public PlaceTileAction(int x, int y, MapLayers layer, int tileid) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.tileid = tileid; this.layer = layer; }
public ReadOnlyCollection<IRenderer> GetItems(MapLayers layer) { lock (this.renderers) { return new ReadOnlyCollection<IRenderer>(this.renderers.SelectMany(p => p.Value).ToList()); } }
private void btnSwitch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button btnSwitch = (Button)sender; switch (btnSwitch.Name) { case "On": btnSwitch.Style = App.Current.Resources["btnOff"] as Style; MapLayers.ShowHideFeatureLayerByID(btnSwitch.Tag.ToString(), false); btnSwitch.Name = "Off"; MapMethods.SendSwitchFeatureLayerByID(btnSwitch.Tag.ToString(), "0"); //MapMethods.CloseInfoWin(); //MapMethods.SendCloseInfoWindow(); break; case "Off": btnSwitch.Style = App.Current.Resources["btnOn"] as Style; MapLayers.ShowHideFeatureLayerByID(btnSwitch.Tag.ToString(), true); btnSwitch.Name = "On"; MapMethods.SendSwitchFeatureLayerByID(btnSwitch.Tag.ToString(), "1"); break; default: break; } }
public void RefreshTilesAround(Vector2Int position, MapLayers layer) { RefreshTile(position + Vector2Int.up, layer); RefreshTile(position + Vector2Int.down, layer); RefreshTile(position + Vector2Int.left, layer); RefreshTile(position + Vector2Int.right, layer); }
public void AddItem(IRenderer renderer, MapLayers layer) { lock (this.renderers) { this.renderers[layer].Add(renderer); } }
private void AddPushpin(string deviceID, Windows.Devices.Geolocation.BasicGeoposition position) { var mapDevices = new List <MapElement>(); Windows.Devices.Geolocation.BasicGeoposition snPosition = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.BasicGeoposition { Latitude = position.Latitude, Longitude = position.Longitude }; var pushpin = new MapIcon { Location = new Geopoint(snPosition), NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1), ZIndex = 1000, Tag = "NEW", Title = deviceID, Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri(resourceLoader.GetString("Map_Pushpin_New"))), }; mapDevices.Add(pushpin); var mapDevicesLayer = new MapElementsLayer { ZIndex = 1, MapElements = mapDevices }; MapLayers.Add(mapDevicesLayer); CTRL_Map_Main.Layers.Add(mapDevicesLayer); }
public void SetBitmask(int x, int y, byte mask, MapLayers layer, bool callEvent = true) { int cX = x / chunkWidth; int cY = y / chunkHeight; SetBitmask(cX, cY, x - (cX * chunkWidth), y - (cY * chunkHeight), mask, layer, callEvent); }
public byte GetBitmask(int x, int y, MapLayers layer) { int cX = x / chunkWidth; int cY = y / chunkHeight; return(map.chunks[cX, cY].tileLayers[layer][x - (cX * chunkWidth), y - (cY * chunkHeight)].bitmask); }
public void ResizeLayerMap(MapLayers layer) { GameObject[,] mapLayer = m_worldMap[layer]; int oldCols = mapLayer.GetLength(0); int oldRows = mapLayer.GetLength(1); if ((oldRows > rows) || (oldCols > columns)) { for (int c = columns; c < oldCols; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < oldRows; r++) { DeleteTile(new Vector2(c, r), layer); } } for (int r = rows; r < oldRows; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < oldCols; c++) { DeleteTile(new Vector2(c, r), layer); } } } m_worldMap[layer] = ResizeMatrix(mapLayer, columns, rows); }
private void Paint(GameObject[,] worldMap, Tile tile, Sprite lastTile, MapLayers layer, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= worldMap.GetLength(0) || y >= worldMap.GetLength(1)) { return; } if (lastTile == null) { if (worldMap[x, y] != null) { return; } } else { GameObject currentTile = worldMap[x, y]; if (currentTile == null) { return; } if (currentTile.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite != lastTile) { return; } } CreateTile(tile, new Vector2(x, y), layer); Paint(worldMap, tile, lastTile, layer, x + 1, y); Paint(worldMap, tile, lastTile, layer, x, y + 1); Paint(worldMap, tile, lastTile, layer, x - 1, y); Paint(worldMap, tile, lastTile, layer, x, y - 1); }
//private Task threadListenToServerByTCP = null; public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //SetFullScreen();//设置本程序全屏显示 LoadVectorMap(); //加载矢量地图 LoadImageMap(); //加载影像地图-------考虑异步加载,节省程序加载时间 PublicParams.pubMainMap = mainMap; PublicParams.pubLayoutRoot = LayoutRoot; PublicParams.pubInfoWin = mainInfoWindow; //PublicParams.pubCanvasChild1 = canvasChild1; Task listenToClient = new Task(ListenToClientByTCP, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); //长时间监听 listenToClient.Start(); //建立监听,等待客户端连接大屏 Thread threadRefreshMainMap = new Thread(MapMethods.RefreshMainMapThread) { IsBackground = true }; threadRefreshMainMap.Start(); if (PublicParams.IsInitLayers != "0") //暂时没有图层服务器,不显示图层 { MapLayers.InitMapLayers(); //初始化地图所需的图层,静态方法 } //ShowOneCrimePoint();//添加一个案件点 PadHelper.InitPads(); PoliceCarGPS gps = new PoliceCarGPS(); //MQ相关,接收警车GPS信号 Traffic traffic = new Traffic(); //红绿灯和道路 ParamsHelper.ReloadModularsFromXML(); }
public byte GetBitmask(Vector2Int location, MapLayers layer) { if (ReferenceEquals(MapManager.instance.GetTile(location.x, location.y, layer), null)) { return(0); } return(1); }
private async Task <bool> SetUpForecastAsync(SimpleLocation location, bool showLoading = true) { if (showLoading) { ShowLoadingPanel(Common.GetLocalizedText("LoadingWeatherInfoText")); } try { CurrentLocation = location.Name; // Set the map center MapCenter = new Geopoint(location.Position); // Add pin MapLayers.Clear(); AddPinToMap(new SimpleLocation(Common.GetLocalizedText("WeatherMapPinLabel"), location.Position.Latitude, location.Position.Longitude)); // Retrieve weather information about location var weather = await WeatherProvider.Instance.GetGenericWeatherAsync(location.Position.Latitude, location.Position.Longitude); // Update the UI if weather is available if (weather != null) { // Only set weather if it's not null _weather = weather; // Update weather-related UI RefreshWeatherUI(_weather); // Try to get sensor data try { SensorTemperatureAndHumidity = await GetSensorTemperatureAndHumidityString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } // Show proper weather panel WeatherErrorPageVisibility = false; WeatherControlVisibility = true; return(true); } else { // Something went wrong so show the error panel WeatherErrorPageVisibility = true; WeatherControlVisibility = false; } } finally { HideLoadingPanel(); } return(false); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { ml = MapLayers.FG; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { ml = MapLayers.BG; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) { minimap.SetActive(!minimap.activeSelf); } curspeed = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? fastSpeed : moveSpeed; Vector2 moveVec = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical")); moveVelo = moveVec * curspeed; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) { Vector2Int po = MapManager.instance.WorldToBlock(cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)); TileString s = MapManager.instance.GetTile(po.x, po.y, MapLayers.FG); blockName.text = s != null ? $"{s.nspace}:{s.tile}" : ""; blockBitmask.text = MapManager.instance.GetBitmask(po.x, po.y, MapLayers.FG).ToString(); } Vector2 pos; Vector2Int blockPos; if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { pos = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); blockPos = mm.WorldToBlock(pos); for (int i = -destroyRadius; i < destroyRadius; i++) { for (int j = -destroyRadius; j < destroyRadius; j++) { mm.SetTile(blockPos.x + i, blockPos.y + j, blockToPlace, ml); } } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { pos = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); blockPos = mm.WorldToBlock(pos); for (int i = -destroyRadius; i < destroyRadius; i++) { for (int j = -destroyRadius; j < destroyRadius; j++) { mm.SetTile(blockPos.x + i, blockPos.y + j, null, ml, true, true, true); } } } }
private void ClearMapLayers() { foreach (var item in MapLayers) { CTRL_Map_Main.Layers.Remove(item); } MapLayers.Clear(); }
public void ChangeLayerOpacity(double opacity) { if (!MapLayers.Any(x => x.IsVisible)) { return; } MapLayers.Where(x => x.IsVisible)?.ForEach(x => x.Layer.Opacity = opacity); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); LogHelper.WriteLog("<-------加载开始了!"); LoadVectorMap(); //加载矢量地图 LoadImageMap(); //加载影像地图-------考虑异步加载,节省程序加载时间 PublicParams.pubMainMap = mainMap; PublicParams.pubLayoutRoot = LayoutRoot; PublicParams.pubInfoWin = mainInfoWindow; PublicParams.pubCanvasChild1 = canvasChild1; if (PublicParams.IsInitLayers != "0") { MapLayers.InitMapLayers();//初始化地图所需的图层,静态方法 } //ShowOneCrimePoint();//添加一个模拟的案件点 //Task taskConnectDVCSServer = new Task(ConnectDVCSServerInTask);//DVCS服务器连接相关 //taskConnectDVCSServer.Start(); PublicParams.dvcsServerMain = new DVCSServer() { dvcsServerIP = PublicParams.DVCSIP, dvcsServerPort = PublicParams.DVCSPort, dvcsName = PublicParams.dvcsServerMainName }; ConnectDVCSServerInTask(PublicParams.dvcsServerMain); PublicParams.dvcsServer2 = new DVCSServer() { dvcsServerIP = PublicParams.DVCSIP2, dvcsServerPort = PublicParams.DVCSPort2, dvcsName = PublicParams.dvcsServer2Name }; ConnectDVCSServerInTask(PublicParams.dvcsServer2); PadHelper.InitPads(); //初始化信息窗 WallVideosHelper.InitOpenedVideos(); //初始化已打开视频列表 PoliceCarGPS gpsPoliceCar = new PoliceCarGPS(); //MQ相关,接收警车GPS信号 Cases cases = new Cases(); //MQ相关,接收案件信息 Traffic traffic = new Traffic(); drawBuffer = new Draw(mainMap) { LineSymbol = App.Current.Resources["DrawLineSymbol"] as LineSymbol, FillSymbol = App.Current.Resources["DrawFillSymbol"] as FillSymbol }; drawBuffer.DrawComplete += drawBuffer_DrawComplete; drawLenOrArea = new Draw(PublicParams.pubMainMap) { LineSymbol = App.Current.Resources["DrawLineSymbol"] as LineSymbol, FillSymbol = App.Current.Resources["DrawFillSymbol"] as FillSymbol }; drawLenOrArea.DrawComplete += drawLenOrArea_DrawComplete; LogHelper.WriteLog("<-------加载完成了!"); }
private void _afterRoomChange() { roomInfoLabelName.Text =; roomInfoLabelWidth.Text = Manager.Project.Room.width.ToString() + "px"; roomInfoLabelHeight.Text = Manager.Project.Room.height.ToString() + "px"; roomInfoLabelInstancesNumber.Text = Manager.Project.Room.instances.Count.ToString(); Manager.Project.Room.reorderInstances(); int total = Manager.Project.GmsResourceRoomList.Sum(r => r.instances.Count); int totalObjects = Manager.Project.GmsResourceObjectList.Count; roomInfoLabelOthers.Text = "Total rooms: " + Manager.Project.GmsResourceRoomList.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Total instnaces in rooms: " + total.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Total objects: " + totalObjects.ToString(); Manager.Project.RoomLayers = new ObservableCollection <MapLayers>(); { MapLayers layer = new MapLayers() { LayerName = "_DEFAULT", LayerDepth = 0 }; Manager.Project.RoomLayers.Add(layer); } foreach (GmsRoomInstance inst in Manager.Project.Room.instances) { if (Manager.Project.RoomLayers.Where(n => n.LayerName == == 0) { MapLayers layer = new MapLayers() { LayerName =, LayerDepth = inst.instance_of.depth }; Manager.Project.RoomLayers.Add(layer); } } foreach (GmsObject obj in Manager.Project.GmsResourceObjectList) { string _name = "DEPTH " + obj.depth.ToString(); if (Manager.Project.RoomLayers.Where(n => n.LayerName == _name).Count() == 0) { MapLayers layer = new MapLayers() { LayerName = _name, LayerDepth = obj.depth }; Manager.Project.RoomLayers.Add(layer); } } Manager.Project.regenerateLayerList(); }
//Update the chunk where the tile was placed. void OnTilePlaced(Vector2Int chunk, Vector2Int pos, TileBase tb, MapLayers layer) { if (this.layer == layer) { if (chunks[chunk.x, chunk.y]) { chunks[chunk.x, chunk.y].update = true; } } }
public void RefreshTile(Vector2Int position, MapLayers layer) { TileString t = GetTile(position.x, position.y, layer); if (!ReferenceEquals(t, null)) { TileBase tb = GetTileFromCollection(t); tb.RefreshTile(position, layer); } }
public static void CreateMap(MenuCommand menuCommand) { var gameObject = new GameObject("Map", typeof(Reactics.Core.Map.Authoring.Map)); GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(gameObject, menuCommand.context as GameObject); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Create " +; Selection.activeObject = gameObject; var map = gameObject.GetComponent <Reactics.Core.Map.Authoring.Map>(); map.layerColors = MapLayers.CreateDefaultColorMap(); }
public TileString GetTile(int x, int y, MapLayers layer) { if (x >= mapWidth || x < 0 || y >= mapHeight || y < 0) { return(null); } int cX = x / chunkWidth; int cY = y / chunkHeight; return(map.chunks[cX, cY].GetTile(x - (cX * chunkWidth), y - (cY * chunkHeight), layer)); }
public void DeleteTile(Vector2 gridPosition, MapLayers layer) { GameObject tile = m_worldMap[layer][(int)gridPosition.x, (int)gridPosition.y]; if (tile == null) { return; } DestroyImmediate(tile); m_worldMap[layer][(int)gridPosition.x, (int)gridPosition.y] = null; }
public void PaintTile(Tile tile, Vector2 gridPosition, MapLayers layer) { Sprite lastSprite = null; GameObject go = m_worldMap[layer][(int)gridPosition.x, (int)gridPosition.y]; if (go != null) { lastSprite = go.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; } Paint(m_worldMap[layer], tile, lastSprite, layer, (int)gridPosition.x, (int)gridPosition.y); }
public void SetTile(int x, int y, TileString blockID, MapLayers layer, bool callEvent = true, bool refreshSurronding = true, bool ignoreSameTile = false) { if (x < 0 || y < 0) { return; } int cX = x / chunkWidth; int cY = y / chunkHeight; SetTile(cX, cY, x, y, blockID, layer, callEvent, refreshSurronding, ignoreSameTile); }
/*private void addOrEditPlaceable(bool edit) * { * string defName = "Undefined Placeable " + lbPlaceables.Items.Count.ToString(); * * if (edit) * { * if (lbPlaceables.Items.Count < 1 || lbPlaceables.SelectedIndex < 0) return; * } * * using (PlaceableForm form = new PlaceableForm()) * { * PlaceableElement elem; * if (edit) * { * elem = Manager.Project.PlaceableList[lbPlaceables.SelectedIndex]; * form.Element = elem; * form.Text = "Edit Placeable Definition: " + elem.Name; * } * else * { * elem = new PlaceableElement() { Name = defName }; * form.Element = elem; * form.Text = "Create new Placeable Definition: " + defName; * } * * if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) * { * if (edit) * { * //TODO: since elem is referenced, it shouldn't be changed that way * //elem = form.Element; * } * else * { * Manager.Project.PlaceableList.Add(form.Element); * } * Manager.Project.regenerateEnvDefList(); * } * } * * statusLabelPlaceables.Text = Manager.Project.PlaceableList.Count.ToString(); * }*/ private void addOrEditLayer(bool edit) { string defName = "Undefined Layer " + lbLayers.Items.Count.ToString(); if (edit) { if (lbLayers.Items.Count < 1 || lbLayers.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } } using (LayerForm form = new LayerForm()) { MapLayers elem; if (edit) { elem = Manager.Project.Room.Layers[lbLayers.SelectedIndex]; form.Element = elem; form.Text = "Edit Layer Definition: " + elem.LayerName; } else { int depth = 0; if (lbLayers.Items.Count > 0) { depth = Manager.Project.Room.Layers[lbLayers.Items.Count - 1].LayerDepth + 1; } elem = new MapLayers() { LayerName = defName, LayerDepth = 1 }; form.Text = "Create new Layer Definition: " + defName; } form.Element = elem; if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (edit) { //TODO: since elem is referenced, it shouldn't be changed that way //elem = form.Element; } else { Manager.Project.Room.Layers.Add(form.Element); } Manager.Project.regenerateLayerList(); } } }
public void AddLayer(ILayer layer) { MapLayer mapLayer = layer as MapLayer; if (mapLayer != null) { if (mapLayer.Width != mapWidth || mapLayer.Height != mapHeight) { throw new Exception("Map layer size exception"); } MapLayers.Add(layer); } }
private static void CreateVisualisations() { MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.F, true, Updaters.FitnessImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.F, true, Updaters.HeightShadeImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.B, true, Updaters.IsolineImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.T, false, Updaters.TempImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.M, false, Updaters.MoistureImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.I, false, Updaters.IslandImage )); MapLayers.Add(new MapVisualisation( world, Keyboard.Key.P, false, Updaters.PressureImage )); }
private void AddPinToMap(SimpleLocation location) { MapLayers.Add(new MapElementsLayer { ZIndex = 1, MapElements = new List <MapElement> { new MapIcon { Location = new Geopoint(location.Position), Title = location.Name } } }); }
public override void RefreshTile(Vector2Int position, MapLayers layer) { byte top = GetBitmask(position + Vector2Int.up, layer); byte left = GetBitmask(position + Vector2Int.left, layer); byte right = GetBitmask(position + Vector2Int.right, layer); byte bottom = GetBitmask(position + Vector2Int.down, layer); byte topLeft = (byte)(GetBitmask(position + ul, layer) & top & left); byte topRight = (byte)(GetBitmask(position + ur, layer) & top & right); byte bottomRight = (byte)(GetBitmask(position + dr, layer) & bottom & right); byte bottomLeft = (byte)(GetBitmask(position + dl, layer) & bottom & left); byte mask = (byte)((1 * topLeft) + (2 * top) + (4 * topRight) + (8 * left) + (16 * right) + (32 * bottomLeft) + (64 * bottom) + (128 * bottomRight)); MapManager.instance.SetBitmask(position.x, position.y, mask, layer); }
void consumer_Listener(IMessage message) { ITextMessage msg = (ITextMessage)message; PublicParams.pubMainMap.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate{ //tbTest.Text = msg.Text; JObject json = JObject.Parse(msg.Text); if (json["JJDBH"].ToString() == "00000")//演示用的程序会推送一些编号为00000的数据 { MapLayers.ClearGLayerByID(PublicParams.gLayerCrimePoint); return; } Case newcase = new Case(json); DrawCase(json); LoopQueue(newcase); UpdateNewest(newcase); })); }
public TileString GetTile(int x, int y, MapLayers layer) { if (chunkPallete.Count == 0) { return(null); } td = tileLayers[layer][x, y]; if (td == null) { return(null); } if (td.tile == 0) { return(null); } return(chunkPallete[td.tile - 1]); }
public override void Init() { Events.Init(); MapLayers.Init(Server.CurrentMap); MapCollision.Init(MapLayers); Players = new BasePlayer[Server.MaxClients]; GameController = Server.GameController(Config["SvGametype"]); GameController.Init(); Server.PlayerReady += ServerOnPlayerReady; Server.PlayerEnter += ServerOnPlayerEnter; Server.PlayerDisconnected += ServerOnPlayerDisconnected; HandleGameLayer(); CheckPureTuning(); }
public void DrawLayer(BaseCharacter character, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, BaseCamera camera, MapLayers layer) { switch (layer) { case MapLayers.UnderLayer: this.DrawUnder (character, spriteBatch, camera); break; case MapLayers.BaseLayer: this.DrawBase (character, spriteBatch, camera); break; case MapLayers.MiddleLayer: this.DrawMiddle (character, spriteBatch, camera); break; case MapLayers.TopLayer: this.DrawTop (character, spriteBatch, camera); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Performs a flood fill beginning on the target square /// </summary> /// <param name="map">The map to perform the operation on</param> /// <param name="layer">The layer to perform on</param> /// <param name="x">The x location to begin filling</param> /// <param name="y">The y location to begin filling</param> /// <param name="oldtileid">The ID of the tile to begin replacing.</param> /// <param name="newtileid">The ID of the replacement tile.</param> private void FloodFill(Map map, MapLayers layer, int x, int y, int oldtileid, int newtileid) { int value = map.GetLayerValue(new MapPoint(x, y), layer); if (value != oldtileid || value == newtileid) return; var action = new PlaceTileAction(x, y, layer, newtileid); action.Do(context); tmpactions.Add(action); if (x + 1 < MapEditorManager.CurrentMap.MapSize.X) this.FloodFill(map, layer, x + 1, y, oldtileid, newtileid); if (x - 1 >= 0) this.FloodFill(map, layer, x - 1, y, oldtileid, newtileid); if (y + 1 < MapEditorManager.CurrentMap.MapSize.Y) this.FloodFill(map, layer, x, y + 1, oldtileid, newtileid); if (y - 1 >= 0) this.FloodFill(map, layer, x, y - 1, oldtileid, newtileid); }
public ReadOnlyCollection<IRenderer> this[MapLayers layer] { get { return this.GetItems(layer); } }
public int GetGlobalLayerValue(string WorldName, MapPoint globalpoint, MapLayers layer) { foreach(var header in this.WorldsList[WorldName].MapList.Values) { if(header.MapLocation.ToRect(header.Map.MapSize.ToPoint()).Contains(globalpoint.ToPoint())) { return header.Map.GetLayerValue(header.MapLocation - globalpoint, layer); } } return 0; }
public Rectangle GetLayerSourceRect(MapPoint point, MapLayers layer) { if (point.X < 0 || point.X > this.MapSize.X || point.Y < 0 || point.Y >= this.MapSize.Y) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("point"); int LayerValue = this.GetLayerValue(point, layer); if (LayerValue < 0) return Rectangle.Empty; if (this.AnimatedTiles.ContainsKey(LayerValue)) return this.AnimatedTiles[LayerValue].FrameRectangle; else return new Rectangle( (LayerValue % this.TilesPerRow) * TileSize, (LayerValue / this.TilesPerRow) * TileSize, TileSize - 1, TileSize - 1); }
public static void DrawLayerMapLocal(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapHeader header, MapLayers layer) { Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch"); Check.NullArgument (header, "header"); Map currentMap = header.Map; ScreenPoint camOffset = TileEngine.Camera.Offset(); ScreenPoint tileSize = currentMap.TileSize; for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.MapSize.Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.MapSize.X; x++) { ScreenPoint pos = new MapPoint(x, y).ToScreenPoint(); Rectangle des = pos.ToRect(tileSize.ToPoint()); Rectangle sourceRectangle = currentMap.GetLayerSourceRect(new MapPoint(x, y), layer); if (sourceRectangle.IsEmpty) continue; spriteBatch.Draw(currentMap.Texture, des, sourceRectangle, Color.White); } } }
public static void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapHeader header, MapLayers layer) { Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch"); DrawLayerMap(spriteBatch, header, layer, Color.White); }
public static void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapLayers layer, Color tint) { Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch"); foreach (var header in TileEngine.WorldManager.CurrentWorld.MapList.Values) { if (!header.IsVisableToPlayer(TileEngine.Camera)) continue; TileEngine.DrawLayerMap(spriteBatch, header, layer); } }
public int GetLayerValue(MapPoint point, MapLayers layer) { return this.GetLayerValue (point.IntX, point.IntY, layer); }
public int GetLayerValue(int x, int y, MapLayers layer) { if (x < 0 || (x >= this.MapSize.X) || y < 0 || (y >= this.MapSize.Y)) return -2; // throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("point"); switch (layer) { default: case MapLayers.UnderLayer: return this.UnderLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; case MapLayers.BaseLayer: return this.BaseLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; case MapLayers.MiddleLayer: return this.MiddleLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; case MapLayers.TopLayer: return this.TopLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; case MapLayers.CollisionLayer: return this.CollisionLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; case MapLayers.OpaqueLayer: return this.OpaqueLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)]; } }
public void SetLayerValue(MapPoint point, MapLayers layer, int value) { this.SetLayerValue(point.IntX, point.IntY, layer, value); }
public void SetLayerValue(int x, int y, MapLayers layer, int value) { if (x < 0 || (x > this.MapSize.X) || y < 0 || (y > this.MapSize.Y)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("point"); switch (layer) { default: case MapLayers.UnderLayer: this.UnderLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; case MapLayers.BaseLayer: this.BaseLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; case MapLayers.MiddleLayer: this.MiddleLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; case MapLayers.TopLayer: this.TopLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; case MapLayers.CollisionLayer: this.CollisionLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; case MapLayers.OpaqueLayer: this.OpaqueLayer[(int)(y * this.MapSize.X + x)] = value; break; } }
public void DrawLayer(MapLayers layer) { this.DrawLayerMap (spritebatch, currentcamera, layer); }
private void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, BaseCamera camera, MapLayers layer) { if(camera.CurrentMap == null) ResolvePositionableCurrentMap(camera); this.DrawLayerMap(spriteBatch, camera, layer, camera.CurrentMap, Color.White); }
private void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, BaseCamera camera, MapLayers layer, MapHeader header, Color tint) { Check.NullArgument(spriteBatch, "spriteBatch"); Check.NullArgument(header, "header"); Map currentMap = header.Map; ScreenPoint camOffset = ScreenPoint.Zero;// camera.Offset; int tileSize = currentMap.TileSize; for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.MapSize.Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.MapSize.X; x++) { ScreenPoint pos = new MapPoint(x, y).ToScreenPoint() + camOffset + header.MapLocation.ToScreenPoint(); Rectangle des = new Rectangle(pos.IntX, pos.IntY, tileSize, tileSize); MapPoint point = new MapPoint(x, y); if (!camera.CheckIsVisible(des)) continue; // Opaque only and not opaque var opacity = currentMap.GetLayerValue(point, MapLayers.OpaqueLayer); if (opacity >= 1) { var info = new Rectangle() { X = pos.IntX, Y = pos.IntY, Width = tileSize, Height = tileSize }; if(!this.lastfoginfos.Contains(info)) this.lastfoginfos.Add(info); } Rectangle sourceRectangle = currentMap.GetLayerSourceRect(point, layer); if (sourceRectangle.IsEmpty) continue; spriteBatch.Draw(currentMap.Texture, des, sourceRectangle, tint); } } }