예제 #1
 private void MainTextEditor_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     //CTRL + B pressed => toggle breakpoint on current line
     if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) && Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.B))
예제 #2
        //-------------- ------------  Status bar count  ----------------------------------------
        //Name	: MainTextEditor_TextChanged
        //Purpose : to update the current count of lines, characters and file name in the document
        //Inputs	: Object , RoutedEventsArgs
        //Outputs	: NONE
        //Returns	: Void
        private void MainTextEditor_TextChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //get the total count of all characters
            int TotalCharCount = MainTextEditor.Text.Length;

            //gets the current row (line) of the cursor position, add 1 since count starts at 0
            int CurrentLine = MainTextEditor.GetLineIndexFromCharacterIndex(MainTextEditor.CaretIndex);

            //gets initial value of current Line
            int FirstCharOfLine = MainTextEditor.GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(CurrentLine);

            // calculation to current char count for cursor in current line
            int LineCharCount = MainTextEditor.CaretIndex - FirstCharOfLine;

            //Display info in status bar
            TbCharCount.Text = "Line: " + (CurrentLine + 1) + ", Char: " +
                               LineCharCount + "\t\t\t Total chars: " + TotalCharCount + "\t\t\t Filename: " + CurrentFile;
예제 #3
 private void OnWorkAreaEditorMessageWindowHiddenEvent()