예제 #1
        public static bool CreateMgtFeeTransactions(BatchExecutionResults results, int[] mgtPeriodIds, int year, int quarter, ManagementTypes managementType, bool createCashInitiatedOrders)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            DateTime minDate, maxDate;
            Util.GetDatesFromQuarter(year, quarter, out minDate, out maxDate);
            int mgtPeriodId = 0;
            int journalID = int.Parse((string)(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DefaultManagementFeeJournal")));
            IJournal journalMgmtFee = JournalMapper.GetJournal(session, journalID);
            IGLLookupRecords lookups = GlLookupRecordMapper.GetGLLookupRecords(session, BookingComponentParentTypes.ManagementFee);

            if (mgtPeriodIds != null && mgtPeriodIds.Length > 0)
                FeeFactory feeFactory = FeeFactory.GetInstance(session, FeeFactoryInstanceTypes.Fee, true);
                decimal taxPercentage = feeFactory.GetHistoricalTaxRate(maxDate).StandardRate;

                for (int i = 0; i < mgtPeriodIds.Length; i++)
                        mgtPeriodId = mgtPeriodIds[i];
                        if (createMgtFeeTransactionForMP(journalMgmtFee, lookups, mgtPeriodId, year, quarter, managementType, feeFactory, minDate, maxDate, taxPercentage, createCashInitiatedOrders))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                            new ApplicationException(string.Format("Error creating management fee transaction for management period {0}.", mgtPeriodId), ex));
            return true;
예제 #2
        public ManagementPeriod(ManagementTypes managementType, DateTime startDate)
            if (Util.IsNullDate(startDate))
                throw new ApplicationException("Start date can not be empty.");

            this.ManagementType = managementType;
            this.StartDate = startDate.Date;
            this.Employee = SecurityManager.CurrentUser;
            this.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
        public static DataSet GetAverageHoldingFees(int averageHoldingID, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            DataSet ds = null;

            if (averageHoldingID != 0)
                Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(4);
                parameters.Add("averageHoldingID", averageHoldingID);
                parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);
                IList<IAverageHoldingFee> feeItems = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery < IAverageHoldingFee>(
                if (feeItems != null && feeItems.Count > 0)
                    ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(
                        "Key, FeeType, CalculatedAmount.DisplayString, CalculatedAmount.Quantity, Amount.DisplayString, Amount.Quantity, PreviousCalculatedFeeAmount.DisplayString, FeeCalcSource.DisplayString, DisplayMessage, CreationDate");
            return ds;
예제 #4
 public bool IsBetween(ManagementTypes managementType, DateTime date)
     bool retVal = false;
     if (managementType == this.ManagementType)
         if (date >= StartDate && date <= EndDate)
             retVal = true;
     return retVal;
예제 #5
        private static string GetUnitFeeOverviewWhereClause(
            int assetManagerId, int remisierId, int remisierEmployeeId,
            int modelPortfolioId, string accountNumber, string accountName, bool showActive,
            bool showInactive, int year, int quarter, AccountContinuationStati continuationStatus,
            ManagementTypes managementType, ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus tradeStatus,
            bool includeStornoedUnits, Hashtable parameters, bool useParametersOnly)
            string where = "";

            if (assetManagerId > 0)
                parameters.Add("assetManagerId", assetManagerId);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.AccountOwner = :assetManagerId";
            if (remisierId > 0)
                parameters.Add("remisierId", remisierId);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.RemisierEmployee.Remisier.Key = :remisierId";
            if (remisierEmployeeId > 0)
                parameters.Add("remisierEmployeeId", remisierEmployeeId);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.RemisierEmployee.Key = :remisierEmployeeId";
            if (modelPortfolioId > 0)
                parameters.Add("modelPortfolioId", modelPortfolioId);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.ModelPortfolio.Key = :modelPortfolioId";
            if (accountNumber != null && accountNumber.Length > 0)
                parameters.Add("accountNumber", Util.PrepareNamedParameterWithWildcard(accountNumber));
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.Number like :accountNumber";
            if (accountName != null && accountName.Length > 0)
                parameters.Add("accountName", Util.PrepareNamedParameterWithWildcard(accountName));
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.ShortName like :accountName";
            if (showActive && !showInactive)
                parameters.Add("accountStatus", (int)AccountStati.Active);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.Status = :accountStatus";
            else if (!showActive && showInactive)
                parameters.Add("accountStatus", (int)AccountStati.Inactive);
                if (!useParametersOnly)
                    where += " and A.Status = :accountStatus";
            if (continuationStatus != AccountContinuationStati.All)
                DateTime minDate, maxDate;
                Util.GetDatesFromQuarter(year, quarter, out minDate, out maxDate);

                if (continuationStatus == AccountContinuationStati.Current)
                    where += string.Format(" and (P.endDate is null or P.endDate > '{0}')", maxDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    where += string.Format(" and P.endDate between '{0}' and '{1}'", minDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), maxDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            if (tradeStatus != ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus.All)
                where += string.Format(" and U.ManagementFee is {0} null", (tradeStatus == ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus.InclTrade ? "not" : ""));
            if (!includeStornoedUnits)
                where += " and IsNull(U.IsStornoed, 0) = 0";

            return where;
예제 #6
        private static bool createMgtFeeTransactionForMP(IJournal journalMgmtFee, IGLLookupRecords lookups, int mgtPeriodId, int year, int quarter, ManagementTypes managementType, FeeFactory feeFactory, DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate, decimal taxPercentage, bool createCashInitiatedOrders)
            bool retVal = false;
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            Hashtable parameterLists = new Hashtable(1);
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(2);

            Util.GetDatesFromQuarter(year, quarter, out minDate, out maxDate);

            parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter));
            parameters.Add("mgtPeriodId", mgtPeriodId);
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);
            IList<IManagementPeriodUnit> unitsUnsorted = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<IManagementPeriodUnit>(

            if (unitsUnsorted != null && unitsUnsorted.Count > 0)
                var unitsByMP = from a in unitsUnsorted
                          group a by a.ManagementPeriod into g
                          select new { ManagementPeriod = g.Key, Units = g.ToList() };

                if (unitsByMP.Count() != 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The number of management periods is not what is expected.");

                IManagementPeriod managementPeriod = unitsByMP.First().ManagementPeriod;
                IList<IManagementPeriodUnit> units = unitsByMP.First().Units;

                DateTime feeStartDate = minDate;
                DateTime feeEndDate = maxDate;

                if (managementPeriod.StartDate > minDate)
                    feeStartDate = managementPeriod.StartDate;
                if (Util.IsNotNullDate(managementPeriod.EndDate) && managementPeriod.EndDate < maxDate)
                    feeEndDate = managementPeriod.EndDate.Value;

                if (feeStartDate.Year != feeEndDate.Year)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The year of the start date and end date for the management fee should equal");

                string mgtFeeDescription;
                decimal mgtFeeThreshold;
                getMgtFeeInfo(managementPeriod, feeEndDate, year, quarter, out mgtFeeDescription, out mgtFeeThreshold);

                if (units != null && units.Count > 0)
                    // check the number of units
                    int expectedUnitCount = Util.DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, feeStartDate, feeEndDate) + 1;
                    if (expectedUnitCount != units.Count)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The number of units {0} does not equal the number of expected units {1}.", units.Count, expectedUnitCount));

                    // check if all have the same management period
                    var mps = from a in units
                              group a by a.ManagementPeriod into g
                              select g.Key;
                    if (mps.Count() != 1)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Not all units belong to the same management period.");

                    if (mps.First().Key != managementPeriod.Key)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The management period is not ok.");

                    if (Util.GetPeriodFromDate(managementPeriod.StartDate) == Util.GetPeriodFromDate(feeStartDate) && managementPeriod.StartDate.Day != feeStartDate.Day)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The start date of the management period ({0}) does not equal the presented start date ({1}).", managementPeriod.StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), feeStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));

                    if (managementPeriod.EndDate.HasValue)
                        if (feeEndDate > managementPeriod.EndDate)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The end date of the management period ({0}) does not equal the presented end date ({1}).", managementPeriod.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), feeEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
                        else if (Util.GetPeriodFromDate(managementPeriod.EndDate.Value) == Util.GetPeriodFromDate(feeEndDate) && managementPeriod.EndDate.Value.Day != feeEndDate.Day)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The end date of the management period ({0}) does not equal the presented end date ({1}).", managementPeriod.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), feeEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));

                    IAccountTypeCustomer account = (IAccountTypeCustomer)managementPeriod.Account;
                    if (!account.ExitFeePayingAccount.Equals(account))
                        mgtFeeDescription += string.Format(" voor {0}", account.Number);

                    string nextJournalEntryNumber = JournalEntryMapper.GetNextJournalEntryNumber(session, journalMgmtFee);
                    IMemorialBooking memorialBooking = new MemorialBooking(journalMgmtFee, nextJournalEntryNumber);
                    memorialBooking.TransactionDate = feeEndDate.AddDays(1);
                    memorialBooking.Description = mgtFeeDescription;

                    IManagementFee mgtFee = new ManagementFee(account, feeStartDate, feeEndDate, units, memorialBooking, taxPercentage, lookups);
                    if (mgtFee != null && mgtFee.NettAmount != null && mgtFee.NettAmount.IsNotZero)
                        if (mgtFee.NettAmount.Quantity < mgtFeeThreshold)
                            ITradeableInstrument instrument;
                            account = account.ExitFeePayingAccount;
                            if (createCashInitiatedOrders && mgtFee.NeedToCreateCashInitiatedOrder(out instrument))
                                if (instrument != null)
                                    OrderAmountBased order = new OrderAmountBased(account, mgtFee.Components.TotalAmount, instrument, true, feeFactory, true);
                                    order.OrderInfo = mgtFeeDescription;
                                    mgtFee.CashInitiatedOrder = order;
                                    // Sell from the biggest position
                                    IFundPosition pos = account.Portfolio.PortfolioInstrument.Where(x => x.Size.IsGreaterThanZero).OrderByDescending(x => x.CurrentValue).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (pos != null && (pos.CurrentBaseValue + mgtFee.NettAmount).IsGreaterThanOrEqualToZero)
                                        OrderAmountBased order = new OrderAmountBased(account, mgtFee.Components.TotalAmount, pos.Instrument, true, feeFactory, true);
                                        order.OrderInfo = mgtFeeDescription;
                                        mgtFee.CashInitiatedOrder = order;

                            if (mgtFee.CashInitiatedOrder == null && (account.Portfolio.TotalValue() + mgtFee.TotalAmount).IsLessThanZero)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not create a management fee booking for account {0} since the total portfolio value ({1}) is insufficient.", account.DisplayNumberWithName, account.Portfolio.TotalValue().DisplayString));

                            GeneralOperationsBookingMapper.Update(session, mgtFee);
                            retVal = true;
            return retVal;
예제 #7
        public static DataSet GetUnitsOverview(
            int assetManagerId, int remisierId, int remisierEmployeeId, int modelPortfolioId, 
            string accountNumber, string accountName, bool showActive, bool showInactive, 
            int year, int quarter, AccountContinuationStati continuationStatus, ManagementTypes managementType,
            ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus tradeStatus, bool includeStornoedUnits,
            int maximumRows, int pageIndex, string sortColumn)
            string propertyList =
                string.Format("Key, {0}Account.Key, Account.Number, Account.ShortName, Account.ModelPortfolio.ShortName, Account.Status, TradeID, ManagementEndDate, Error, Period1, MgtPeriod1.TotalValue.DisplayString, MgtPeriod1.FeeAmount.DisplayString, MgtPeriod1.HasMessage, MgtPeriod1.Message, Period2, MgtPeriod2.TotalValue.DisplayString, MgtPeriod2.FeeAmount.DisplayString, MgtPeriod2.HasMessage, MgtPeriod2.Message, Period3, MgtPeriod3.TotalValue.DisplayString, MgtPeriod3.FeeAmount.DisplayString, MgtPeriod3.HasMessage, MgtPeriod3.Message, AllowCreateTransaction",
                (managementType == ManagementTypes.KickBack ? "Account.RemisierEmployee.Remisier.Name, Account.RemisierEmployee.Employee.FullName, IsKickBackExported, " : ""));

            string bareSortColumn = sortColumn.Split(' ')[0];
            bool ascending = !(sortColumn.Split(' ').Length == 2 && sortColumn.Split(' ')[1] == "DESC");

            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            DataSet ds = null;

            IList allUnitFeeItems;
            if (isHqlSortingNeeded(bareSortColumn))
                allUnitFeeItems = GetUnitFeeOverviewList(session,
                                    assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId, modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName,
                                    showActive, showInactive, year, quarter, continuationStatus, managementType,
                                    tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, null, bareSortColumn, ascending, true);
                if (allUnitFeeItems != null && allUnitFeeItems.Count > 0)
                    var items = from a in allUnitFeeItems.Cast<object[]>()
                                group a by (int)a[0] into g
                                select new { ID = g.Key, AccountStatus = from b in g orderby b[3] descending select b[3], TradeID = from b in g orderby b[4] descending select b[4] };

                    ds = new DataSet("UnitFeeKeys");
                    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                    dt.Columns.Add("Key", typeof(int));
                    dt.Columns.Add("AllowCreateTransaction", typeof(bool));

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        bool allowCreateTransaction = false;
                        AccountStati s = (AccountStati)item.AccountStatus.First();
                        object t = item.TradeID.First();
                        if (s == AccountStati.Active && (t == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ToString())))
                            allowCreateTransaction = true;

                        dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { item.ID, allowCreateTransaction });

                    //ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromHibernateList(allUnitFeeItems, "Key");
                allUnitFeeItems = GetUnitFeeOverviewList(session,
                                    assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId, modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName,
                                    showActive, showInactive, year, quarter, continuationStatus, managementType,
                                    tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, null, bareSortColumn, ascending, false);
                if (allUnitFeeItems != null)
                    ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(allUnitFeeItems, "Key, " + bareSortColumn.Replace('_', '.'));
                if (ds != null)
                    Util.SortDataTable(ds.Tables[0], sortColumn);

                session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                int[] mgtPeriodIds = Util.GetPageKeys(ds.Tables[0], maximumRows, pageIndex, "Key");
                IList pageUnitFeeItems = GetUnitFeeOverviewList(session, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, false, false,
                                        year, quarter, continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, mgtPeriodIds, bareSortColumn, ascending, false);
                DataSetBuilder.MergeDataTableWithBusinessObjectList(ds.Tables[0], pageUnitFeeItems, "Key", propertyList);
            return ds;
예제 #8
        public static DataSet GetUnitFeeOverviewSummary(
            int assetManagerId, int remisierId, int remisierEmployeeId,
            int modelPortfolioId, string accountNumber, string accountName, bool showActive,
            bool showInactive, int year, int quarter, AccountContinuationStati continuationStatus,
            ManagementTypes managementType, ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus tradeStatus,
            bool includeStornoedUnits)
            Hashtable parameterLists = new Hashtable(1);
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
            string where = GetUnitFeeOverviewWhereClause(assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId,
                modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName, showActive, showInactive, year, quarter,
                continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, parameters, true) +
                "\ngroup by PU.Period";

            parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter));
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);

            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            IList summary = session.GetListByNamedQuery("B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.ManagementPeriodUnitsForSummary", where, parameters, parameterLists);

            IList avgHldFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFeeSummary(
                session, ManagementFeeLocations.AverageHolding, assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId,
                modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName, showActive, showInactive, year, quarter,
                continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits);
            IList unitFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFeeSummary(
                session, ManagementFeeLocations.Unit, assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId,
                modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName, showActive, showInactive, year, quarter,
                continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits);

            ICurrency currency = InstrumentMapper.GetBaseCurrency(session);

            if (managementType == ManagementTypes.ManagementFee)
                var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                           group a by (int)a[0] into g
                           select new
                               Period = g.Key,
                               TotalFeeAmount = g.Sum(a => (decimal)a[2]),
                               TotalFixedFeeAmount = g.Where(a => (FeeTypes)a[1] == FeeTypes.FixedFee).Sum(a => (decimal)a[2]),
                               TotalOtherFeeAmount = g.Where(a => (FeeTypes)a[1] != FeeTypes.FixedFee).Sum(a => (decimal)a[2])

                //select new { Period = (int)a[0], TotalFeeAmount = (decimal)a[1] };

                var sum = from a in summary.Cast<object[]>()
                          select new { Period = (int)a[0], TotalValue = (decimal)a[1] };

                var stuff = from s in sum
                            join f in fees on s.Period equals f.Period into x
                            from f in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            group new
                                v = (decimal)s.TotalValue,
                                fp = (f != null ? (decimal)f.TotalFeeAmount : 0M),
                                ff = (f != null ? (decimal)f.TotalFixedFeeAmount : 0M),
                                fo = (f != null ? (decimal)f.TotalOtherFeeAmount : 0M)
                            } by s.Period
                                into g
                                select new
                                    Period = g.Key,
                                    TotalValue = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(s => s.v), currency),
                                    TotalFee = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(f => f.fp), currency),
                                    TotalFixedFee = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(f => f.ff), currency),
                                    TotalOtherFee = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(f => f.fo), currency)

                //"Period, TotalValue.DisplayString, TotalFee.DisplayString");
                return stuff
                        .Select(c => new
                            TotalValue = c.TotalValue != null ? c.TotalValue.DisplayString : "",
                            TotalFee = c.TotalFee != null ? c.TotalFee.DisplayString : "",
                            FixedFee = c.TotalFixedFee != null ? c.TotalFixedFee.DisplayString : "",
                            OtherFee = c.TotalOtherFee != null ? c.TotalOtherFee.DisplayString : ""
                var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                           group a by (int)a[0] into g
                           select new
                               Period = g.Key,
                               TotalFeeAmount = g.Sum(a => (decimal)a[2])

                //select new { Period = (int)a[0], TotalFeeAmount = (decimal)a[1] };

                var sum = from a in summary.Cast<object[]>()
                          select new { Period = (int)a[0], TotalValue = (decimal)a[1] };

                var stuff = from s in sum
                            join f in fees on s.Period equals f.Period into x
                            from f in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            group new
                                v = (decimal)s.TotalValue,
                                fp = (f != null ? (decimal)f.TotalFeeAmount : 0M)
                            } by s.Period
                                into g
                                select new
                                    Period = g.Key,
                                    TotalValue = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(s => s.v), currency),
                                    TotalFee = new Money((decimal)g.Sum(f => f.fp), currency)

                //"Period, TotalValue.DisplayString, TotalFee.DisplayString");
                return stuff
                        .Select(c => new
                            TotalValue = c.TotalValue != null ? c.TotalValue.DisplayString : "",
                            TotalFee = c.TotalFee != null ? c.TotalFee.DisplayString : ""
예제 #9
        public static IList GetUnitFeeOverviewList(
            IDalSession session, int assetManagerId, int remisierId, int remisierEmployeeId, 
            int modelPortfolioId, string accountNumber, string accountName, bool showActive, 
            bool showInactive, int year, int quarter, AccountContinuationStati continuationStatus, 
            ManagementTypes managementType,ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus tradeStatus, 
            bool includeStornoedUnits, int[] mgtPeriodIds, string sortColumn, 
            bool ascending, bool keysOnly)
            Hashtable parameterLists = new Hashtable(1);
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
            string where = GetUnitFeeOverviewWhereClause(assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId,
                modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName, showActive, showInactive, year, quarter,
                continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, parameters, !keysOnly);

            if (mgtPeriodIds != null)
                where += string.Format(" and P.Key IN ({0})",
                    (mgtPeriodIds.Length == 0 ? "0" : string.Join(", ", Array.ConvertAll<int, string>(mgtPeriodIds, id => id.ToString()))));

            parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter));
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);

            if (keysOnly)
                string orderBy = "order by A.Number", contactsJoin = "";
                bool sortOnRemisier = false;
                if (sortColumn != "")
                    string ascendingStr = (ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC");
                    sortColumn = sortColumn.ToUpper();

                    string sortProperty = "";
                    switch (sortColumn)
                        case "KEY":
                            sortProperty = "P.Key";
                        case "ACCOUNT_NUMBER":
                            sortProperty = "A.Number";
                        case "ACCOUNT_SHORTNAME":
                            sortProperty = "CN.Name";
                            contactsJoin = @"left join A.bagOfAccountHolders AH
                                         left join AH.Contact C
                                         left join C.CurrentNAW CN";
                            where += " and AH.IsPrimaryAccountHolder = true";
                        case "MANAGEMENTENDDATE":
                            sortProperty = "P.endDate";
                        case "TRADEID":
                            sortProperty = "T.Key";
                        case "ACCOUNT_REMISIEREMPLOYEE_REMISIER_NAME":
                            sortProperty = "R.Name";
                            sortOnRemisier = true;
                            sortProperty = "E.Employee.LastName";
                            sortOnRemisier = true;

                    if (sortProperty != "")
                        orderBy = string.Format("order by {0} {1}", sortProperty, ascendingStr);

                string hql = string.Format(@"select distinct P.Key, P.endDate, A.Number, A.Status, T.Key{0}{5}
                from ManagementPeriodUnit U
                left join U.ManagementPeriod P
                left join U.UnitParent PU
                left join U.ManagementFee T
                left join PU.Account A
                where (A.Family.managementTypesCharged & :managementType) <> 0
                and PU.Period in (:periods) {3}
                and P.ManagementType = :managementType {4}",
                        (contactsJoin != "" ? ", CN.Name" : ""),
                        modelPortfolioId > 0 ? "left join A.ModelPortfolio M " : "",
                        where, orderBy,
                        (sortOnRemisier ? ", R.Name, E.Employee.LastName" : ""),
                        (sortOnRemisier ? "left join A.RemisierEmployee E left join E.Remisier R" : ""));
                return session.GetListByHQL(hql, parameters, parameterLists);
                string queryName;
                if (managementType == ManagementTypes.KickBack)
                    queryName = "B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.ManagementPeriodUnitsForMgtFee";
                    queryName = "B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.ManagementPeriodUnitsForKickBack";

                IList<IManagementPeriodUnit> units = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<IManagementPeriodUnit>(queryName, where, parameters, parameterLists);
                if (units != null && units.Count > 0)
                    IList avgHldFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, mgtPeriodIds, ManagementFeeLocations.AverageHolding, year, quarter, managementType);
                    IList unitFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, mgtPeriodIds, ManagementFeeLocations.Unit, year, quarter, managementType);
                    ICurrency currency = InstrumentMapper.GetBaseCurrency(session);

                    var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                               select new { MgtPeriodID = (int)a[0], Period = (int)a[1], FeeType = (FeeTypes)a[2], FeeAmount = (decimal)a[3] };

                    var stuff = from u in units
                                join f in fees on new { MgtPeriodID = u.ManagementPeriod.Key, u.Period } equals new { f.MgtPeriodID, f.Period } into x
                                from f in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                group new { u, fp = (f != null ? new { Period = (int)f.Period, FeeAmount = new Money((decimal)f.FeeAmount, currency) } : null) } by u.ManagementPeriod
                                    into g
                                    select new { ManagementPeriod = g.Key, Units = (from gi in g select gi.u).ToList(), FeeAmounts = (from gj in g select gj.fp).ToList() };

                    List<UnitFeeOverview> list = new List<UnitFeeOverview>();
                    UnitFeeOverview.Year = year.ToString();
                    UnitFeeOverview.Quarter = string.Format("Q{0}", quarter);
                    UnitFeeOverview.Periods = Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter);

                    //stuff.ToList().ForEach(p => list.Add(new UnitFeeOverview(p.Account, p.Units)));
                    foreach (var pair in stuff)
                        UnitFeeOverview item = new UnitFeeOverview(pair.ManagementPeriod, pair.Units);
                        foreach (var fee in pair.FeeAmounts)
                            if (fee != null)
                                item.AddFeeDetails(fee.Period, fee.FeeAmount);
                    return list;
            return null;
예제 #10
        public static DataSet GetManagementPeriodUnits(int managementPeriodID, int year, int quarter, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            DataSet ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(
                ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementPeriodUnits(session, new int[] { managementPeriodID }, year, quarter, managementType, ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus.All, true).ToList(),
                "Key, UnitParent.Period, UnitParent.StartDate, UnitParent.EndDate, UnitParent.TotalValue.DisplayString, ModelPortfolio.ModelName, IsStornoed, FeesCalculated, RulesFound, DocumentsSentByPost, Success, IsEditable, Message");

            int[] periods = new int[] { managementPeriodID };

            IList avgHldFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, periods, ManagementFeeLocations.AverageHolding, year, quarter, managementType);
            IList unitFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, periods, ManagementFeeLocations.Unit, year, quarter, managementType);
            ICurrency currency = InstrumentMapper.GetBaseCurrency(session);

            var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                       select new { Period = (int)a[1], FeeType = (FeeTypes)a[2], FeeAmount = new Money((decimal)a[3], currency) };

            var usedFeeTypes = (from a in fees
                                group a by a.FeeType into b
                                orderby b.Key
                                select (int)b.Key).ToArray();

            int[] feeTypesToShow;
            if (managementType == ManagementTypes.ManagementFee)
                feeTypesToShow = usedFeeTypes.Union( new int[] { (int)FeeTypes.ManagementFee, (int)FeeTypes.FixedFee }).ToArray();
                feeTypesToShow = usedFeeTypes.Union( new int[] { (int)FeeTypes.KickbackFee }).ToArray();

            int colCount = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
            string feeTypesInDataset = string.Join(",", feeTypesToShow.Select(a => a.ToString()).ToArray());

            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(string.Format("Fee_{0}", i), typeof(string));
            ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("UsedFeeTypes", typeof(string));

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (row["UnitParent_Period"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    for (int i = 0; i < feeTypesToShow.Count(); i++)
                        int period = Convert.ToInt32(row["UnitParent_Period"]);
                        int feeType = feeTypesToShow[i];
                        var relevantFees = from a in fees
                                           where a.Period == period && (int)a.FeeType == feeType
                                           select a;
                        if (relevantFees != null && relevantFees.Count() == 1)
                            row[colCount + i] = relevantFees.ElementAt(0).FeeAmount.DisplayString;
                    row[colCount + 4] = feeTypesInDataset;


            return ds;
예제 #11
        public static DataSet GetManagementFeeDetails(int managementPeriodID, int year, int quarter, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            int[] periods = new int[] { managementPeriodID };

            IList avgHldFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, periods, ManagementFeeLocations.AverageHolding, year, quarter, managementType);
            IList unitFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, periods, ManagementFeeLocations.Unit, year, quarter, managementType);
            ICurrency currency = InstrumentMapper.GetBaseCurrency(session);

            var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                       select new { Key = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", (int)a[0], (int)a[1], (int)a[2]), SortKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", (int)a[1], (int)a[2]), Period = (int)a[1], FeeType = (FeeTypes)a[2], FeeAmount = new Money((decimal)a[3], currency) };

            DataSet ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(
                fees.OrderBy(a => a.SortKey).ToList(),
                "Key, Period, FeeType, FeeAmount.DisplayString");


            return ds;
예제 #12
        public static DataSet GetAverageHoldingFees(int unitID, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
            DataSet ds = null;
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(2);
            parameters.Add("unitID", unitID);
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);

            IList<IAverageHolding> holdings = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<IAverageHolding>("B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.AverageHoldingsByUnit", parameters);
            if (holdings != null && holdings.Count > 0)
                ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(
                    "Key, Period, BeginDate, EndDate, Instrument.Name, AverageValue.DisplayString, SkipFees, CreationDate, DisplayMessage");

                IList<IAverageHoldingFee> fees = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<IAverageHoldingFee>("B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.AverageHoldingFeesByUnit", parameters);

                var usedFeeTypes = (from a in fees
                                    group a by a.FeeType.Key into b
                                    orderby b.Key
                                    select (int)b.Key).ToArray();

                int[] feeTypesToShow;
                if (managementType == ManagementTypes.ManagementFee)
                    feeTypesToShow = usedFeeTypes.Union(new int[] { (int)FeeTypes.ManagementFee }).ToArray();
                    feeTypesToShow = usedFeeTypes.Union(new int[] { (int)FeeTypes.KickbackFee }).ToArray();
                string feeTypesInDataset = string.Join(",", feeTypesToShow.Select(a => a.ToString()).ToArray());

                int colCount = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(string.Format("Fee_{0}", i), typeof(string));
                ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("UsedFeeTypes", typeof(string));

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    row[colCount + 3] = feeTypesInDataset;

                if (fees != null && fees.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        if (row["Key"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                            for (int i = 0; i < feeTypesToShow.Count(); i++)
                                int avhHldID = Convert.ToInt32(row["Key"]);
                                int feeType = feeTypesToShow[i];
                                var relevantFees = from a in fees
                                                   where a.Parent.Key == avhHldID && (int)a.FeeType.Key == feeType
                                                   select a;
                                if (relevantFees != null && relevantFees.Count() > 0)
                                    IAverageHoldingFee fi = relevantFees.ElementAt(0);
                                    if (fi != null)
                                        if (managementType == ManagementTypes.ManagementFee)
                                            row[colCount + i] = string.Format("{0}{1}", (fi.FeeCalcSource == null ? "" : fi.FeeCalcSource.DisplayString + " -> "), fi.Amount.DisplayString);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.DisplayMessage))
                                                row[colCount - 1] += fi.DisplayMessage;
                                            row[colCount + i] = string.Format("{0}{1}", (fi.FeePercentageUsed > 0M ? fi.FeePercentageUsed.ToString("0.####") + "% -> " : ""), fi.Amount.DisplayString);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.DisplayMessage))
                                                row[colCount - 1] += fi.DisplayMessage;
            return ds;
        public static DataSet GetManagementFeeCorrections(
            int assetManagerId, int modelPortfolioId, string accountNumber, string accountName,
            bool showActive, bool showInactive, int year, int quarter,
            CorrectionOpenCloseStati openCloseStatus, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            string where = "";
            Hashtable parameterLists = new Hashtable(1);
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();

            if (assetManagerId > 0)
                parameters.Add("assetManagerId", assetManagerId);
            if (modelPortfolioId > 0)
                parameters.Add("modelPortfolioId", modelPortfolioId);
            if (accountNumber != null && accountNumber.Length > 0)
                parameters.Add("accountNumber", Util.PrepareNamedParameterWithWildcard(accountNumber));
            if (accountName != null && accountName.Length > 0)
                parameters.Add("accountName", Util.PrepareNamedParameterWithWildcard(accountName));
            if (showActive && !showInactive)
                parameters.Add("accountStatus", (int)AccountStati.Active);
            if (!showActive && showInactive)
                parameters.Add("accountStatus", (int)AccountStati.Inactive);

            // TODO -> possibility to fix the difference with extra journalentrylines
            if (openCloseStatus != CorrectionOpenCloseStati.All)
                if (openCloseStatus == CorrectionOpenCloseStati.Open)
                    where += " and (IsNull(C.Skip, 0) = 0)";
                    where += " and (IsNull(C.Skip, 0) = 1)";

            if (year != 0 || quarter != 0)
                if (year != 0 && quarter != 0)
                    parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter));
                else if (year != 0)
                    parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromYear(year));
                else if (quarter != 0)
                    parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(DateTime.Today.Year, quarter));
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);

            List<ManagementPeriodUnitCorrection> list = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<ManagementPeriodUnitCorrection>(

            DataSet ds = DataSetBuilder.CreateDataSetFromBusinessObjectList(
                "AverageHolding.Key, AverageHolding.Account.Key, AverageHolding.Account.Number, AverageHolding.Account.ShortName, AverageHolding.Account.Status, Unit.UnitParent.Account.ModelPortfolio.ModelName, AverageHolding.Period, AverageHolding.BeginDate, AverageHolding.EndDate, AverageHolding.Instrument.Name, AverageHolding.AverageValue.DisplayString, AverageHolding.PreviousHolding.AverageValue.DisplayString, Skip, IsOpen");

            return ds;
        public static bool SkipAverageHoldingCorrections(BatchExecutionResults results, int[] avgHoldingIds, ManagementTypes managementType)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            if (avgHoldingIds != null && avgHoldingIds.Length > 0)
                    IList list = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementPeriodUnitCorrections(session, avgHoldingIds, managementType);
                    if (list != null)
                        int counter = 0;
                        foreach (IManagementPeriodUnitCorrection correction in list)
                            correction.Skip = true;

                        if (session.Update(list))
                catch (Exception ex)
                        new ApplicationException("Error skipping average holding corrections.", ex));
            return true;
예제 #15
 public bool IsManagementTypeCharged(ManagementTypes managementType)
     return Util.IsEnumInValue<ManagementTypes>(this.managementTypesCharged, managementType);
예제 #16
 public DateTime GetLatestManagementEndDate(ManagementTypes managementType)
     DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue;
     foreach (IManagementPeriod period in ManagementPeriods)
         if (period.ManagementType == managementType && Util.IsNotNullDate(period.EndDate))
             if (endDate < period.EndDate.Value)
                 endDate = period.EndDate.Value;
     return endDate;