public void GetAttributes(out string n, out int h, out int w, out Constants.HairColor hc, out Constants.EyeColor ec, out decimal ss, out int dscs, out int nk, out bool m) { // call gender specific get function, human does not have get and set attribute functions so the gender // specific versions must be called unlike the WhatAmI and Print functions which are virtual functions in human Female f = gender as Female; if (f != null) { f.GetAttributes(out n, out h, out w, out hc, out ec, out ss, out dscs); } else { Male ma = gender as Male; ma.GetAttributes(out n, out h, out w, out hc, out ec, out ss, out dscs); } // get person specific fields nk = numKids; m = married; }
// this class will perform some tests with the human based classes public void TestClasses() { // catch any exceptions thrown by the human based classes try { string name; int height; int weight; Constants.EyeColor eyeColor; Constants.HairColor HairColor; decimal shoeSize; int dressSize; int coatSize; bool married; int numKids; // test female object Female f = new Female("Sandra", 66, 120, Constants.HairColor.Blonde, Constants.EyeColor.Blue, 7.5M, 6); f.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\nchanging name"); = "Debbie"; // show access to public name f.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\nchanging weight and HairColor"); f.GetAttributes(out name, out height, out weight, out HairColor, out eyeColor, out shoeSize, out dressSize); f.SetAttributes(name, height, 110, Constants.HairColor.Brunette, shoeSize, dressSize); f.Print(); Console.WriteLine(); // test male object Male m = new Male("Tom", 76, 220, Constants.HairColor.Blonde, Constants.EyeColor.Brown, 11M, 44); m.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\nchanging name"); = "Charlie"; // show access to public name m.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\nchanging weight and HairColor"); m.GetAttributes(out name, out height, out weight, out HairColor, out eyeColor, out shoeSize, out coatSize); m.SetAttributes(name, height, 210, Constants.HairColor.Brunette, shoeSize, coatSize); m.Print(); Console.WriteLine(); // test person object Person p = new Person(Constants.Gender.Male, "Jerry", 74, 230, Constants.HairColor.Red, Constants.EyeColor.Brown, 10M, 46, true, 3); p.Print(); p.GetAttributes(out name, out height, out weight, out HairColor, out eyeColor, out shoeSize, out coatSize, out numKids, out married); Console.WriteLine("changing weight and marrital status"); p.SetAttributes(name, height, 240, Constants.HairColor.Brunette, shoeSize, coatSize, numKids, false); p.Print(); Person p2 = new Person(Constants.Gender.Female, "Gail", 68, 130, Constants.HairColor.Red, Constants.EyeColor.Blue, 8.5M, 10, false, 0); p2.Print(); Person p3 = new Person(Constants.Gender.Female, "Jennie", 62, 90, Constants.HairColor.Blonde, Constants.EyeColor.Green, 7M, 6, true, 2); p3.Print(); Person p4 = new Person(Constants.Gender.Male, "David", 71, 250, Constants.HairColor.Brunette, Constants.EyeColor.Blue, 11M, 48, true, 1); p4.Print(); // test binary tree functions Console.WriteLine("\ncreating binary tree\n"); SimpleBTree <int, Person> tree = new SimpleBTree <int, Person>(); tree.Add(p2.GetIdNum(), p2); // add to b tree in unsorted order tree.Add(p.GetIdNum(), p); tree.Add(p4.GetIdNum(), p4); tree.Add(p3.GetIdNum(), p3); if (tree.Add(p3.GetIdNum(), p3) == false) { Console.WriteLine("correctly could not add node already in tree\n"); } List <Person> list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("\ngetting person with id 3 from the binary tree\n"); p = tree.GetByKey(3); p.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\nreversing binary tree\n"); tree.Reverse(); list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("\ngetting person with id 1 from the binary tree\n"); p = tree.GetByKey(1); p.Print(); Console.WriteLine("\ndeleting person with id 2 from the binary tree\n"); tree.Delete(2); list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("\ndeleting person with id 3 from the binary tree\n"); tree.Delete(3); list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("\ndeleting person with id 4 from the binary tree\n"); tree.Delete(4); list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("\ndeleting person with id 1 from the binary tree\n"); tree.Delete(1); list = tree.GetTree(); foreach (Person ps in list) { ps.Print(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("exception caught {0}", e.Message); } }