예제 #1
        private static JToken MoveTiles(JToken tileLayer, int oldWidth, int oldHeight, int newWidth, int newHeight, MainPage.AnchorDirection anchorDirection)
            var oldTileColCount = (int)tileLayer["SerialiseWidth"];
            var oldTileRowCount = (int)tileLayer["SerialiseHeight"];
            var tileSizeX       = (oldWidth - 1) / oldTileColCount + 1;
            var tileSizeY       = (oldHeight - 1) / oldTileRowCount + 1;

            tileLayer["SerialiseWidth"]  = (newWidth - 1) / tileSizeX + 1;
            tileLayer["SerialiseHeight"] = (newHeight - 1) / tileSizeY + 1;
            var newTileColCount = (int)tileLayer["SerialiseWidth"];
            var newTileRowCount = (int)tileLayer["SerialiseHeight"];

            // We need to insert this many new rows/columns of blank tiles to the top, bottom, and/or sides, depending on anchor direction
            var colsToAdd = newTileColCount - oldTileColCount;
            var rowsToAdd = newTileRowCount - oldTileRowCount;

            var tileGrid = new TileGrid((JArray)tileLayer["TileSerialiseData"], oldTileColCount);

            if (colsToAdd != 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("Adding " + colsToAdd + " cols");
                if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.T, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                    // central anchor column, add half the new columns on the left, and half on the right
                    foreach (var tileRow in tileGrid.RowList)
                        var i = 0;
                        // first half of new columns going on the left
                        for (; i < Math.Floor(colsToAdd / 2f); i++)
                            tileRow.Tiles.Insert(0, 0);
                        // second half of new columns going on the right
                        for (; i < colsToAdd; i++)
                else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.TR, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                    // right anchor column, add all the new columns on the left
                    foreach (var tileRow in tileGrid.RowList)
                        for (var i = 0; i < colsToAdd; i++)
                            tileRow.Tiles.Insert(0, 0);
                    // left anchor column, add all the new columns on the right
                    foreach (var tileRow in tileGrid.RowList)
                        for (var i = 0; i < colsToAdd; i++)
            if (rowsToAdd != 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("Adding " + rowsToAdd + " rows");
                if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.L, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                    // central anchor row, add half the new rows on top and half on the bottom
                    var i = 0;
                    for (; i < Math.Floor(rowsToAdd / 2f); i++)
                        // first half of new rows going on top
                        tileGrid.RowList.Insert(0, new TileGrid.TileRow(Enumerable.Repeat(0, newTileColCount).ToList()));
                    for (; i < rowsToAdd; i++)
                        // second half of new rows going on top
                        tileGrid.RowList.Add(new TileGrid.TileRow(Enumerable.Repeat(0, newTileColCount).ToList()));
                else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.BL, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                    // bottom anchor row, add all the new rows to the top
                    for (var i = 0; i < rowsToAdd; i++)
                        tileGrid.RowList.Insert(0, new TileGrid.TileRow(Enumerable.Repeat(0, newTileColCount).ToList()));
                    // top anchor row, add all the new rows to the bottom
                    for (var i = 0; i < rowsToAdd; i++)
                        tileGrid.RowList.Add(new TileGrid.TileRow(Enumerable.Repeat(0, newTileColCount).ToList()));
            tileLayer["TileSerialiseData"] = JArray.FromObject(tileGrid.SerializeTileData(newTileColCount, newTileRowCount));

예제 #2
        public static JObject ResizeRoom(JObject roomJson, int newWidth, int newHeight, int tileSize, MainPage.AnchorDirection anchorDirection)
            int oldWidth  = (int)roomJson["roomSettings"]["Width"];
            int oldHeight = (int)roomJson["roomSettings"]["Height"];

            if (newHeight < oldHeight || newWidth < oldWidth)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            newWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)newWidth / tileSize) * tileSize;
            newHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)newHeight / tileSize) * tileSize;
            roomJson["roomSettings"]["Width"]  = newWidth;
            roomJson["roomSettings"]["Height"] = newHeight;

            var widthDiff  = newWidth - oldWidth;
            var heightDiff = newHeight - oldHeight;

            foreach (var layer in roomJson["layers"])
                if (layer["assets"] != null)
                    // Move assets
                    foreach (var asset in layer["assets"])
                        if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.T, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // central anchor column, add half the new width difference to X
                            asset["x"] = (int)asset["x"] + (widthDiff / 2);
                        else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.TR, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // right anchor column, add the whole new width difference to X
                            asset["x"] = (int)asset["x"] + widthDiff;
                        if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.L, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // central anchor row, add half the new height difference to Y
                            asset["y"] = (int)asset["y"] + (heightDiff / 2);
                        else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.BL, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // bottom anchor row, add the whole new height difference to Y
                            asset["y"] = (int)asset["y"] + heightDiff;
                else if (layer["instances"] != null)
                    // Move instances
                    foreach (var inst in layer["instances"])
                        if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.T, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // central anchor column, add half the new width difference to X
                            inst["x"] = (int)inst["x"] + (widthDiff / 2);
                        else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.TR, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // right anchor column, add the whole new width difference to X
                            inst["x"] = (int)inst["x"] + widthDiff;
                        if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.L, MainPage.AnchorDirection.C, MainPage.AnchorDirection.R }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // central anchor row, add half the new height difference to Y
                            inst["y"] = (int)inst["y"] + (heightDiff / 2);
                        else if (new[] { MainPage.AnchorDirection.BL, MainPage.AnchorDirection.B, MainPage.AnchorDirection.BR }.Contains(anchorDirection))
                            // bottom anchor row, add the whole new height difference to Y
                            inst["y"] = (int)inst["y"] + heightDiff;
                else if (layer["tiles"] != null)
                    // Handle tile layers
                    layer["tiles"] = MoveTiles(layer["tiles"], oldWidth, oldHeight, newWidth, newHeight, anchorDirection);
