private void setSetTotalWidths(float[] mainTableAbsoluteWidths) { if (SharedData.PageSetup.MainTablePreferences.TableType != TableType.NormalTable) { return; } if (mainTableAbsoluteWidths.Any(x => x > 0)) { MainTable.SetTotalWidth(mainTableAbsoluteWidths); } else { MainTable.SetWidths(SharedData.ColumnsWidths); } }
public static Mock <IDbConnectionFactory> StorageDbFactoryMocks() { var connectionMock = new Mock <SQLiteConnection>(); MainTable dataTable = new MainTable(); connectionMock.Setup(x => x.Table <MainTable>().FirstOrDefault()).Returns(dataTable); var dbfactorymock = new Mock <IDbConnectionFactory>(); dbfactorymock.Setup(x => x.GetConnection()).Returns(connectionMock.Object); return(dbfactorymock); }
/* the most major method for the class -> return table to the client */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case and set current to zero MainTable.Reset(); Current = 0; AddColumn(MainTable, "Ashlin SKU", false); AddColumn(MainTable, "BP Item ID", false); AddColumn(MainTable, "On Hand", false); AddColumn(MainTable, "Reorder Quantity", false); AddColumn(MainTable, "Reorder Level", false); AddColumn(MainTable, "Purchase Order", true); AddColumn(MainTable, "Discontinue", true); // starting work for begin loading data to the table DataTable table = Properties.Settings.Default.StockQuantityTable; // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in skuList) { DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); Current++; row[0] = sku; // ashlin sku try { DataRow rowCopy = table.Select("SKU = \'" + sku + '\'')[0]; row[1] = rowCopy[1]; // bp item id row[2] = rowCopy[2]; // on hand row[3] = rowCopy[3]; // reorder quantity row[4] = rowCopy[4]; // reorder level } catch { /* ignore -> null case */ } row[5] = false; // purchase order row[6] = false; // discontinue MainTable.Rows.Add(row); } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); return(MainTable); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Company newcompany = new Company(); MainTable newmaintable = new MainTable(); Resources newresources = new Resources(); Client newclient = new Client(); Order neworder = new Order(); newcompany.CompanyName = tbCompanyName.Text; newresources.PerformersDepartment = tbPerformersDepartment.Text; newresources.PhoneNumberOfPerformers = tbPhoneNumberOfPerformers.Text; newresources.HoursToCompleteTheOrder = Convert.ToInt32(tbHoursToCompleteTheOrder.Text); newresources.ResponsibleForTheOrder = tbResponsibleForTheOrder.Text; newclient.FullName = tbFullName.Text; newclient.DeliveryAddress = tbDeliveryAddress.Text; newclient.Telephone = tbTelephone.Text; newclient.FaxNumber = tbFaxNumber.Text; neworder.Cost = Convert.ToInt32(tbCost.Text); neworder.Product = tbProduct.Text; neworder.Manufacturer = tbManufacturer.Text; neworder.SerialNumber = tbSerialNumber.Text; neworder.OrderCompletionDate = (tbOrderCompletionDate.SelectedDate); neworder.DateOfReceiptOfTheOrder = (tbDateOfReceiptOfTheOrder.SelectedDate); newmaintable.IDClient = newclient.ID; newmaintable.IDOrder = neworder.ID; newmaintable.IDResources = newresources.ID; newclient.IDСompany = newcompany.ID; dbcontext.db.MainTable.Add(newmaintable); dbcontext.db.Company.Add(newcompany); dbcontext.db.Resources.Add(newresources); dbcontext.db.Client.Add(newclient); dbcontext.db.Order.Add(neworder); dbcontext.db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Вы добавили данные", "Уведомление"); }
public IActionResult EliminateRecord(MainTable passedMummy) { //Find the right record to delete IQueryable <MainTable> removingRecord = _mummyContext.MainTables.Where(p => p.PrimaryKeyId == passedMummy.PrimaryKeyId); //loop to remove the record in the database foreach (var x in removingRecord) { _mummyContext.MainTables.Remove(x); } //Submit changes for the database to process _mummyContext.SaveChanges(); //Redirect to the confirmation page for the user to know that everything was successful return(View("Confirmation", passedMummy)); }
private void DealNewRandomHands() { Services.GameServices.SelectedHand = null; Services.TableServices.RemoveAllHandsFromTable(TableVm.MainTable); Services.TableServices.ClearCommunityCards(TableVm.MainTable); Services.TableServices.PutHandsOnTable(TableVm.MainTable, new Random().Next(2, TableVm.MainTable.MaxHands + 1)); TableVm.OnPropertyChanged(nameof(TableVm.MainTable)); TableVm.RefreshHandViews(); TableVm.CommunityVM.RefreshImageSources(); MainTable.OnPropertyChanged(nameof(TableVm.MainTable.Hands)); MainTable.State = TableState.PreFlop; MainTable.HasSelectedHands = false; GetHandsInfo(); GameInfoText = "Select your hand on table."; SetMainButton(); Services.GameServices.Bet = Services.GameServices.StartingBet; }
/* the real thing -> return the table !!! */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "supplier id"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "store name"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "sku"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "quantity"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "out of stock quantity"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "restock date"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "standard fulfillment latency"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "priority fulfillment latency"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "backorderable"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "return not desired"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "inventory as of date"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "external inventory id"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "shipping comments"); // 13 // local field for inserting data to table DataTable table = Properties.Settings.Default.StockQuantityTable; // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); row[0] = "ashlin_bpg"; // brand row[1] = "nishis_boutique"; // store name row[2] = sku; // sku row[3] = table.Select("SKU='" + sku + '\'')[0][2]; // quantity row[8] = true; // backorderable MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); return(MainTable); }
public async Task <IActionResult> MummyRecordDetails(MainTable mainTable) { if (mainTable == null) { return(NotFound()); } //Queried object that is equal to the selected record var mummy = await _mummyContext.MainTables .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.PrimaryKeyId == mainTable.PrimaryKeyId); if (mummy == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(View(mummy)); }
public static void UpdateItems(int i, MainTable mt) { var job = JobsModel.GetOneJobs(mt.JobId); string JobTitle = job.Count() > 0 ? job.First().Title : ""; l.Items[i].SubItems[I_FNAME].Text = T(mt.FName); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_MNAME].Text = T(mt.MName); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_LNAME].Text = T(mt.LName); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_JOB_ID].Text = JobTitle; l.Items[i].SubItems[I_SEX].Text = mt.Sex ? "Чоловік" : "Жінка"; l.Items[i].SubItems[I_EMAIL].Text = T(mt.Email); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_TEL_WORK].Text = T(mt.TelWork); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_IS_ACTIVITY].Text = T(mt.IsActivity); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_EMPLOYMENT_DATE].Text = T(mt.EmploymentDate); l.Items[i].SubItems[I_UPDATE_AT].Text = T(mt.UpdateAt); ColorRows(i, mt); }
public void AddData(MainTable objectData) { if (objectData.Id == 0) { var obj = new MainTable(); obj.HeaderColor = objectData.HeaderColor; obj.DataColor = objectData.DataColor; obj.CellColor = objectData.CellColor; obj.FooterColor = objectData.FooterColor; context.MainTable.Add(obj); context.SaveChanges(); objectData.Id = obj.Id; } else { var CheckMainTableData = context.MainTable.Where(x => x.Id == objectData.Id).FirstOrDefault(); CheckMainTableData.HeaderColor = objectData.HeaderColor; CheckMainTableData.DataColor = objectData.DataColor; CheckMainTableData.CellColor = objectData.CellColor; CheckMainTableData.FooterColor = objectData.FooterColor; } foreach (var item in objectData.ListOfCalculations) { if (item.Id != 0) { var OldData = context.ListOfCalculations.Where(x => x.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault(); OldData.ListDate = item.ListDate; OldData.Organization = item.Organization; OldData.TotalCost = item.TotalCost; OldData.BakrPortion = item.BakrPortion; OldData.YomePortion = item.YomePortion; OldData.BakrDebit = item.BakrDebit; OldData.YomeDebit = item.YomeDebit; OldData.BakrCredit = item.BakrCredit; OldData.YomeCredit = item.YomeCredit; } if (item.Id == 0) { item.MainTableId = objectData.Id; context.ListOfCalculations.Add(item); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckCreatorKey(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, typeof(string), "Resize", "changeWidth.resizeWidth();", true); ASPxHiddenField entText = MainTable.FindHeaderTemplateControl(MainTable.Columns[0], "ASPxHiddenFieldEnt") as ASPxHiddenField; entText["hidden_value"] = Session["EntityCode"].ToString(); } BindMRP(Convert.ToInt32(Session["viewAllMRP"]), Session["EntityCode"].ToString(), Session["BUCode"].ToString()); if (!Page.IsAsync) { //ASPxHiddenFieldEnt } }
private void ButtonDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainTable deleterow = (MainTable)DataGridMain.SelectedItem; if (MessageBox.Show("Хотите удалить строку?", "Уведомление", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (deleterow != null) { dbcontext.db.MainTable.Remove(deleterow); dbcontext.db.SaveChanges(); Page_Loaded(null, null); MessageBox.Show("Вы удалили строку", "Уведомление"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы не выбрали строку", "Уведомление"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Starts a new group by creating a new table and initializing its properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="groupHeaderRowCellsData">New group's header row data</param> /// <param name="shouldCheckOneGroupPerPage">Do we need a new page again?</param> public void StartNewGroup(IEnumerable <CellData> groupHeaderRowCellsData, bool shouldCheckOneGroupPerPage) { MainTable.ElementComplete = true; //print the last footer var hasRows = MainTable.Rows.Any(); if (hasRows) { if (SharedData.ShouldWrapTablesInColumns) { MainGroupTable.AddCell(new PdfPCell(MainTable) { Border = 0 }); } else { MainTable.SpacingAfter += MainTable.HeaderHeight + 2.5f; tryFitToContent(); SharedData.PdfDoc.Add(MainTable); MainTable.DeleteBodyRows(); } } if (SharedData.MainTableEvents != null && _groupNumber > 0) { SharedData.MainTableEvents.GroupAdded(new EventsArguments { PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, Table = MainGroupTable, ColumnCellsSummaryData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, PreviousTableRowData = CurrentRowInfoData.PreviousTableRowData, PageSetup = SharedData.PageSetup, PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, PdfColumnsAttributes = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes }); } _groupNumber++; if (shouldCheckOneGroupPerPage) { showOneGroupPerPage(); } renderGroupHeader(groupHeaderRowCellsData); initMainTable(); RowsManager.TableInitAddHeaderAndFooter(); reset(); }
public AddJob(IRobotWare root) : this() { mRoot = root; if (!mRoot.IsLicensed) { Utils.DoRequestLicense(mRoot.ApplicationName, mRoot.Version, Resources.robot_32x32, () => mRoot.IsLicensed); } // have to explicitly remove specification list otherwise we get a ghost version MainTable.Controls.Remove(mSpecs); // recreate specification list from the correct root aka location mSpecs = new SpecificationCtl(mRoot) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; MainTable.Controls.Add(mSpecs, 0, 0); MainTable.SetColumnSpan(mSpecs, 3); mSpecs.SpecificationDoubleClick += Specs_SpecificationDoubleClick; mSpecs.SelectedSpecificationChanged += Specs_SelectedSpecificationChanged; }
public IActionResult AddMummyRecord(MainTable newRecord) { //Logic to ensure that the submitted record is assigned the largest primarykeyId var wumbo = _mummyContext.MainTables.OrderByDescending(x => x.PrimaryKeyId).FirstOrDefault(); newRecord.PrimaryKeyId = wumbo.PrimaryKeyId + 1; //Submit the info for the database to store if (ModelState.IsValid == true) { //Communicates with the sqlite database through the private context object to modify data in the database _mummyContext.MainTables.Add(newRecord); _mummyContext.SaveChanges(); return(View("Confirmation", newRecord)); } //If there are missing fields or incorrect fields then reload the page with errors for the user to see else { //Reload the page in a way that allows mistyped info to be called-out return(View()); } }
private void ImportPGButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true }; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } _tasks.Clear(); _agents.Clear(); var allPg = File.ReadAllLines(openFileDialog.FileName); foreach (var splitted in allPg.Select(pg => pg.Split('|'))) { if (splitted.Length != 2) { SetStatus("Bad format of file " + openFileDialog.FileName); break; } AddJob(splitted[1].Trim(), splitted[0].Trim()); } if (MainTable.Rows.Count > 0) { MainTable.AutoResizeRowHeadersWidth(0, DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.AutoSizeToAllHeaders); } RebuildGrid(); }
/* the real thing -> return the table !!! */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset the table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU Ashlin"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Code"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Fashion Name Ashlin"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design_Short Description"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Extended Description"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "Material Code"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "Colour Code"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "Material Description Extended"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "Colour Description Extended"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Family Description"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 1"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 2"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 3"); // 13 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 4"); // 14 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 5"); // 15 AddColumn(MainTable, "Strap"); // 16 AddColumn(MainTable, "Detachable Strap"); // 17 AddColumn(MainTable, "Zippered Enclosure"); // 18 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Weight grams"); // 19 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Weight lb"); // 20 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprintable"); // 21 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprint Area cm"); // 22 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprint Area in"); // 23 AddColumn(MainTable, "Finished Dimensions (cm)"); // 24 AddColumn(MainTable, "Finished Dimensions (in)"); // 25 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1 C Blank"); // 26 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 6 C Blank"); // 27 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 24 C Blank"); // 28 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 50 C Blank"); // 29 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 100 C Blank"); // 30 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 250 C Blank"); // 31 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 500 C Blank"); // 32 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1000 C Blank"); // 33 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 2500 C Blank"); // 34 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1 C Blank"); // 35 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 6 C Blank"); // 36 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 24 C Blank"); // 37 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 50 C Blank"); // 38 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 100 C Blank"); // 39 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 250 C Blank"); // 40 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 500 C Blank"); // 41 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1000 C Blank"); // 42 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 2500 C Blank"); // 43 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1 Net Blank"); // 44 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 6 Net Blank"); // 45 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 24 Net Blank"); // 46 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 50 Net Blank"); // 47 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 100 Net Blank"); // 48 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 250 Net Blank"); // 49 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 500 Net Blank"); // 50 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1000 Net Blank"); // 51 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 2500 Net Blank"); // 52 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1 Net Blank"); // 53 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 6 Net Blank"); // 54 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 24 Net Blank"); // 55 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 50 Net Blank"); // 56 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 100 Net Blank"); // 57 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 250 Net Blank"); // 58 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 500 Net Blank"); // 59 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1000 Net Blank"); // 60 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 2500 Net Blank"); // 61 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1 C Imprinted"); // 62 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 6 C Imprinted"); // 63 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 24 C Imprinted"); // 64 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 50 C Imprinted"); // 65 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 100 C Imprinted"); // 66 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 250 C Imprinted"); // 67 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 500 C Imprinted"); // 68 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1000 C Imprinted"); // 69 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 2500 C Imprinted"); // 70 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 1 C Imprinted"); // 71 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 6 C Imprinted"); // 72 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 24 C Imprinted"); // 73 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 50 C Imprinted"); // 74 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 100 C Imprinted"); // 75 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 250 C Imprinted"); // 76 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 500 C Imprinted"); // 77 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 1000 C Imprinted"); // 78 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price Rush 2500 C Imprinted"); // 79 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1 Net Imprinted"); // 80 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 6 Net Imprinted"); // 81 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 24 Net Imprinted"); // 82 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 50 Net Imprinted"); // 83 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 100 Net Imprinted"); // 84 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 250 Net Imprinted"); // 85 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 500 Net Imprinted"); // 86 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 1000 Net Imprinted"); // 87 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price 2500 Net Imprinted"); // 88 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1 Net Imprinted"); // 89 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 6 Net Imprinted"); // 90 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 24 Net Imprinted"); // 91 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 50 Net Imprinted"); // 92 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 100 Net Imprinted"); // 93 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 250 Net Imprinted"); // 94 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 500 Net Imprinted"); // 95 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 1000 Net Imprinted"); // 96 AddColumn(MainTable, "Price RUSH 2500 Net Imprinted"); // 97 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 1 Path"); // 98 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 2 Path"); // 99 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 3 Path"); // 100 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 4 Path"); // 101 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 5 Path"); // 102 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 6 Path"); // 103 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 7 Path"); // 104 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 8 Path"); // 105 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 9 Path"); // 106 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image 10 Path"); // 107 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Group 1 Path"); // 108 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Group 2 Path"); // 109 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Group 3 Path"); // 110 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Group 4 Path"); // 111 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Group 5 Path"); // 112 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Model 1 Path"); // 113 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Model 2 Path"); // 114 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Model 3 Path"); // 115 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Model 4 Path"); // 116 AddColumn(MainTable, "Image Model 5 Path"); // 117 AddColumn(MainTable, "Swatch Path"); // 118 AddColumn(MainTable, "Wholesale"); // 119 AddColumn(MainTable, "Keywords"); // 120 // local field for price calculation double[][] discountList = GetDiscount(); // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { ArrayList list = GetData(sku); DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); row[0] = sku; // sku ashlin row[1] = list[0]; // design service code row[2] = list[3]; // design service fashion name ashlin row[3] = list[4]; // design short description row[4] = list[5]; // design extended description row[5] = list[1]; // material code row[6] = list[2]; // colour code row[7] = list[44]; // material description extended row[8] = list[45]; // colour description extended row[9] = list[46]; // design service family description row[10] = list[6]; // option 1 row[11] = list[7]; // option 2 row[12] = list[8]; // option 3 row[13] = list[9]; // option 4 row[14] = list[10]; // option 5 row[15] = list[11]; // strap row[16] = list[12]; // detachable strap row[17] = list[13]; // zippered enclosure row[18] = list[14]; // shippable weight grams if (!list[14].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { row[19] = Convert.ToDouble(list[14]) / 453.592; // shippable weight lb } row[20] = list[15]; // imprintable row[21] = list[16] + " cm x " + list[17] + " cm"; // imprint area cm if (!list[16].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { row[22] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(list[16]) / 2.54, 2) + " in x " + Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(list[16]) / 2.54, 2) + " in"; // imprint area in } row[23] = list[18] + " cm x " + list[19] + " cm x " + list[19] + " cm"; // finished dimensions (cm) if (!list[18].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { row[24] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(list[18]) / 2.54, 2) + " in x " + Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(list[19]) / 2.54, 2) + " in x " + Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(list[19]) / 2.54, 2) + " in"; // finished dimensions (in) } double msrp = Convert.ToDouble(list[22]) * discountList[7][0]; double runCharge = list[21].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? Math.Round(msrp * 0.05) / 0.6 : Math.Round(msrp * 0.05) / 0.6 + Convert.ToInt32(list[21]) - 1; if (runCharge > 8) { runCharge = 8; } else if (runCharge < 1) { runCharge = 1; } int k; switch (Convert.ToInt32(list[43])) { case 1: k = 1; break; case 2: k = 2; break; case 3: k = 3; break; case 4: k = 4; break; case 5: k = 5; break; case 6: k = 6; break; default: k = 0; break; } row[25] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][1], 2); // price 1 c row[26] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][2], 2); // price 6 c row[27] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][3], 2); // price 24 c row[28] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][4], 2); // price 50 c row[29] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][5], 2); // price 100 c row[30] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][6], 2); // price 250 c row[31] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][7], 2); // price 500 c row[32] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][8], 2); // price 1000 c row[33] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][9], 2); // price 2500 c row[34] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][1], 2); // price rush 1 c row[35] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][2], 2); // price rush 6 c row[36] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][3], 2); // price rush 24 c row[37] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][4], 2); // price rush 50 c row[38] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][5], 2); // price rush 100 c row[39] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][6], 2); // price rush 250 c row[40] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][7], 2); // price rush 500 c row[41] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][8], 2); // price rush 1000 c row[42] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][9], 2); // price rush 2500 c row[43] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][11], 2); // price 1 net row[44] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][12], 2); // price 6 net row[45] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][13], 2); // price 24 net row[46] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][14], 2); // price 50 net row[47] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][15], 2); // price 100 net row[48] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][16], 2); // price 250 net row[49] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][17], 2); // price 500 net row[50] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][18], 2); // price 1000 net row[51] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][19], 2); // price 2500 net row[52] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][11], 2); // price rush 1 net row[53] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][12], 2); // price rush 6 net row[54] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][13], 2); // price rush 24 net row[55] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][14], 2); // price rush 50 net row[56] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][15], 2); // price rush 100 net row[57] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][16], 2); // price rush 250 net row[58] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][17], 2); // price rush 500 net row[59] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][18], 2); // price rush 1000 net row[60] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][19], 2); // price rush 2500 net msrp += runCharge; row[61] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][1], 2); // price 1 c imprinted row[62] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][2], 2); // price 6 c imprinted row[63] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][3], 2); // price 24 c imprinted row[64] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][4], 2); // price 50 c imprinted row[65] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][5], 2); // price 100 c imprinted row[66] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][6], 2); // price 250 c imprinted row[67] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][7], 2); // price 500 c imprinted row[68] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][8], 2); // price 1000 c imprinted row[69] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][9], 2); // price 2500 c imprinted row[70] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][1], 2); // price rush 1 c imprinted row[71] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][2], 2); // price rush 6 c imprinted row[72] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][3], 2); // price rush 24 c imprinted row[73] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][4], 2); // price rush 50 c imprinted row[74] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][5], 2); // price rush 100 c imprinted row[75] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][6], 2); // price rush 250 c imprinted row[76] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][7], 2); // price rush 500 c imprinted row[77] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][8], 2); // price rush 1000 c imprinted row[78] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0] * discountList[k][9], 2); // price rush 2500 c imprinted row[79] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][11], 2); // price 1 net imprinted row[80] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][12], 2); // price 6 net imprinted row[81] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][13], 2); // price 24 net imprinted row[82] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][14], 2); // price 50 net imprinted row[83] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][15], 2); // price 100 net imprinted row[84] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][16], 2); // price 250 net imprinted row[85] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][17], 2); // price 500 net imprinted row[86] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][18], 2); // price 1000 net imprinted row[87] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][19], 2); // price 2500 net imprinted row[88] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][11], 2); // price rush 1 net imprinted row[89] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][12], 2); // price rush 6 net imprinted row[90] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][13], 2); // price rush 24 net imprinted row[91] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][14], 2); // price rush 50 net imprinted row[92] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][15], 2); // price rush 100 net imprinted row[93] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][16], 2); // price rush 250 net imprinted row[94] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][17], 2); // price rush 500 net imprinted row[95] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][18], 2); // price rush 1000 net imprinted row[96] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][10] * discountList[k][19], 2); // price rush 2500 net imprinted row[97] = list[23]; // image 1 path row[98] = list[24]; // image 2 path row[99] = list[25]; // image 3 path row[100] = list[26]; // image 4 path row[101] = list[27]; // image 5 path row[102] = list[28]; // image 6 path row[103] = list[29]; // image 7 path row[104] = list[30]; // image 8 path row[105] = list[31]; // image 9 path row[106] = list[32]; // image 10 path row[107] = list[33]; // image group 1 path row[108] = list[34]; // image group 2 path row[109] = list[35]; // image group 3 path row[110] = list[36]; // image group 4 path row[111] = list[37]; // image group 5 path row[112] = list[38]; // image model 1 path row[113] = list[39]; // image model 2 path row[114] = list[40]; // image model 3 path row[115] = list[41]; // image model 4 path row[116] = list[42]; // image model 5 path row[117] = GetSwatch(sku); // swatch material colour path row[118] = (msrp - runCharge) * discountList[k][20]; // whole sale row[119] = list[47]; // keywords MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
/* the real thing -> return the table !!! */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "item_name"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "feed_product_type"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "brand_name"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "manufacturer"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "external_product_id"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "external_product_id_type"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_sku"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "part_number"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "product description"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "update_delete"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "standard_price"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "currency"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "condition_type"); // 13 AddColumn(MainTable, "condition_note"); // 14 AddColumn(MainTable, "is_discountinued_by_manufacturer"); // 15 AddColumn(MainTable, "restock_date"); // 16 AddColumn(MainTable, "quantity"); // 17 AddColumn(MainTable, "max_aggregate_ship_quantity"); // 18 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_package_quantity"); // 19 AddColumn(MainTable, "number_of_items"); // 20 AddColumn(MainTable, "missing_keyset_reason"); // 21 AddColumn(MainTable, "product_site_launch_date"); // 22 AddColumn(MainTable, "product_tax_code"); // 23 AddColumn(MainTable, "merchant_release_date"); // 24 AddColumn(MainTable, "sale_price"); // 25 AddColumn(MainTable, "sale_end_date"); // 26 AddColumn(MainTable, "sale_from_date"); // 27 AddColumn(MainTable, "fulfillment_latency"); // 28 AddColumn(MainTable, "offering_can_be_gift_mes"); // 29 AddColumn(MainTable, "offering_can_be_giftwrapped"); // 30 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_height"); // 31 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_length"); // 32 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_width"); // 33 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_dimensions_unit_of_measure"); // 34 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_weight"); // 35 AddColumn(MainTable, "item_weight_unit_of_measure"); // 36 AddColumn(MainTable, "website_shipping_weight"); // 37 AddColumn(MainTable, "website_shipping_weight_unit_of_measure"); // 38 AddColumn(MainTable, "volumn_capacity_name"); // 39 AddColumn(MainTable, "volumn_capacity_name_unit_of_measure"); // 40 AddColumn(MainTable, "KeyWords_Amazon_1"); // 41 AddColumn(MainTable, "KeyWrods_Amazon_2"); // 42 AddColumn(MainTable, "KeyWrods_Amazon_3"); // 43 AddColumn(MainTable, "KeyWrods_Amazon_4"); // 44 AddColumn(MainTable, "KeyWrods_Amazon_5"); // 45 AddColumn(MainTable, "target_audience_base1"); // 46 AddColumn(MainTable, "target_audience_base2"); // 47 AddColumn(MainTable, "target_audience_base3"); // 48 AddColumn(MainTable, "target_audience_base4"); // 49 AddColumn(MainTable, "target_audience_base5"); // 50 AddColumn(MainTable, "platinum_keywords"); // 51 AddColumn(MainTable, "recommended_browse_nodes1"); // 52 AddColumn(MainTable, "recommended_browse_nodes2"); // 53 AddColumn(MainTable, "bullet_point_1"); // 54 AddColumn(MainTable, "bullet_point_2"); // 55 AddColumn(MainTable, "bullet_point_3"); // 56 AddColumn(MainTable, "bullet_point_4"); // 57 AddColumn(MainTable, "bullet_point_5"); // 58 AddColumn(MainTable, "catalog_number"); // 59 AddColumn(MainTable, "main_image_url"); // 60 AddColumn(MainTable, "swatch_image_url"); // 61 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_iamge_url1"); // 62 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url2"); // 63 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url3"); // 64 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url4"); // 65 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url5"); // 66 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url6"); // 67 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url7"); // 68 AddColumn(MainTable, "other_image_url8"); // 69 AddColumn(MainTable, "fulfillment_center_id"); // 70 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_height"); // 71 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_height_unit_of_measure"); // 72 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_length"); // 73 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_length_unit_of_measure"); // 74 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_width"); // 75 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_width_unit_of_measure"); // 76 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_weight"); // 77 AddColumn(MainTable, "package_weight_unit_of_measure"); // 78 AddColumn(MainTable, "relation_type"); // 79 AddColumn(MainTable, "variation_theme"); // 80 AddColumn(MainTable, "parent_sku"); // 81 AddColumn(MainTable, "parent_child"); // 82 AddColumn(MainTable, "safty_warning"); // 83 AddColumn(MainTable, "country_of_origin"); // 84 AddColumn(MainTable, "legal_disclaimer-description"); // 85 AddColumn(MainTable, "size_name"); // 86 AddColumn(MainTable, "color_name1"); // 87 AddColumn(MainTable, "color_name2"); // 88 AddColumn(MainTable, "color_map"); // 89 AddColumn(MainTable, "team_name"); // 90 AddColumn(MainTable, "outer_material_type"); // 91 AddColumn(MainTable, "wheel_type"); // 92 AddColumn(MainTable, "number_of_wheels"); // 93 AddColumn(MainTable, "material_type"); // 94 AddColumn(MainTable, "leather_type"); // 95 AddColumn(MainTable, "fabric_type"); // 96 AddColumn(MainTable, "inner_material_type"); // 97 AddColumn(MainTable, "lining_description"); // 98 AddColumn(MainTable, "model_year"); // 99 AddColumn(MainTable, "configuration"); // 100 AddColumn(MainTable, "department_name"); // 101 AddColumn(MainTable, "shell_type"); // 102 AddColumn(MainTable, "is_stain_resistant"); // 103 AddColumn(MainTable, "specification_met1"); // 104 AddColumn(MainTable, "specification_met2"); // 105 AddColumn(MainTable, "specification_met3"); // 106 AddColumn(MainTable, "specification_met4"); // 107 AddColumn(MainTable, "specification_met5"); // 108 AddColumn(MainTable, "pattern_name"); // 109 AddColumn(MainTable, "strap_type"); // 110 AddColumn(MainTable, "shoulder_strap_drop"); // 111 AddColumn(MainTable, "shoulder_strap_droup_unit_of_measure"); // 112 AddColumn(MainTable, "closure_type"); // 113 AddColumn(MainTable, "external_testing_certification1"); // 114 AddColumn(MainTable, "external_testgin_certification2"); // 115 AddColumn(MainTable, "special_features1"); // 116 AddColumn(MainTable, "special_features2"); // 117 AddColumn(MainTable, "special_features3"); // 118 AddColumn(MainTable, "special_features4"); // 119 AddColumn(MainTable, "special_features5"); // 120 AddColumn(MainTable, "style_name1"); // 121 AddColumn(MainTable, "style_name2"); // 122 AddColumn(MainTable, "style_name3"); // 123 AddColumn(MainTable, "style_name4"); // 124 AddColumn(MainTable, "style_name5"); // 125 AddColumn(MainTable, "seasons"); // 126 AddColumn(MainTable, "lifestyle"); // 127 AddColumn(MainTable, "collection_name"); // 128 AddColumn(MainTable, "are_batteries_included"); // 129 AddColumn(MainTable, "battery_description"); // 130 AddColumn(MainTable, "number_of_batteries"); // 131 AddColumn(MainTable, "batery_cell_composition"); // 132 AddColumn(MainTable, "lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measure"); // 133 AddColumn(MainTable, "lithium_battery_weight"); // 134 AddColumn(MainTable, "battery_form_factor"); // 135 AddColumn(MainTable, "battery_type"); // 136 // local field for inserting data to table double[] price = GetPriceList(); // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { ArrayList list = GetData(sku); DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); row[0] = list[0] + " " + list[37] + ' ' + list[36] + " [" + sku + ']'; // item name row[2] = "Ashlin®"; // brand name row[3] = "Ashlin®"; // manufacturer row[4] = list[24]; // external product_id row[5] = "UPC"; // external product id type row[6] = sku; // item sku row[7] = "Ashlin®"; // part number row[8] = list[1]; // product description row[9] = "PartiaUpdate"; // update delete row[10] = Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(list[25]) * price[0] * (1 - price[1] / 100) + price[3]) - (1 - price[2]); // standard price row[11] = "CAD"; // currency row[12] = "NEW"; // condition type row[13] = "Brand New"; // condition note row[16] = MinorTable.Select("SKU='" + sku + "'")[0][2]; // quantity row[17] = 1; // max aggregate ship quantity row[18] = 1; // item package quantity row[19] = 1; // number_of_items row[22] = "A_GEN_NOTAX"; // product tax code row[28] = true; // offering can be gift messaged row[29] = true; // offering can be giftwrapped row[30] = list[2]; // item height row[31] = list[3]; // item length row[32] = list[4]; // item width row[33] = "CM"; // item dimention unit of measure row[34] = list[5]; // item weight row[35] = "GR"; // item weight unit of measure row[36] = list[6]; // website shipping weight row[37] = "GR"; // service outside mnf warranty row[40] = list[17]; // keyword amazon 1 row[41] = list[18]; // keyword amazon 2 row[42] = list[19]; // keyword amazon 3 row[43] = list[20]; // keyword amazon 4 row[44] = list[21]; // keyword amazon 5 row[45] = "man"; // target audience base 1 row[46] = "wonmen"; // target audience base 2 row[47] = "boys"; // target audience base 3 row[48] = "girls"; // target audience base 4 row[49] = "unisex"; // target audience base 5 row[51] = list[22]; // recommended browse nodes 1 row[52] = list[23]; // recommended browse nodes 2 row[53] = list[7]; // bullet point 1 row[54] = list[8]; // bullet point 2 row[55] = list[9]; // bullet point 3 row[56] = list[10]; // bullet point 4 row[57] = list[11]; // bullet point 5 row[59] = list[26]; // main image url row[60] = GetSwatch(sku); // swatch image url row[61] = list[27]; // other image url 1 row[62] = list[28]; // other image url 2 row[63] = list[29]; // other image url 3 row[64] = list[30]; // other image url 4 row[65] = list[31]; // other image url 5 row[66] = list[32]; // other image url 6 row[67] = list[33]; // other image url 7 row[68] = list[34]; // other image url 8 row[70] = list[12]; // package height row[71] = "CM"; // package height unit of measure row[72] = list[13]; // package length row[73] = "CM"; // package length unit of measure row[74] = list[14]; // package width row[75] = "CM"; // package width unit of measure row[76] = list[15]; // package weight row[77] = "GR"; // package weight unit of measure row[83] = "IN"; // country of region row[86] = list[35]; // color name 1 row[88] = list[35]; // color map row[90] = list[16]; // outer material type row[93] = list[16]; // material type row[94] = list[16]; // leather type row[95] = "Leather"; // fabric type row[125] = "All Seasons"; // seasons row[126] = "Casual, Formal, Travel, Executive"; // lifestyle row[127] = "ASHLIN"; // collection name MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading table MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AlignXButton != null) { AlignXButton.Dispose(); AlignXButton = null; } if (BrightnessSlider != null) { BrightnessSlider.Dispose(); BrightnessSlider = null; } if (BrightnessToolItem != null) { BrightnessToolItem.Dispose(); BrightnessToolItem = null; } if (CancelToolItem != null) { CancelToolItem.Dispose(); CancelToolItem = null; } if (EditThumbsButton != null) { EditThumbsButton.Dispose(); EditThumbsButton = null; } if (FrameSelectedLabel != null) { FrameSelectedLabel.Dispose(); FrameSelectedLabel = null; } if (FrameSelectSlider != null) { FrameSelectSlider.Dispose(); FrameSelectSlider = null; } if (GraphResetButton != null) { GraphResetButton.Dispose(); GraphResetButton = null; } if (MainGraph != null) { MainGraph.Dispose(); MainGraph = null; } if (MainProgressBar != null) { MainProgressBar.Dispose(); MainProgressBar = null; } if (MainTable != null) { MainTable.Dispose(); MainTable = null; } if (MainTabView != null) { MainTabView.Dispose(); MainTabView = null; } if (MetadataToolItem != null) { MetadataToolItem.Dispose(); MetadataToolItem = null; } if (OpenFileToolItem != null) { OpenFileToolItem.Dispose(); OpenFileToolItem = null; } if (ProcessToolItem != null) { ProcessToolItem.Dispose(); ProcessToolItem = null; } if (Statuslabel != null) { Statuslabel.Dispose(); Statuslabel = null; } if (TabChangeButton != null) { TabChangeButton.Dispose(); TabChangeButton = null; } if (ThumbEditView != null) { ThumbEditView.Dispose(); ThumbEditView = null; } if (ThumbViewGraph != null) { ThumbViewGraph.Dispose(); ThumbViewGraph = null; } if (ThumbViewList != null) { ThumbViewList.Dispose(); ThumbViewList = null; } if (YToEndButton != null) { YToEndButton.Dispose(); YToEndButton = null; } if (YToStartButton != null) { YToStartButton.Dispose(); YToStartButton = null; } }
public BmpMain() { InitializeComponent(); this.UpdatePerformance(); BmpUpdate update = new BmpUpdate(); if (!Program.programOptions.DisableUpdate) { updateResult = update.ShowDialog(); if (updateResult == DialogResult.Yes) { updateTitle = update.version.updateTitle; updateText = update.version.updateText; updateResult = DialogResult.Yes; } if (updateResult == DialogResult.Ignore) { string log = " This is a preview of a future version of BMP! Please be kind and report any bugs or unexpected behaviors to discord channel."; ChatLogAll.AppendRtf(BmpChatParser.FormatRtf(log, Color.LightYellow, true)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.version.updateLog)) { string log = string.Format("= BMP Update =\n {0} \n", update.version.updateLog); ChatLogAll.AppendRtf(BmpChatParser.FormatRtf(log, Color.LightGreen, true)); } } this.Text = update.version.ToString(); // Clear local orchestra InfoTabs.TabPages.Remove(localOrchestraTab); LocalOrchestra.onMemoryCheck += delegate(Object o, bool status) { if (status) { this.FFXIV.memory.StopThread(); } else { this.FFXIV.memory.StartThread(); } }; FFXIV.findProcessRequest += delegate(Object o, EventArgs empty) { this.Invoke(t => t.FindProcess()); }; FFXIV.findProcessError += delegate(Object o, BmpHook.ProcessError error) { this.Invoke(t => t.ErrorProcess(error)); }; FFXIV.hotkeys.OnFileLoad += delegate(Object o, EventArgs empty) { this.Invoke(t => t.Hotkeys_OnFileLoad(FFXIV.hotkeys)); }; FFXIV.hook.OnKeyPressed += Hook_OnKeyPressed; FFXIV.memory.OnProcessReady += delegate(object o, Process proc) { this.Log(string.Format("[{0}] Process scanned and ready.", proc.Id)); if (Sharlayan.Reader.CanGetActors()) { if (!Sharlayan.Reader.CanGetCharacterId()) { this.Log("[MEMORY] Cannot get Character ID.\n Key bindings won't be loaded, load it manually by selecting an ID in the bottom right."); } if (!Sharlayan.Reader.CanGetChatInput()) { this.Log("[MEMORY] Cannot get chat input status.\n Automatic pausing when chatting won't work."); } if (!Sharlayan.Reader.CanGetPerformance()) { this.Log("[MEMORY] Cannot get performance status.\n Performance detection will not work. Force it to work by ticking Settings > Force playback."); } } else { List <Sharlayan.Models.Signature> signatures = Sharlayan.Signatures.Resolve().ToList(); int sigCount = signatures.Count; foreach (Sharlayan.Models.Signature sig in signatures) { if (Sharlayan.Scanner.Instance.Locations.ContainsKey(sig.Key)) { sigCount--; } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find signature {0}", sig.Key)); } } if (sigCount == signatures.Count) { this.Log(string.Format("[MEMORY] Cannot read memory ({0}/{1}). Functionality will be severely limited.", sigCount, signatures.Count)); this.Invoke(t => t.ErrorProcess(BmpHook.ProcessError.ProcessNonAccessible)); } else { this.Log("[MEMORY] Cannot read actors. Local performance will be broken."); } } }; FFXIV.memory.OnProcessLost += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) { this.Log("Attached process exited."); }; FFXIV.memory.OnChatReceived += delegate(object o, ChatLogItem item) { this.Invoke(t => t.Memory_OnChatReceived(item)); }; FFXIV.memory.OnPerformanceChanged += delegate(object o, List <uint> ids) { this.Invoke(t => t.LocalOrchestraUpdate((o as FFXIVMemory).GetActorItems(ids))); }; FFXIV.memory.OnPerformanceReadyChanged += delegate(object o, bool performance) { this.Invoke(t => t.Memory_OnPerformanceReadyChanged(performance)); }; FFXIV.memory.OnCurrentPlayerJobChange += delegate(object o, CurrentPlayerResult res) { this.Invoke(t => t.Memory_OnCurrentPlayerJobChange(res)); }; FFXIV.memory.OnCurrentPlayerLogin += delegate(object o, CurrentPlayerResult res) { string world = string.Empty; if (Sharlayan.Reader.CanGetWorld()) { world = Sharlayan.Reader.GetWorld(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(world)) { this.Log(string.Format("Character [{0}] logged in.", res.CurrentPlayer.Name)); } else { this.Log(string.Format("Character [{0}] logged in at [{1}].", res.CurrentPlayer.Name, world)); } if (!Program.programOptions.DisableUpdate) { BmpDonationChecker don = new BmpDonationChecker(res.CurrentPlayer.Name, world); don.OnDonatorResponse += delegate(Object obj, BmpDonationChecker.DonatorResponse donres) { if (donres.donator) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(donres.donationMessage)) { this.Log(donres.donationMessage); } } this.Invoke(t => t.DonationStatus = donres.donator); }; } this.Invoke(t => t.UpdatePerformance()); }; FFXIV.memory.OnCurrentPlayerLogout += delegate(object o, CurrentPlayerResult res) { string format = string.Format("Character [{0}] logged out.", res.CurrentPlayer.Name); this.Log(format); }; FFXIV.memory.OnPartyChanged += delegate(object o, PartyResult res) { this.Invoke(t => t.LocalOrchestraUpdate()); }; Player.OnStatusChange += delegate(object o, PlayerStatus status) { this.Invoke(t => t.UpdatePerformance()); }; Player.OnSongSkip += OnSongSkip; Player.OnMidiProgressChange += OnPlayProgressChange; Player.OnMidiStatusChange += OnPlayStatusChange; Player.OnMidiStatusEnded += OnPlayStatusEnded; Player.OnMidiNote += OnMidiVoice; Player.OffMidiNote += OffMidiVoice; Player.Player.OpenInputDevice(Settings.GetMidiInput().name); Settings.OnMidiInputChange += delegate(object o, MidiInput input) { Player.Player.CloseInputDevice(); if ( != -1) { Player.Player.OpenInputDevice(; Log(string.Format("Switched to {0} ({1})",,; } }; Settings.OnKeyboardTest += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) { foreach (FFXIVKeybindDat.Keybind keybind in FFXIV.hotkeys.GetPerformanceKeybinds()) { FFXIV.hook.SendSyncKeybind(keybind); Thread.Sleep(100); } }; Settings.OnForcedOpen += delegate(object o, bool open) { this.Invoke(t => { if (open) { Log(string.Format("Forced playback was enabled. You will not be able to use keybinds, such as spacebar.")); WarningLog("Forced playback enabled."); } t.UpdatePerformance(); }); }; Explorer.OnBrowserVisibleChange += delegate(object o, bool visible) { MainTable.SuspendLayout(); MainTable.RowStyles[MainTable.GetRow(ChatPlaylistTable)].Height = visible ? 0 : 100; MainTable.RowStyles[MainTable.GetRow(ChatPlaylistTable)].SizeType = visible ? SizeType.Absolute : SizeType.Percent; //ChatPlaylistTable.Invoke(t => t.Visible = !visible); MainTable.RowStyles[MainTable.GetRow(Explorer)].Height = visible ? 100 : 30; MainTable.RowStyles[MainTable.GetRow(Explorer)].SizeType = visible ? SizeType.Percent : SizeType.Absolute; MainTable.ResumeLayout(true); }; Explorer.OnBrowserSelect += Browser_OnMidiSelect; Playlist.OnMidiSelect += Playlist_OnMidiSelect; Playlist.OnPlaylistRequestAdd += Playlist_OnPlaylistRequestAdd; Playlist.OnPlaylistManualRequestAdd += Playlist_OnPlaylistManualRequestAdd; this.ResizeBegin += (s, e) => { LocalOrchestra.SuspendLayout(); }; this.ResizeEnd += (s, e) => { LocalOrchestra.ResumeLayout(true); }; if (Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLog) { FileTarget target = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget("chatlog") { FileName = "logs/ff14log.txt", Layout = @"${date:format=yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss} ${message}", ArchiveDateFormat = "${shortdate}", ArchiveEvery = FileArchivePeriod.Day, ArchiveFileName = "logs/ff14log-${shortdate}.txt", Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, KeepFileOpen = true, }; var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration(); config.AddRule(LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Info, target); NLog.LogManager.Configuration = config; } string upath = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoaming).FilePath; //Console.WriteLine(string.Format(".config: [{0}]", upath)); Settings.RefreshMidiInput(); Log("Bard Music Player initialized."); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isNew) { id = MainModel.GetCountRecords() + 1; } int jobID = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox1.Text) ? 0 : JobsModel.GetOneJobs(comboBox1.Text).First().Id; bool isCorrectSalary = Double.TryParse(textBox10.Text, out double salary); if (!isCorrectSalary) { MessageBox.Show("Зарплата не вірна"); return; } var main = new MainTable { Id = id, FName = textBox2.Text, // Top MName = textBox3.Text, LName = textBox1.Text, JobId = jobID, TimeTableNum = textBox9.Text, // Middle Main IndividualTaxNum = textBox8.Text, Sex = comboBox3.Text.Equals("Чоловік"), EmploymentDate = dateTimePicker2.Value.Date, DateDismissal = dateTimePicker3.Value.Date, UpdateAt = DateTime.Today, Email = textBox5.Text, TelWork = textBox6.Text, TelHome = textBox7.Text, About = textBox4.Text, Salary = salary, IsActivity = comboBox2.Text.Equals("Працює") // Bottom }; int isUpdated = isNew ? MainModel.Insert(main) : MainModel.Update(main); if (isUpdated == 1) { if (isNew) { EmployeesLV.AddOneData(id); } else { EmployeesLV.UpdateOneData(id); } EmployeesLV.UpdateSelected(); label19.BackColor = Color.DarkSlateGray; label19.Text = "Збережено"; } else { label19.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(185, 46, 59); label19.Text = "Не збережено"; } label19.Visible = true; timer1.Enabled = true; }
/* method that get the table */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Code"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "Brand"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Flag"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Family Code"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "Ashlin Internal Name"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "Short Description"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "Extended Description"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "Trend Short Description"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "Trend Extended Description"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "Online Description"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "Gift Box"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprintable"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprintable Height"); // 13 AddColumn(MainTable, "Imprinttable Width"); // 14 AddColumn(MainTable, "Width"); // 15 AddColumn(MainTable, "Height"); // 16 AddColumn(MainTable, "Depth"); // 17 AddColumn(MainTable, "Weight"); // 18 AddColumn(MainTable, "Flat Shippable"); // 19 AddColumn(MainTable, "Fold Shippable"); // 20 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Width"); // 21 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Height"); // 22 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Depth"); // 23 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shippable Weight"); // 24 AddColumn(MainTable, "Detachable Strap"); // 25 AddColumn(MainTable, "Zippered Enclosure"); // 26 AddColumn(MainTable, "Country of Origin"); // 27 AddColumn(MainTable, "Shoulder Drop Length"); // 28 AddColumn(MainTable, "Handle/Strap Drop Length"); // 29 AddColumn(MainTable, "Notable Strap or General Features"); //30 AddColumn(MainTable, "Protective Feet"); // 31 AddColumn(MainTable, "Closure"); // 32 AddColumn(MainTable, "Inner Pocket"); // 33 AddColumn(MainTable, "Outside Pocket"); // 34 AddColumn(MainTable, "Size Differentiation"); // 35 AddColumn(MainTable, "Dust Bag"); // 36 AddColumn(MainTable, "Authenticity Card"); // 37 AddColumn(MainTable, "Bill Compartment"); // 38 AddColumn(MainTable, "Card Slot"); // 39 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 1"); // 40 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 2"); // 41 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 3"); // 42 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 4"); // 43 AddColumn(MainTable, "Option 5"); // 44 AddColumn(MainTable, "Active"); // 45 // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { ArrayList list = GetData(sku); DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); row[0] = list[0]; // design service code row[1] = list[1]; // brand row[2] = list[2]; // design service flag row[3] = list[3]; // design service family code row[4] = list[4]; // ashlin internal name row[5] = list[5]; // short description row[6] = list[6]; // extended description row[7] = list[7]; // trend short description row[8] = list[8]; // trend extended description row[9] = list[9]; // online description row[10] = list[10]; // gift box row[11] = list[11]; // imprintable row[12] = list[12]; // imprintable height row[13] = list[13]; // imprintable width row[14] = list[14]; // width row[15] = list[15]; // height row[16] = list[16]; // depth row[17] = list[17]; // weight row[18] = list[18]; // flat shippable row[19] = list[19]; // fold shippable row[20] = list[20]; // shippable width row[21] = list[21]; // shippable height row[22] = list[22]; // shippable depth row[23] = list[23]; // shippable weight row[24] = list[24]; // detachable strap row[25] = list[25]; // zippered enclosure row[26] = list[26]; // country row[27] = list[27]; // shoulder drop length row[28] = list[28]; // handle strap drop length row[29] = list[29]; // notable strap or general features row[30] = list[30]; // protective feet row[31] = list[31]; // closure row[32] = list[32]; // inner pocket row[33] = list[33]; // outside pocket row[34] = list[34]; // size differentiation row[35] = list[35]; // dust bag row[36] = list[36]; // authenticity card row[37] = list[37]; // bill compartment row[38] = list[38]; // card slot row[39] = list[39]; // option 1 row[40] = list[40]; // option 2 row[41] = list[41]; // option 3 row[42] = list[42]; // option 4 row[43] = list[43]; // option 5 row[44] = list[44]; // active MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
/* the real thing -> return the table !!! */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "BP item ID#"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU#"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "Description"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "QTY breaks"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "COSTS breaks"); // 5 // local field for inserting data to table DataTable table = Properties.Settings.Default.StockQuantityTable; double[][] discountList = GetDiscount(); // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); object[] list = GetData(sku); row[0] = table.Select("SKU = \'" + sku + "\'")[0][1]; // BP item id# row[1] = sku; // sku# row[2] = list[2] + " - " + list[3] + " - " + list[4]; // description row[3] = "1; 6; 24; 50; 100; 250; 500; 1000; 2500"; // qty breaks double msrp = Convert.ToDouble(list[0]) * discountList[7][0]; int k; switch (Convert.ToInt32(list[5])) { case 1: k = 1; break; case 2: k = 2; break; case 3: k = 3; break; case 4: k = 4; break; case 5: k = 5; break; case 6: k = 6; break; default: k = 0; break; } double runCharge = list[1].Equals(DBNull.Value)? Math.Round(msrp * 0.05) / 0.6 : Math.Round(msrp * 0.05) / 0.6 + Convert.ToInt32(list[1]) - 1; if (runCharge > 8) { runCharge = 8; } else if (runCharge < 1) { runCharge = 1; } msrp = msrp + runCharge; // costs breaks row[4] = Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][0], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][1], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][2], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][3], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][4], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][5], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][6], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][7], 4) + "; " + Math.Round(msrp * discountList[k][8], 4); MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
public void SelectTableRow(int index) { MainTable.SelectRow(index, false); }
/* method that get the table */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "Design Service Code"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "Material Code"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "Colour Code"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU The Bay"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "SKU"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "Base Price"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "Pricing Tier"); // 13 AddColumn(MainTable, "Reorder Quantity"); // 14 AddColumn(MainTable, "Reorder Level"); // 15 AddColumn(MainTable, "UPC Code 9"); // 16 AddColumn(MainTable, "UPC Code 10"); // 17 AddColumn(MainTable, "Location Full"); // 18 AddColumn(MainTable, "HTS CA"); // 19 AddColumn(MainTable, "HTS US"); // 20 AddColumn(MainTable, "Duty CA"); // 21 AddColumn(MainTable, "Duty US"); // 22 AddColumn(MainTable, "Lining Material"); // 23 AddColumn(MainTable, "Trim"); // 24 AddColumn(MainTable, "Hardware Colour"); // 25 AddColumn(MainTable, "Handle Material"); // 26 AddColumn(MainTable, "Active"); // 27 // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { ArrayList list = GetData(sku); DataRow row = MainTable.NewRow(); row[0] = list[0]; // sku row[1] = list[1]; // design service code row[2] = list[2]; // material code row[3] = list[3]; // colour code row[4] = list[4]; // sku sears ca row[5] = list[5]; // sku tsc ca row[6] = list[6]; // sku the bay row[7] = list[7]; // sku bestbuy ca row[8] = list[8]; // sku amazon ca row[9] = list[9]; // sku amazon com row[10] = list[10]; // sku shop ca row[11] = list[11]; // base price row[12] = list[12]; // pricing tier row[13] = list[13]; // reorder quantity row[14] = list[14]; // reorder level row[15] = list[15]; // upc code 9 row[16] = list[16]; // upc code 10 row[17] = list[17]; // location full row[18] = list[18]; // hts ca row[19] = list[19]; // hts us row[20] = list[20]; // duty ca row[21] = list[21]; // duty us row[22] = list[22]; // lining material row[23] = list[23]; // trim row[24] = list[24]; // hardware color row[25] = list[25]; // handle material row[26] = list[26]; // active MainTable.Rows.Add(row); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
/* the real thing -> return the table !!! */ public override DataTable GetTable() { // reset the table just in case MainTable.Reset(); // add column to table AddColumn(MainTable, "supplier id"); // 1 AddColumn(MainTable, "store name"); // 2 AddColumn(MainTable, "sku"); // 3 AddColumn(MainTable, "title"); // 4 AddColumn(MainTable, "description"); // 5 AddColumn(MainTable, "shipping weight"); // 6 AddColumn(MainTable, "shipping weight unit of measure"); // 7 AddColumn(MainTable, "primary product category id"); // 8 AddColumn(MainTable, "product type"); // 9 AddColumn(MainTable, "main image location"); // 10 AddColumn(MainTable, "standard product id"); // 11 AddColumn(MainTable, "standard product id type"); // 12 AddColumn(MainTable, "availability"); // 13 AddColumn(MainTable, "brand"); // 14 AddColumn(MainTable, "launch date"); // 15 AddColumn(MainTable, "release date"); // 16 AddColumn(MainTable, "product condition"); // 17 AddColumn(MainTable, "item package quantity"); // 18 AddColumn(MainTable, "number of items"); // 19 AddColumn(MainTable, "designer"); // 20 AddColumn(MainTable, "package height"); // 21 AddColumn(MainTable, "package length"); // 22 AddColumn(MainTable, "package width"); // 23 AddColumn(MainTable, "package dimension unit of measure"); // 24 AddColumn(MainTable, "max order quantity"); // 25 AddColumn(MainTable, "legal disclaimer"); // 26 AddColumn(MainTable, "manufacturer"); // 27 AddColumn(MainTable, "mfr part number"); // 28 AddColumn(MainTable, "search terms"); // 29 AddColumn(MainTable, "parent sku"); // 30 AddColumn(MainTable, "secondary product category id"); // 31 AddColumn(MainTable, "is new product"); // 32 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 1"); // 33 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 2"); // 34 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 3"); // 35 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 4"); // 36 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 5"); // 37 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 6"); // 38 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 7"); // 39 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 8"); // 40 AddColumn(MainTable, "alt image location 9"); // 41 AddColumn(MainTable, "video location"); // 42 AddColumn(MainTable, "material"); // 43 AddColumn(MainTable, "color"); // 44 AddColumn(MainTable, "style"); // 45 AddColumn(MainTable, "trend"); // 47 AddColumn(MainTable, "strap type"); // 46 AddColumn(MainTable, "closure type"); // 48 AddColumn(MainTable, "generic size"); // 49 AddColumn(MainTable, "features"); // 50 // start loading data MainTable.BeginLoadData(); Connection.Open(); // add data to each row foreach (string sku in SkuList) { ArrayList list = GetData(sku); DataRow newRow = MainTable.NewRow(); newRow[0] = "ashlin_bpg"; // supplier id newRow[1] = "nishis_boutique"; // store name newRow[2] = list[24]; // sku newRow[3] = "Ashlin® " + list[0] + " " + list[21] + " " + list[23]; // title newRow[4] = list[1]; // description newRow[5] = list[2]; // shipping weight newRow[6] = "GM"; // shipping weight unit of measure newRow[7] = 151048; // primary product category id newRow[8] = list[18]; // product type newRow[9] = list[25]; // main image location newRow[10] = list[37]; // standard product id newRow[11] = "UPC"; // standard product id type newRow[12] = true; // availability newRow[13] = "Ashlin®"; // brand newRow[14] = list[26]; // launch date newRow[15] = list[36]; // release date newRow[16] = "NEW"; // product condition newRow[17] = 1; // item package quantity newRow[18] = 1; // number of items newRow[19] = "Ashlin®"; // designer newRow[20] = list[3]; // package height newRow[21] = list[4]; // package length newRow[22] = list[5]; // package width newRow[23] = "CM"; // package dimension unit of measure newRow[24] = 100; // max order quantity newRow[25] = ""; // legal disclaimer newRow[26] = "Ashlin BPG Marketing INC"; // manufacturer newRow[27] = list[24]; // mfr part number newRow[28] = list[19]; // search term newRow[29] = list[24].ToString().Substring(0, list[24].ToString().IndexOf('-')); // parent sku newRow[30] = 620977; // secondary product category id newRow[31] = true; // is new product newRow[32] = list[27]; // alt iamge location 1 newRow[33] = list[28]; // alt iamge location 2 newRow[34] = list[29]; // alt iamge location 3 newRow[35] = list[30]; // alt iamge location 4 newRow[36] = list[31]; // alt iamge location 5 newRow[37] = list[32]; // alt iamge location 6 newRow[38] = list[33]; // alt iamge location 7 newRow[39] = list[34]; // alt iamge location 8 newRow[40] = list[35]; // alt iamge location 9 newRow[42] = list[20]; // material newRow[43] = list[22]; // colour newRow[44] = list[0]; // style newRow[45] = list[12]; // trend if ((bool)list[6] && (bool)list[7]) // strap type { newRow[46] = true + " Detachable strap"; } else if ((bool)list[6]) { newRow[46] = true; } else { newRow[46] = false; } if ((bool)list[8]) // colsure type { newRow[47] = "Zippered enclosure"; } newRow[48] = list[9] + "cm x " + list[10] + "cm x " + list[11] + "cm"; // generic size newRow[49] = list[13] + " " + list[14] + " " + list[15] + " " + list[16] + " " + list[17]; // features MainTable.Rows.Add(newRow); Progress++; } // finish loading data MainTable.EndLoadData(); Connection.Close(); return(MainTable); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Bind tables to UI components MainTable.SetDataSource("III. Magic Items"); DataBind(); }
// Public Methods (7) /// <summary> /// Adds a new PdfPCell to the MainTable /// </summary> /// <param name="backgroundColor"></param> /// <param name="foreColor"></param> /// <param name="rawData"></param> /// <param name="columnNumber"></param> /// <param name="pdfRowType"></param> /// <param name="pdfCellType"></param> /// <param name="rowValues"></param> /// <param name="horizontalAlignment"></param> /// <param name="pdfFontStyle"></param> /// <param name="rotation"></param> /// <param name="setItemTemplate"></param> /// <param name="colSpan"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CellAttributes AddGeneralCell( BaseColor backgroundColor, BaseColor foreColor, object rawData, int columnNumber, RowType pdfRowType, CellType pdfCellType, IList <CellData> rowValues = null, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.None, DocumentFontStyle pdfFontStyle = DocumentFontStyle.None, int rotation = 0, bool setItemTemplate = false, int colSpan = 1) { var col = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes[columnNumber]; var cellData = new CellAttributes { RowData = new CellRowData { TableRowData = rowValues, Value = rawData, PdfRowType = pdfRowType, ColumnNumber = columnNumber, PropertyName = col.PropertyName, LastRenderedRowNumber = CurrentRowInfoData.LastRenderedRowNumber }, SharedData = new CellSharedData { PdfColumnAttributes = col, DataRowNumber = CurrentRowInfoData.LastOverallDataRowNumber, GroupNumber = CurrentRowInfoData.LastGroupRowNumber, PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, SummarySettings = SharedData.SummarySettings, Template = SharedData.Template }, ItemTemplate = setItemTemplate ? col.ColumnItemsTemplate : null, BasicProperties = new CellBasicProperties { PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, Rotation = rotation, PdfFontStyle = (pdfFontStyle == DocumentFontStyle.None) ? DocumentFontStyle.Normal : pdfFontStyle, BackgroundColor = backgroundColor, BorderColor = SharedData.Template.CellBorderColor, FontColor = foreColor, RunDirection = SharedData.PageSetup.PagePreferences.RunDirection, ShowBorder = SharedData.Template.ShowGridLines, HorizontalAlignment = (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.None) ? col.CellsHorizontalAlignment : horizontalAlignment, FixedHeight = col.FixedHeight, MinimumHeight = col.MinimumHeight, CellPadding = col.Padding, PaddingBottom = col.PaddingBottom, PaddingLeft = col.PaddingLeft, PaddingRight = col.PaddingRight, PaddingTop = col.PaddingTop } }; if (SharedData.MainTableEvents != null) { SharedData.MainTableEvents.CellCreated(new EventsArguments { PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, Cell = cellData, CellType = pdfCellType, RowType = pdfRowType, ColumnNumber = columnNumber, ColumnCellsSummaryData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, PreviousTableRowData = CurrentRowInfoData.PreviousTableRowData, PageSetup = SharedData.PageSetup, PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, PdfColumnsAttributes = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes }); } var cell = cellData.CreateSafePdfPCell(new TextBlockField()); if (SharedData.ColumnCellsFinalSummaryData == null) { SharedData.ColumnCellsFinalSummaryData = new List <CellRowData>(); } cell.CellEvent = new MainTableCellsEvent(cellData) { SummaryCellsData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, IsGroupingEnabled = SharedData.IsGroupingEnabled, CurrentRowInfoData = CurrentRowInfoData, SharedData = SharedData, CellType = pdfCellType }; if (colSpan > 1) { cell.Colspan = colSpan; } MainTable.AddCell(cell); if (SharedData.MainTableEvents != null) { SharedData.MainTableEvents.CellAdded(new EventsArguments { PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, Cell = cellData, CellType = pdfCellType, RowType = pdfRowType, ColumnNumber = columnNumber, ColumnCellsSummaryData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, PreviousTableRowData = CurrentRowInfoData.PreviousTableRowData, PageSetup = SharedData.PageSetup, PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, PdfColumnsAttributes = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes }); } return(cellData); }
//Очищаем таблицу private void ResetDataGridView() { MainTable.CancelEdit(); MainTable.Columns.Clear(); MainTable.DataSource = null; }
private EditTagWindow(IconSource source, NbtTag tag, NbtContainerTag parent, bool set_name, bool set_value, EditPurpose purpose) { InitializeComponent(); NameBox.SetTags(tag, parent); ValueBox.SetTags(tag, parent, fill_current_value: purpose != EditPurpose.Create); SettingName = set_name; if (!SettingName) { this.MinimumSize = new Size(MinimumSize.Width, MinimumSize.Height - MainTable.GetRowHeights()[0]); this.Height -= MainTable.GetRowHeights()[0]; MainTable.RowStyles[0].Height = 0; NameLabel.Visible = false; NameBox.Visible = false; } SettingValue = set_value; if (!SettingValue) { this.MinimumSize = new Size(MinimumSize.Width, MinimumSize.Height - MainTable.GetRowHeights()[1]); this.Height -= MainTable.GetRowHeights()[1]; ValueLabel.Visible = false; ValueBox.Visible = false; } if (tag.TagType == NbtTagType.String) { ValueBox.Multiline = true; ValueBox.AcceptsReturn = true; ValueBox.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.AutoSize = false; this.Width = (int)(this.Width * 1.5); this.Height = (int)(this.Height * 1.5); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; WordWrapCheck.Visible = true; WordWrapCheck_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else if (NbtUtil.IsNumericType(tag.TagType)) { ValueBox.PlaceholderText = "0"; } this.Icon = NbtUtil.TagTypeImage(source, tag.TagType).Icon; if (purpose == EditPurpose.Create) { this.Text = $"Create {NbtUtil.TagTypeName(tag.TagType)} Tag"; } else if (purpose == EditPurpose.EditValue || purpose == EditPurpose.Rename) { this.Text = $"Edit {NbtUtil.TagTypeName(tag.TagType)} Tag"; } if (SettingName && (!SettingValue || purpose != EditPurpose.EditValue)) { NameBox.Select(); NameBox.SelectAll(); } else if (SettingValue) { ValueBox.Select(); ValueBox.SelectAll(); } }