private static Manifest ParseManifest(XElement element) { Manifest result = null; if (element != null && element.Name.LocalName == ELEMENT_MANIFEST) { result = new Manifest { Id = element.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID)?.Value }; foreach (var childElement in element.Elements()) { if (childElement.Name.LocalName == ELEMENT_ITEM) { var manifestItem = new ManifestItem { Id = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID)?.Value, Href = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HREF)?.Value, MediaType = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_MEDIATYPE)?.Value, Fallback = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_FALLBACK)?.Value, Properties = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTIES)?.Value, MediaOverlay = childElement.Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_MEDIAOVERLAY)?.Value, }; result.Items.Add(manifestItem); } } } return(result); }
public static SearchIndexItem ExtractItem(HtmlDocument html, string href, ManifestItem item) { var contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/html/head/meta[@name='searchOption' and @content='noindex']") != null) { return(null); } var nodes = html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[contains(@class,'data-searchable')]") ?? Enumerable.Empty <HtmlNode>(); nodes = nodes.Union(html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//article") ?? Enumerable.Empty <HtmlNode>()); foreach (var node in nodes) { ExtractTextFromNode(node, contentBuilder); } var content = NormalizeContent(contentBuilder.ToString()); var title = ExtractTitleFromHtml(html); var langs = ExtractLanguagesFromHtml(item); var type = item.DocumentType == "Conceptual" ? "article" : "api"; return(new SearchIndexItem { Type = type, Href = href, Title = title, Keywords = content, Languages = langs }); }
public void TestLiquidTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithNoScriptShouldWork() { // 1. Prepare template var templateName = "NoScript.liquid"; string template = @" {% for item in model -%} {{ }} {% endfor -%} "; var model = new { model = new[] { new { name = "test1" }, new { name = "test2" }, } }; var modelFileName = Path.Combine(_inputFolder, "TestLiquidTemplateProcessor_NoScript.yml"); var item = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = string.Empty, Key = modelFileName, ModelFile = modelFileName, ResourceFile = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.liquid", template)); var outputFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(modelFileName, string.Empty)); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFile)); Assert.Equal(@" test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFile)); }
private void OutputSearchIndex(string relativePath, string indexFile, Manifest manifest, string json) { string directory = Directory.GetParent(indexFile).FullName; Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); // If not created, create // Delete existing index foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "index.*json")) { File.Delete(file); } // Create new index File.WriteAllText(indexFile, json); var manifestItem = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = "Resource", Metadata = new Dictionary <string, object>(), }; manifestItem.OutputFiles.Add("resource", new OutputFileInfo { RelativePath = PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(relativePath, indexFile), }); manifest.Files?.Add(manifestItem); }
public override void Handle(HtmlDocument document, ManifestItem manifestItem, string inputFile, string outputFile) { _fileMapping[outputFile] = inputFile; // RFC 3986: relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] _linksWithBookmark[outputFile] = (from node in GetNodesWithAttribute(document, "href") let link = node.GetAttributeValue("href", null) let bookmarkIndex = link.IndexOf("#") where bookmarkIndex != -1 let bookmark = link.Substring(bookmarkIndex + 1) let index = link.IndexOfAny(new[] { '?', '#' }) let decodedLink = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(link.Remove(index)) where !WhiteList.Contains(bookmark) && TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsRelativePath(decodedLink) select new LinkItem { Title = node.InnerText, Href = TransformPath(outputFile, decodedLink), Bookmark = bookmark, SourceFragment = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(node.GetAttributeValue("data-raw-source", null)), SourceFile = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(node.GetAttributeValue("sourceFile", null)), SourceLineNumber = node.GetAttributeValue("sourceStartLineNumber", 0), TargetLineNumber = node.Line }).ToList(); var anchors = GetNodeAttribute(document, "id").Concat(GetNodeAttribute(document, "name")); _registeredBookmarks[outputFile] = new HashSet <string>(anchors); }
public void TestMustacheTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithNoScriptShouldWork() { // 1. Prepare template var templateName = "NoScript"; string template = @" {{#model}} name1={{name1}}, name2={{name2}}; {{/model}} "; var model = new { model = new object[] { new { name1 = "test1" }, new { name2 = "test2" }, } }; var modelFileName = Path.Combine(_inputFolder, "TestTemplateProcessor_NoScript.yml"); var item = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = string.Empty, Key = modelFileName, ModelFile = modelFileName, ResourceFile = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.tmpl", template)); var outputFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(modelFileName, string.Empty)); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFile)); Assert.Equal(@" name1=test1, name2=; name1=, name2=test2; ", File.ReadAllText(outputFile)); }
public void TestMustacheTemplateProcessTemplateFolderWithDifferentTypeShouldWork() { var templateName = "TemplateFolder.html"; string defaultTemplate = @" default: {{#model}} {{name}} {{/model}} "; string conceptualTemplate = @" conceptual: {{#model}} {{name}} {{/model}} "; string script = @" function transform(model){ model.model.push({name:'test2'}); return model; }"; var model = new { model = new List <object> { new { name = "test1" }, } }; string inputFolder = null; var item1 = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = "TestTemplateProcessor_TemplateFolderWithDifferentType1.yml", Key = "x.yml", DocumentType = "Conceptual" }; var item2 = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = string.Empty, ModelFile = "TestTemplateProcessor_TemplateFolderWithDifferentType2.yml", Key = "y.yml" }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, inputFolder, new[] { item1, item2 }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.html.tmpl", defaultTemplate), Tuple.Create($"{templateName}/", conceptualTemplate), Tuple.Create("default.html.js", script), Tuple.Create("", script) ); var outputFilePath1 = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, ""); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFilePath1)); Assert.Equal(@" conceptual: test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFilePath1)); var outputFilePath2 = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "TestTemplateProcessor_TemplateFolderWithDifferentType2.html"); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFilePath2)); Assert.Equal(@" default: test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFilePath2)); }
/// <summary> /// Root toc should always from working folder /// Parent toc is the first nearest toc /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The document build context</param> /// <param name="item">The manifest item</param> /// <returns>A class containing root toc path and parent toc path</returns> private static TocInfo GetTocInfo(IDocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item) { string key = GetFileKey(item.Key); RelativePath rootTocPath = null; RelativePath parentTocPath = null; var rootToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(RelativePath.WorkingFolder)?.FirstOrDefault(); var parentToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(key)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (parentToc == null) { // fall back to get the toc file from the same directory var directory = ((RelativePath)key).GetDirectoryPath(); parentToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(directory)?.FirstOrDefault(); } if (rootToc != null) { rootTocPath = GetFinalFilePath(rootToc, context); } if (parentToc != null) { parentTocPath = GetFinalFilePath(parentToc, context); } return(new TocInfo(rootTocPath, parentTocPath)); }
private static void AddFileCore(ManifestItem item, string extension, string targetRelativePath) { item.OutputFiles[extension] = new OutputFileInfo { RelativePath = targetRelativePath, }; }
/// <summary> /// Root toc should always from working folder /// Parent toc is the first nearest toc /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The document build context</param> /// <param name="item">The manifest item</param> /// <returns>A class containing root toc path and parent toc path</returns> private static TocInfo GetTocInfo(IDocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item) { string relativePath = item.OriginalFile; string key = GetFileKey(relativePath); RelativePath rootTocPath = null; RelativePath parentTocPath = null; var rootToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(RelativePath.WorkingFolder)?.FirstOrDefault(); var parentToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(key)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (parentToc == null) { // fall back to get the toc file from the same directory var directory = ((RelativePath)key).GetDirectoryPath(); parentToc = context.GetTocFileKeySet(directory)?.FirstOrDefault(); } if (rootToc != null) { rootTocPath = GetFinalFilePath(rootToc, context); } if (parentToc != null) { parentTocPath = GetFinalFilePath(parentToc, context); } return new TocInfo(rootTocPath, parentTocPath); }
private bool AreManifestItemsEqual(ManifestItem first, ManifestItem second) { return(first.Id == second.Id && first.Href == second.Href && first.Properties == second.Properties && first.ContentType == second.ContentType); }
public void TestLiquidTemplateProcessNoTemplateShouldFail() { var modelFileName = "TestLiquidTemplateProcessor_NoTemplate.yml"; var modelFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, modelFileName); var model = new { model = new List <dynamic> { new { name = "test1" }, new { name = "test2" }, } }; var templateName = "NoTemplate.liquid"; var item = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = modelFileName, OriginalFile = modelFileName, DocumentType = string.Empty }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder); Assert.True(!File.Exists(modelFile)); item = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = modelFileName, OriginalFile = modelFileName, ResourceFile = modelFileName, DocumentType = string.Empty }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder); Assert.True(File.Exists(modelFile)); }
public override void Handle(HtmlDocument document, ManifestItem manifestItem, string inputFile, string outputFile) { foreach (var node in document.DocumentNode.Descendants()) { if (!node.HasAttributes) { continue; } foreach (var attr in node.ChildAttributes("sourceFile")) { attr.Remove(); } foreach (var attr in node.ChildAttributes("sourceStartLineNumber")) { attr.Remove(); } foreach (var attr in node.ChildAttributes("sourceEndLineNumber")) { attr.Remove(); } foreach (var attr in node.ChildAttributes("data-raw-source")) { attr.Remove(); } } }
public static void AddFile(this Manifest manifest, ManifestItem item, string extension, string targetRelativePath) { if (manifest == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(manifest)); } if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item)); } if (extension == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(extension)); } if (targetRelativePath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetRelativePath)); } if (targetRelativePath.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be empty.", nameof(extension)); } lock (manifest) { AddFileCore(item, extension, targetRelativePath); } }
public SystemAttributes(DocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item, string lang) { Language = lang; GetTocInfo(context, item); TocRelativePath = TocPath == null ? null : ((RelativePath)TocPath).MakeRelativeTo((RelativePath)item.ModelFile); RootTocRelativePath = RootTocPath == null ? null : ((RelativePath)RootTocPath).MakeRelativeTo((RelativePath)item.ModelFile); RelativePathToRoot = (RelativePath.Empty).MakeRelativeTo((RelativePath)item.ModelFile); }
public static SourceFileInfo FromManifestItem(ManifestItem manifestItem) { return(new SourceFileInfo { DocumentType = manifestItem.DocumentType, SourceRelativePath = manifestItem.SourceRelativePath }); }
public void HandleWithScopeWrapper(HtmlDocument document, ManifestItem manifestItem, string inputFile, string outputFile) { string phase = this.GetType().Name; using (new LoggerPhaseScope(phase, false)) { Handle(document, manifestItem, inputFile, outputFile); } }
public async Task LoadNcx_PathSpecifiedInManifestItem_LoadsXHtmlToc() { var testee = new NcxLoader(); var manifestItem = new ManifestItem(null, "toc.ncx", string.Empty, ContentType.Ncx); var file = TestItemFactory.CreateFileFromString("content/toc.ncx", "<toc />"); var result = await testee.LoadNcx(new[] { manifestItem }, "content/book.opf", new[] { file }); Assert.AreEqual("content/toc.ncx", result.Path); Assert.AreEqual("<toc />", result.Doc.ToString()); }
public SystemAttributes(IDocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item, string lang) { Language = lang; var tuple = GetTocInfo(context, item); TocPath = tuple.ParentToc; RootTocPath = tuple.RootToc; var file = (RelativePath)item.ModelFile; TocRelativePath = tuple.ParentToc == null ? null : tuple.ParentToc.MakeRelativeTo(file); RootTocRelativePath = tuple.RootToc == null ? null : tuple.RootToc.MakeRelativeTo(file); RelativePathToRoot = (RelativePath.Empty).MakeRelativeTo(file); PathFromRoot = file.RemoveWorkingFolder(); }
public static IValidator GetValidator(ManifestItem version) { #if NETFRAMEWORK if (version.Value.Contains("2")) #else if (version.Value.Contains('2')) #endif { return(new ManifestV2Validator()); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare list of resources for f2d files /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="accessToken"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static async Task <List <string> > F2DDerivates(ManifestItem item, string accessToken) { JObject manifest = await GetDerivativeAsync(item.Path.BasePath + "manifest.json.gz", accessToken); List <string> files = new List <string>(); files.Add("manifest.json.gz"); files.AddRange(GetAssets(manifest)); return(files); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare list of resources for SVF files /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="accessToken"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static async Task <List <string> > SVFDerivates(ManifestItem item, string accessToken) { JObject manifest = await GetDerivativeAsync(item.Path.URN, accessToken); List <string> files = new List <string>(); files.Add(item.Path.URN.Substring(item.Path.BasePath.Length)); files.AddRange(GetAssets(manifest)); return(files); }
public void TestMustacheTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithNoScriptWithPartialShouldWork() { // 1. Prepare template var templateName = "NoScriptWithPartial"; string template = @" {{#model}} {{name}} {{/model}} {{>partial1}} "; string partial1 = @"partial 1: {{>partial2}}"; string partial2 = @"partial 2: {{#model}} {{name}} {{/model}} "; var model = new { model = new[] { new { name = "test1" }, new { name = "test2" }, } }; var modelFileName = Path.Combine(_inputFolder, "TestTemplateProcessor_NoScriptWithPartial.yml"); var item = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = string.Empty, Key = modelFileName, ModelFile = modelFileName, ResourceFile = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate( templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.tmpl", template), Tuple.Create("partial1.tmpl.partial", partial1), Tuple.Create("partial2.tmpl.partial", partial2)); var outputFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(modelFileName, string.Empty)); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFile)); Assert.Equal(@" test1 test2 partial 1: partial 2: test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFile)); }
public void TestLiquidTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithNoScriptWithIncludeShouldWork() { // 1. Prepare template var templateName = "NoScriptWithInclude.liquid"; string template = @" {% for item in model -%} {{ }} {% endfor -%} {% include partial1 -%} "; string partial1 = @"partial 1: {% include partial2 -%}"; string partial2 = @"partial 2: {% for item in model -%} {{ }} {% endfor -%} "; var model = new { model = new[] { new { name = "test1" }, new { name = "test2" }, } }; var modelFileName = "TestLiquidTemplateProcessor_NoScriptWithPartial.yml"; var item = new ManifestItem { DocumentType = string.Empty, OriginalFile = modelFileName, ModelFile = modelFileName, ResourceFile = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate( templateName, null, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.liquid", template), Tuple.Create("_partial1.liquid", partial1), Tuple.Create("_partial2.liquid", partial2)); var outputFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelFileName)); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFile)); Assert.Equal(@" test1 test2 partial 1: partial 2: test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFile)); }
public async Task AddAsync(ManifestItem manifestItem) { await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); try { _manifestCollection.Add(manifestItem); } finally { _semaphoreSlim.Release(); } }
public static HtmlNode GetHtmlOutputArticleNode(this ManifestItem manifestItem, string outputFolder) { HtmlNode articleNode = manifestItem. GetHtmlOutputDoc(outputFolder). DocumentNode. SelectSingleNode($"//article[@class='{UtilsConstants.ArticleClass}']"); if (articleNode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException($"{nameof(ManifestItemExtensions)}: Html output {manifestItem.GetHtmlOutputRelPath()} has no article node"); } return(articleNode); }
public GenerationFormViewModel() { this.TemplateList = new TemplateSelectionListViewModel(); TemplateList.LoadTemplatesFromFolder(@"e:\SkyDrive\Code\Projects\TalTek\CodeGEN\Templates\"); // this.SolutionManifest = ProjectManifest.LoadProperties("test.cgsav"); this.SolutionManifest = new ProjectManifest(); this.SolutionManifest.ProjectManifestAlias = "Test manifest"; this.SolutionManifest.ProjectManifestFileName = ""; ManifestGroup grp = new ManifestGroup(); grp.GroupAlias = "Test 1234"; grp.UIProviderAssemblyName = ""; grp.UIProviderTypeName = "?"; ManifestItem mi1 = new ManifestItem(); mi1.TemplateFileName = "c:\template1"; mi1.TemplateAlias = "Template 1 Alias"; grp.Templates.Add(mi1); this.SolutionManifest.ProjectTemplateGroups.Add(grp); ManifestGroup grp2 = new ManifestGroup(); grp2.GroupAlias = "Test 32"; grp2.UIProviderAssemblyName = ""; grp2.UIProviderTypeName = "?"; ManifestItem mi2 = new ManifestItem(); mi2.TemplateFileName = "c:\template1"; mi2.TemplateAlias = "Template 1 Alias"; grp2.Templates.Add(mi2); this.SolutionManifest.ProjectTemplateGroups.Add(grp2); //this.SolutionManifest.SaveSettings("test.cgsav"); // this.SolutionFile = SolutionManifest.ProjectManifestFileName; // this.TemplateProvider = new SQLTableSelection(); }
public void TestLiquidTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithDependenciesShouldWork() { var templateName = "WithIncludes.liquid"; string template = @" {% ref reference1.html -%} {% ref reference2.html -%} {% for item in model -%} {{ }} {% endfor -%} "; string script = @" function transform(text){ var model = JSON.parse(text); model.model.push({name:'test2'}); return model; }"; var model = new { model = new List <object> { new { name = "test1" }, } }; var modelFileName = "TestLiquidTemplateProcessor_WithIncludes.yml"; string inputFolder = null; var item = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = modelFileName, DocumentType = string.Empty, OriginalFile = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, inputFolder, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.html.liquid", template), Tuple.Create("default.html.js", script), Tuple.Create("reference1.html", string.Empty), Tuple.Create("reference2.html", string.Empty) ); var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(modelFileName, "html")); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFilePath)); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "reference1.html"))); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "reference2.html"))); Assert.Equal(@" test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFilePath)); }
public void TestMustacheTemplateProcessInvalidTemplateShouldFail() { var templateName = "InvalidTemplate.html"; string inputFolder = null; var modelFileName = Path.Combine(_inputFolder, "TestTemplateProcessor_InvalidTemplate.yml"); var item = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = modelFileName, DocumentType = string.Empty }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, inputFolder, new[] { item }, new object(), _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.invalidtmpl", string.Empty), Tuple.Create("default.js", string.Empty), Tuple.Create("reference1.html", string.Empty), Tuple.Create("reference2.html", string.Empty) ); }
public SyncHoleWorker(IStorageClient client, IConfigManager configManager, ManifestItem workerState) { FilePath = workerState.FilePath; State = workerState; _client = client; _configManager = configManager; _fileInfo = new FileInfo(FilePath); //use creation time for container name var format = _configManager.VaultNameFormat; var containerName = _fileInfo.CreationTimeUtc.ToString(format); State.ContainerName = containerName; }
public void TestMustacheTemplateProcessSingleTemplateWithIncludesShouldWork() { var templateName = "WithIncludes.html"; string template = @" {{ !include('reference1.html') }} {{ !include('reference2.html') }} {{#model}} {{name}} {{/model}} "; string script = @" function transform(model){ model.model.push({name:'test2'}); return model; }"; var model = new { model = new List <object> { new { name = "test1" }, } }; var modelFileName = Path.Combine(_inputFolder, "TestTemplateProcessor_WithIncludes.yml"); string inputFolder = null; var item = new ManifestItem { ModelFile = modelFileName, DocumentType = string.Empty, Key = modelFileName }; ProcessTemplate(templateName, inputFolder, new[] { item }, model, _outputFolder, Tuple.Create("default.html.tmpl", template), Tuple.Create("default.html.js", script), Tuple.Create("reference1.html", string.Empty), Tuple.Create("reference2.html", string.Empty) ); var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(modelFileName, "html")); Assert.True(File.Exists(outputFilePath)); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "reference1.html"))); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "reference2.html"))); Assert.Equal(@" test1 test2 ", File.ReadAllText(outputFilePath)); }
public static void Apply(PackageContext packageContext, ManifestItem manifestItem, Regex matchRegex, string replacement) { string manifestItemPath = null; if (manifestItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("manifestItem"); if (manifestItem.Type != ManifestItemType.File) throw new ApplicationException("Can not replace text in a manifest item which is not a file."); manifestItemPath = packageContext.GetAbsoluteOutputPath(manifestItem.RelativePath); if (!File.Exists(manifestItemPath)) throw new ApplicationException("Manifest item not found at path \"{0}\".".FormatString(manifestItemPath)); File.WriteAllText(manifestItemPath, Apply(File.ReadAllText(manifestItemPath), matchRegex, replacement)); }
// TODO: change to use IDocumentBuildContext public static TemplateManifestItem Transform(DocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item, TemplateCollection templateCollection, string outputDirectory, bool exportMetadata, Func<string, string> metadataFilePathProvider) { if (item.Model == null || item.Model.Content == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Content for item.Model should not be null!"); var baseDirectory = context.BuildOutputFolder ?? string.Empty; var manifestItem = new TemplateManifestItem { DocumentType = item.DocumentType, OriginalFile = item.LocalPathFromRepoRoot, OutputFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>() }; HashSet<string> missingUids = new HashSet<string>(); if (templateCollection == null || templateCollection.Count == 0) { return manifestItem; } try { var model = item.Model.Content; var templates = templateCollection[item.DocumentType]; // 1. process model if (templates == null) { // Logger.LogWarning($"There is no template processing {item.DocumentType} document \"{item.LocalPathFromRepoRoot}\""); } else { var systemAttrs = new SystemAttributes(context, item, TemplateProcessor.Language); foreach (var template in templates) { var extension = template.Extension; string outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(item.ModelFile, extension); string outputPath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory ?? string.Empty, outputFile); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); string transformed; var result = template.TransformModel(model, systemAttrs); if (exportMetadata) { if (metadataFilePathProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadataFilePathProvider)); } JsonUtility.Serialize(metadataFilePathProvider(outputPath), result.Model); } transformed = result.Result; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transformed)) { if (extension.Equals(".html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { TranformHtml(context, transformed, item.ModelFile, outputPath); } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle(s => { var xrefExcetpion = s as CrossReferenceNotResolvedException; if (xrefExcetpion != null) { missingUids.Add(xrefExcetpion.UidRawText); return true; } else { return false; } }); } } else { File.WriteAllText(outputPath, transformed, Encoding.UTF8); } Logger.Log(LogLevel.Verbose, $"Transformed model \"{item.ModelFile}\" to \"{outputPath}\"."); } else { // TODO: WHAT to do if is transformed to empty string? STILL creat empty file? Logger.LogWarning($"Model \"{item.ModelFile}\" is transformed to empty string with template \"{template.Name}\""); File.WriteAllText(outputPath, string.Empty); } manifestItem.OutputFiles.Add(extension, outputFile); } } // 2. process resource if (item.ResourceFile != null) { PathUtility.CopyFile(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, item.ResourceFile), Path.Combine(outputDirectory, item.ResourceFile), true); manifestItem.OutputFiles.Add("resource", item.ResourceFile); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError($"Unable to transform {item.ModelFile}: {e.Message}. Ignored."); throw; } if (missingUids.Count > 0) { var uids = string.Join(", ", missingUids.Select(s => $"\"{s}\"")); Logger.LogWarning($"Unable to resolve cross-reference {uids} for \"{manifestItem.OriginalFile.ToDisplayPath()}\""); } return manifestItem; }
public static void Apply(PackageContext packageContext, ManifestItem manifestItem, string match, string replacement) { Regex matchRegex = new Regex(match); Apply(packageContext, manifestItem, matchRegex, replacement); }
public static TemplateManifestItem Transform(DocumentBuildContext context, ManifestItem item, TemplateCollection templateCollection, string outputDirectory, bool exportMetadata, Func<string, string> metadataFilePathProvider) { var baseDirectory = context.BuildOutputFolder ?? string.Empty; var manifestItem = new TemplateManifestItem { DocumentType = item.DocumentType, OriginalFile = item.LocalPathFromRepoRoot, OutputFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>() }; if (templateCollection == null || templateCollection.Count == 0) { return manifestItem; } try { var model = item.Model?.Content; var templates = templateCollection[item.DocumentType]; // 1. process model if (templates == null) { // Logger.LogWarning($"There is no template processing {item.DocumentType} document \"{item.LocalPathFromRepoRoot}\""); } else { var modelFile = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, item.ModelFile); var systemAttrs = new SystemAttributes(context, item, TemplateProcessor.Language); foreach (var template in templates) { var extension = template.Extension; string outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(item.ModelFile, extension); string outputPath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory ?? string.Empty, outputFile); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); string transformed; if (model == null) { // TODO: remove // currently keep to pass UT transformed = template.Transform(item.ModelFile, systemAttrs); } else { var result = template.TransformModel(model, systemAttrs); if (exportMetadata) { if (metadataFilePathProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadataFilePathProvider)); } JsonUtility.Serialize(metadataFilePathProvider(outputPath), result.Model); } transformed = result.Result; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transformed)) { if (extension.Equals(".html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { TranformHtml(context, transformed, item.ModelFile, outputPath); } else { File.WriteAllText(outputPath, transformed, Encoding.UTF8); } Logger.Log(LogLevel.Verbose, $"Transformed model \"{item.ModelFile}\" to \"{outputPath}\"."); } else { // TODO: WHAT to do if is transformed to empty string? STILL creat empty file? Logger.LogWarning($"Model \"{item.ModelFile}\" is transformed to empty string with template \"{template.Name}\""); File.WriteAllText(outputPath, string.Empty); } manifestItem.OutputFiles.Add(extension, outputFile); } } // 2. process resource if (item.ResourceFile != null) { PathUtility.CopyFile(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, item.ResourceFile), Path.Combine(outputDirectory, item.ResourceFile), true); manifestItem.OutputFiles.Add("resource", item.ResourceFile); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogWarning($"Unable to transform {item.ModelFile}: {e.Message}. Ignored."); } return manifestItem; }