예제 #1
        public MapViewModel(ILogger <MapViewModel> logger)
            _logger = logger;

            // create a simple map for use with a start and end
            var builder = new MapBuilder(30, 15);

            builder.AddPath(1, 1, Directions.East, 5);
            builder.AddPath(3, 1, Directions.South, 5);
            builder.AddPath(3, 5, Directions.East, 5);

            builder.AddStart(2, 1);
            builder.AddEnd(5, 5);

            Map = builder.Build();
예제 #2
        public MapBuilder Generate(int width, int height, Algorithms algorithm = Algorithms.AldousBroderAvoidLinks)
            var maze = GetMaze(width, height, algorithm);

            Maze = maze;

            var builder = new MapBuilder(width, height);

            // find all horizontal paths
            for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                var onPath    = false;
                var pathStart = 0;

                for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    var cell = maze[y, x];
                    if (cell.EasternBoundary || !cell.Links.Contains(cell.East))
                        // so no path to the right
                        if (onPath)
                            // we've reached the end
                            onPath = false;
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Easterly path from [{pathStart},{y}] to [{x},{y}]");
                            builder.AddPath(pathStart, y, Directions.East, x - pathStart + 1);
                        if (!onPath)
                            onPath    = true;
                            pathStart = x;

            // find all vertical paths
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                var onPath    = false;
                var pathStart = 0;

                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    var cell = maze[y, x];
                    if (cell.SouthernBoundary || !cell.Links.Contains(cell.South))
                        // so no path to the bottom
                        if (onPath)
                            // we've reached the end
                            onPath = false;
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Southerly path from [{x},{pathStart}] to [{x},{y}]");
                            builder.AddPath(x, pathStart, Directions.South, y - pathStart + 1);
                        if (!onPath)
                            onPath    = true;
                            pathStart = y;

            builder.AddStart(maze.LongestPath.First().Col, maze.LongestPath.First().Row);
            builder.AddEnd(maze.LongestPath.Last().Col, maze.LongestPath.Last().Row);
