예제 #1
    void RpcAddTagToSphere(Vector3 position, string name, string tagUniqueName)
        if (!isServer)
            GameObject newTag = Instantiate(ClickAction.tagPrefab);
            newTag.name = name;
            newTag.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));

            newTag.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.00001f);
            newTag.transform.parent     = ClickAction.sphere.transform;

            newTag.transform.localPosition = position;
            newTag.transform.LookAt(Vector3.zero);              // Make it face the center of the sphere

            GameObject textContainer = new GameObject();
            textContainer.transform.parent = newTag.transform;

            TextMesh text = textContainer.AddComponent <TextMesh> ();
            text.text                       = name;
            text.fontSize                   = 20;
            text.alignment                  = TextAlignment.Center;
            text.anchor                     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            text.name                       = name + "_Text";
            text.transform.parent           = textContainer.transform;
            text.transform.localScale       = new Vector3(-0.075f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
            text.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
            text.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;

            GameObject obj = new GameObject();
            obj.name = tagUniqueName;             //Doing this because I'm trying not to really change any scripts outside of this one significantly

            MakeWordBank.replaceTag(obj, true);
예제 #2
    void CmdTellServerThrowAwayTag(string tagText, string uniqueTagName)

         *      for (int i = 0; i < MakeWordBank.tags.Length; i++) {
         *              if (MakeWordBank.tags [i].getText ().Equals (tagText)) {
         *                      if (MakeWordBank.tags [i].text.color == Color.red) { //If they just then clicked on it, deselect it for tagger:
         *                              MakeWordBank.tags[i].text.color = Color.black;
         *                              if (ClickAction.cursorTag != null) {
         *                                      Destroy(ClickAction.cursorTag);
         *                                      holdingTag = "";
         *                                      ClickAction.cursorTag = null;
         *                                      if (ClickAction.cursorSphere != null)
         *                                      {
         *                                              ClickAction.cursorSphere.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;
         *                                      }
         *                              }
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }

        GameObject objToInstantiate = null;         //Object to put under trash can:

        for (int i = 0; i < MakeWordBank.tags.Length; i++)
            if (MakeWordBank.tags [i].getText().Equals(tagText))
                objToInstantiate = MakeWordBank.tags [i].tag;

        if (MakeWordBank.sequenceIndex < MakeWordBank.wordBank.Count)
            GameObject newTrashedTag = Instantiate(objToInstantiate, ClickAction.canvas.transform);
                = new Vector3(newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.x / 2.0f, newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.y / 2.5f, newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.z);
            newTrashedTag.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text> ().color = Color.black;
            newTrashedTag.transform.tag             = "TrashedTag";
            newTrashedTag.transform.GetChild(0).tag = "TrashedTag";
            int verticalBump = 0;
            if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 14 && ClickAction.trashedTags.Count < 28)
                verticalBump = 168;                 //To prevent overlap
            else if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 28 && ClickAction.trashedTags.Count < 42)
                verticalBump = 606;
            else if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 42)
                verticalBump = 774;

            int horizontalBump = 0;
            if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 14 && ClickAction.trashedTags.Count < 28)
                horizontalBump = 50;
            else if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 28 && ClickAction.trashedTags.Count < 42)
                horizontalBump = 0;
            else if (ClickAction.trashedTags.Count >= 42)
                horizontalBump = 50;
            newTrashedTag.transform.position = ClickAction.canvas.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector2(320 + horizontalBump, -55 - 12 * ClickAction.trashedTags.Count + verticalBump)) + Vector3.back * -0.25f;
            newTrashedTag.transform.LookAt(newTrashedTag.transform.position + Vector3.back * newTrashedTag.transform.position.z * -1);
            ClickAction.trashedTags[ClickAction.trashedTags.Count - 1].layer = 5;             //UI

        GameObject obj = new GameObject();

        obj.name = uniqueTagName;

        MakeWordBank.replaceTag(obj, false);
        //currentTag.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().color = Color.clear;
        //currentTag.GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.clear;
예제 #3
    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
        // OnClick code goes here ...
        GameObject objectClicked = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject; // get the object that was pressed

        if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)             // Ensure the left button was pressed (OR THE FALCON BUTTON)

        if (objectClicked.tag == "Tag") // A tag was pressed
            if (MakeWordBank.inTutorial && MakeWordBank.stepOfTutorial != 4 && MakeWordBank.stepOfTutorial != 8)
            if (MakeWordBank.stepOfTutorial == 8 && MakeWordBank.timeSpentOnStep8 <= 0.25f)
                return;                 //prevents glitch

            if (objectClicked.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().color == Color.red)
                return;                 //Prevents trasher from clicking on a tag the tagger has selected in multiplayer
            if (objectClicked.GetComponent <Text>() != null && objectClicked.GetComponent <Text>().color == Color.red)

            Debug.Log(objectClicked.name); // Name of the object
            GameObject currentTag = state.getSelected();

            if (currentTag != null && currentTag.GetComponent <Text>() != null)
                currentTag.GetComponent <Text>().color = Color.black; // Reset the color of the previously selected tag

            //if (MakeWordBank.trasherPanel.transform.localPosition.y >= 3000) { //If the player doesn't have a panel blocking putting tags on the image:
            objectClicked.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().color = Color.red;
            for (int i = 0; i < MakeWordBank.tags.Length; i++)
                if (objectClicked.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text.Equals(MakeWordBank.tags [i].getText()))
                    MakeWordBank.tags [i].isChangingColor = false;

            if (cursorTag != null)

            //Make tag that follows cursor:
            cursorTag = Instantiate(state.getSelected().transform.parent.gameObject, canvas.transform);
            //cursorTag.transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, -3f));
            cursorTag.layer = 5;             //UI Layer
            if (cursorSphere != null)
                cursorSphere.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            //cursorTag.name = currentTag.GetComponent<Text> ().name;
            //cursorTag.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (8.8f, 3.188f, 0.001f);
        else if (objectClicked.tag == "QuitButton" && !MakeWordBank.inTutorial)         // Quit button clicked by falcon
        else if (objectClicked.tag == "Bin") // The bin was pressed, so we move the tag to the bin
            Debug.Log("Bin Clicked");
            GameObject currentTag = state.getSelected();
            if (currentTag != null)
                if (MakeWordBank.sequenceIndex < MakeWordBank.wordBank.Count)
                    if (!MakeWordBank.inPracticeLevel && !MakeWordBank.inTutorial)
                    GameObject newTrashedTag = Instantiate(state.getSelected().transform.parent.gameObject, canvas.transform);
                        = new Vector3(newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.x / 2.0f, newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.y / 2.5f, newTrashedTag.transform.localScale.z);
                    newTrashedTag.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text> ().color = Color.black;
                    newTrashedTag.transform.tag             = "TrashedTag";
                    newTrashedTag.transform.GetChild(0).tag = "TrashedTag";
                    int verticalBump = 0;
                    if (trashedTags.Count >= 14 && trashedTags.Count < 28)
                        verticalBump = 168;                         //To prevent overlap
                    else if (trashedTags.Count >= 28 && trashedTags.Count < 42)
                        verticalBump = 606;
                    else if (trashedTags.Count >= 42)
                        verticalBump = 774;

                    int horizontalBump = 0;
                    if (trashedTags.Count >= 14 && trashedTags.Count < 28)
                        horizontalBump = 50;
                    else if (trashedTags.Count >= 28 && trashedTags.Count < 42)
                        horizontalBump = 0;
                    else if (trashedTags.Count >= 42)
                        horizontalBump = 50;
                    newTrashedTag.transform.position = canvas.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector2(320 + horizontalBump, -55 - 12 * trashedTags.Count + verticalBump)) + Vector3.back * -0.25f;
                    newTrashedTag.transform.LookAt(newTrashedTag.transform.position + Vector3.back * newTrashedTag.transform.position.z * -1);
                    trashedTags[trashedTags.Count - 1].layer = 5;                     //UI
                MakeWordBank.replaceTag(currentTag, false);
                currentTag.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = Color.clear;
                currentTag.GetComponent <Text>().color           = Color.clear; // Reset the color of the previously selected tag
            if (cursorTag != null)
                cursorTag = null;
                if (cursorSphere != null)
                    cursorSphere.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;
        else if (objectClicked.tag == "Image") // The image area was pressed, so here we cast a tag onto the sphere
            Debug.Log("Image Clicked");
            GameObject currentTag = state.getSelected();
            if (currentTag != null && !currentTag.transform.parent.name.Equals(""))    // TODO: Check if a tag is currently selected and that the tag isn't blank
                Vector3 cursorPosition = state.getCursorPosition();                    // Use the cursor position to cast a ray onto the sphere
                Ray     ray            = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(cursorPosition); // The ray that will be casted onto the sphere

                // In the following two lines, since the sphere collider is outside the sphere
                // We move the point of the ray well outside of the sphere, then invert the direction
                // This way, we cast ray to the same point of the sphere, but from the outside rather than the inside
                ray.origin    = ray.GetPoint(100);
                ray.direction = -ray.direction;

                RaycastHit hit; // The raycast

                Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction, Color.red, 5);
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    cursorTag = null;
                    if (cursorSphere != null)
                        cursorSphere.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;
                    GameObject newObject = Instantiate(tagPrefab, hit.point * 0.95f, Quaternion.identity); // Create the new object using the tagPrefab
                    newObject.transform.LookAt(Vector3.zero);                                              // Make it face the center of the sphere
                    newObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.00001f);
                    newObject.name             = currentTag.transform.parent.name;                         // CHANGE THIS LATER
                    newObject.transform.parent = sphere.transform;
                    newObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));

                    // Create the object which will hold the TextMesh
                    GameObject textContainer = new GameObject();
                    textContainer.transform.parent = newObject.transform;

                    // Create the text mesh to be rendered over the plane
                    TextMesh text = textContainer.AddComponent <TextMesh> ();
                    text.text                       = currentTag.transform.parent.name;
                    text.fontSize                   = 20;
                    text.alignment                  = TextAlignment.Center;
                    text.anchor                     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    text.name                       = currentTag.transform.parent.name + "_Text";
                    text.transform.parent           = textContainer.transform;
                    text.transform.localScale       = new Vector3(-0.075f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
                    text.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
                    text.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
                    if (!MakeWordBank.inTutorial && !MakeWordBank.inPracticeLevel)
                        DataCollector.AddTag(currentTag.transform.parent.name, newObject.transform.position);

                    //int diff = MakeWordBank.sequenceIndex; //This is just a convoluted way to find out if the image turned over so the trashed tag prefabs can be deleted
                    MakeWordBank.replaceTag(currentTag, true);
                    currentTag.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = Color.clear;
                    //diff -= MakeWordBank.sequenceIndex;
                    //if (diff > 0) { //Means image turned over:
                    //	for (int i = 0; i < trashedTags.Count; i++) {
                    //		Destroy (trashedTags [i]);
                    //	}
                    //	trashedTags.Clear();

                    // ---- Below is old code used to create the tag whereever the click happened. It isn't being used now but may be useful later
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.tag, hit.point * 0.95f, Quaternion.identity);
                    //gameObject.name = "Tag " + this.tags.Count;
                    //gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(20f, 5f, 1f);
                    //this.tag.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                    //gameObject.transform.parent = this.tagContainer.transform;
                    //this.keycam.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
                    //this.keycam.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.keycam.transform.position, this.ray.point, Vector3.Distance(this.keycam.transform.position, this.ray.point) * 0.8f);