예제 #1
    void Start()
        Screen.showCursor = true;
        Screen.lockCursor = false;
        m_keybindings = new String[m_keybindings_labels.Length];
        ratio_combobox = new GUIContent[3];
        _4_3_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_4_3.Length];
        _16_10_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_16_10.Length];
        _16_9_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_16_9.Length];
        m_quality = new GUIContent[quality_string.Length];
        menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        for (int i = 0; i < ratio_string.Length; i++ )
            ratio_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(ratio_string[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_4_3.Length; i++ )
            _4_3_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_4_3[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_16_10.Length; i++ )
            _16_10_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_16_10[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_16_9.Length; i++ )
            _16_9_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_16_9[i]);

        for(int i  = 0; i < quality_string.Length; i++)
            m_quality[i] = new GUIContent(quality_string[i]);

        skin.customStyles[0].hover.background = skin.customStyles[0].onHover.background = new Texture2D(2, 2);
        m_db_handler = gameObject.AddComponent<DataBaseHandling>();
예제 #2
    void Start()
        m_ScreenEffectMenu = GameObject.Find("MenuEffectGlobalScript").GetComponent<ScreenEffectScript>();
        m_keybindings = new String[m_keybindings_labels.Length];
        ratio_combobox = new GUIContent[3];
        _4_3_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_4_3.Length];
        _16_10_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_16_10.Length];
        _16_9_combobox = new GUIContent[resolution_16_9.Length];
        m_quality = new GUIContent[quality_string.Length];
        menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        for (int i = 0; i < ratio_string.Length; i++)
            ratio_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(ratio_string[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_4_3.Length; i++)
            _4_3_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_4_3[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_16_10.Length; i++)
            _16_10_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_16_10[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < resolution_16_9.Length; i++)
            _16_9_combobox[i] = new GUIContent(resolution_16_9[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < quality_string.Length; i++)
            m_quality[i] = new GUIContent(quality_string[i]);

        skin.customStyles[0].hover.background = skin.customStyles[0].onHover.background = new Texture2D(2, 2);
        m_db_handler = gameObject.AddComponent<DataBaseHandling>();
        this.enabled = false;
        m_Hud = GameObject.Find("HUD").GetComponent<HudScript>();
예제 #3
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(20, 50, 307*1.4f, 31*1.4f),logo);
        GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 530, 780, 40)), "", skin.box);

        GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 530, 500, 40)), "Student project made by Cyril Basset and Jean-Vincent Lamberti", skin.label);
        GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 550, 800, 40)), "For the music tracks all credits goes to Parametric, go check his work at http://http://sgustokmusic.org/", skin.label);

        if (SaveManager.CheckSaveFile())
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 150, 100, 30)), "Continue", skin.button))
                if (menu != MainMenuSelected.CONTINUE_GAME_SELECTED)
                    menu = MainMenuSelected.CONTINUE_GAME_SELECTED;
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                    menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;

                if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IsLoggedIn"))
                    display_warning_login = 2;

        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 200, 100, 30)), "New game", skin.button))
            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.NEW_GAME_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NEW_GAME_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;

            if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IsLoggedIn"))
                display_warning_login = 1;


        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 250, 100, 30)), "Levels", skin.button))
            display_warning_login = 0;

            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.LEVEL_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.LEVEL_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 300, 100, 30)), "Options", skin.button))
            display_warning_login = 0;

            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 350, 100, 30)), "High-Score", skin.button))
            display_warning_login = 0;


            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        if (!Application.isWebPlayer)
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 400, 100, 30)), "Quit", skin.button))

        if(menu == MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED)
            display_warning_login = 0;

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 300, 100, 30)), "Video", skin.button))
                if(submenu != SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 350, 100, 30)), "Sound", skin.button))
                if(submenu != SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 400, 100, 30)), "Controls", skin.button))
                if(submenu != SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 450, 100, 30)), "Account", skin.button))
                display_connection_message = false;
                connection_in_progress = false;

                if(submenu != SubMenuSelected.ACCOUNT_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.ACCOUNT_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;

        if (menu == MainMenuSelected.LEVEL_SELECTED)
            display_warning_login = 0;

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Level selection", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)));

            int max_reached = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MaxLevelReached");
            int j=0;
            for (int i = 0; i < max_reached; i++)
                if (i % 3 == 0)
                if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect((i % 3 * 140) + (i % 3 + 1) * 20, (j + 1) * 30 + j * 140 - 170, 70 * 2, 70 * 2), true), "Level " + (i + 1), skin.button))
                    SaveManager.last_save = null;
                    Application.LoadLevel(i + 1);


        if (menu == MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED)
            display_warning_login = 0;

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "High Scores", skin.box);
            String[] tab = m_db_handler.GetScoresTab();

            if (tab.Length == 0)
                GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(385, 200, 250, 200)), "Loading Scores", skin.box);
                int i = 0;
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Rank", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Username", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Time", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Deathcount", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Score", skin.label);

                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < tab.Length / 5; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i * 100), 180 + (j * 30), 100, 30)), tab[c++], skin.label);

        if (display_warning_login != 0)
            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 150)), "Warning, you are not logged in,", skin.box);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(310, 140, 400, 400)), "you won't be able to upload your score unless you are logged, in Options / Account, during your whole playthrough. Do you wish to continue ?", skin.label);
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(380, 200, 100, 40)), "Continue"))
                if (display_warning_login == 1)
                else if (display_warning_login == 2)
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(520, 200, 100, 40)), "Cancel"))
                display_warning_login = 0;


        if(submenu == SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED)

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Video Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(310, 120, 500, 600)));

            if (!Application.isWebPlayer)

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(35, 30, 100, 40)), "Aspect Ratio", skin.label);

                int selGrid;
                if ((selGrid = comboBoxQuality.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 330, 100, 20)), m_quality[quality].text, m_quality, skin.customStyles[0])) != quality)
                    quality = selGrid;

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(40, 140, 100, 40)), "Resolution", skin.label);

                switch (m_ratio)
                    case 0:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _4_3_combobox[m_resolution].text, _4_3_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;
                    case 1:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _16_10_combobox[m_resolution].text, _16_10_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;
                    case 2:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _16_9_combobox[m_resolution].text, _16_9_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 300, 100, 40)), "Quality", skin.label);

                if ((selGrid = comboBoxControl.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 60, 100, 20)), ratio_combobox[m_ratio].text, ratio_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_ratio)
                    m_ratio = selGrid;
                int selGrid;
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 100, 100, 40)), "Quality", skin.label);
                if ((selGrid = comboBoxQuality.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 130, 100, 20)), m_quality[quality].text, m_quality, skin.customStyles[0])) != quality)
                    quality = selGrid;


            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(230, 30, 100, 40)),"Field of view",skin.label);

            m_fov = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(170, 65, 200, 30)), m_fov, 50.0f, 130.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(390, 60, 220, 40)), Mathf.RoundToInt(m_fov).ToString());

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 110, 100, 40)), "Score :");

            m_display_score = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 110, 100, 40)), m_display_score, m_display_score ? "Show" : "Hide");

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 160, 100, 40)), "Fullscreen :");

            m_fullscreen = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 160, 100, 40)), m_fullscreen, m_fullscreen ? "True" : "False");

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 210, 100, 40)), "Crosshair :", skin.label);
            m_display_crosshair = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 210, 100, 40)), m_display_crosshair, m_display_crosshair ? "  Show" : "  Hide", skin.toggle);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 260, 100, 40)), "Hints and tutorials :", skin.label);
            m_display_hints = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 260, 100, 40)), m_display_hints, m_display_hints == true ? "  Show" : "  Hide", skin.toggle);




        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED)


            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Sound Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 50, 200, 40)), "Music Volume", skin.label);
            m_music_volume = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 90, 200, 20)), m_music_volume, 0, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 80, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_music_volume * 10, 0).ToString() + "%", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 130, 300, 40)), "Sound Effects Volume", skin.label);
            m_sound_effects_volume = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 170, 200, 20)), m_sound_effects_volume, 0, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 160, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_sound_effects_volume * 10, 0).ToString() + "%", skin.label);


        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED)


            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Controls Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 30, 70, 40)), "Keybindings :", skin.label);
            //Key Bindings
            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 30, 400, 250)), "", skin.box);
            m_keybindings_scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 30, 400, 250)), m_keybindings_scrollPosition, ResizeGUI(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 25 * (m_keybindings_labels.Length + 1))));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 0, 400, 40)), "You can click and type any letter from A to Z to assign it", skin.label);

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < m_keybindings_labels.Length; i++)
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), m_keybindings_labels[i] + " :", skin.label);
                m_keybindings[i] = GUI.TextField(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 20, 20)), m_keybindings[i], 1, skin.textField);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Jump :", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Space", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Pause :", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 150, 40)), "Escape (F1 on Webplayer)", skin.label);

            //End Key Bindings

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(420, 290, 60, 20)), "Apply", skin.button))
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(350, 290, 60, 20)), "Default", skin.button))
                m_keybindings = m_keybindings_default;

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 290, 150, 40)), "Mouse Sensitivity", skin.label);
            m_mouse_sensitivity = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 315, 150, 10)), m_mouse_sensitivity, 0.1f, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(175, 310, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_mouse_sensitivity, 2).ToString(), skin.label);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 330, 90, 40)), "Vertical Mouse :", skin.label);
            m_inverted_mouse = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(110, 330, 70, 20)), m_inverted_mouse, m_inverted_mouse == true ? "  Inverted" : "  Classic", skin.toggle);


        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.ACCOUNT_SELECTED)

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Account Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 150, 500, 600)));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 5, 340, 40)), "Don't have an account yet? Create one on our website by clicking on the register button", skin.label);

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(360, 5, 100, 40)), "Register"))
                if (Application.isWebPlayer)

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(220, 50, 100, 40)), "Username", skin.label);

            username = GUI.TextField(ResizeGUI(new Rect(150, 80, 200, 40)), username, skin.textField);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(220, 130, 100, 40)), "Password", skin.label);

            password = GUI.PasswordField(ResizeGUI(new Rect(150, 160, 200, 40)), password, '*', skin.textField);

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 260, 100, 40)), "Try"))
                m_db_handler.TryConnection(username, password);
                display_connection_message = true;
            if (display_connection_message)
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 220, 500, 40)), m_db_handler.GetConnectionMessage(), skin.label);

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(220, 260, 100, 40)), "Apply"))
                m_db_handler.TryConnection(username, password);
                display_connection_message = true;
                connection_in_progress = true;

            if (connection_in_progress)
                if (m_db_handler.GetValidPassword() != null && m_db_handler.GetValidUsername() != null)
                    if (m_db_handler.GetValidUsername().Equals(username) && m_db_handler.GetValidPassword().Equals(password))
                        connection_in_progress = false;

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(360, 260, 100, 40)), "Logout"))
                connection_in_progress = false;
                display_connection_message = false;

                if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IsLoggedIn"))
                    username = "";
                    password = "";

예제 #4
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(20, 40, 307 * 1.4f, 31 * 1.4f), logo);

        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 150, 100, 30)), "Continue", skin.button))

        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 200, 100, 30)), "Restart Level", skin.button))

            GameSave s = SaveManager.last_save;

            if(s != null)
                s.time += GetComponent<ControllerScript>().GetTime();


        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 250, 100, 30)), "Options", skin.button))

            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 300, 100, 30)), "High-Score", skin.button))


            if (menu != MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED)
                menu = MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                menu = MainMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
                submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;

        if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 350, 100, 30)), "Return to Main Menu", skin.button))

        if (!Application.isWebPlayer)
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 400, 100, 30)), "Quit", skin.button))

        if (menu == MainMenuSelected.OPTION_SELECTED)

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 300, 100, 30)), "Video", skin.button))
                if (submenu != SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 350, 100, 30)), "Sound", skin.button))
                if (submenu != SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(140, 400, 100, 30)), "Controls", skin.button))
                if (submenu != SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED)
                    submenu = SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED;
                else submenu = SubMenuSelected.NO_SELECTED;

        if (menu == MainMenuSelected.SCORE_SELECTED)

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "High Scores", skin.box);
            String[] tab = m_db_handler.GetScoresTab();

            if (tab.Length == 0)
                GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(385, 200, 250, 200)), "Loading Scores", skin.box);
                int i = 0;
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Rank", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Username", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Time", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Deathcount", skin.label);
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i++ * 100), 150, 100, 30)), "Score", skin.label);

                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < tab.Length / 5; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(270 + (i * 100), 180 + (j * 30), 100, 30)), tab[c++], skin.label);

        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.VIDEO_SELECTED)

            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Video Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(310, 120, 500, 600)));

            if (!Application.isWebPlayer)

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(35, 30, 100, 40)), "Aspect Ratio", skin.label);

                int selGrid;
                if ((selGrid = comboBoxQuality.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 330, 100, 20)), m_quality[quality].text, m_quality, skin.customStyles[0])) != quality)
                    quality = selGrid;

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(40, 140, 100, 40)), "Resolution", skin.label);

                switch (m_ratio)
                    case 0:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _4_3_combobox[m_resolution].text, _4_3_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;
                    case 1:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _16_10_combobox[m_resolution].text, _16_10_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;
                    case 2:
                        if ((selGrid = comboBoxResolution.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 170, 100, 20)), _16_9_combobox[m_resolution].text, _16_9_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_resolution)
                            m_resolution = selGrid;

                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 300, 100, 40)), "Quality", skin.label);

                if ((selGrid = comboBoxControl.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 60, 100, 20)), ratio_combobox[m_ratio].text, ratio_combobox, skin.customStyles[0])) != m_ratio)
                    m_ratio = selGrid;
                int selGrid;
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 100, 100, 40)), "Quality", skin.label);
                if ((selGrid = comboBoxQuality.List(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 130, 100, 20)), m_quality[quality].text, m_quality, skin.customStyles[0])) != quality)
                    quality = selGrid;


            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(230, 30, 100, 40)), "Field of view", skin.label);

            m_fov = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(170, 65, 200, 30)), m_fov, 50.0f, 130.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(390, 60, 220, 40)), Mathf.RoundToInt(m_fov).ToString());

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 110, 100, 40)), "Score :");

            m_display_score = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 110, 100, 40)), m_display_score, m_display_score ? "Show" : "Hide");

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 160, 100, 40)), "Fullscreen :");

            m_fullscreen = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 160, 100, 40)), m_fullscreen, m_fullscreen ? "True" : "False");

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 210, 100, 40)), "Crosshair :", skin.label);
            m_display_crosshair = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 210, 100, 40)), m_display_crosshair, m_display_crosshair ? "  Show" : "  Hide", skin.toggle);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(200, 260, 100, 40)), "Hints and tutorials :", skin.label);
            m_display_hints = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(290, 260, 100, 40)), m_display_hints, m_display_hints == true ? "  Show" : "  Hide", skin.toggle);




        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.SOUND_SELECTED)


            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Sound Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 50, 200, 40)), "Music Volume", skin.label);
            m_music_volume = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 90, 200, 20)), m_music_volume, 0, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 80, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_music_volume * 10, 0).ToString() + "%", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 130, 300, 40)), "Sound Effects Volume", skin.label);
            m_sound_effects_volume = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(50, 170, 200, 20)), m_sound_effects_volume, 0, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 160, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_sound_effects_volume * 10, 0).ToString() + "%", skin.label);


        if (submenu == SubMenuSelected.CONTROLS_SELECTED)


            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)), "Controls Settings", skin.box);
            GUI.BeginGroup(ResizeGUI(new Rect(260, 120, 500, 400)));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 30, 70, 40)), "Keybindings :", skin.label);
            //Key Bindings
            GUI.Box(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 30, 400, 250)), "", skin.box);
            m_keybindings_scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 30, 400, 250)), m_keybindings_scrollPosition, ResizeGUI(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 25 * (m_keybindings_labels.Length + 1))));
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 0, 400, 40)), "You can click and type any letter from A to Z to assign it", skin.label);

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < m_keybindings_labels.Length; i++)
                GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), m_keybindings_labels[i] + " :", skin.label);
                m_keybindings[i] = GUI.TextField(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 20, 20)), m_keybindings[i], 1, skin.textField);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Jump :", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Space", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(10, 25 * (i + 1), 80, 40)), "Pause :", skin.label);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(130, 25 * (i + 1), 150, 40)), "Escape (F1 on Webplayer)", skin.label);

            //End Key Bindings

            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(420, 290, 60, 20)), "Apply", skin.button))
            if (GUI.Button(ResizeGUI(new Rect(350, 290, 60, 20)), "Default", skin.button))
                m_keybindings = m_keybindings_default;

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 290, 150, 40)), "Mouse Sensitivity", skin.label);
            m_mouse_sensitivity = GUI.HorizontalSlider(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 315, 150, 10)), m_mouse_sensitivity, 0.1f, 10.0f, skin.horizontalSlider, skin.horizontalSliderThumb);
            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(175, 310, 60, 40)), Math.Round(m_mouse_sensitivity, 2).ToString(), skin.label);

            GUI.Label(ResizeGUI(new Rect(20, 330, 90, 40)), "Vertical Mouse :", skin.label);
            m_inverted_mouse = GUI.Toggle(ResizeGUI(new Rect(110, 330, 70, 20)), m_inverted_mouse, m_inverted_mouse == true ? "  Inverted" : "  Classic", skin.toggle);

