예제 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"XRIT Version: {LibInfo.Version}");
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CrashReport.DefaultExceptionHandler;
            //Organizer org = new Organizer("./himawari");
            //var gd = org.GroupData[1490489400];
            //var od = gd.Infrared;

             *          Console.WriteLine("Initializing organizer");
             *          Organizer org = new Organizer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/goesdump/XRITLibraryTest/bin/Debug/channels/Images/Full Disk/");
             *          org.Update();
             *          int k = 0;
             *          int c = 0;
             *          foreach (var z in org.GroupData.Keys) {
             *                  k = z;
             *                  c++;
             *                  if (c == 2) { // 20 For US
             *                          break;
             *                  }
             *          }
             *          var gd = org.GroupData[k];
             *          var od = gd.Visible;
             *          Console.WriteLine("Initializing GeoConverter");
             *          var gc = new GeoConverter(gd.SatelliteLongitude, gd.ColumnOffset, gd.LineOffset, gd.ColumnScalingFactor, gd.LineScalingFactor, true, od.Columns);
             * Console.WriteLine("Generating BMP");
             *          //var bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(od);
             *          var bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFalseColor(gd);
             *          var mapDrawer = new MapDrawer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/borders/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp");
             *          //var mapDrawer = new MapDrawer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/borders/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp");
             *          Console.WriteLine("Drawing Map");
             *          mapDrawer.DrawMap(ref bmp, gc, Color.Aqua, 2, true);
             *          Console.WriteLine("Drawing LatLon Lines");
             *          ImageTools.DrawLatLonLines(ref bmp, gc, Color.Brown, 1, true);
             *          bmp.Save("unitedstates.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          bmp.Dispose();
             *          // */
            string     filename    = "./OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M3C13_G16_s20170861545382_e20170861556160_c20170861556231.lrit";
            string     visFilename = "./OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M3C02_G16_s20170861545382_e20170861556149_c20170861556217.lrit";
            XRITHeader header      = FileParser.GetHeaderFromFile(filename);

            Console.WriteLine($"Parsing file {header.Filename}");
            Regex x                  = new Regex(@".*\((.*)\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            var   regMatch           = x.Match(header.ImageNavigationHeader.ProjectionName);
            float satelliteLongitude = float.Parse(regMatch.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var   inh                = header.ImageNavigationHeader;
            var   gc                 = new GeoConverter(satelliteLongitude, inh.ColumnOffset, inh.LineOffset, inh.ColumnScalingFactor, inh.LineScalingFactor);

            var od = new OrganizerData();

            od.Segments.Add(0, filename);
            od.FirstSegment = 0;
            od.Columns      = header.ImageStructureHeader.Columns;
            od.Lines        = header.ImageStructureHeader.Lines;
            od.ColumnOffset = inh.ColumnOffset;
            od.PixelAspect  = 1;
            var bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(od);

            od = new OrganizerData();
            od.Segments.Add(0, visFilename);
            od.FirstSegment = 0;
            od.Columns      = header.ImageStructureHeader.Columns;
            od.Lines        = header.ImageStructureHeader.Lines;
            od.ColumnOffset = inh.ColumnOffset;
            od.PixelAspect  = 1;
            var vbmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(od);

            UIConsole.GlobalEnableDebug = true;
            var shapeFile = ShapeFiles.InitShapeFiles();

            //bmp.Save(filename + "-orig.png", ImageFormat.Png);
            //vbmp.Save(visFilename + "-orig.png", ImageFormat.Png);

            var mapDrawer = new MapDrawer(shapeFile);

            //ImageTools.DrawLatLonLines(ref bmp, gc, Color.Brown);
            ImageTools.ApplyCurve(OpenSatelliteProject.Presets.NEW_VIS_FALSE_CURVE, ref vbmp);

            vbmp = ImageTools.ToFormat(vbmp, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
            bmp  = ImageTools.ToFormat(bmp, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);

            ImageTools.Apply2DLut(OpenSatelliteProject.Presets.FalseColorLUTVal, ref vbmp, bmp);

            var startTime = LLTools.TimestampMS();

            mapDrawer.DrawMap(ref vbmp, gc, Color.Yellow, 2, false, true);
            var delta = LLTools.TimestampMS() - startTime;

            Console.WriteLine($"Took {delta} ms to generate map.");

            vbmp.Save(visFilename + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            Bitmap landMap = mapDrawer.GenerateLandMap(gc, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            landMap.Save(filename + "-landmap.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);


            // */

             *          Bitmap test0 = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromFile("test0.jpg");
             *          Bitmap test1 = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromFile("test1.jpg");
             *          Bitmap overlay = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromFile("goes13-fulldisk.jpg");
             *          test0 = test0.ToFormat(PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, true);
             *          overlay.Save("hue.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          ImageTools.ApplyOverlay(ref test0, overlay);
             *          test0.Save("test0-ovl.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          ImageTools.ApplyOverlay(ref test1, overlay);
             *          test1.Save("test1-ovl.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          test0.Dispose();
             *          test1.Dispose();
             *          overlay.Dispose();
            //string dcsFile = "/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/goesdump/XRITLibraryTest/bin/Debug/channels/DCS/pM-17085003239-A.dcs";
            //List<DCSHeader> d = DCSParser.parseDCS(dcsFile);
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/demuxdump-1490627438.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/debug5/demuxdump-1492732814.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/issues/trango/3/debug_frames.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/debug3/raw_data.bin";

             * var mapDrawer = new MapDrawer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/borders/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp");
             * var fList = mapDrawer.ShapeFile.Features.ToList ();
             * var bmp = new Bitmap (1280, 720, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
             * using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bmp)) {
             *  Brush bgBrush = new SolidBrush (Color.Black);
             *  Brush polyBrush = new SolidBrush (Color.White);
             *  graphics.FillRectangle (bgBrush, 0, 0, 1280, 720);
             *  int o = 0;
             *  foreach (var fo in fList) {
             *      Console.WriteLine ($"Writting Geometry {o}");
             *      Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((int)((255.0 * o) / fList.Count), 127, 127), 3);
             *      o++;
             *      for (var n = 0; n < fo.NumGeometries; n++) {
             *          //Console.WriteLine ($"Writting Geometry {n}");
             *          var fg = fo.GetBasicGeometryN (n);
             *          var k = fg.Coordinates;
             *          float lastX = float.NaN;
             *          float lastY = float.NaN;
             *          List<PointF> points = new List<PointF> ();
             *          foreach (var z in k) {
             *              float lon = (float)z.X;
             *              float lat = (float)z.Y;
             *              float X = bmp.Width / 2 + bmp.Width * (lon / 360);
             *              float Y = bmp.Height / 2 - bmp.Height * (lat / 180);
             *              if (!float.IsNaN (lastX) && !float.IsNaN (lastY)) {
             *                  //graphics.DrawLine (pen, lastX, lastY, X, Y);
             *              }
             *              lastX = X;
             *              lastY = Y;
             *              points.Add (new PointF (X, Y));
             *          }
             *          graphics.FillPolygon(polyBrush, points.ToArray());
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine ("Saving");
             * bmp.Save ("/home/lucas/test.png", ImageFormat.Png);
             * bmp.Dispose ();
             * Console.WriteLine ("Done");
             * return;

            EventMaster.On("newFile", d => {
                var ed = (NewFileReceivedEventData)d.Data;
                //Console.WriteLine($"Received event for new file {ed.Name} at {ed.Path}");
            Console.WriteLine("Hash: " + LibInfo.CommitID);
            Console.WriteLine("Log: " + LibInfo.LogLines);
            Console.WriteLine("Short Hash: " + LibInfo.ShortCommitID);
            Console.WriteLine("Version: " + LibInfo.Version);
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/demuxdump-1490627438.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/G16JuneTest/demuxdump-1496790733.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/G16JuneTest/demuxdump-1500179126.bin";
            //string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/debug14/demuxdump-1495166529.bin";
            string debugFrames = "/media/ELTN/tmp/trango/demuxdump-1500736657.bin";
            //var mapDrawer = new MapDrawer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/borders/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp");

            var im0 = new ImageManager("output/Images/Full Disk/");
            var im1 = new ImageManager("output/Images/Northern Hemisphere/");
            var im2 = new ImageManager("output/Images/Southern Hemisphere/");
            var im3 = new ImageManager("output/Images/Area of Interest/");
            var im4 = new ImageManager("output/Images/United States/");
            var im5 = new ImageManager("output/Images/FM1/");
            var im6 = new ImageManager("output/Images/Unknown/");


            ImageManager.GenerateVisible        = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateInfrared       = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateFalseColor     = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateWaterVapour    = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateOtherImages    = true;
            ImageManager.EraseFiles             = false;
            ImageManager.UseNOAAFileFormat      = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateLatLonOverlays = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateMapOverlays    = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateLabels         = true;
            ImageManager.GenerateLatLonLabel    = true;
            ImageManager.SaveNonOverlay         = false;
            //im0.Start ();
            //im1.Start ();
            //im2.Start ();
            //im3.Start ();
            //im4.Start ();
            //im6.Start ();
            // */
            // /*

             * DemuxManager dm = new DemuxManager ();
             * FileHandler.SkipDCS = true;
             * FileHandler.SkipEMWIN = true;
             * //const int startFrame = 956000;
             * const int startFrame = 0;
             * FileStream file = File.OpenRead (debugFrames);
             * byte[] data = new byte[892];
             * long bytesRead = startFrame * 892;
             * long bytesToRead = file.Length;
             * int frameN = startFrame;
             * file.Position = bytesRead;
             * while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) {
             *  if (frameN % 1000 == 0) {
             *      //Console.WriteLine("Injecting Frame {0}", frameN);
             *  }
             *  bytesRead += file.Read (data, 0, 892);
             *  dm.parseBytes (data);
             *  frameN++;
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine ("CRC Fails: {0}", dm.CRCFails);
             * Console.WriteLine ("Bugs: {0}", dm.Bugs);
             * Console.WriteLine ("Frame Loss: {0}", dm.FrameLoss);
             * Console.WriteLine ("Length Fails: {0}", dm.LengthFails);
             * Console.WriteLine ("Packets: {0}", dm.Packets);
             * Console.WriteLine ("Received Products: ");
             * foreach (int pID in dm.ProductsReceived.Keys) {
             *  Console.WriteLine ("\t{0}: {1}", ((NOAAProductID)pID).ToString (), dm.ProductsReceived [pID]);
             * }
             * //*/

             * Organizer organizer = new Organizer("/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/goesdump/goesdump/bin/Debug/channels/Images/Full Disk");
             * organizer.Update();
             * var data = organizer.GroupData;
             * foreach (var z in data) {
             *  var mData = z.Value;
             *  var bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFalseColor(mData);
             *  if (bmp != null) {
             *      bmp.Save(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.jpg", mData.SatelliteName, mData.RegionName, "FLSCLR", z.Key), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *      bmp.Dispose();
             *      mData.IsProcessed = true;
             *  } else {
             *      if (mData.Visible.IsComplete && mData.Visible.MaxSegments != 0) {
             *          bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(mData.Visible);
             *          bmp.Save(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.jpg", mData.SatelliteName, mData.RegionName, "VIS", z.Key), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          bmp.Dispose();
             *      }
             *      if (mData.Infrared.IsComplete && mData.Infrared.MaxSegments != 0) {
             *          bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(mData.Infrared);
             *          bmp.Save(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.jpg", mData.SatelliteName, mData.RegionName, "IR", z.Key), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          bmp.Dispose();
             *      }
             *      if (mData.WaterVapour.IsComplete && mData.WaterVapour.MaxSegments != 0) {
             *          bmp = ImageTools.GenerateFullImage(mData.WaterVapour);
             *          bmp.Save(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.jpg", mData.SatelliteName, mData.RegionName, "WV", z.Key), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          bmp.Dispose();
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine("Not all segments available!");
             *  }
             * }
             * //*/

             *          string visFile = "/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/samples/FD 26-02-17 2106 G13VI.jpg";
             *          string irFile = "/home/lucas/Works/OpenSatelliteProject/split/samples/FD 26-02-17 2106 G13IR.jpg";
             *          Bitmap vis = new Bitmap(visFile);
             *          ImageTools.ApplyCurve(Presets.VIS_FALSE_CURVE, ref vis);
             *          vis.Save("test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          //vis = vis.ToFormat(PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
             *          Bitmap ir = new Bitmap(irFile);
             *          ir = ir.ToFormat(PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
             *          ImageTools.ApplyLUT(Presets.THERMAL_FALSE_LUT, ref ir, 3);
             *          ir.Save("test2.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          ir = ir.ToFormat(PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
             *          ImageTools.CombineHStoV(ref ir, vis);
             *          ir.Save("final.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
             *          //*/
                while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
            } while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);