예제 #1
 /// <summary>─Get jumping on a cliff</summary>
 void Can_Jump_on_Cliff(float normalizedTime)
     if (normalizedTime >= Cliff.minValue && normalizedTime <= Cliff.maxValue)
         if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, -transform.up, out JumpRay, CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor, animal.GroundLayer))
             if (Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, Vector3.up) < animal.maxAngleSlope)       //Jump to a jumpable cliff not an inclined one
                 if (animal.debug)
                     Debug.DrawLine(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, JumpRay.point, Color.black);
                     MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.black);
             if (animal.debug)
                 Debug.DrawRay(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, -transform.up * CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.black);
                 MalbersTools.DebugPlane(animal.Main_Pivot_Point - (transform.up * CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor), 0.1f, Color.black);
예제 #2
        private void Can_Jump_on_Cliff(float normalizedTime)
            if (normalizedTime >= activeJump.CliffTime.minValue && normalizedTime <= activeJump.CliffTime.maxValue)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.DrawRay(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.GravityDirection * activeJump.CliffLandDistance * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.black);

                if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.GravityDirection, out JumpRay, activeJump.CliffLandDistance * animal.ScaleFactor, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                    if (debug)
                        MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.black);

                    var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, animal.UpVector);
                    var DeepSlope    = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope;

                    if (!DeepSlope)       //Jump to a jumpable cliff not an inclined one
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("<B>Jump</b> State: Exit on a Cliff ");
                        animal.Grounded   = true; //Force the animal to be grounded so it can find go to Locomotion or IDLE
                        IgnoreLowerStates = false;
                        IsPersistent      = false;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>Check if the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on</summary>
        private void Check_for_Falling()
            IgnoreLowerStates  = false; //Means that it will directly to fall
            OneCastingFall_Ray = true;
            IsPersistent       = false;

            float RayLength = animal.ScaleFactor * activeJump.JumpLandDistance; //Ray Distance with the Scale Factor

            var MainPivot = animal.Main_Pivot_Point;
            var Direction = animal.GravityDirection;

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Doing: <b>" + activeJump.name + "</b>. RayLegth:" + RayLength);

            if (activeJump.JumpLandDistance > 0) //greater than 0 it can complete the Jump on an even Ground
                if (debug)
                    Debug.DrawRay(MainPivot, Direction * RayLength, Color.red, 0.25f);

                if (Physics.Raycast(MainPivot, Direction, out JumpRay, RayLength, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("Min Distance to complete " + activeJump.name + " " + JumpRay.distance);
                        MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);

                    var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, animal.UpVector);
                    var DeepSlope    = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope;

                    if (DeepSlope)     //if wefound something but there's a deep slope
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Jump State: Try to Land but the Sloope is too Deep. Exiting Jump State " + TerrainSlope);
                        IgnoreLowerStates = false;

                    IgnoreLowerStates = true;                           //Means that it can complete the Jump
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("Can finish the Jump. Going to Jump End");
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log(activeJump.name + ": Go to Fall.. No ground was found");
                    IgnoreLowerStates = false;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Check if the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="normalizedTime"></param>
        void Can_Fall(float normalizedTime)
            Debug.DrawRay(animal.Pivot_fall, -animal.transform.up * animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, Color.red);

            if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Pivot_fall, -animal.transform.up, out JumpRay, animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, animal.GroundLayer))
                if ((jumpPoint - JumpRay.point.y) <= (stepHeight * animal.ScaleFactor) &&
                    (Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, Vector3.up) < animal.maxAngleSlope))         //If if finding a lower jump point;
                    animal.SetIntID(0);                                                         //Keep the INTID in 0
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.red);
                    if (normalizedTime > willFall)
                        animal.SetIntID(111);                                                   //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);
                if (normalizedTime > willFall)
                    animal.SetIntID(111);                            //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                MalbersTools.DebugPlane(animal.Pivot_fall - (animal.transform.up * animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay), 0.1f, Color.red);
예제 #5
        //private void BlendFallDistance()
        //    if (BlendFall == FallBlending.Distance)
        //    {
        //        var CurrentUpImpulse = MalbersTools.CleanUpVector(animal.Inertia, animal.Forward, animal.Right);        //Remove Forward

        //        var UpSpeed = CurrentUpImpulse.magnitude * (Vector3.Dot(CurrentUpImpulse, animal.UpVector) < 0 ? 1f : -1f) / animal.GravityForce;

        //        FallBlend = UpSpeed;
        //        animal.SetFloatID(FallBlend); //Blend between High and Low Fall
        //    }

        public override void TryExitState(float DeltaTime)
            // Debug.Log("Try Exit Fall");

            FallPoint = animal.Main_Pivot_Point + animal.AdditivePosition;

            if (animal.debugGizmos && debug)
                // MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);
                MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);
                Debug.DrawRay(FallPoint, animal.GravityDirection * 100f, Color.magenta);

            //int hits = Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor,animal.GravityDirection, FallHits, 100f, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            //if (hits > 0)
            if (Physics.SphereCast(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius, animal.GravityDirection, out FallRayCast, 100f, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                DistanceToGround = FallRayCast.distance - (/*animal.AdditivePosition.magnitude +*/ animal.DeltaPos.magnitude);

                if (animal.debugGizmos && debug)
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(FallRayCast.point, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);

                //  if (BlendFall == FallBlending.Normalized)
                    if (MaxHeight < DistanceToGround)
                        MaxHeight = DistanceToGround;                                                                                              //get the Highest Distance the first time you touch the ground
                    FallBlend = Mathf.Lerp(FallBlend, (DistanceToGround - LowerBlendDistance) / (MaxHeight - LowerBlendDistance), DeltaTime * 20); //Small blend in case there's a new ground found
                    animal.SetFloatID(FallBlend);                                                                                                  //Blend between High and Low Fall


                if (animal.Height >= DistanceToGround)
                    var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(FallRayCast.normal, animal.UpVector);
                    var DeepSlope    = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope;

                    if (!DeepSlope)
                        animal.AlingRayCasting(); //Check one time the Align Rays to calculate the Angle Slope used on the CanFallOnSlope
                        animal.Grounded   = true; //This Allow Locomotion and Idle to Try Activate themselves
                        animal.UseGravity = false;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>Check if the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on</summary>
        private void Check_for_Falling()
            IgnoreLowerStates  = false; //Means that it will directly to fall
            OneCastingFall_Ray = true;
            IsPersistent       = false;

            var scaleFactor = animal.ScaleFactor;

            if (activeJump.JumpLandDistance > 0) //greater than 0 it can complete the Jump on an even Ground
                if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.GravityDirection, out JumpRay, scaleFactor * activeJump.fallRay, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("Min Distance to complete " + activeJump.name + " " + JumpRay.distance);
                        // Debug.Log("Current Jump Distance " + activeJump.name +" " + activeJump.JumpLandDistance * scaleFactor);
                        MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawRay(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.GravityDirection * animal.Pivot_Multiplier * activeJump.fallRay, Color.red);

                    if ((JumpRay.distance < activeJump.JumpLandDistance * scaleFactor) /* && Angle < animal.maxAngleSlope*/)
                        var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, animal.UpVector);
                        var DeepSlope    = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope;

                        if (DeepSlope)     //if wefound something but there's a deep slope
                            if (debug)
                                Debug.Log("Jump State: Try to Land but the Sloope is too Deep. Exiting Jump State " + TerrainSlope);
                            IgnoreLowerStates = false;

                        IgnoreLowerStates = true;                           //Means that it can complete the Jump
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Can make the Jump to Jump End");

            // Debug.Log("JUMP: Go to the Next Fall State");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>Check if the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on</summary>
        void Can_Fall(float normalizedTime)
            Debug.DrawRay(animal.Pivot_fall, -transform.up * animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, Color.red);

            if (MinJumpLand > 0)
                if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Pivot_fall, -transform.up, out JumpRay, animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, animal.GroundLayer))
                    float distance = Vector3.Distance(animal.Pivot_fall, JumpRay.point);
                    float Angle    = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, JumpRay.normal);

                    if (animal.debug)
                        Debug.Log("Min Distance to complete the Jump: " + distance);

                    if ((MinJumpLand * animal.ScaleFactor) < distance || Angle > animal.maxAngleSlope)
                        MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);
            else if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Pivot_fall, -transform.up, out JumpRay, animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, animal.GroundLayer))
                if ((jumpPoint - JumpRay.point.y) <= (stepHeight * animal.ScaleFactor) &&
                    (Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, Vector3.up) < animal.maxAngleSlope))         //If if finding a lower jump point;
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.red);
                    animal.SetIntID(111);           //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);
                animal.SetIntID(111);                //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                MalbersTools.DebugPlane(animal.Pivot_fall - (transform.up * animal.Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay), 0.1f, Color.red);
예제 #8
        public override void TryExitState(float DeltaTime)
            // Debug.Log("Try Exit Fall");

            bool GoingDown = Vector3.Dot(animal.DeltaPos, animal.GravityDirection) > 0; //Check if is falling down

            if (GoingDown)
                FallCurrentDistance += Vector3.Project(animal.DeltaPos, animal.GravityDirection).magnitude;

            FallPoint = animal.Main_Pivot_Point + animal.AdditivePosition;

            if (animal.debugGizmos && debug)
                // MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(animal.Main_Pivot_Point, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);
                MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);
                Debug.DrawRay(FallPoint, animal.GravityDirection * 100f, Color.magenta);

            //int hits = Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor,animal.GravityDirection, FallHits, 100f, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            //if (hits > 0)
            if (Physics.SphereCast(FallPoint, animal.RayCastRadius, animal.GravityDirection, out FallRayCast, 100f, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                DistanceToGround = FallRayCast.distance - (/*animal.AdditivePosition.magnitude +*/ animal.DeltaPos.magnitude);

                if (animal.debugGizmos && debug)
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(FallRayCast.point, animal.RayCastRadius * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.magenta);

                switch (BlendFall)
                case FallBlending.DistanceNormalized:
                    if (MaxHeight < DistanceToGround)
                        MaxHeight = DistanceToGround;                                                                                              //get the Highest Distance the first time you touch the ground
                    FallBlend = Mathf.Lerp(FallBlend, (DistanceToGround - LowerBlendDistance) / (MaxHeight - LowerBlendDistance), DeltaTime * 20); //Small blend in case there's a new ground found
                    animal.SetFloatID(FallBlend);                                                                                                  //Blend between High and Low Fall

                case FallBlending.Distance:

                case FallBlending.VerticalVelocity:

                    var UpInertia = MalbersTools.CleanUpVector(animal.DeltaPos, animal.Forward, animal.Right).magnitude;       //Clean the Vector from Forward and Horizontal Influence

                    animal.SetFloatID(UpInertia / animal.DeltaTime * (GoingDown?1:-1));



                if (animal.Height >= DistanceToGround)
                    var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(FallRayCast.normal, animal.UpVector);
                    var DeepSlope    = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope;

                    if (!DeepSlope)
                        animal.AlingRayCasting(); //Check one time the Align Rays to calculate the Angle Slope used on the CanFallOnSlope
                        animal.Grounded   = true; //This Allow Locomotion and Idle to Try Activate themselves
                        animal.UseGravity = false;
예제 #9
        // OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks
        override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
            bool isInTransition = animator.IsInTransition(layerIndex);

            if (!isInTransition && JumpMultiplier > 0 && animal.JumpHeightMultiplier > 0)  //Add More Height to the Jump
                rb.AddForce((Vector3.up * JumpMultiplier * 10) + (animator.transform.forward * ForwardMultiplier * 10), ForceMode.Acceleration);

            Debug.DrawRay(animal.Pivot_fall, -animal.transform.up * animal.Chest_Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, Color.red);

            //This code is execute when the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on
            if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Pivot_fall, -animal.transform.up, out JumpRay, animal.Chest_Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay, animal.GroundLayer))
                if ((jumpPoint - JumpRay.point.y) <= (threshold * animal.ScaleFactor) &&
                    (Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, Vector3.up) < animal.maxAngleSlope))         //If if finding a lower jump point;
                    animal.SetIntID(0);                                                         //Keep the INTID in 0
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.red);
                    if (stateInfo.normalizedTime > willFall)
                        animal.SetIntID(111);                                                   //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                    MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow);
                if (stateInfo.normalizedTime > willFall)
                    animal.SetIntID(111);                                      //Set INTID to 111 to activate the FALL transition
                MalbersTools.DebugPlane(animal.Pivot_fall - (animal.transform.up * animal.Chest_Pivot_Multiplier * fallRay), 0.1f, Color.red);

            //───────────────────────────────────────────────Get jumping on a cliff ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

            if (stateInfo.normalizedTime >= startEdge && stateInfo.normalizedTime <= finishEdge)
                if (Physics.Raycast(animal.Chest_Pivot_Point, -animal.transform.up, out JumpRay, CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor, animal.GroundLayer))
                    if (Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, Vector3.up) < animal.maxAngleSlope)       //Jump to a jumpable cliff not an inclined one
                        if (animal.debug)
                            Debug.DrawLine(animal.Chest_Pivot_Point, JumpRay.point, Color.black);
                            MalbersTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.black);
                    if (animal.debug)
                        Debug.DrawRay(animal.Chest_Pivot_Point, -animator.transform.up * CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor, Color.black);
                        MalbersTools.DebugPlane(animal.Chest_Pivot_Point - (animal.transform.up * CliffRay * animal.ScaleFactor), 0.1f, Color.black);

            if (animal.forwardJumpControl)  //If the jump can be controlled on air
                Vector3 pos = animator.transform.position;
                JumpControl = Vector3.Lerp(pos, pos - new Vector3(animator.velocity.x, 0, animator.velocity.z), Time.deltaTime);

                if (animal.MovementReleased)
                    animator.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(animator.transform.position, JumpControl, smooth);

                smooth += (animal.MovementReleased ? Time.deltaTime : -Time.deltaTime) * animal.smoothJumpForward;

                smooth = Mathf.Clamp01(smooth);

            #region if is transitioning to flying
            //If the next animation is FLY smoothly remove the Y rigidbody speed
            if (rb && isInTransition && animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layerIndex).tagHash == Hash.Fly)
                float   transitionTime = animator.GetAnimatorTransitionInfo(layerIndex).normalizedTime;
                Vector3 cleanY         = rb.velocity;

                if (Rb_Y_Speed < cleanY.y)
                    Rb_Y_Speed = cleanY.y;                        //Get the max Y SPEED
                cleanY.y = Mathf.Lerp(Rb_Y_Speed, 0, transitionTime);

                rb.velocity = cleanY;