public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePrivateTask(PrivateTask task) { PrivateTask newTask = new PrivateTask() { Title = task.Title, Deadline = task.Deadline, Description = task.Description, Checklists = task.Checklists, Status = task.Status }; var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; var user = await _ctx.Credentials .SingleOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Username == username); _ctx.Entry(user) .Collection(u => u.PrivateTasks) .Load(); if (!user.PrivateTasks.Any()) { user.PrivateTasks = new List <PrivateTask>(); } user.PrivateTasks.Add(newTask); await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetAPrivateTask), new { id = newTask.TaskId }, newTask)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] Guid key, Manager update) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (key != update.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(update).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ManagerExists(key)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(Updated(update)); }
private void EditManager() { using (ManagerContext context = new ManagerContext()) { //фиксируем менеджера context.Managers.Attach(manager); manager.Credential = credential; manager.Person.Info = info; if (radioButtonMan.Checked) { manager.Person.Sex = true; } else { manager.Person.Sex = false; } manager.Person.ICNumber = textBoxICNumber.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.ICGettingPlace = textBoxICGettingPlace.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.PassportGettingPlace = textBoxPassportGettingPlace.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.PassportNumber = textBoxPassportNumber.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.IIN = textBoxIIN.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.LastName = textBoxLastName.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.SecondName = textBoxSecondName.Text.Trim(); manager.Person.FirstName = textBoxFirstName.Text.Trim(); //manager info date manager.Person.Birthday = dateTimePickerBirthDay.Value; manager.Person.ICGettingDay = dateTimePickerICGettingDate.Value; manager.Person.PassportGettingDay = dateTimePickerPassportGettingDate.Value; //сохраняем данные context.Entry(manager).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public virtual async Task <T> Update(T obj) { _context.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(obj); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(Guid id) { var address = await _context.Address.FindAsync(id); _context.Entry(address).State = EntityState.Deleted; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public static Employee EditEmployee( ManagerContext aDbContext, Employee aNewEmployee ) { aDbContext.Entry(aNewEmployee).State = EntityState.Modified; aDbContext.SaveChanges(); return(aNewEmployee); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,CodeName,Name")] Permission permission) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(permission).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(permission)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name")] Role role) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(role).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(role)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ArticleId,ColumnId,Hits,Title,Keywords,Author,Pictures,Content,Authorized,PublishTime,ReviseTime")] Article article) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(article).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(article)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Username,Password,Email,SecurityPassword,ActivationCode,TimeGetCode,CountLogin,TimeCountLogin,ConfirmActivity")] User user) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "PersonId,LastName,FirstName,BirthDate")] Person person) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(person).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(person)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,UserId")] Product product) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(db.Users, "Id", "Username", product.UserId); return(View(product)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(Guid id) { try { var user = await _context.User.FindAsync(id); _context.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Deleted; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (DbUpdateException) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Delete), new { id = id, saveChangesError = true })); } }
private void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!isUpdateMode) { GetTextBoxValue(); db.CustomerAndSuppliers.Add(customerAndSupplier); int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Successfully Saved"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Save failed"); } } if (isUpdateMode) { GetTextBoxValue(); db.CustomerAndSuppliers.Attach(customerAndSupplier); db.Entry(customerAndSupplier).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Successfully Updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Update failed"); } } LoadDataGridView(); ClearAllTextBox(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + "Please fill text box!"); } }
private void UpdateStock() { try { Stock stock = new Stock(); stock.ItemId = (int)listOfSalesItem[0].ItemId; stock.AvailableQuantity = listOfSalesItem[0].Quantity; using (ManagerContext db = new ManagerContext()) { db.Stocks.Attach(stock); db.Entry(stock).Property(X => X.AvailableQuantity).IsModified = true; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Guid id, [Bind("Id,Title,Description,Creator,CreationDate")] Topic topic) { if (id != topic.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var model = await _context.Topics.FindAsync(topic.Id); topic.CreationDate = model.CreationDate; topic.Creator = model.Creator; _context.Entry(model).CurrentValues.SetValues(topic); //_context.Update(topic); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!TopicExists(topic.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Creator"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "Id", "Id", topic.Creator); return(View(topic)); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtOranizationName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtContactNo.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtAddress.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill text box !"); return; } int no; bool isInteger = int.TryParse(txtContactNo.Text.Trim(), out no); if (!isInteger) { MessageBox.Show("Mobile no invalid", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtContactNo.Clear(); return; } try { if (!_isUpdateMode) { TextBoxValue(); bool isContactNoExist = db.Organizations.Count(c => c.ContactNo == org.ContactNo) > 0; if (isContactNoExist) { MessageBox.Show("Contact No Allready Exist"); return; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to save ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { db.Organizations.Add(org); int result = db.SaveChanges(); if (result > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Organization saved Successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Save failed"); } } } if (_isUpdateMode) { TextBoxValue(); bool isContactNoExist = db.Organizations.Count(c => c.ContactNo == org.ContactNo) > 1; if (isContactNoExist) { MessageBox.Show("Contact No Allready Exist"); return; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to update ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { db.Organizations.Attach(org); db.Entry(org).State = EntityState.Modified; int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Organization updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Update failed"); } } } LoadDataGridView(); ClearTextBoxAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " \n" + " Find system error! ", MessageBoxIcon.Warning.ToString()); } }
private void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!isUpdateMode) { TextBoxValue(); bool isExistContactNo = db.Employees.Count(c => c.ContactNo == aEmployee.ContactNo) > 0; bool isMailExist = db.Employees.Count(mail => mail.Email == aEmployee.Email) > 0; if (isExistContactNo) { MessageBox.Show("Contact no already exist"); return; } if (isMailExist) { MessageBox.Show("Email Id already Exist"); return; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to Save ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { db.Employees.Add(aEmployee); int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Employee Save"); } else { MessageBox.Show(" Save Failed"); } } } if (isUpdateMode) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to update ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { TextBoxValue(); db.Employees.Attach(aEmployee); db.Entry(aEmployee).State = EntityState.Modified; int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Employee updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show(" Update Failed"); } } } LoadDataGridView(); ClearTextBoxAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + "Pleas fill taxt box!"); } }
private void btnSaveCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtDescription.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill text box !"); return; } try { if (!_isUpdateMode) { try { if (rbRootCategory.Checked) { itemCategory.Name = txtName.Text; if (txtCodeManual.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { itemCategory.Code = txtCodeManual.Text; } else { itemCategory.Code = txtCode.Text; } itemCategory.Description = txtDescription.Text; db.ItemCategories.Add(itemCategory); int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Root Category saved!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Save failed!"); } } else if (rbSubCategory.Checked) { VisibleRootCategory(); itemCategory.CategoryId = (int)cmbRootCategory.SelectedValue; itemCategory.Name = txtName.Text; if (txtCodeManual.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { itemCategory.Code = txtCodeManual.Text; } else { itemCategory.Code = txtCode.Text; } itemCategory.Description = txtDescription.Text; DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to save ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { db.ItemCategories.Add(itemCategory); int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sub Category saved!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Save failed!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Category!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " \n" + "[NB] Operating system found error!"); } } if (_isUpdateMode) { TextBoxValue(); if (rbRootCategory.Checked) { itemCategory.CategoryId = null; itemCategory.Name = txtName.Text; if (txtCodeManual.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { itemCategory.Code = txtCodeManual.Text; } else { itemCategory.Code = txtCode.Text; } itemCategory.Description = txtDescription.Text; db.SaveChanges(); } else if (rbSubCategory.Checked) { VisibleRootCategory(); itemCategory.CategoryId = (int)cmbRootCategory.SelectedValue; itemCategory.Name = txtName.Text; if (txtCodeManual.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { itemCategory.Code = txtCodeManual.Text; } else { itemCategory.Code = txtCode.Text; } itemCategory.Description = txtDescription.Text; db.SaveChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Category!"); } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to update ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { db.ItemCategories.Attach(itemCategory); db.Entry(itemCategory).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(" updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show(" failed"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " \n" + " Find system error! ", MessageBoxIcon.Warning.ToString()); } LoadDataGridView(); ClearAllTextBox(); SetFormNewMode(); HideRootCategory(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtCostPrice.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtSalePrice.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtCode.Text.Trim() == string.Empty && txtDescription.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill text box !"); return; } try { if (!_isUpdateMode) { try { TextBoxValue(); db.Items.Add(item); int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Successfully Item Saved"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed Insertion"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + "Please fill text box!"); } } if (_isUpdateMode) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to update ?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { TextBoxValue(); db.Items.Attach(item); db.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int count = db.SaveChanges(); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("item updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show("item update failed"); } } } ClearAllTextBox(); LoadDataGridViewItem(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " \n" + " Find system error! ", MessageBoxIcon.Warning.ToString()); } }