reqs.Floor)) { if (rng.Between(0, 2) == 0 && side.Up().Tile != reqs.Floor && side.Down().Tile != reqs.Floor) { side.Tile = reqs.Floor; } } foreach (var side in complete.Map.Where(el => el.Tile == Tile.InsideWall && el.Up().Tile == reqs.Floor && el.Down().Tile == reqs.Floor)) { if (rng.Between(0, 2) == 0 && side.Left().Tile != reqs.Floor && side.Right().Tile != reqs.Floor) { side.Tile = reqs.Floor; } } var locations = complete.Map.Where(element => element.Tile == reqs.Floor).ToList(); Dictionary <Tile, List <MapElement> > results = null; var start = locations.SpliceRandom(rng); results = FloodFill(complete.Map, start.Coord, new List <Tile> { reqs.Floor, Tile.WarpUp, Tile.Doorway }); if (results[reqs.Floor].Count() < 500) { continue; } // All these locations are reachable so we don't need to sanity that we can reach these portals. locations = results[reqs.Floor].Where(element => element.Surrounding().All(el => el.Tile == reqs.Floor)).ToList(); MapElement entrance = null; reqs.Portals.ToList().ForEach(portal => { var location = locations.SpliceRandom(rng); complete.Map[location.Y, location.X] = portal; if (portal == (byte)Tile.WarpUp) { entrance = location; complete.Entrance = new Coordinate((byte)location.X, (byte)location.Y, CoordinateLocale.Standard); } }); // Place rooms once we have a viable floorplan, and then we'll check again after. Dictionary <Tile, int> requiredTiles = reqs.Portals.ToDictionary(portal => (Tile)portal, portal => 1); requiredTiles[Tile.Doorway] = PlaceRoomsAndChests(rng, complete, results[reqs.Floor].Select(el => el.Up()).Where(el => el.Tile == Tile.InsideWall).ToList(), reqs); requiredTiles[reqs.Floor] = 500; results = FloodFill(complete.Map, entrance.Coord, requiredTiles.Keys); if (requiredTiles.Any(tileReq => tileReq.Value > results[tileReq.Key].Count)) { Console.WriteLine("Failing due to invalid room placement."); continue; } PolishWalls(complete.Map, reqs); foreach (var el in complete.Map.Where(el => el.Value == SentinelAlive)) { el.Tile = Tile.EarthCaveOOB; } Console.WriteLine($"Finished RectilinearGenerate in {sanity} attempts."); return(complete); } throw new InsaneException("Couldn't finish room in 500 tries."); }