예제 #1
        public static ManagedProperty CreateManagedProperty(SPSite site, string name, string crawledName, ManagedDataType type,
                                                            SearchCategory searchCategory = SearchCategory.SharePoint, bool searchable = true, bool refinable = true,
                                                            bool retrievable        = true, bool sortable = true, bool hasMultipleValues = false, bool safeForAnonymous = false,
                                                            bool tokenNormalization = false)
            // Get the default service context
            var context = SearchContext.GetContext(site);

            // Get the schema of our Search Service Application
            Schema schema = new Schema(context);

            if (schema.AllManagedProperties.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name == name) != null)
                Logger.Logger.Debug("SearchUtils.CreateManagedProperty", $"The property \"{name}\" already exists.");

            var categoryName = Enum.GetName(typeof(SearchCategory), searchCategory).Replace("_", " ");

            Category category = schema.AllCategories.Single(i => i.Name == categoryName);

            CrawledProperty crawledProperty =
                category.GetAllCrawledProperties().SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name == crawledName);

            if (crawledProperty != null)
                // Get all the managed properties
                ManagedPropertyCollection properties = schema.AllManagedProperties;

                // Add a new property
                ManagedProperty property = properties.Create(name, type);
                property.Searchable         = searchable;
                property.Refinable          = refinable;
                property.Retrievable        = retrievable;
                property.Sortable           = sortable;
                property.HasMultipleValues  = hasMultipleValues;
                property.TokenNormalization = tokenNormalization;
                property.SafeForAnonymous   = safeForAnonymous;

                // Get the current mappings
                MappingCollection mappings = property.GetMappings();

                // Add a new mapping to a previously crawled field
                var myMapping = new Mapping();
                myMapping.CrawledPropertyName = crawledProperty.Name;
                myMapping.CrawledPropset      = crawledProperty.Propset;
                myMapping.ManagedPid          = property.PID;

                // Add the mapping

                // Update the collection of mappings

                // Write the changes back


 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new ManagedPropertyInfo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the managed property</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the managed property</param>
 public ManagedPropertyInfo(string name, ManagedDataType type)
     : this(name)
     this.DataType = type;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new ManagedPropertyInfo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the managed property</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the managed property</param>
 public ManagedPropertyInfo(string name, ManagedDataType type)
     : this(name)
     this.DataType = type;
예제 #4
 public ManagedProperty Create(string name, ManagedDataType managedType)
     return(_propertyCollection.Create(name, managedType));
예제 #5
 public ManagedPropertyDefinition(SPField field)
     this.CrawledPropertyName = GetCrawledPropertyNamePattern(field).Replace("%", field.InternalName);
     this.MappedPropertyName  = GetManagedPropertyNamePattern(field).Replace("%", field.InternalName.Replace("_", ""));
     this.DataType            = GetManagedDataType(field);