예제 #1
 /// <summary> 
 /// Invokes GetPageNumberAsync on the passed in ContentPosition.
 /// The handler for GetPageNumberAsync will bring that ContentPosition into view.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">The MakeVisibleData to be made visible</param> 
 private void MakeContentPositionVisibleAsync(MakeVisibleData data)
     //If the ContentPosition is valid, we can make it visible now. 
     if (data.ContentPosition != null && data.ContentPosition != ContentPosition.Missing)
         Content.GetPageNumberAsync(data.ContentPosition, data);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Delegate method used to bring a specified page into view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param> 
        /// <param name="pageNumber"></param>
        private void BringPageIntoViewDelegate(MakeVisibleData data, int pageNumber) 

            //Make the page visible if necessary: 
            // - If our layout is not yet valid
            // - If the visual being made visible is a FixedPage and
            //   the bring-into-view rect is the entire page
            //   (in which case we always want to move it as close to the top of the 
            //   viewport as possible even if it is already partially visible)
            // - If the page isn't currently visible. 
            if (!_rowCache.HasValidLayout || 
                (data.Visual is FixedPage &&
                 data.Visual.VisualContentBounds == data.Rect) || 
                pageNumber < _firstVisiblePageNumber ||
                pageNumber > _lastVisiblePageNumber)
            //The page's contents have already been loaded, we can bring the object into view immediately. 
            if (IsPageLoaded(pageNumber))
                //Now we have to wait for the page to be loaded so that we can
                //ensure that the object itself is visible. 
                //As pages are loaded, this page will be checked for, and the dispatcher below 
                //executed as appropriate.
                _makeVisiblePageNeeded = pageNumber; 
                _makeVisibleDispatcher = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Inactive,
                    (DispatcherOperationCallback)delegate(object arg)
                        return null;
                    }, data); 
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of MakeVisible logic, the final step in a MakeVisible operation.
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        private void MakeVisibleImpl(MakeVisibleData data) 
            if (data.Visual != null)
                //Ensure that the passed-in visual is a descendant of DocumentGrid.
                if (((Visual)this).IsAncestorOf(data.Visual))
                    //Now we can determine where this visual is relative to the upper left 
                    //corner of the DocumentGrid and thus make it visible.
                    GeneralTransform transform = data.Visual.TransformToAncestor(this); 
                    Rect boundingRect = (data.Rect != Rect.Empty) ? data.Rect : data.Visual.VisualContentBounds; 

                    Rect offsetRect = transform.TransformBounds(boundingRect); 
                    MakeRectVisible(offsetRect, false /* alwaysCenter */);
            else if (data.ContentPosition != null) 
                ITextPointer tp = data.ContentPosition as ITextPointer; 
                //If we have a valid TextView and the TextPointer is in that TextView
                //we can make the TextPointer's Rect visible... 
                if (TextViewContains(tp))
                    MakeRectVisible(TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(tp), false /* alwaysCenter */);
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Invalid object brought into view.");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the specified object on the specified page visible, which may be an
        /// asynchronous operation if the page is not already in view. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data corresponding to the object to be made visible.</param> 
        /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number the object is on.</param> 
        private void MakeVisibleAsync(MakeVisibleData data, int pageNumber)

            //This page may not be currently visible.
            //First we need to make the page visible, if necessary.
            //This will be done at background priority to allow currently-loading pages time to 
            //finish.  If we do not do this, then in the corner case of:
            // 1) Document has just been loaded (for example, just after a hyperlink navigation to the doc) 
            // 2) Document has non 8.5x11-sized pages at the beginning of the document 
            // 3) Navigation is to a page past the initially visible pages.
            //In this case, the order of operations is something like this: 
            // 1) Initially visible pages start loading
            // 2) MakeVisible is invoked, and MakePageVisible is called, which uses cached
            //    page info to decide where to scroll to.  (8.5x11 is assumed until a page is loaded)
            // 3) Document is scrolled to position computed in #2 
            // 4) Pages loading in #1 finish loading, GetPageCompleted is called, PageCache is updated,
            //    and the document layout changes.  This will shift the page we actually want to see up or down, 
            //    potentially by a substantial amount. 
            // 5) User is now looking at the wrong page, and if the page that the hyperlink target is on isn't
            //    visible at this point then the MakeVisible operation fails in MakeVisibleImpl since the target 
            //    isn't in the visual tree.
            // Everyone got that?  So, doing the initial "MakePageVisible" operation at Background priority
            // allows step #4 above to finish _before_ we do steps 2 and 3, so the right page will be visible
            // in 5 and the MakeVisible operation will succeed. 
                   new BringPageIntoViewCallback( BringPageIntoViewDelegate ), data, pageNumber); 