private IdentityRole CreateRole(MakersMarketDbContext context, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, string roleName) { if (context.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == roleName)) { return(context.Roles.First(r => r.Name == roleName)); } else { var role = new IdentityRole { Name = roleName }; roleManager.Create(role); return(role); } }
private User CreateUser(MakersMarketDbContext context, UserManager <User> userManager, string username, string password) { if (context.Users.Any(u => u.UserName == username)) { return(context.Users.First(u => u.UserName == username)); } else { var user = new User { UserName = username }; userManager.Create(user, password); return(user); } }
protected override void Seed(MakersMarketDbContext context) { var roleStore = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(context); var roleManager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore); var userStore = new UserStore <User>(context); var userManager = new UserManager <User>(userStore); // Seed roles var adminRole = CreateRole(context, roleManager, "AppAdmin"); // Seed users var user = CreateUser(context, userManager, "user", "123456"); var admin = CreateUser(context, userManager, "admin", "123456"); userManager.AddToRole(admin.Id, adminRole.Name); // Initialize Categories if (context.Categories.Count() <= 0 || context.Categories == null) { Category electronics = new Category() { Name = "Electronics", Description = "Items used to affect the electrons or their associated fields in a manner consistent with the intended function of the electronic system." }; context.Categories.Add(electronics); Category clothes = new Category() { Name = "Clothes", Description = "Item made from textile or cloth used to wear." }; context.Categories.Add(clothes); Category jewellery = new Category() { Name = "Jewellery", Description = "Decorative item used to wear." }; context.Categories.Add(jewellery); Category ceramics = new Category() { Name = "Ceramics", Description = "Item made from ceramic material." }; context.Categories.Add(ceramics); Category woodCraft = new Category() { Name = "Wood Craft", Description = "Item made from wood." }; context.Categories.Add(woodCraft); Category interior = new Category() { Name = "Interior", Description = "Item for interior decoration." }; context.Categories.Add(interior); context.SaveChanges(); } // Brand Initialization if (context.Brands.Count() <= 0 || context.Brands == null) { Brand selfMade = new Brand() { Name = "Self Made", Description = "Item made by shop owner." }; context.Brands.Add(selfMade); Brand cooperative = new Brand() { Name = "Cooperative", Description = "Item made by cooperative group of people." }; context.Brands.Add(cooperative); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public MakersMarketData(MakersMarketDbContext context) { this.context = context; this.repositories = new Dictionary <Type, object>(); }