예제 #1
        public IMapFile LoadMapByPath(string pathToMapFile)
            var intID        = new MapPathToIDConverter().ConvertFromPathToID(pathToMapFile);
            var mapFileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(pathToMapFile);

            var mapFile = _mapFileSerializer

예제 #2
        private static void ProcessFiles(string src, string dst, bool singleFile)
            var mapFileLoadActions = _unityContainer.Resolve <IMapFileLoadActions>();
            var mapFileSaveService = _unityContainer.Resolve <IMapFileSaveService>();

            var inFiles = singleFile ? new[] { src } : Directory.GetFiles(src, "*.emf");

            for (int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < inFiles.Length; ++mapIndex)
                var mapID = new MapPathToIDConverter().ConvertFromPathToID(inFiles[mapIndex]);

                var mapFile = _mapFileProvider.MapFiles[mapID];

                var changesMade = false;

                //todo: find way to store actual input data, since invalid tiles/warps will be auto-removed
                //for (int i = mapFile.TileRows.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                //    var tr = mapFile.TileRows[i];
                //    for (int j = tr.EntityItems.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                //    {
                //        var tt = tr.EntityItems[j];
                //        if (tt.X > mapFile.Properties.Width || tr.Y > mapFile.Properties.Height)
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Tile {1}x{2} ({3}) is out of map bounds. Removing.",
                //                              mapID, tt.X, tr.Y, Enum.GetName(typeof(TileSpec), tt.Value));
                //            mapFile.RemoveTileAt(tr.Y, tt.X);
                //            changesMade = true;
                //        }
                //    }

                //for (int i = mapFile.WarpRows.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                //    var tr = mapFile.WarpRows[i];
                //    for (int j = tr.EntityItems.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                //    {
                //        var tt = tr.EntityItems[j];
                //        if (tt.X > mapFile.Properties.Width || tr.Y > mapFile.Properties.Height)
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Warp {1}x{2} is out of map bounds. Removing.", mapID, tt.X, tr.Y);
                //            mapFile.RemoveWarpAt(tr.Y, tt.X);
                //            changesMade = true;
                //        }
                //    }

                for (int ndx = mapFile.NPCSpawns.Count - 1; ndx >= 0; --ndx)
                    var npcSpawn = mapFile.NPCSpawns[ndx];
                    var npcRec   = _pubProvider.ENFFile[npcSpawn.ID];
                    if (npcSpawn.ID > _pubProvider.ENFFile.Data.Count || npcRec == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} uses non-existent NPC #{3}. Removing.", mapID, npcSpawn.X, npcSpawn.Y, npcSpawn.ID);
                        mapFile     = mapFile.RemoveNPCSpawn(npcSpawn);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (npcSpawn.X > mapFile.Properties.Width || npcSpawn.Y > mapFile.Properties.Height)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} ({3}) is out of map bounds. Removing.", mapID, npcSpawn.X, npcSpawn.Y, npcRec.Name);
                        mapFile     = mapFile.RemoveNPCSpawn(npcSpawn);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (!TileIsValidNPCSpawnPoint(mapFile, npcSpawn.X, npcSpawn.Y))
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} ({3}) is invalid...", mapID, npcSpawn.X, npcSpawn.Y, npcRec.Name);
                        var found = false;
                        for (int row = npcSpawn.Y - 2; row < npcSpawn.Y + 2; ++row)
                            if (found)
                            for (int col = npcSpawn.X - 2; col < npcSpawn.X + 2; ++col)
                                if (found)
                                if (TileIsValidNPCSpawnPoint(mapFile, col, row))
                                    Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Found valid spawn point. Continuing.", mapID);
                                    found = true;

                        if (!found)
                            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC couldn't spawn anywhere valid! Removing.", mapID);
                            mapFile     = mapFile.RemoveNPCSpawn(npcSpawn);
                            changesMade = true;

                for (int ndx = mapFile.Chests.Count - 1; ndx >= 0; --ndx)
                    var chestSpawn = mapFile.Chests[ndx];
                    var rec        = _pubProvider.EIFFile[chestSpawn.ItemID];
                    if (chestSpawn.ItemID > _pubProvider.EIFFile.Data.Count || rec == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Chest Spawn {1}x{2} uses non-existent Item #{3}. Removing.", mapID, chestSpawn.X, chestSpawn.Y, chestSpawn.ItemID);
                        mapFile     = mapFile.RemoveChestSpawn(chestSpawn);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (chestSpawn.X > mapFile.Properties.Width ||
                        chestSpawn.Y > mapFile.Properties.Height ||
                        mapFile.Tiles[chestSpawn.Y, chestSpawn.X] != TileSpec.Chest)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Chest Spawn {1}x{2} points to a non-chest. Removing.", mapID, chestSpawn.X, chestSpawn.Y);
                        mapFile     = mapFile.RemoveChestSpawn(chestSpawn);
                        changesMade = true;

                if (!changesMade)
                    Console.WriteLine("Map {0} processed without any errors. No changes made.", mapID);

                if (mapIndex == 0 && singleFile && inFiles.Length == 1)
                    mapFileSaveService.SaveFile(dst, mapFile);

                    Path.Combine(dst, $"{mapID,5:D5}.emf"),