예제 #1
        public void UIUpdatesAfterUserMeetsSectionCreditMinimumRequirement()
            /// 1. Create a Mainport user and Login
            UserInfo        NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP);
            LoginPage       LP      = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            MyDashboardPage DP      = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Submit an activity in each section, ensuring that 25 credits have been met in each section
            EnterCPDActivityPage EAP           = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
            Activity             ConferenceAct = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "25", true);

            Activity FellowshipAct = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec2_Fellowship_FixedCredits25);

            Activity MultiSourceFeedbackAct = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec3_MultisourceFeedback_CreditsTripled, "10");

            // Have to wait for the credits to be applied before we can proceed
            MainportHelperMethods.WaitForCreditsToBeApplied(browser, DP, Bys.MyDashboardPage.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl, "80");

            /// 3. Verify that the MOC Section Requirements labels show as blue/gray, and that the checkmark shows for each box
            Assert.AreEqual("showGrey", DP.MOCSectionReqsGraphGroupLearningSquare.GetAttribute("class"));
            Assert.AreEqual("showGrey", DP.MOCSectionReqsGraphSelfLearningSquare.GetAttribute("class"));
            Assert.AreEqual("showGrey", DP.MOCSectionReqsGraphAssessmentSquare.GetAttribute("class"));

            /// 4. Go to the My MOC tab and verify that the "section minimum requirement was met" label is shown
            Assert.True(Browser.Exists(Bys.MyMOCPage.GroupLearnTblYouHaveMetMinCredsLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible));
            Assert.True(Browser.Exists(Bys.MyMOCPage.SelfLearningTblYouHaveMetMinCredsLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible));
            Assert.True(Browser.Exists(Bys.MyMOCPage.AssessmentTblYouHaveMetMinCredsLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible));
예제 #2
        public void MainCyclNotCompleteAfter399Credits()
            /// 1. Create a Mainport user, which has a cycle start date 6 years prior, then Login. We are using a date 6 years in the past because
            /// the end date of the cycle needs to be a past date for the user to be able to advance, and the Main cycle is 5 years
            UserInfo NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP, null, null,
                                                               DateTime.Now.AddYears(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            LoginPage       LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            MyDashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Submit an activity totalling 399 credits, Enter an activity date that falls within the cycle date range.
            /// NOTE: If the activity date falls within cycle date's the last year for a Main cycle, then we wont need to credit validate
            string actDate                     = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            EnterCPDActivityPage EAP           = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
            Activity             ConferenceAct = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "399", true, actDate);

            /// 3. Login to Lifetime Support and validate the credits that need validated, if applicable. See note above in step 2 about credit validation.
            /// Depending on what day of the year this test is run, it may need credit validation
            LSHelp.Login(browser, "lkaveti", "password");
            LSHelp.GoToParticipantProgramPage(browser, "Royal College of Physicians", NewUser.FullName, "Maintenance of Certification");
            MainportHelperMethods.ValidateCreditsIfApplicable(browser, NewUser, ConferenceAct);

            /// 4. Click on the Details tab and verify that the UI displays In Progress for the Status label, since we did not reach the 400 credits
            // First we have to wait for the windows service to process the credits.
            LSHelp.WaitForProgramCreditsWindowsService(browser, "399 (of 400)");
            Assert.AreEqual("In Progress", LSHelp.GetProgramDetail(browser, "Status"));
예제 #3
        public void UserCanDeleteActivityOnMyMOCPage()
            /// 1. Create a Mainport user and Login
            UserInfo        NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP);
            LoginPage       LP      = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            MyDashboardPage DP      = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Enter 2 activities
            EnterCPDActivityPage EAP = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
            Activity             ConferenceActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "10", false);

            Activity ConferenceActivity2 = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "10", false);

            // Have to wait for the credits to be applied before we can proceed
            MainportHelperMethods.WaitForCreditsToBeApplied(browser, DP, Bys.MyDashboardPage.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl, "10");

            /// 3. On the My MOC page, open the View Activity form, click the X button for an activity, and verify that it got removed from the table
            MyMOCPage MP = DP.ClickAndWaitBasePage(DP.MyMOCTab);

            IWebElement row = ElemGet.Grid_GetRowByRowName(MP.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTbl, Bys.MyMOCPage.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTblBodyRow,
                                                           ConferenceActivity.ActivityName, "td");

            ElemSet.Grid_ClickElementWithoutTextInsideRow(row, "input");
            Assert.False(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(Browser, MP.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTbl, Bys.MyMOCPage.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTblBodyRow, 0,
                                                     ConferenceActivity.ActivityName, "td"));
예제 #4
        public void MainCycleAdvancesToMain2CycleAfter400Credits()
            // Not running this test on Feb 1st of any year, because Mainport has some weird gracce period rule where the user gets auto-advanced without
            // the Admin having to manually advance him, so it messes with the test
            if (DateTime.Now.Date.ToString() != "2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM")
                /// 1. Create a Mainport user, which has a cycle start date 6 years prior, then Login. We are using a date 6 years in the past because
                /// the end date of the cycle needs to be a past date for the user to be able to advance, and the Main cycle is 5 years
                UserInfo NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP, null, null,
                                                                   DateTime.Now.AddYears(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                LoginPage       LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
                MyDashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

                /// 2. Submit an activity totalling 400 credits, Enter an activity date that falls within the cycle date range.
                /// NOTE: If the activity date falls within the cycle date's last year for a Main cycle, then we wont need to credit validate
                string actDate                     = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                EnterCPDActivityPage EAP           = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
                Activity             ConferenceAct = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "400", true, actDate);

                /// 3. Login to Lifetime Support and validate the credit that needs validated, if applicable. See note above in step 2 about credit validation.
                /// Depending on what day of the year this test is run, it may need credit validation
                LSHelp.Login(browser, "lkaveti", "password");
                LSHelp.GoToParticipantProgramPage(browser, "Royal College of Physicians", NewUser.FullName, "Maintenance of Certification");
                MainportHelperMethods.ValidateCreditsIfApplicable(browser, NewUser, ConferenceAct);

                /// 4. Click on the Details tab and verify that the UI displays Complete for the Status label
                // First we have to wait for the windows service to process the credits.
                LSHelp.WaitForProgramCreditsWindowsService(browser, "400 (of 400)");
                Assert.AreEqual("Complete", LSHelp.GetProgramDetail(browser, "Status"));

                /// 5. Add a Main cycle adjustment, then verify that the UI displays In Progress for the Status label, and "Main 2nd or Later Cycle" for the
                /// program label. NOTE: We can not automate the "automatic" cycle advacement because it relies on a windows service that gets run overnight.
                /// Going from Main 1 to Main2/EXT, etc. usually occurs automatically for clients with the overnight windows service. We are sort of hacking
                /// the system by manually setting this user to Main 2, and not truly testing that a user gets put into Main 2 once he meets his credit
                /// minimum. Basically, you can place a user into any cycle through LTS, even if the user did not meet credit minimum
                LSHelp.RCP_AddProgramAdjustment(browser, NewUser.FullName, LSConstants.AdjustmentCodes.MainProgram, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), LSHelp.GetProgramDetail(browser, "Starts"));
                Assert.AreEqual("Main 2nd or Later Cycle", LSHelp.GetProgramDetail(browser, "Program"));

                /// 6. Go back to Mainport and verify that the user is in a new cycle by checking that the credits reset to 0
                Assert.AreEqual("0", DP.TotalCreditsSubmittedValueLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", DP.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
예제 #5
        public void UserCanEditActivityOnMyMOCPage()
            /// 1. Create a Mainport user and Login
            UserInfo        NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP);
            LoginPage       LP      = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            MyDashboardPage DP      = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Enter an activity
            EnterCPDActivityPage EAP = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
            Activity             NewConferenceActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "20", true);

            /// 3. Click to the MyMOC page, click on the View link for the activity that was created, click on the Pencil icon in the Activities table on the popup,
            /// then verify that the information on this form is correct
            // Gotta wait for the windows service first to apply the credits
            MainportHelperMethods.WaitForCreditsToBeApplied(browser, DP, Bys.MyDashboardPage.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl, "20");
            MyMOCPage MP = DP.ClickAndWaitBasePage(DP.MyMOCTab);

            MP.OpenEditActivityForm(MP.GroupLearnTblAccrActRowViewLnk, NewConferenceActivity.ActivityName);

            /// 4. Edit the activity. Change accredited to not accredited. Change the credits from 20 to 10. Change the name. Close the form. Verify that the
            /// amount of credits gets updated on all related labels, verify that the activity was moved from the accredited table to the not accredited table,
            /// and verify the name change
            Activity EditedConferenceActivity = EAP.EditActivity(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "10", false);

            MainportHelperMethods.WaitForCreditsToBeApplied(browser, DP, Bys.MyDashboardPage.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl, "5");
            // Overall label
            Assert.AreEqual("5 of 400", MP.OverallCreditsAppliedLbl.Text);
            // Credits Applied to Date labels
            Assert.AreEqual(EditedConferenceActivity.Credits + " Credits", MP.GroupLearnTblCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
            // Credits Reported column
            Assert.AreEqual("-", MP.GroupLearnTblAccrActRowCredsRptLbl.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(EditedConferenceActivity.Credits, MP.GroupLearnTblUnaccrActRowCredsRptLbl.Text);

            /// 5. Click back to the Dashboard page and verify that the credit amount change is reflected there
            Assert.AreEqual("5", DP.TotalCreditsSubmittedValueLbl.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("5", DP.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
예제 #6
        public void CreditLabelVerification()
            // Not runing firefox right now due to Lifetime support Actions button being a hover dropdown. Revisit this and fix in firefox,
            // Will probably just need to add a line of code to hover over Actions instead of clicking on it.
            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Chrome || BrowserName == BrowserNames.InternetExplorer)
                /// 1. Create a Mainport user and Login
                UserInfo        NewUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.Mainport, UserUtils.UserRole.MP);
                LoginPage       LP      = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
                MyDashboardPage DP      = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.MP, NewUser.Username, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

                /// 2. Add at least 1 activity for each activity type

                /// 3. Choose 1 activity which cuts the credits in half per hour/article when the No radio button is clicked.
                EnterCPDActivityPage EAP = DP.ClickAndWait(DP.EnterACPDActivityBtn);
                Activity             ConferenceActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec1_Conference_IfNotAccreditedCutCreditsInHalf, "10", false);

                /// 4. Choose 1 activity which has a fixed amount of credits
                Activity FellowshipActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec2_Fellowship_FixedCredits25);

                /// 5. Choose 1 activity which triples credits
                Activity AccreditedSelAssessActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec3_AccreditedSelfAssessmentPrograms_CreditsTripled, "10");

                /// 6. Choose 1 activity that requires validation
                Activity BulkJournalActivity = EAP.AddActivityThenSubmit(Constants.MainportActivityTypes.Sec2_BulkJournalReadingwithTranscript_ValidationRequired, "10");

                /// 7. Log on to the Lifetime Support site and validate the credit
                LSHelp.Login(browser, "lkaveti", "password");
                LSHelp.ValidateCredit(browser, "Royal College of Physicians", NewUser.FullName, "Maintenance of Certification", BulkJournalActivity.ActivityName);

                /// 8. Go back to the Mainport app, and on the My Dashboard page, verify that the Total Credits Submitted and Applied labels reflect the amount of
                /// credits that were added above. Also verify the "MOC Section Requirements" graph labels get reflected. Based on the above activites, the
                /// Submitted label should have 5 for Conference, + 25 for fellowship, + 30 for accreditedselfassess, + 10 for bulkjournal. So total we should see 70
                MainportHelperMethods.WaitForCreditsToBeApplied(browser, DP, Bys.MyDashboardPage.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl, "70");
                Assert.AreEqual("70", DP.TotalCreditsSubmittedValueLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual("70", DP.TotalCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("Section 1Group Learning{0}/25 Credits", ConferenceActivity.Credits),
                int totalSelfLearningCredits = Int32.Parse(FellowshipActivity.Credits) + Int32.Parse(BulkJournalActivity.Credits); // For the Section 2 Self Learning activities, we completed 2 of them, so we have to add those 2 credits to get the total label
                Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("Section 2Self Learning{0}/25 Credits", totalSelfLearningCredits.ToString()),
                Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("Section 3Assessment{0}/25 Credits", AccreditedSelAssessActivity.Credits),

                /// 9. On the My MOC page, verify that the credits are reflected in the Overall label, reflected in each Credits Applied to Date labels,
                /// and in each row under the Credits Reported column
                MyMOCPage MP = DP.ClickAndWaitBasePage(DP.MyMOCTab);
                // Overall label
                Assert.AreEqual("70 of 400", MP.OverallCreditsAppliedLbl.Text);
                // Credits Applied to Date labels
                Assert.AreEqual(ConferenceActivity.Credits + " Credits", MP.GroupLearnTblCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(totalSelfLearningCredits.ToString() + " Credits", MP.SelfLearningTblCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(AccreditedSelAssessActivity.Credits + " Credits", MP.AssessmentTblCreditsAppliedValueLbl.Text);
                // Credits Reported column
                Assert.AreEqual(ConferenceActivity.Credits, MP.GroupLearnTblUnaccrActRowCredsRptLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(FellowshipActivity.Credits, MP.SelfLearningTblPlanLearnActRowCredsRptLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(BulkJournalActivity.Credits, MP.SelfLearningTblScanActRowCredsRptLbl.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(AccreditedSelAssessActivity.Credits, MP.AssessmentTblKnowledgeAssRowCredsRptLbl.Text);

                /// 10. Click on the View link for one of the activities, verify the credits are reflected correctly on the popup, click the Pencil icon
                /// to view the activity in read-only mode to verify that it appears
                Assert.AreEqual(ElemGet.Grid_GetCellTextByRowNameAndColumnName(MP.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTbl, MP.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTblThead,
                                                                               Bys.MyMOCPage.ViewActivitiesFormActivitiesTblBody, ConferenceActivity.ActivityName, "td", "Credits Reported"), ConferenceActivity.Credits);